Reminder that you have TWO DAYS to #preorder @dkolodji's newest #haiku and #scifaiku #poetrycollection, VITAL SIGNS.
Preorder now and #SaveMoney.
Can you believe it's almost time?
We're so excited to share this upcoming collection from Deborah P Kolodji with you.
#Preorders open #tomorrow, January 20th
Can you believe it's almost time?
We're so excited to share this upcoming collection from Deborah P Kolodji with you.
Can you believe it's only two days until VITAL SIGNS by Deborah P Kolodji is ready for preorder?
Preorders will be January 20-30, 2024.
We can't wait to share this collection with you.
Can you believe it's only two days until VITAL SIGNS by Deborah P Kolodji is ready for preorder?
Preorders will be January 20-30, 2024.
We can't wait to share this collection with you.
We are so excited to announce our first collection of 2024:
VITAL SIGNS by Deborah P Kolodji
Preorders will be January 20-30, 2024.
We look forward to sharing this collection with you.
We are so excited to announce our first collection of 2024:
VITAL SIGNS by Deborah P Kolodji
Preorders will be January 20-30, 2024.
We look forward to sharing this collection with you.