1). Sôme peóple Are Saying That Séx Is Swéet,
My Bróther, Nóthing Is Moré Swéeter Thân When Yóu Have Líght And Your Neíghbor dón't Hâve😋😂😂😂
2). John Had An Áccidênt and he was Cryíng Bíttêrly, Becâuse he lóst his Léft Hánd😥
EBUKA: Dôn't Cry náa😢🥺, Plêase!,.....
Sée That Gùy that lóst his héad, Is He Cryíng?😭😭😂😂😂💔
3) Welcôme to Nigêria Whére Mâd mân will be Côntrolling Trâffic, And They Nô Bôrn any Hùman Bêing Nôt to Obēy him ☝️😲😭😂🤣😂😂
4). For The Fírst Tíme In My Lìfe, I entêred Instágrâm, Boôm!, Aìrtêl Sênt Me a Méssâge:
"Who Ôn Wì-Fi For Yôu??!!"😭😭😳😂😂💔
5) Whên you are nót fásting, you cân stây till aftérnoon withôut feéling húngry....But dùring fásting, even Your Slím Néighbor Will Stârt Lóoking Líke SùperBíte Gála😭😂😂💔
6) Chái!, I can Nêver Fórget Prímary Schoól when we Usùally Sáy the Lôrd's Prâyer: "Dié Kíngdom Bôrn; Séun Be Bóy On Eárth, I sít in Héaven!"🙉😭😂😂💔
7). Nô Englísh díctionary has been âble to explaín the dífference between the twô words "COMPLÊTE" and FÍNISHED"; But There is A Différence! 😒😳:
"When you márry the right wóman, you are COMPLÊTE! When you marry the Wróng wóman you are FINÍSHED!
..And when your wífe cátches you with anóther wóman, you are COMPLÉTELY FÍNISHED! And if you márry a wífe who likês Shóppings so mùch, you are FÍNISHED CÓMPLETELY😳😳😳😭😭😂😂😂💔