What do we know about r**e? That it is probably the most atrocious act a (de)human is capable of? That 2019/20, on average, saw about 6 cases of r**es reported every day in Nepal? That we live in a society that treats the victims of r**es as 'damaged goods'—that is if they are not brutally murdered before we have the good fortune of labeling them that? Or, that 3 days of outrage demanding JUSTICE, in the aftermath of such depravities being headlined by the mainstream media, eclipses public discourse and constructive conversations aimed at stamping out deep-rooted causes of r**es and related horrors? Let's talk about it.
**e **e. Say it out loud. R**E. What do we know about r**e? That it is probably the most atrocious act a (de)human is capa...