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Stand with Ukraine. New Zealand This is the page where you can find all necessary information about war in Ukraine.

Fresh updates of the situation, Russian crimes, photo and video, historical facts, reasons and analysis, accounts for donations, how to help information.

It is already 10 years of recent war in Ukraine and 2 years of russian full-scale invasion to Ukraine.  February 24, 202...

It is already 10 years of recent war in Ukraine and 2 years of russian full-scale invasion to Ukraine.

February 24, 2024 marks 2 years since the beginning of the russian federation’s criminal, genocidal, and full-scale invasion of Ukraine. russia’s full-scale invasion was the culmination of the war of aggression that moscow launched against Ukraine 10 years ago when it occupied and annexed Crimea in 2014.

The goal of the russian federation's invasion of Ukraine is not just the seizure of territories, but the elimination of Ukrainian national identity and the genocide of the Ukrainian people.

The military-political leadership of the russian federation openly denies Ukraine's right to exist as a sovereign independent state. The russian ideology of “rashism,” which is widely professed by the russian political class, denies the existence of Ukrainians as a separate nation. The mandatory study of putin's anti-academic essay "On the Historical Unity of russians and Ukrainians" has been introduced in russian schools and universities.

The horrific massacres in Bucha, Izyum, and the mass murder of people in Mariupol were a clear manifestation of moscow's genocidal policy. Terrible atrocities, war crimes, and many cases of r**e committed by russian invaders in Ukraine shocked the whole world. Networks of torture chambers for the civilian population were discovered in all of the territories de-occupied by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. russian occupational authorities created these torture chambers that lay bare the systematic and organized nature of the violence that russian invaders have inflicted against Ukrainians.

russian policies in the occupied Ukrainian territories are a repeat of the worst practices of Na**sm: mass executions and abuse of civilians, deliberate plundering and theft of private property and valuables, forced passportization of the population (forced assignment of russian citizenship to Ukrainians), mass deportations of civilians and abduction of Ukrainian children.

moscow is also implementing the policy of replacing the population of the occupied territories. Using a system of social and financial preferences, the russian authorities stimulate the resettlement of russians from remote and disadvantaged regions of the russian federation to the occupied Ukrainian territories. For example, according to the elected Ukrainian mayor of Melitopol, Ivan Fedorov, as of January 2024, 50% of the population of the occupied city is now comprised of resettlers from russia.

The deliberate destruction of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant dam by the russians in June 2023 was ecocide. The scale of the crime is the largest in Europe in recent history. It is an example of the russian federation’s daunting barbarism. This disaster massively polluted the Black Sea, deprived millions of Ukrainians, including the population of the occupied Crimean peninsula, of fresh water, and will have long-term negative consequences for agricultural land in southern Ukraine. This crime demonstrates russia's absolute and cynical indifference to the fate of the Ukrainian territories it occupies and the people who live there.

Meanwhile, unable to win on the battlefield, russia continues to terrorize Ukraine with missiles. In 2023, russian missile strikes were mostly aimed at destroying Ukraine's economic potential, primarily port and agricultural infrastructure. With the onset of winter, the russians resumed attacks against Ukrainian energy facilities and other critical civilian infrastructure.

The russian federation’s long-term goals in its war against Ukraine are to dismantle the existing rules-based international order, to break the unity of democratic countries and to return the world to an age of empires, spheres of influence and colonial wars. The countries allied with the russian federation in the current "Axis of Evil" use the same motives to justify their own aggressive intentions in their respective regions. Thus, putin's russia represent a systemic and long-term threat to all democratic countries, and above all to the European Union.



Привіт, ми започаткували проект допомоги українцям, які змінили місце проживання через російську агресію.

Цей проект - двомовний англо-український проект допомоги українцям, які змінили місце проживання через російську агресію.

Цей проект має на меті не лише дати практичні поради тим, хто потребує допомоги, а також дати розуміння причини травми поколінь, зв’язок з історичними подіями та історією України та української нації.

В цьому проекті ми допомагаємо зрозуміти, прийняти і побороти генетичну травму. Попри те, що українці - сильні і витривалі, фахові поради допоможуть впоратись як зі старою травмою, так і зі свіжою, що виникла внаслідок останньої війни з росією. Фахові психологи, кардіологи, дієтологи та інші фахівці допоможуть покращити психічне та фізичне здоров"я, поліпшити яксть життя. Якщо у вас виникнуть питання - пишіть нам, ми їх опрацюємо і запишемо додаткові відео, де дамо на ці питання відповіді. Якщо вам потрібна буде індивідуальна консультація, наші спеціалісти залюбки зустрінуться з вами онлайн.

Поради фахівців допоможуть не лише українцям, то ж приєднуйтесь до нашої сторінки, ящо ви потребуєте допомоги або хочете взяти участь у нашому проекті і запсисати відео.


This project is a bilingual English-Ukrainian project to help Ukrainians who have changed their place of living due to russian aggression. This project is aimed not only to give practical advises for those who need help, but also to give the understanding of the reason of generational trauma, the connection with historical events and history of Ukraine and Ukrainian nation.

In this project, we help to understand, accept and overcome generational trauma. Despite the fact that Ukrainians are strong and hardy, professional advice will help to cope with both - the old trauma and the fresh one, that developed as a result of the recent war with russia. Psychologists, cardiologists, nutritionists and other specialists will help to improve your mental and physical health, the quality of life. If you have any questions, contact us and we will process them and record additional videos where we will answer these questions. If you need individual consultation, our specialists will gladly meet with you online.

Experts' advice will help not only Ukrainians but others as well, please join our page if you need help or want to participate in our video project.

Проект допомоги українцям, які змінили місце проживання через російську агресію.

Please come on Saturday at 11:30 am to the Upper Octagon to enjoy Ukrainian traditional food, sweets, buy Christmas gift...

Please come on Saturday at 11:30 am to the Upper Octagon to enjoy Ukrainian traditional food, sweets, buy Christmas gifts and listen to Ukrainian traditional Christmas carols, it promises to be a great day! All funds raised tomorrow will be used to send a container of wheelchairs donated by New Zealand hospitals to help the wounded in Ukrainian hospitals.


Petitions are addressed to the House of Representatives and ask that the House do something about a policy or law, or put right a local or private concern.

Nine months in Russian captivity. Oleksii Anulia told how he was starving, eating worms and a live mouse. "They gave me ...

Nine months in Russian captivity. Oleksii Anulia told how he was starving, eating worms and a live mouse.

"They gave me somebody’s clothes with dried excrement on the underpants. The dark blue pants with red stripes, similar to those worn by the police, were shot at the knees. There were tendons hanging down, traces of vomit and blood. For the first time, my hands were tied in front instead of behind. I could already lift the tape that covered my eyes and saw where we were. Then we were driven to a plane in a vehicle for transporting prisoners. Only ten of us were on board. Two of them were from Slavutych and one from Chernihiv. They brought us back to Kursk, to the same jail where I had been before. I said goodbye to my life once again...

After another torture, I returned to my cell. I had already had my sheet rolled, on which I planned to hang myself. As soon as I threw it on the bunk bars, the silhouette of my late grandmother appeared in front of me. She had died shortly before the war. She walked over, washed the sink, and said: “Where are you going? You haven’t bought your children any gifts for the New Year yet.” I have two children: daughter is nine and son is five. The guards saw on surveillance cameras that I was allegedly talking to someone, opened the cell and beat me again with all their might".

Read the whole interview here:

On December 31st, 2022, 140 Ukrainian soldiers, including 30-year-old Oleksii Anulia, a kickboxer from Chernihiv, returned from Russian captivity. Oleksii …

Mother transports the coffin with the body of her son, a soldier. The bridge once connected two banks of the Pechenihy R...

Mother transports the coffin with the body of her son, a soldier. The bridge once connected two banks of the Pechenihy Reservoir in the Kharkiv region. Now people have to use boats to get to their destinations.


From Russia with love. A missile hit a private house in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. Luckily, it did not explode and nobo...

From Russia with love. A missile hit a private house in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. Luckily, it did not explode and nobody was injured.

Photo: Presidential Office of Ukraine

This morning, Russia launched another massive attack. Preliminary, over 120 missiles were in the sky over Ukraine. Air-r...

This morning, Russia launched another massive attack. Preliminary, over 120 missiles were in the sky over Ukraine.

Air-raid sirens sound all over the country. Air defence is working In Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv, Odesa, Poltava, Zhytomyr, Mykolaiv, Ivano-Frankivsk and other regions.

In Kyiv, the wreckages of the missile hit a private building, injuring 3 people, including a 14-year-old girl.

90% of Lviv is reportedly without electricity, there may be problems with the water supply. In some regions, electricity was cut off in advance to prevent severer damage.

Upd. Air defense forces shot down 54 out of 69 missiles fired at Ukraine. 16 of them were shot down over Kyiv, another 21 — over Odesa region.

This morning, Russia launched another massive attack. 69 missiles were in the sky over Ukraine.

Air-raid sirens sound all over the country. Air defence is working In Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv, Odesa, Poltava, Zhytomyr, Mykolaiv, Ivano-Frankivsk and other regions.

In Kyiv, the wreckages of the missile hit a private building, injuring 3 people, including a 14-year-old girl.

90% of Lviv is reportedly without electricity, there may be problems with the water supply. In some regions, electricity was cut off in advance to prevent severer damage.

Students of the sports school in Ternopil were able to hold swimming competitions even without the electricity – they he...

Students of the sports school in Ternopil were able to hold swimming competitions even without the electricity – they helped each other by lighting with flashlights.

The children torture chamber was founfld in liberated from russians Kherson. Russian regular army tortured children ther...

The children torture chamber was founfld in liberated from russians Kherson. Russian regular army tortured children there, didn't give them food and water, told them that their parents abandoned them. The Ukrainian police said that Russians kept a boy there for 3 months, they tortured him and planned to shoot him.
russia = a terrorist state. russians=war criminals.

Ukrainian authorities discovered a room that Russians used to detain and torture children during the occupation of Kherson, Dmytro Lubinets, the Human Rights Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada, said on Dec. 14.

🔴 Russia has unleashed another wave of deadly missile strikes on Ukraine. The bombardment killed three people and injure...

🔴 Russia has unleashed another wave of deadly missile strikes on Ukraine. The bombardment killed three people and injured three others in the capital Kyiv. Residential buildings and critical infrastructure facilities across the country were targeted.

26 November, 12:00 pm Dunedin, The OctagonCome to support Ukraine and to commemorate the victims of the genocide, innoce...

26 November, 12:00 pm
Dunedin, The Octagon

Come to support Ukraine and to commemorate the victims of the genocide, innocent Ukrainian children, women and men who died from soviet terror in 1932-1933 and those whom russia is killing now.

All donations collected on Saturday will be used to buy warm clothes and heaters for Ukrainians in Ukraine.

In 1932 and 1933, millions of Ukrainians were killed in the Holodomor, a man-made famine, genocide engineered by the Soviet government of Joseph Stalin. In the case of the Holodomor, this was the first genocide that was methodically planned out and perpetrated by depriving the very people who were producers of food of their nourishment (for survival). What is especially horrific is that the withholding of food was used as a weapon of genocide and that it was done in a region of the world known as the ‘breadbasket of Europe.

Today russia’s invasion is entering an ominous new stage, moscow’s decision to deprive Ukraine’s civilian population of heating and other essential services during the winter season places tens of millions of lives in jeopardy. putin’s recently launched campaign of targeted airstrikes against Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure marks a grave escalation in his genocidal invasion.

Free video course in English for not Ukrainians about Ukraine: Click on  the link and enjoy! The roots of the Ukrainian ...

Free video course in English for not Ukrainians about Ukraine:
Click on the link and enjoy!

The roots of the Ukrainian language and its relation to other Slavic languages
The primary values of Ukrainians and their impact on society
The influence of the Byzantine tradition and the Catholic world on Ukraine’s religious practices
The role of Ukrainian women in the country’s past and present
The impact of different civilizations, nations, and ethnic groups on Ukrainian cultural space
The roots of the myths about Ukrainians as a “nation of villagers” and interconnection between the urban and rural lifestyle in Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian food culture and its exposure to traumatic historical events
The cultural renaissance of the 1920s-1930s and the most prominent avant-garde artists
The influence of Russian war on Ukrainian culture
Some of the most famous figures of Ukrainian culture on the world stage

Discover the “culture of freedom.” Learn about the milestones of Ukrainian culture and its contribution to the world. - Free Course

Russia steals and deports Ukrainian children, and ordinary Russians, intoxicated by Kremlin propaganda, believe that thi...

Russia steals and deports Ukrainian children, and ordinary Russians, intoxicated by Kremlin propaganda, believe that this is how they “save” them. Such systematic crimes against humanity often go unnoticed against the background of daily shelling of populated areas of Ukraine. Having many years of experience in deportations, in particular of Ukrainian adults and children, Russia hopes that it will get away with it this time as well. However, this time Ukrainians will do everything possible to make the whole world talk about these terrible crimes and to return their people back.

Activists and media call on European governments and the President of the European Commission to demand from the Russian Federation the release of all Ukrainian civilians who were deported during the full-scale war.

This material is prepared together with Ukrainian PR Army
Sign the petition now:

‼️Around 100 missiles have fired over Ukraine today: after new defeats, Russia is fighting in agony.Kyiv's mayor reporte...

‼️Around 100 missiles have fired over Ukraine today: after new defeats, Russia is fighting in agony.

Kyiv's mayor reported that three residential high-rise buildings were hit in the Pechersk district - in the very center of the capital. Rescuers are working on the spot. At least one person died.

Missile strikes were recorded in Lviv, Zhytomyr, Sumy, Khmelnytskyi, and Rivne. Emergency power outages are reported in these cities. In Zhytomyr, the entire city is left without electricity. It is also reported that a critical infrastructure facility in Vinnytsia was hit.

Air sirens are blaring all over Ukraine.

We are appealing to the world - we have no right to be "tired" of the gruesome war unleashed by Russia. The aggressor is attempting to make Ukrainian cities uninhabitable and to provoke a terrible humanitarian catastrophe right in the center of Europe.

Investing in the security of Ukraine and its people is the best investment in the security of the world.

‼️Around 100 missiles have fired over Ukraine today: after new defeats, Russia is fighting in agony.

Kyiv's mayor reported that three residential high-rise buildings were hit in the Pechersk district - in the very center of the capital. Rescuers are working on the spot. At least one person died.

Missile strikes were recorded in Lviv, Zhytomyr, Sumy, Khmelnytskyi, and Rivne. Emergency power outages are reported in these cities. In Zhytomyr, the entire city is left without electricity. It is also reported that a critical infrastructure facility in Vinnytsia was hit.

Air sirens are blaring all over Ukraine.

We are appealing to the world - we have no right to be "tired" of the gruesome war unleashed by Russia. The aggressor is attempting to make Ukrainian cities uninhabitable and to provoke a terrible humanitarian catastrophe right in the center of Europe.

Investing in the security of Ukraine and its people is the best investment in the security of the world.


‼️Близько 100 ракет сьогодні випущено по Україні: після нових поразок росія б’ється в агонії.

Мер Києва повідомив про влучання в три житлові багатоповерхові будинки в Печерському районі, який знаходиться в самому центрі столиці. На місці працюють рятувальники. Як мінімум, одна людина загинула...

Ракетні удари зафіксовані по Львову, Житомиру, Сумах, Хмельницькому, Рівному. В цих містах повідомляють про аварійні відключення світла. В Житомирі все місто залишилось без електроенергії. Також повідомляють про влучання в об’єкт критичної інфраструктури на Вінниччині.

Тривога триває по всій Україні.

Звертаємось до світу: ми не маємо жодного права “втомлюватись” від війни, яку розв’язала росія. Агресор намагається зробити міста України непридатними до життя та спровокувати страшну за масштабами гуманітарну катастрофу в центрі Європи.

Інвестиція в безпеку України та її народу – найкраща інвестиція в безпеку світу.

 's missiles attack on   this night destroyed educational institution, two residential buildings and damaged health care...

's missiles attack on this night destroyed educational institution, two residential buildings and damaged health care facility. These are, what calls, military targets. 🇷🇺 continues its terror against innocent 🇺🇦 civilians.

What we are fighting for

What we are fighting for

108 Ukrainian women came back home from russian captivity. Our Herous! We are waiting for the time when every Ukrainian ...

108 Ukrainian women came back home from russian captivity. Our Herous! We are waiting for the time when every Ukrainian comes back home.

Throughout the night and in the morning today, Russians attacked Ukraine with kamikaze drones, which were supplied to th...

Throughout the night and in the morning today, Russians attacked Ukraine with kamikaze drones, which were supplied to the occupiers by Iran.

One of the largest attacks was again inflicted on Kyiv. As of 09:15, 4 attacks were recorded in the city center - on residential buildings and critical infrastructure objects. The number of victims is being determined.

According to various sources, Russian troops received several thousand kamikaze drones from Iranian production. To counter them effectively, Ukraine needs even more weapons, including aviation and air defense systems.

Let us remind you that Iran is recognized by the USA as a state sponsor of terrorism. Russia, which organizes new terrorist acts against Ukraine and its people almost every day, should receive the same status as soon as possible.

The Ukrainian World Congress calls on the international community to continue to provide maximum support to Ukraine and to do everything possible to stop the evil empire.




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