Once a month, Pulp Factory puts out a piece of art that serves as the “prompt.” Writers then have a month to submit a story based on the prompt. Submissions can be made at [email protected]. The top three stories (including a monthly winner) will be published on our website. The goal of this zine is to make a place for genre literature and creativity. We love up-and-coming writers and arti
sts—especially those with a DIY ethic.
**Submission Guidelines**
Submissions should be made as a word (.doc or .docx), open office, or rich text (.rtf) file attachment to an email. The email itself should have the author’s name, a brief bio, proper pronouns, and an optional list of previous publications. Stories should be between 1,500 and 6,000 words. The stories must be produced for this prompt. No reprints or simultaneous submissions will be accepted. Pulp Factory reserves first publication rights and the right to reprint with author’s permission. We reserve no other rights.
At Pulp Factory, although we do print horror and similar genres, we do have some content we do not print. Anything that is deemed sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or otherwise hateful will be disqualified immediately. We also don’t print shock for shock’s sake, gratuitous violence, or anything glorifying violence against or hate of children, women, or minorities. If this seems too restrictive, this isn’t your place to submit. Any questions should be directed to the editors. We can be reached here, at pulpfactoryzine.com or through the submissions email.