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In this video I share a week weight loss meal plan. What I eat in a week for steady and sustainable weight loss. During my weight loss journey, I realized th...

So you've had a cheat meal or meals and you're in-between giving up and getting back on your weight loss journey. In this video, I share things you can do to...

In this video, I share tips on how to eat cheat meals and not gain weight. Research has shown that cheat meals aid weigh...

In this video, I share tips on how to eat cheat meals and not gain weight. Research has shown that cheat meals aid weight loss, however, there are ways to go about it. Watch this video to learn how to eat cheat meals while losing weight.

In this video, I share tips on how to eat cheat meals and still lose weight. Research has shown that cheat meals aid weight loss, however, there are ways to ...

In this video, I answer your weight loss questions to give you weight loss tips that can help you on your weight loss jo...

In this video, I answer your weight loss questions to give you weight loss tips that can help you on your weight loss journey while eating your favourite Nigerian/African meals. You all inspire me... I look forward to your feedback... much love! 🥰

In this video, I answer your weight loss questions to give you weight loss tips that can help you on your weight loss journey while eating your favourite Nig...

I get asked a lot if I eat carbs or not and my answer was always yes! I eat all Nigerian carbs around me and still lost ...

I get asked a lot if I eat carbs or not and my answer was always yes! I eat all Nigerian carbs around me and still lost 22kg.

Carbs are life. A diet low in carbs is very much expensive in a country like Nigeria. Seeing that a lot of our meals are carbohydrates.

In this video, I teach you how you can eat Nigerian carbs such as rice, eba, amala, pounded etc. and still lose weight. I also explained why I didn't do the keto diet or any other restrictive diet.

get asked a lot if I eat carbs or not and my answer was always yes! I eat all Nigerian carbs around m...

So last Saturday, I uploaded another episode of Sisters' Gists... Myself and Sister Rhoda spoke about handling emotions ...

So last Saturday, I uploaded another episode of Sisters' Gists... Myself and Sister Rhoda spoke about handling emotions as ladies. It's in two parts
Part 1

Part 2

Hi! In this episode of sisters' gists, we talk about common mistakes single Christian ladies make when in love.Background Music:Among the Stars

FAT LOSS FACTS & MYTHS: LATE NIGHT EATINGI know many of us may be guilty of this, I think I'm somewhere close to number ...


I know many of us may be guilty of this, I think I'm somewhere close to number one on that list. Stopping myself from going to the kitchen at 10 pm was the most difficult thing I had to do. I had tried to stop eating at 6 pm several times in the past, it never worked. No matter how much I had for dinner, my throat was always ready to receive some sweetness from the kitchen at late hours. I would wake up the next day feeling bloated and gloomy but it wouldn't stop me from eating late again.

Late-night eating was a serious battle I had to fight especially because it always left me bloated (drum belly). Since there was no escaping it, I had to look for ways of helping my situation.

In this video, I explain how late-night eating affects your weight and also made recommendations on healthy late-night snacks you can eat while on your weight loss journey.

FAT LOSS FACTS & MYTHS: LATE NIGHT EATINGI know many of us may be guilty of this, I think I'm somewhere close to number one on that list. Stopping myself fro...

You can eat all your favourite Nigerian meals and still lose excess weight. Certain Nigerian soups are low in calories, ...

You can eat all your favourite Nigerian meals and still lose excess weight. Certain Nigerian soups are low in calories, highly nutritious and can be generously incorporated into your diet. These were the soups I ate during my 22kg weight loss journey and I still eat them to maintain my weight.

In this video, I made suggestions of Nigerian soups you should eat to lose weight or maintain your weight.

You can eat all your favorite Nigerian meals and still lose excess weight. There are certain Nigerian soups that are low in calories and can generously incor...



1. Drink more water 💦: drinking enough water has loads of health benefits which includes flushing out wastes, regulating body temperature, maintaining blood pressure, lubricating joints etc. Consuming a good amount of water daily also aids weight loss as research have shown that those who consume more water burn more calories.

2. Practise portion control 🍕: this does not only refer to eating smaller meals, it also means eating the right proportions of different types of foods e.g. carbs, protein, veggies etc. Don't overload on carbs all day while you neglect other food groups.

3. Set step goals 👣: sedentary lifestyle is detrimental to our health. Give movement a priority. Set to achieve at least 5000 steps daily. You could do that by taking evening walks alone or with friends.

4. Exercise regularly 🏊: exercise is not only for overweight folks.
Everyone should have a habit of exercising regularly, at least 3 - 5 times weekly. Regular exercise has many health benefits, a few of them are, improved heart health, improved mental health, controls weight, manages blood sugar, etc. As little as doing 10 mins HIIT workout 5 times a week goes a long way in improving your health.

5. Get adequate sleep 😴: these days, many boast of having little sleep as a sign of "hard work". Unfortunately, they do not realise the damage inadequate sleep is causing to their health. After a long day's work, make sure to get enough rest for your body to recuperate.

© Lifestyle with Lammy



Simply put, having a negative body image means you're not satisfied with what you see when you look at the mirror while having a positive body image is when you're okay with your looks.

Here, I share three steps towards improving body image:

Stop judging your body based on what the world defines as the perfect body. Over the decades, the idea of the perfect body kept changing. We've moved from curvy women to slender ones to tall ones to short ones to petite ones... From one standard to the other! This only shows that the idea of a perfect body does not exist. Don't compare yourself with what does not exist. Some of these standards were just figments of man's imagination. You shouldn't hang your happiness on something that keeps changing.

Let He who created you be the one to define you. He said you were wonderfully and fearfully made, believe those words, and never doubt them. Though the world's standard may change, the standard of God's word will never change. Therefore, believe the one that never changes, believe the one who knows you best, believe your creator! You're beautiful, you're wonderful, you're gorgeous, you're a work of art, a piece carefully put together. Don't let anyone or the system say otherwise.

Focus on your mental and physical health. Your body is the Temple of the Lord, He created you for a purpose. No matter how big or small your body is, your soul is still your soul and it is precious in the sight of the Lord. Why not focus on taking care of God's temple, your body. Focus on living as long as God would have you. Love your body because God gave it to you. Shift your focus from "body goals" to "health goals". Decide today to become a healthier version of yourself. Decide to Love yourself so much that you wouldn't do anything that would harm your body or your mind.

Now, let's set and reach health goals together. Shall we?

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YouTube: Olamide Orunmoluyi

Being a fashion designer, I have found myself ask some ladies why they do certain things, for example, "why make this ki...

Being a fashion designer, I have found myself ask some ladies why they do certain things, for example, "why make this kinda hair? Why do you want to dress like that to a party? Why the heavy makeover?" Oftentimes, the answers I get are "that's what is trending now... That's what celebrities now wear..."

Their answers tell me they don't have any standard for dressing because fashion trends and celebrities are like fleeting waves that come and go.

As a Christian lady, your goal should not be to look trendy but rather your dressing should communicate your surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Here are some things to look out for when dressing:

You should look modest in your appearance,

You should wear decent and appropriate clothing,

You should not draw undue attention to your body,

Don't copy the behavior and custom of the world,

Don't be too concerned about outward beauty while you neglect the inner one.

Here are some questions to ask yourself concerning the way you dress:

Why do I dress the way I do? Is it to show off my body shape?

Do I give more attention to my wardrobe than the renewing of my mind?

Am I truly representing the Kingdom with my looks?

Do I follow celebrities? Do I want to dress like them?

Do I crave attention from the male folks?

Do I like it when guys look at me lustfully?

Am I confident in myself without makeup, breast pads, or hip pads?

(1Tim. 2:9-10; Rom. 12:1; 1Pet 3:3).

© Lifestyle with Lammy


Here's a way to deal with jealousy or intimidation!

There's always going to be someone better than you in whatever field you're in. It is therefore of great importance to learn how to deal with intimidation and or jealousy.

Watch the full video on my channel:

In this video, Michael and Deji share with us things Christian ladies do that put off Christian guys. This is really enl...

In this video, Michael and Deji share with us things Christian ladies do that put off Christian guys. This is really enlightening. Watch, like, subscribe and share! 🥰

In this video, Michael and Deji share with us things Christian ladies do that put off Christian guys. This is really enlightening. Watch, like, subscribe and...


Get rid of unhealthy conversations with this PRINCIPLE:

I learned about a principle called "NTK", which means "Need To Know".

Simply put, before you discuss a matter with anyone, you should ask yourself;

Does this person need to know?

Can they do anything about the matter?

Can they handle the information? Won't it become a burden they have to share with someone else?

Am I sharing just for the sake of sharing?

If you take your time to answer these questions, it becomes much more difficult to say things you shouldn't, and being discreet becomes way easier.

"I am comfortable in my own skin", we often use this phrase to shut out people's opinions about us which is a good thing...

"I am comfortable in my own skin", we often use this phrase to shut out people's opinions about us which is a good thing if they are negative opinions that are untrue about us or opinions that compare us to fleeting societal standards.

However, some people have used this phrase as an excuse for complacency. They don't ever see the need to change or become better. You see, the truth is, you cannot be comfortable in bad skin.

There are indeed things we cannot change about ourselves which we must accept but those things do not include, bad habits or attitudes, unhealthy weight or lifestyle, laziness, dirtiness, poor emotional intelligence, etc.

If it can be better than it is right now then you should not be comfortable with it. Get up! Learn self-care, improve yourself, refine your skills, develop new and healthy habits... Make yourself a truly comfortable skin for you.

© Lifestyle with Lammy


Ladies, do you also find it annoying when a brother keeps giving you attention without ever stating his intentions?

Watch the full video on my channel:

I have been blessed by many authors, here I have three to share with you:WHY YOU ACT THE WAY YOU DO by Tim Lahaye: This ...

I have been blessed by many authors, here I have three to share with you:

WHY YOU ACT THE WAY YOU DO by Tim Lahaye: This book brought me out of my world. For so long, I didn't understand why people were so different from me. I got angry with people for not handling issues the way I would. Little did I know that God didn't make us all the same, we all have our uniqueness which is the spice of life. I'm so grateful to God everyone isn't like me, what a boring world it would've been. I also learned that there's a way God would have us act regardless of one's personality.

EVERY WOMAN'S BATTLE by Shannon Ethridge: this book was recommended to me by a lovely colleague, God bless her soul. The book is about sexual and emotional purity. I know whenever sexual purity is being discussed, the focus was often on men but the truth is women have their struggles too. The issues are deeper because you may never see the physical manifestation like actually falling into sin, but they are there. The book exposed me to me, it exposed a part of me that I never knew existed. It is such an eye-opener and shows the need for one to guard their heart with all diligence. There's a book called "EVERY MAN'S BATTLE", it was written before the women's own. I recommend the book for both men and women.

THE CONFIDENT WOMAN by Joyce Meyer: I got this book as a gift and it is such a blessing. I picked my lesson right from the first few chapters. I learned to stop trying to be the best at everything, yes, I said that. You see, we all have our natural strengths and talents that God has graciously given to you. Mine is different from yours and it is our responsibility to cultivate these talents. However, if you rather choose to cultivate a talent that isn't yours, it'll result in a lot of frustrations because you may never become excellent at it. With excellence comes confidence. You cannot be confident in things you don't do well. So, discover your strengths, work on them, and source out things you cannot do to other people.

Many of us make the mistake of thinking that when things are going good then it must mean that God is with us and when t...

Many of us make the mistake of thinking that when things are going good then it must mean that God is with us and when things go south or become sour, we think God must've forsaken us.

We base God's faithfulness on our present situation.

Whenever we face our red sea, we forget about the God that mightily brought us out of Egypt.

When thrown in a pit, we forget the visions and dreams He gave to us.

We often forget to look at the timeline and not just the time. God is not only in the "now", but he is also in the past and future.

God changed Abram to Abraham (father of many nations), yet he had no son of his own for quite a long time. Moses' life once depended on if a basket stayed afloat on the Nile River. Joseph who saved his nation once lived in a pit and was forgotten in jail. Mary, the mother of Jesus, who God said was highly favored faced slander.

If these men and many more in the Bible judged God's faithfulness by their current situations, they would have failed to receive God's promise.

How do you feel about God right now?

Your faithfulness extends to every generation, as enduring as the earth you created.
Psalms 119:90 NLT

God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?
Numbers 23:19 NLT

© Lifestyle with Lammy

Hello! in this video, Adedolapo Oladosu  and I share things we've been doing to keep our prayer altar burning. We unders...

Hello! in this video, Adedolapo Oladosu and I share things we've been doing to keep our prayer altar burning. We understand the nature of our livelihood and have found ways to help us keep our fellowship with God constant. We pray this video blesses you greatly.

Kindly like, comment, share, and subscribe. God bless you!

Hello! in this video, Dolapo and I share things we've been doing to keep our prayer altar burning. We understand the nature of our livelihood and have found ...

You've probably heard the saying "words are powerful" over and over again. Today, I just want to reaffirm that fact. But...

You've probably heard the saying "words are powerful" over and over again. Today, I just want to reaffirm that fact. But how did I know?

My dad was a mathematics and further mathematics teacher. He was disciplined and diligent with his work. For a long time, he was burdened with a daughter who hated mathematics and failed a lot... Yeah, that was me.

He used to be very frustrated at the fact that he taught mathematics, yet I failed it so beautifully well. The worst part was that his colleagues nicknamed me "further maths" but we all knew my maths wasn't even maths yet talk less of a "further" one.

I later picked up an interest in mathematics though, which is evident in the fact that I currently own two degrees in statistics. Many factors contributed to my change of story, a major one was the words my father spoke to me.

He called me up one day while preparing for my first exams as a pre-degree student. He said don't read for too long or too frequently, you only need to read twice; first, to understand the course, second, to revise for exams.

I followed dad's advice without giving it a thought. I believed him especially since he was an educationist and a mathematician. I had no reason to doubt him. So I began reading twice... As he said, I would understand a course the first time I read it and later revise for exams.

I didn't realize the impact those words had on me until later on when I saw that not everyone read twice. I was surprised to see some students read and read, again and again, and still failed to understand what they read. What a naive young woman I was.

I wasn't born with the ability to understand things fast, my dad's words brought it into existence. If on the other hand, he had told me to make sure to spend most of my day reading and preparing for exams so I can pass. I would've done so and it would've become my pattern of reading instead.

So, yeah, words are powerful, make sure to speak positively to yourself and those around you.

The tongue of the wise makes knowledge appealing, but the mouth of a fool belches out foolishness.
Proverbs 15:2 NLT

Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24 NLT

Wise words satisfy like a good meal; the right words bring satisfaction. The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.
Proverbs 18:20‭-‬21 NLT

"Life is in phases". As simple as the statement is, many have given up on life or even committed su***de because they fa...

"Life is in phases". As simple as the statement is, many have given up on life or even committed su***de because they failed to understand the fact that whatever they were going through was not going to be forever.

The moment you realize nothing is permanent and that no situation lasts forever, you wake up the following day knowing that you're a day closer to another phase, better days.

Life's like a journey, it does no good to stop halfway or turn back. The destination is always there, you just have to keep going.

For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.
2 Corinthians 4:17‭-‬18 NLT

I lost 22kg in 8 months. I believe everyone who knew me was amazed but only a few spoke up about it. One day, a lady who...

I lost 22kg in 8 months. I believe everyone who knew me was amazed but only a few spoke up about it.

One day, a lady whose shop was opposite mine came to me. She told me she wanted to ask me "somtin". She first apologized severally, she begged me not to get offended. Seeing her attitude, I knew she was going to ask about my weight loss. I've had a few persons come asking about it and they would always start with an apology.

I told her she was free to ask me anything since I love to share my knowledge. She then sighed and finally asked, "what drug did you use to lose weight, tell me, I want to use it too". She told me about how she had spent a lot of money on weight loss products that never worked.

"Well, I didn't use any weight loss products", I said to her. She looked at me with disbelief. I told her all I did was eat healthy meals and exercise regularly. I told her I had to stop taking sugar and processed foods.

I knew she had the habit of taking fizzy drinks with all her meals, I was more specific by telling her to stop taking the likes of Coca-Cola, Fanta, sprite, etc. Told her to eat her carbs with more vegetables and she should walk more.

She replied, "ah! I like food o. What you're asking me to do is hard... I'm a mother, what time do I have to exercise". I encouraged her to "just" try and she said okay. Shortly after our conversation, I saw her gulp a bottle of chilled Fanta after devouring a big cooler of rice. Maybe she'd start her weight loss journey tomorrow, I thought to myself.

A few months later, I was around her shop for a purpose. When she saw me approaching she started saying, "Ah! It's just that I cannot starve myself, I would have started losing weight and look like you".

I screamed in my head, "God! When did I ever tell this woman to starve herself?" Another lady there also admired my new stature. She immediately told her, "if you know what she's eating. You cannot do it o. She doesn't eat... Me, I cannot starve myself".

See what happened there? There's indeed a price to pay to lose weight or achieve anything in life. Sometimes, we feel overwhelmed by how much we have to give up to attain some heights. However, if we're not careful, our minds can play a fast one on us and aggravate the situation.

I told that lady to reduce her sugar intake, but what she heard me say was "starve yourself". And to starve oneself is much more difficult to do.

What's the challenge in front of you? What did you give up on before even starting? Do you believe that that problem is too hard for you to solve?

I challenge you today to take the first step. Why? Because your mind may have been making the situation look harder than it is. You wouldn't know until you take that very first step.

Write that proposal,
Put that call through,
If you've been taking two bottles of fizzy drinks a day, reduce it to one,
Take a walk,
Start that course!
And see what happens!

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13 NLT

I've been looking through google all day for my dad's popular saying: "to be dust is nothing but to be freely dust". The...

I've been looking through google all day for my dad's popular saying: "to be dust is nothing but to be freely dust". There seem not to be anything like that on the internet, now I'm wondering where my dad got it from, or maybe I was too young to remember what he was saying.

However, I remember the meaning far too well. He would say those words to me whenever I failed to do an assignment well. Whether it was to sweep or wash. He would call me back to do whatever I was to do perfectly. He would then tell me that not doing a thing well is like doing nothing. That it was even better if I left things undone than doing them haphazardly.

Though I hated his saying at that time, it had unconsciously stuck with me and now defines how I handle things. This attitude of mine has helped me navigate through some difficult terrains of my life.

In other words, whatever your hands find doing, do well!

Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before unknown men.
Proverbs 22:29 NKJV

I once watched a video on youtube of a woman who was morbidly obese. She had been bedridden for about 2 years. She had t...

I once watched a video on youtube of a woman who was morbidly obese. She had been bedridden for about 2 years. She had three daughters who were taking care of her. Her husband had left her because she couldn't control her eating habit.

She was consuming over 10000 calories daily from unhealthy foods like burgers and all sorts of fries. Her doctor told her she'd die soon if she didn't lose weight. She was then put on a diet that forced her to eat healthy meals. The only exercise she could do was to raise her hands which looked like a really hard job for her.

After a week, her weight was checked. She had lost many pounds. Her children were happy that their mother was going to be healthy again. That she'd be able to step out of her room and once again, enjoy the heat of the sun. However, it was going to take a long-term commitment on her part to stick to healthy diets for her to lose all that excess weight.

Then another week passed, her weight was checked. They discovered she had gained all the weight back. How did it happen? The dietitian was certain that she hadn't followed her diet strictly. It was then discovered that she had ordered pizzas, burgers, and fries secretly. She cried and told her dietitian that greasy food made her feel satisfied and happy. She couldn't cope with the salads and unsalted chicken she was being served.

She later became aggressive because they had seized her phone. She started cursing her daughters and began doing annoying things. Well, after a while, they all gave up, including herself, she went back to her bad eating habit and died shortly after. She was popularly known as the woman who ate herself to death.

She enjoyed the food so much that she couldn't stop it from killing her. Her story challenged me to take control of my life.

Never enjoy a thing to the point that you do not know when and how to stop!

"Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts."
Romans 13:13‭-‬14 NKJV

He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.
Proverbs 25:28


This is the first episode of Sisters' Gists; a platform to talk about matters affecting ladies and their walk with God.

In this episode, we talk about comparison and jealousy. It is quite a common problem in which many of us have found ourselves, one way or another. We know it is not in tune with God's character, hence, the need to deal with the issue as it can lead to more sin.

"Surely resentment destroys the fool, and jealousy kills the simple." Job 5:2

Youtube >>>


In this video, I share calories in common Nigerian foods such as white rice, bean, eba, etc. This information will help you decide how much of what to eat per meal.



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