Things You Should Do While Mercury Is Retrograde
1. Just Say No
One benefit of Mercury in retrograde is that it brings back the past. In other words, it’s a great time to tie up loose ends with a past relationship, project, or idea. Since communication is affected by Mercury in retrograde, it’s also a great time to figure out exactly what you want to say, including what you stand for. Wishy-washy language won’t be tolerated—instead of saying “maybe” when you have no intention of doing something, just say no!
2. Back Up Important Documents
Do back things up. Ideally before Mercury turns retrograde, make sure all important documents, photos, and other information is backed up. It’s also a good time to make sure that all your finances are in order, and address any discrepancies ASAP.
3. Finish Lingering Projects
Do tie up loose ends. Whether it’s finally doing a home improvement project or tackling a task you’ve been putting off at work, Mercury in retrograde is a great time to finally get to it. In fact, these few weeks are a bad time to start any new projects, so you may as well finish what you already have on your plate.
4. Try a New Workout
Do try a new workout. Sign up for a 5k, try a new yoga studio—with Mercury transiting Virgo, it’s a great time to try a new fitness routine. It may not stick, but if it does, this could be a passion for life!
5. Enjoy Your Downtime
Have fun! One great thing about Mercury in retrograde is that it asks you to go with the flow of the universe. The universe wants you to have some downtime, so if things are frustrating, not working, or otherwise causing you problems, why not hold off and get to them in a few weeks? Of course, you shouldn’t shirk on your work or blow off deadlines, but these really are optimal weeks to focus on health, friends, family, and people you love.
Bonus: Spending time with no-drama people can minimize the impact that Mercury in retrograde has in your life. See? You have the power to turn this one around—go for it!