Today (Feb 9) in 1964, the Beatles appeared on Ed Sullivan for the first time. Also today, by the time you read this (Feb 10) is Tet! Chuc mung nam moi, Viet Nam!
ALSO also today, new podcast on toothbrushing and plumbing: http://askamedievalist.com/2024/02/09/episode-75-plumb-as-in-full-of-lead/
And finally, my novels are buy one, get one free on Kobo for the entire month of February in Canada, the US, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. So if you are a Kobo user and you have been putting off reading Dionysus in Wisconsin and/or Old Time Religion, wait no longer. https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/dionysus-in-wisconsin (There's a link to book 2 from there.)
Also I have paperback copies--DM me if you want one, seventeen dollarydoos (in the US; you definitely don't want me to ship overseas).
Wow, can I squeeze the word "also" into this post one more time?
Posted on 20240209 by AskAdminEpisode 75: Plumb as in Full of Lead Summary After a brief discussion of how people brushed their teeth, we move on to the question of where the water they used came from. And yeah, Rome had aqueducts–but so did a lot of places! And the Romans didn’t even build the ...