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Great secrets i'm jimmy jolezya a scholar of God's word.devoted to teach people the truth about Christ Jesus .So t


Always its good to pray to the Lord for help


my brothers and sisters we are saved by hope which is unseen as it is written in ROMANS 8:24 .this hope which is unseen is what is called faith. hebrew 11:1 "now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen". hoping for something unseen is what faith really is.


my brothers and sisters let as repent of all our sins knowing that the day of our LORD JESUS CHRIST is near.JESUS taught as to pray in the Lord's prayer in the book of matthew 6:12 "forgive us the wrongs we have done as we forgive the wrongs that others have done to us" this tells as that their is no one who is righteous not even one if their was any one who is righteous and doesn't does not sin why did our LORD teaches as to ask for forgiveness? therefore knowing that we have all sinned let as humbly ask God's mercy and he shall hear our prayers .


i have come to understand this in life, the true GOD does not bring disgrace on anyone but we ourselves bring disgrace on ourselves . we must not blame GOD when we are in trouble but let as accept that we brought digrace on ourselves as daniel did in daniel 9:7.let us ask mercy from GOD instead of blaming him when we are in trouble.


show your love for GOD by loving your neighbour as you love yourself. As the scriptures in ROMANS 13:10 to love is to obey the whole law. so when you love you obey GOD AND this is what GOD wants .as it is written to obey is better than offering a sacrifice .


we must pay tax to the government as it is written in matthew 22:20-21. JESUS asked whose face and name are these the emperor's they answered . JESUS said to them well then pay the emperor what belongs to the emperor and pay God what belongs to GOD THIS MEANS brothers and sisters that we must pay tax to GOD By Paying Tax to the government. when we pay tax to the government it means we are paying to GOD.


brothers and sisters when we pray without ceasing we shall totally defeat our enemies as the scripture says whenever moses hands were lifted up the isrealites were winning but when his hands were down amalek was winning. exodus 17:11. this parable to lift up his hands means to pray and to put down his hands means to stop whenever moses was carrying on prayer the isrealite were winning but when he stoped praying amalek was winning. by prayer without ceasing we will totally defeat our enemies including covid 19.


when you stand in the presence of GOD do not give yourself honour but let GOD give you honour .it is written take off your shoes the place you are standing is holy ground EXodus 3:5 . be not ignorant brothers and sisters that to put off your shoes was a way to dishonour or to be in shame. so GOD Wanted Moses to be in shame before he could speak to him,when a person is in shame it is when most people become humble.


one way to see yourself is to see what is in your heart . what you see in your heart is the real you proverbs 27:19. you can know yourself by knowing what is in your heart . your heart is clear water to see your face.


GOD is willing to change the life of any person who believes in his word . GOD through his spirit the holy spirit can change a person from an unclean creature to a clean creature .the bible says you may eat any fish which has fins and scales that live in the water paul was a fish without fins and scales before he was filled with the holy spirit but when he was filled with the holy spirit he was changed from an unclean fish which has no fins and scales to a clean fish which has fins and scales thats why in act chapter 9:18. we read that when ananius touched his eyes and said that GOD has sent me that you might receive your sight and be filled with the holyspirit their came out what looked likes scales from the eyes of paul. this is a clear prove that paul was change from an unclean fish to a clean fish by the holyspirit this is what is called conversion.


the word of God


the vison i saw is that the cases of covid 19 will increase and the situation will be worse many lives will be lost in the world let as pray for GOD'S mercy to save as.


if you want the word of GOD to profit you when you hear it you must accept it with faith .to accept it with faith means to believe. when you believe you will enter into the sabbath which means the rest of GOD. IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE THE WORD OF GOD WILL NOT WORK FOR YOU HEBREWS 4:2 when you hear the word today accept it with faith it exerts power it will work for you .you will have relief from any trouble .you will have rest from covid 19.


in the spirit covid 19 looks like wild beast or horses or locusts moving from west to the east . i see people in the east part of the world to be affected as i saw the vision ON 22 june. 2020. if you want to know more about covid 19 which is mentioned in form of horses in KJV bible read joel 2:4


in a vision i saw a fire exploding burning the mountain and burning in the sky. this vision means many lives will be lost in the whole world we must ask for for GOD'S mercy i saw this vision on 18 june 2020 at 06:21


those who dream dreams can submit their dreams here so that if GOD gives an interpretioon i may interplet it for you?


as i have been carrying on praying GOD delivered a message to me , he showed me the 6585 which when i interpreted these numbers using the hebrew alphabet . 65 is the numerical value of ADONAi which is the other number of GOD which means lord. 85 means to cut down or to hewn down a tree when interpleted in the hebrew alphabet. so 6585 means that the LORD is cutting down a tree and the tree cut down represents unrighteousness. the lord is saying that this is the time he is cutting down unrighteousness .6585 also means that the lord is making as pass through the window its also means thats the lords is making as climb a hill. climbing a hill which a time denote hardships. the solution for these hardtimes faced globally is to believe and when we believe we will have have relief as GOD TOLD ME.


people think witchcraft is associated with charms and magic spells only .what is witchcraft ?witchcraft is rebellion. when a person rebels against GOD or against his master also called his boss it is witchcraft in it self and rebellion is witchcraft .what is idolatry ? idolatry is willfully disobeying the word of God. 1samuel 15:23


when you are afflicted it is not that GOD has abandoned you but is that GOD Is Opening Your Ears To Hear What He Is Speaking .He Is Showing You Your Sins So That You Can Change For The Better. job 36:15


we thank GOD who has struck this monster called corona virus he has struck it with a lightening of his power. what we are seeing now is the flood which was in the belly of corona virus. the flood will quite cover a large area but then afterward it will be no more. GOD has struck the corona virus . the deaths that are recorded as at now are just the momentum of the flood . thanks be to GOD once more that the flood will not reach certain areas and it will be no more very soon it will end.


where their is fear their is no love as the scriptures says in 1john4:18. their is no fear in love.


what is happening in most part of the world was prophesied by Jesus in the book of JOHN 4:21-23. when he said to the samaritan woman that time is coming when people will not worship GOD in this mountain nor in jerusalem. this is what is happening in most part of the world the churches are closed down. only worshiping in spirit and truth is what can help as in this hard times as jesus said it.


when you are a christian your sufferings you are going through are not meant to kill you but God is trying to keep you from evil. job 36:21 GOOD NEWS VERSION


if you love only those who love are doing an ordinary thing,sinners also do the same thing but when you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. you are doing an extraodinary thing which sinners cannot do.


whatever temptation or testing and trials you may be facing in your life their are just their to refine you so that you can get a proper standing in God. job 23:1 . thank GOD in each situation you are in whether good or bad .as the scriptures says pray and give thanksgiving without ceasing.


as a christian it is very risky to base your hope on things that are seen because when when things that are seen are destroyed when you based your hope on them it will be the end of you also. thats why you see su***de cases increasing because some people base their hope of things seen when those things fail or disappoint them they begin to see their lives value less. as a christian we must base our hope on things not seen like job . job chapter 1 says that job based his hope on GOD who is unseen thats why even when all things he had, had been destroyed he still trust in GOD.


sometimes a prophet does not know how a miracle or wonder will happen he is just told to prophesy. because of the limitation of his mind as a human. so he depends on the mind of GOD WHEN he is prophesying something which he doesn't know how it will happen because the mind of GOD has no limitation. numbers 11:21


sometimes a prophet does not exactly know how a wonder or a miracle will happen because human mind most oftenly accomodates possibities.impossibilities to human mind are GOD POSSIBILITIES . so when a prophet prophesy an impossibilite to his mind thats means he is not depending on his mind but the mind of God who makes mans impossibilities possibilities to him. numbers 11:21


the reason why JESUS is coming like a thief at night is to take only what he wants. when a thief breaks into a house to rob the thief aims at worth things and leaves worthless things. this is what Jesus will do when he comes like a thief at night he will take worth people and leave worthless people. the DAY OF THE LORD is at hand, will you be worth for him to take you in heaven? scripture reading OBADIAH 5.


wisdom+knowledge+obedience to GOD'S WORD=long life


with a man there is nothing better than that he should eat and indeed drink and cause his soul to see good ECCLESIATES 2:24. meaning that to eat and drink with peace of heart is a gift from GOD. thats why you can see some people are rich but without peace of heart . GOD ONLY gives peace of heart to the rich or poor whom he is pleased with.


the words of a prophet is equal to a person who died and then rose again speaking to you. words spoken by true prophets must be taken seriously . when a true prophet is speaking to you it means someone who died and rose again is speaking to you LUKE 16:31. Believe in the lord and his prophets and you shall prosper.


their are spiritual things that attract fames ,treasure and wealth in form of money.these things are wisdom and knowledge. solomon asked for wisdom and knowledge from GOD. AND God in addition said to solomon i will give you wealth ,fame and treasure because GOD being a wise GOD understood that what solomon had asked attracts money , fame and treasure. when you have wisdom and knowledge you will no longer be following money but rather money will be following you .you may be looking for employment meanwhile God has made you to be an employer he is just waiting you to use the wisdom he blessed you with. if you don't have wisdom ask to GOD and he will give you the wisdom and knowledge. scripture reading 2chronicles1:10.


a sacrifice in christ without love is nothing or in short a sacrifice without love cannot work. as apostle paul says in 1corinthians 13:3. that you may give out your body to be burnt but without love you are not profited at all.


the only way you can be profited when you give your belongings to others, is to give with love. as it is written in 1corinthians 13:3 . note that a person can give his belonging to help others without love and also give out his body to be burnt but wihout love, such a one is not profited at all. but when you give with love you are profited in christ jesus.


Wise friends are friends which tell you the truth when you are doing something. when you are doing something which you cannot succeed in doing it .They Will Tell You the Truth That "You Cannot do it" And What exactly will follow When you continue doing what you cannot do . AS the scripture says about haman in ESTHER 6:13


their are some certain human teaching which remain unknown no matter how much a person tries to study them .these teaching can only be known or understood if a person does what God wants, meaning doing his will. as Jesus says in john 7:17. some human teaching require illumination of GOD'S light for you to know them . if you are a student and have tried by all means of studying to pass your exams but you keep on failing. just do what GOD wants you will never fail again you will understand like never before.


if you desire to know or to have a knowledge of the teaching GOD . you must do what GOD wants as the scripture says in John 17:17. meaning without doing what GOD wants it is impossible to know the teaching of GOD.


the two creatures which carry the throne of God unite in doing the job they are assigned to do as the scripture says in EZEKIEL 1:10-11. this shows that GOD ALMIGHT is a God of unity or cooperation .He is teaching as humans to imitate the two spirits which carry his throne. what makes the join or bond perfect of the two creature is the love they have for each other as it is written " love is a perfect bond of union". as a result of their unity the creatures do their work fast. as it is written they take God where ever he wishes like a flash of lightening . we as humans also need to unite so that we can do our work fast .we need each other no one can succeed alone. if we unite we will do away with the spirit of set back as the scripture says the creatures move fast and straight foward without turning back . love for one another is what can join as together as one .


what determines our maturity is our love. as apostles paul points out clearly in 1corinthians 13:11. apostle paul measures himself that the amount of love he had that moment made him a man. what can make you as a person speak, understand and reason as a man is your love. the amount of love we have gives a clear description of who we are. we are known by our love.





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