Growing up, you never look at your b***s when they’re in a push up bra and think, yeah one day milk is going to come out of these babies.
A women’s breasts are so sexualized, we forget why they exist. What they do. The life they provide to infants. We just want them to be perky and look good in a bathing suit.
I always wanted to, if possible, breastfeed my children. There are health benefits of course to breast milk but mostly I wanted to save money on formula and create that close bond from nursing with my baby.
But I was scared. Scared of the pain that comes with breastfeeding and scared to see how my body would change. After pregnancy body changes, you don’t want anything else to change.
But I told myself I’d try for 1 month. Then 2 months. Then 6 months. Then 9. I ended up nursing Olivia for 11 months and 16 days. It wasn’t easy or fun at times. But it was worth it. I look back proud and emotional. I did that.
And it happened. My b***s changed. They are different now. There are some stretch marks. Scars from Olivia scratching at them while nursing. They’re less full. Maybe to some, less pretty. But they brought my daughter all the way to the age of one. We doubled her weight and then doubled it again. She has the chunkiest cheeks and that’s all thanks to momma’s milk.