BD Anklevich - Podcaster & Author

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  • BD Anklevich - Podcaster & Author

BD Anklevich - Podcaster & Author BD Anklevich publishes the Anklecast. BD Anklevich is also publishing his work in print at Dunesteef Press.

The show features an audio production of a story each episode, and a guest appearance from Rish Outfield for a post-story chat.

Made halfway though April, how’s things going on the writing goal front?

Made halfway though April, how’s things going on the writing goal front?

It is halfway through the month of April now. I thought I'd let my reports slack off a little so that I could spend more time writing on sto...

Big news! Okay, folks, I wanted to announce that I just put out the eBook version of my second short fiction collection....

Big news! Okay, folks, I wanted to announce that I just put out the eBook version of my second short fiction collection. You can find it over on Amazon now. And I will get right into the production of the paperback and hardcover editions as well, and hopefully, within a month or two or three, I'll have the audio all produced as well. So, check it out, The Battalion of Ideas: The Short Fiction Collection, Volume Two!

Okay, after last month's frenzied publish fest for all my short stories, the time has now arrived to get the collections of those stories ou...

My first audiobook is finally available. I figured I had to post this here, even though it's not the right time for it. ...

My first audiobook is finally available. I figured I had to post this here, even though it's not the right time for it. My timing is way off on this, but I could say I'm early for next year instead. That's a positive...

...but I missed my chance to get this published when the time was right back in November. It was my goal to get my first audiobook published...

Okay, more in the list of things I've published in the past month. This time, we're talking "From Another World" which i...

Okay, more in the list of things I've published in the past month. This time, we're talking "From Another World" which is a story that Rish and I did in collaboration, but not really. He wrote the audioplay and then I adapted it for prose, because I didn't want it to languish never to be heard again. So, now it's available on Amazon. Check it out.

"From Another World," is a story that Rish and I wrote together...except we did it separately. Basically, Rish came up with a tale and made...

Okay, I've slipped in my effort to post another story each day, but I'll try to catch up. Today is "Door Approach." It o...

Okay, I've slipped in my effort to post another story each day, but I'll try to catch up. Today is "Door Approach." It once appeared on The Anklecast back in 2023, but if you missed that, you can pick it up on Amazon. If you do read it on Amazon or even if you just remember listening to the podcast version of it, give the story a rating over there. The more ratings the stories have, the more likely Amazon will be to show them to others, so it would be a great help for me.

Okay, it's time for today's newly published story. This time, we've got "Door Approach." It's a story about some vampires masquerading as M...

Okay, "Servants of the Master" is available on the Anklecast feed for all to partake. Please feel free to leave your com...

Okay, "Servants of the Master" is available on the Anklecast feed for all to partake. Please feel free to leave your comments at this blog post when you're finished listening. I would really appreciate that.

Okay, the new episode is up and available on the Anklecast feed for any and all who would like to hear it. The story is called "Servants of ...

It's the end of another month and the beginning of a new one. I'm five months into my writing every day habit, and each ...

It's the end of another month and the beginning of a new one. I'm five months into my writing every day habit, and each month I set new goals to achieve. How did March go? My goals were pretty lofty. Did I manage to keep up? Check out my report.

March is over. That's another month in my writing quest to beat my highest annual word total ever. I've actually done five full months now.....

I missed a few days on my story a day goal, but I'm back. Today we have, "One Million Miles." It's a flash piece about a...

I missed a few days on my story a day goal, but I'm back. Today we have, "One Million Miles." It's a flash piece about a man who has been left behind by his love, and he doesn't know what to do about it. At last he comes to a big decision, and don't worry, it's not a depressing and sad story like my usual. Check it out over on Amazon if you'd like.

I'm still churning through my stories, getting them all published as quickly as I can. Today we have "One Million Miles." That is a very sh...

New episode of the Anklecast up on Patreon. Check it out. You can join for as little as $1.

New episode of the Anklecast up on Patreon. Check it out. You can join for as little as $1.

Get more from Big Anklevich on Patreon

Doing a story a day, and today's story is "Eye-opening." This was the first story I put on The Anklecast when I relaunch...

Doing a story a day, and today's story is "Eye-opening." This was the first story I put on The Anklecast when I relaunched it at the end of the Dunesteef's run. It's the story of a little boy who has just been cured of cancer...only his parents aren't as happy about it as he would expect. He can't understand what's going on, but soon, he will discover the truth and his eyes will be opened.

Story published for today is "Eye-opening." I wrote this one in 2020 when I was writing a thousand words a day and really cruising through ...

Okay, today's story is one that very few have read. That's probably because it wasn't very good, I suppose or it would h...

Okay, today's story is one that very few have read. That's probably because it wasn't very good, I suppose or it would have done better in the contest. This is my entry in our old BMSE contest with the prompt, "A child is proclaimed king (or queen) but it turns out to be more than just a game."

My entry was this story called "Queen Bea," where a group of kids in the 1940s come across a fairy, and when one of them claims to be their ruler, the others are forced to obey in a most unpleasant way.

"A child is proclaimed king or queen, but it turns out to be more than just a game." "Queen Bea," was my entry in the Broken Mirror Story E...

2/3rds of the way through March now, how are the writing and publishing goals coming. I set some pretty lofty ...

2/3rds of the way through March now, how are the writing and publishing goals coming. I set some pretty lofty I keeping up?

Okay, the second third of the month is over. That's a weird sentence, right? Anyway, we've made it two thirds of the way through March. How ...

Today, we have a vampire story called "Servants of the Master" in which two kids from a small town overrun with vampires...

Today, we have a vampire story called "Servants of the Master" in which two kids from a small town overrun with vampires attempt to get help from a YouTube celebrity with a channel about staking vampires. It hasn't been heard or seen anywhere else yet...but it will soon...or you can get it on Amazon and read it right here and now.

This is a story that has never seen the light of day before. I wrote it in September of 2022 while I was chugging through my writing goals.....

Today, we have "Something Out There." It's a story I wrote long ago, then wrote a new version in more modern times...alt...

Today, we have "Something Out There." It's a story I wrote long ago, then wrote a new version in more modern times...although at this point it's almost been longer since I wrote the new version than space between the original two versions.

Okay, here's another one. This is one of my oldest story ideas. I wrote the original story in my high school creative writing class, then, y...

Today, we're talking about two stories at once, although they're both flash pieces, so they really don't even add up to ...

Today, we're talking about two stories at once, although they're both flash pieces, so they really don't even add up to one full-size story...or half of one of my usual full-size stories. "Tomorrow Bowl" is a story I wrote and shared on The Anklecast years ago. It's about a future post-apocalyptic society that is finally trying to emerge from the bad times and start reinstating some of the traditions of the past. This is the first Super Bowl of the post-apocalypse! Get your nachos ready.

Then there's "My Daughter's Balloon" which we ran on the Dunesteef when we were doing the 13 Nights of Halloween one year. That year, Rish and I both shared stories where we took things that are far from inherently scary, and did our best to make them scary. Mine was about a haunted Valentine's Day balloon.

They're both available on Amazon now.

I published two of my stories recently that are really short, right around 2,000 words each. First, I put out "The Tomorrow Bowl." That's ...

Okay, today we're doing "Young Blue Eyes". It's a story about how Frank Sinatra was declared the Avatar of crooners by E...

Okay, today we're doing "Young Blue Eyes". It's a story about how Frank Sinatra was declared the Avatar of crooners by Euterpe. It ran on the Anklecast a while back and now it's available for purchase on Amazon as well. Check it out.

Okay, I'm working my way through a lot of stories, getting them ready, and publishing them for anyone who wants them to purchase. This time,...

Okay, today we're doing "The Wrong Ingredients." It is now available over on Amazon. This is the story I wrote about an ...

Okay, today we're doing "The Wrong Ingredients." It is now available over on Amazon. This is the story I wrote about an alchemist who keeps having problems with his spells going awry, particularly creating doppelgangers.

I published another story. You might remember this one from when we did the Triple Word Score Contest on the Dunesteef. My entry was called ...

Alright, today we have my story "Chloey, Joey, Zoey, and David Bowie," that we ran on The Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazi...

Alright, today we have my story "Chloey, Joey, Zoey, and David Bowie," that we ran on The Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine not long after David Bowie's death. It's a fine little story about three best friends who have rhyming names and the unexpected event that happens to them on the last night of the summer. You can pick it up on Amazon now!

Okay, the parade rolls on. I got some more stories published on Amazon now. The next one I put up is "Chloey, Joey, Zoey, and David Bowie."...

Okay, today's story is "Through the Din of Silence." We ran this story years ago on the Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine...

Okay, today's story is "Through the Din of Silence." We ran this story years ago on the Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine, and now you can get it on Amazon as well. Check it out if you missed it or maybe don't remember it. It's about a dystopian future when the world cannot keep up with the extent of genetic abnormalities. A young mother won't accept judgement passed down by the authorities.

Okay, here's another one. We used this one on the Dunesteef years ago, but now it's published for consumption on Amazon too. Head over ther...

We're now one third of the way through March. How is the quest to fulfill my goals for writing and publishing going this...

We're now one third of the way through March. How is the quest to fulfill my goals for writing and publishing going this time?

Okay, folks, it's time for my report on the first third of March. I set myself some pretty lofty goals for this month . Am I keeping up with...

Another story published per day leads me to "Prime Shipping". This one is a pretty good story. If you haven't heard it, ...

Another story published per day leads me to "Prime Shipping". This one is a pretty good story. If you haven't heard it, you ought to check it out.

I mentioned this in my roundup of the month's writing and publishing, but I figured it deserved its own solo post as well. I published my st...

A story a day until they're all done, so here is the story for today. This time it's "The Battle of the Ideas." We ran t...

A story a day until they're all done, so here is the story for today. This time it's "The Battle of the Ideas." We ran this one on the Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine ages ago, it was produced expertly by Bryan Lincoln, but if you don't remember it, follow the link and pick up a copy on Amazon. 👍👍

I knew I'd be able to pick up speed with publishing if I got back into it. I just needed to re-familiarize myself with the process. Publishi...

Doing one a day, and this one is from the early days of the Dunesteef. Take a walk down memory lane with this story I wr...

Doing one a day, and this one is from the early days of the Dunesteef. Take a walk down memory lane with this story I wrote many moons ago called "Stalled." Now available on Amazon.

Okay, folks. I did it. The month isn't over yet, so I could still blow it with the writing, but I managed to get my publishing goal complete...

Rish suggested I share one of these newly published stories a day, and I should probably be able to keep it up for most ...

Rish suggested I share one of these newly published stories a day, and I should probably be able to keep it up for most of March. Here's the next one. I may have already told you about this, since its publishing coincided with the release of the second half of the podcast, but "Karma Is My Boyfriend" is published and available on Amazon, I put it up back at the end of February.

So, to up my goal from last month of 1,250 words a day, I decided that I would add publish a story once a week to that. It started in slow, ...

Here's one more for today. I also published a story called "Euthanasia" at the same time. It's about a guy who gets the ...

Here's one more for today. I also published a story called "Euthanasia" at the same time. It's about a guy who gets the opportunity to go back in time, and he uses that opportunity in a unique and very Big-Anklevichian way.

No, just kidding. This isn't a sequel or anything, but it is a sequel to the last post that I did, earlier today. I told you that I needed t...

I probably should have been posting these publishing notices here on Facebook all along. I guess I'll see if I can't cat...

I probably should have been posting these publishing notices here on Facebook all along. I guess I'll see if I can't catch up. I've been working on getting all my stories published on Amazon. The Tenth Album was the first one I did back in February.

As part of my general plan of writing every day and working toward becoming an author, I made the goal to publish at least one story every w...

If you haven't heard it yet, it's available now. The newest episode of the Anklecast is on the feed. Check it out, the s...

If you haven't heard it yet, it's available now. The newest episode of the Anklecast is on the feed. Check it out, the second part of "Karma Is My Boyfriend!"

The second half of "Karma Is My Boyfriend" is finally available to all! You can find it over on the Anklecast feed right now. We finally get...

Okay, it's the end of another month. How did it go in February for me? Did I get my writing and publishing goals achieve...

Okay, it's the end of another month. How did it go in February for me? Did I get my writing and publishing goals achieved? Check out the post to find out!

Okay, it hasn't been ten days since the last update, but it's February. You don't get that many. Hell, we got an extra day this year, so tha...

Okay, folks, the second half of "Karma Is My Boyfriend" is available on Patreon. Find out what happens when Tyler, Glynn...

Okay, folks, the second half of "Karma Is My Boyfriend" is available on Patreon. Find out what happens when Tyler, Glynnis, and Lady Justice try to save Karma from Harper, Tyler's evil ex-girlfriend. It's only a dollar to join the ranks of my Patreon supporters, and you get all the episodes at least a week earlier than the rest of the public. Also, you make me smile a little bigger.

I know you've all been on pins and needles for the weeks that it's been since you heard part one of my story, "Karma Is My Boyfriend." Well,...




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