Injustice in the military when soldiers are not white
Injustice in the military when soldiers are not white
They're just innocent people with a different c.olor than police
They're just innocent people with a different c.olor than police
Forced to divorce because of different skin c.o.lor
Forced to divorce because of different skin c.o.lor
He defied all contempt to become a baseball legend
He defied all contempt to become a baseball legend
He just wants to be like a normal person but they don't allow it
He just wantsto be like a normal person but they don't allow it
They treat him badly but he doesn't
They treat him badly but he doesn't
The girl was a.b.used by her mother's boyfriend
The girl was a.b.used by her mother's boyfriend
Girl walk 1,500 miles home after being kid.nap.ped
Girl walk 1,500 miles home after being kid.nap.ped
Smart girl determinded to learn the letters
Smart girl determinded to learn the letters
They had no idea who they were messing with
They had no idea who they were messing with
When the slave's endurance reaches the limit
When the slave's endurance reaches the limit
Is it right to retaliate against ra.cis.m with vio.lence?
Is it right to retaliate against ra.cis.m with vio.lence?
They're treated badly and this is how they fight back
They're treated badly and this is how they fight back
How hard it must be for them to survive in the r.a.c.i.s.t school ?
How hard it must be for them to survive in the r.a.c.i.s.t school ?
When the law is not fair to the people
When the law is not fair to the people
Crimes of those who bully others because of appearance
Crimes of those who bully others because of appearance