Hezbut Tawheed World

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Hezbut Tawheed World Hossain Mohammad Salim is the high command of Hezbut Tawheed. This page is not official!

Statement on Threats of Extremist AttacksWe, Hezbut Tawheed, a non-political religious reform movement based in Banglade...

Statement on Threats of Extremist Attacks
We, Hezbut Tawheed, a non-political religious reform movement based in Bangladesh, wish to provide an update on the current situation affecting our movement.
Recently, a student-led mass uprising has arisen in Bangladesh. Following 15 years of governance, the previous administration has fallen, and an interim government now oversees the country's administration. Such political transitions often generate an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty, which extremist groups exploit to further their agendas. Consequently, our members have become targets of these extremist elements.
For 29 years, we have been engaged in an ideological battle against all forms of extremism. This commitment has led to numerous violent attacks against us. Tragically, five of our members have been killed, and many of our members' homes have been destroyed. Notably, Hossain Mohammad Salim, our leader, has experienced repeated vandalism of his residence. In 2016, his village home in Sonaiamuri Upazila of Noakhali was attacked, resulting in the brutal murder of two of our members. During this attack, rioters also demolished a mosque under construction on his property and set it ablaze.
The perpetrators involved in these attacks continue to seek revenge. Moreover, individuals with whom we have religious and ideological disagreements are using the current instability to threaten us with further violence and massacres. These threats are being incited through social media and local networks. Recently, on August 5th and 6th, eight of our offices, including those in Sherpur, Joypurhat, Pabna, Panchagarh, and Sunamganj, were vandalized.
Currently, there are active plans to attack our leader’s residence once again. Several hundred families associated with our movement reside in the vicinity of this house. Our focus remains on constructive development rather than destruction. In recent years, we have made considerable advancements in our village by establishing schools, a mosque, small-scale industries, cattle farms, fish farms, and over fifty development projects. These initiatives provide livelihoods for many families who have invested their assets in these projects. Yet, extremist groups are now plotting to attack and loot these ventures. Miscreants have already set fire to the homes and businesses of at least 200 families, causing damages estimated at around Tk 2 crore. Hundreds of women, children, and elderly individuals have been displaced and are living as refugees. On August 10, extremists also destroyed eight stacks of hay collected from 30 acres designated for a cattle farm. It is evident that their intent is to cause widespread harm, reminiscent of their actions in 2016.
Hezbut Tawheed was founded in 1995 by Emamuzzaman Mohammad Bayazeed Khan Panni, a member of the esteemed Panni family of the subcontinent. Over the past decade, we have conducted more than 250,000 public meetings, seminars, and rallies to address the misuse of religion. Throughout our 29 years, we have maintained a steadfast commitment to legality and have never engaged in unlawful activities.

From the outset, those who misuse religion have subjected us to severe persecution due to our ideological stance. We champion interfaith harmony and strive to prevent the exploitation of religion for personal gain. We oppose the confinement of women and support collaborative efforts between men and women with mutual respect. We challenge extremism masquerading as Islam and advocate for interpretations that foster a healthy culture and artistic expression. Our mission to present Islam as a progressive way of life has led to significant opposition from extremist groups. To date, we have endured over a thousand attacks. Despite our efforts to seek justice through legal channels, the attackers have evaded accountability by cloaking their actions in religious pretexts.
We currently live in a state of uncertainty and fear. As law-abiding citizens, we seek assurance of our rights, security for our lives, livelihoods, and the safety of our families and property. We demand the protection of our human rights and the freedom to express ourselves.
Thank you for your attention and support.

The Position of Women in Society:We believe that Islam does not hinder women's progress, freedom, or empowerment. Islam ...

The Position of Women in Society:

We believe that Islam does not hinder women's progress, freedom, or empowerment. Islam grants women the right and encouragement to participate in all aspects of life. During the time of Rasul'Allah (PBUH), women attended mosques, participated in Friday prayers and Eid gatherings, and played vital roles in caring for the wounded, managing the market, and even on the battlefield..

However, the misinterpretation and excessive enforcement of the dress code have led to their oppression and regression. By highlighting the true essence of Islam, we aim to bring to light the rights and contributions of women during the time of the Messenger of Allah, Mohammad (PBUH), as outlined in the Quran, the teachings of Rasul'Allah, and historical evidence. The women in our movement also play a crucial role in all activities, working alongside men while maintaining modesty.

Sports in Islamic PerspectiveToday, sports are often viewed as frivolous activities and considered haram (forbidden) by ...

Sports in Islamic Perspective
Today, sports are often viewed as frivolous activities and considered haram (forbidden) by certain interpretations of Islam. However, historical evidence shows that the Messenger of Allah organized and even participated in sports competitions on various occasions in the courtyard of Masjid al-Nabawi. In fact, Islam encourages activities that promote physical fitness, enhance strength, and build courage. Conversely, sports that involve gambling, unhealthy competition, or lead to introversion and passivity are prohibited in Islam.
By distorting the true essence of Islam and stripping it of joy and entertainment, it fails to attract the youth. As a result, they are increasingly drawn to digital devices, drugs, gambling, terrorism, and vulgar cultural practices. To engage them in constructive social activities, Hezbut Tawhid has established over 50 sports clubs and regularly organizes various sports competitions, including football, kabaddi, marathons, cycling, and martial arts.

Establishment of Hezbut Tawheed:Hezbut Tawheed was founded on February 16, 1995, by Mohammad Bayazeed Khan Panni, a desc...

Establishment of Hezbut Tawheed:

Hezbut Tawheed was founded on February 16, 1995, by Mohammad Bayazeed Khan Panni, a descendant of the esteemed Panni family of Karatia, Tangail, Bangladesh.

What is Hezbut Tawheed?Hezbut Tawheed is a non-political religious reform movement. The name "Hezbut Tawheed" translates...

What is Hezbut Tawheed?

Hezbut Tawheed is a non-political religious reform movement. The name "Hezbut Tawheed" translates to "The Party of the Sovereignty of Allah." We believe that Almighty Allah is the ultimate source of truth and justice. Therefore, in addressing any problem in human life, decisions should be based solely on the commands and principles of the Creator.

Objective of Hezbut Tawheed:To establish global peace by eradicating all forms of injustice and oppression through the i...

Objective of Hezbut Tawheed:

To establish global peace by eradicating all forms of injustice and oppression through the implementation of Allah's divine guidance in every aspect of human life.

The cultural movement of Hezbut Tawheed against extremism∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎Humans are sentient beings. ...

The cultural movement of Hezbut Tawheed against extremism
Humans are sentient beings. Just as they need food and drink to survive on earth, humans have been practicing art since prehistoric times to satisfy their mental desires. Due to the diversity of geographical and economic activities, the clothing, food habits, livelihoods, etiquette, language, festivals, and cultures of different regions vary. Therefore, imposing the culture of one area on another is not appropriate, and Islam does not do that either. The Messenger of Allah came to the desert area of Arabia, but Islam is not just for Arabs. Its ordinances are for the entire human race.
However, Islam acknowledges cultural diversity. Allah has not prohibited the culture of any region in His commandments, nor has He asked to impose Arab culture on the rest of the world. He has only given one guideline: avoid things that promote obscenity, falsehood, and actions contrary to the commands of Allah.
∎ Misconceptions and Extremist Actions ∎

Yet, it is an established fatwa in our society that singing and playing musical instruments are haram (forbidden) in Islam. Believing these false fatwas, extremist groups have repeatedly bombed various cultural events in our country, labeled various sculptures including those of Lalon as idols and destroyed them, burned down Ustad Alauddin Ali Khan's music academy, and harassed many Bauls and folk singers. Many cultural workers are also confused because of these fatwas. They think they are sinning. Many go to Hajj in their old age to repent and vow not to sing anymore.
But according to Islamic principles, in determining what is halal (permissible) and haram, what Allah has not forbidden is halal. Just as alcohol, usury, gambling, theft, and robbery are explicitly prohibited in the Quran, there is no clear verse in the Quran that indicates the illegality of music. There are no negative statements about these either. Allah has only set some principles for any action. Allah says, `Say, My Lord has only forbidden immoralities—what is apparent of them and what is concealed—and sin, and oppression without right, and that you associate with Allah that for which He has not sent down authority, and that you say about Allah that which you do not know (Surah Al-A'raf 33).’
∎ Islamic Perspective on Music∎

Therefore, a song that contains no obscene lyrics, no indecent presentation by the singer, and no promotion of forbidden things has no reason to be considered haram. On the contrary, if a song awakens people against injustice and speaks of human liberation, singing such a song can be considered a righteous act. Instead of following anyone's fatwa, we should look at what Allah has said and what His Messenger has done.
∎ Historical Examples from Islam ∎
It should be remembered that the Messenger of Allah was the busiest man in human history, who led a great revolution to bring about a profound change in all aspects of human life. He organized 107 small and large military expeditions in just 9 years. Such a great revolutionary did not have the leisure to focus on music. However, it is found in hadith that in his spare time, at home or after returning from a battle, he listened to music with his companions.
In the era of ignorance (Jahiliyyah) in Arabia, music was closely associated with obscenity. Therefore, many companions considered music to be an act of immorality or evil. But the Messenger of Allah dispelled their misconceptions. Aisha (RA) was very fond of music, and it is an example that music was practiced in her house in the presence of the Messenger of Allah.
Once, on the national festival day of ‘Bu’ath Day,’ two girls were playing the daf and tambourine and singing in the house of the Messenger of Allah. Aisha (RA) was also listening to the songs. At that time, her father, Abu Bakr (RA), entered and reprimanded Aisha (RA). The Messenger of Allah looked at Abu Bakr (RA) and said, "Abu Bakr, let them do their work" (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No. 987).
Aisha (RA) used to raise a girl who was later married to an Ansar. After returning from the wedding ceremony, the Messenger of Allah asked Aisha (RA), "Did you send the girl to her husband's house?" She replied, "Yes." The Messenger of Allah then asked, "Did you send anyone who can sing?" Aisha (RA) said, "No." The Messenger of Allah said, "You know the Ansar love music" (Iqdal Farid).
Abu Buraydah (RA) narrated that, upon returning from a battle, a black woman companion approached the Messenger of Allah and said, "O Messenger of Allah, I had vowed that if Allah brought you back safely, I would play the daf and sing in front of you." The Messenger of Allah said, "If you have made a vow, then fulfill it. Play the daf." Then the woman started playing the daf and singing (Tirmidhi, Vol 2, p. 209-210; Mishkat Sharif, p. 555; Abu Dawood Sharif).
Even during the construction of the Mosque of the Messenger of Allah, it is mentioned in renowned hadith collections that the Messenger of Allah himself sang a work song called "Rajaz" (narrated by Anas RA in Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, Nasa’i).
∎ Embracing Healthy Cultural Activities ∎

Therefore, neither Allah nor His Messenger has declared music haram. In later periods, when sultans began to indulge excessively in dancing and drinking, some scholars declared musical gatherings and the practice of music haram. However, no one has the authority to declare forbidden what Allah has permitted. Healthy cultural activities awaken human conscience, develop intellect, promote resistance against injustice, and inspire good deeds. Hezbut Tawheed encourages the practice of modest and pure culture. The founder of this movement, the honorable Imamuzzaman, was a founding member of the Nazrul Academy.
Hezbut Tawheed has a cultural wing called 'Maati Cultural Group.' Its members engage in a variety of activities, including writing songs and poetry, composing music, performing, studio recording, music video production, and drama creation. The Mati Cultural Group has over 150 original songs. Through the performance of these songs, the cultural workers of Hezbut Tawheed are fighting to awaken people against extremism, religious exploitation, communalism, fanaticism, and misogynistic fatwas.
With the motto 'Let a new awakening come through the practice of culture,' Hezbut Tawheed organizes discussions, seminars, and cultural events across the country. Many renowned writers, artists, playwrights, film actors, intellectuals, and cultural figures have come to these events and expressed solidarity with Hezbut Tawheed. We call upon all culturally-minded individuals to join us. Let us not just keep people distracted with romantic songs and literature but use the weapon of culture to combat the crises faced by humanity.

Hezbut Tawheed's Proposal to Resolve the Global Crisis∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎In recent times, Bangladesh has bee...

Hezbut Tawheed's Proposal to Resolve the Global Crisis
In recent times, Bangladesh has been engulfed by severe political conflicts. The streets have seen blockades, the burning of vehicles, and terrorist activities, all in the name of democratic rights. The situation escalated to the point where a mass uprising erupted across the country, leading to the tragic loss of hundreds of lives, including members of law enforcement. The destruction did not stop there—billions of dollars worth of national assets were destroyed. Unfortunately, such episodes of political unrest seem to recur every few years, plunging the nation into chaos and causing immense harm to both life and property.
Concurrently, global tensions have escalated. The Israel-Palestine conflict is at its peak, and the Russia-Ukraine war continues to rage on, causing widespread economic distress, with rising prices and increasing unemployment, leaving people in despair. Amidst this chaos, it is imperative to seek solutions to these pressing issues.
∎ The Western Materialistic Civilization ∎

Today, the world is dominated by a single civilization—the Western Materialistic Civilization. Proponents of this civilization pride themselves on their technological and scientific advancements, their ability to explore Mars, extract mineral wealth from the earth and sea, and control the polar regions. However, this same civilization is responsible for two world wars, resulting in the deaths of 140 million people and leaving countless others injured or maimed.
In the aftermath of these wars, the United Nations was established with the goal of maintaining world peace. Numerous human rights organizations were formed, and humanitarian laws were enacted. Yet, wars have persisted. In the last 75 years, at least 50 million people have died in conflicts instigated by the leading states of this civilization. Every day, newspapers worldwide are filled with reports of murders, rapes, disappearances, and riots. Crime is on the rise, and oppression, exploitation, and injustice are rampant in every society.
∎ Nuclear Weapons and the Fragility of Global Peace ∎

The world has become increasingly inhospitable, with innocent blood being spilled every day. The ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict has claimed the lives of thousands of women and children. The most terrifying aspect of this civilization is the stockpiling of 20,000 nuclear bombs by war-mongering imperialist states. These states thrive on war, as their economies are driven by the sale of weapons worth trillions of dollars annually. The devastation caused by these wars—the loss of lives, the destruction of towns, the abuse of women, and the death of children—is of little concern to them. Their focus is on maintaining their economic power and global dominance.
Despite possessing nuclear weapons, these states refrain from using them—not out of concern for humanity, but out of fear of mutual destruction. The United States and Russia both know that if one attacks the other with nuclear weapons, they will face the same fate. This fear, rather than any sense of morality or justice, prevents the use of these devastating weapons.
∎ The Need for Spiritual and Social Reform ∎

The current system, based on soulless materialism, has led to spiritual degradation and a fractured world divided into two hundred nation-states, each with its own system of government. These states are often engaged in conflicts, exploiting and oppressing others in the name of national interest. Economic inequality has reached unprecedented levels, with most of the world's wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, while the majority suffer under the burdens of taxes, debt, and inflation.
The French Revolution promised liberty, equality, and fraternity, yet France went on to establish colonies, depriving others of freedom. The American Revolution sought to free itself from British rule, but racism and discrimination persist in the United States. The Russian Revolution promised peace and bread, but it led to more conflict and suffering, culminating in the ongoing war in Ukraine. The Chinese Cultural Revolution sought to eradicate capitalist and traditional elements, but China has since embraced capitalism, and the plight of the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar remains ignored.
∎ The Need for a Divine Solution ∎

Democracy, established in 120 countries, has often devolved into dictatorship, with people deprived of their rights. In Bangladesh, a nation born out of a struggle for independence and justice, political corruption, religious extremism, and social unrest have become commonplace. The world is facing environmental degradation due to urbanization, industrialization, and a consumerist lifestyle. Forests are being destroyed, rivers are dying, and global warming is increasing. Humanity is on the brink of destroying the very planet it calls home.
The solution to these crises is not self-evident; they are the result of our collective actions. It is time for humanity to consider the next generation and adopt a way of life that not only fosters spiritual growth but also ensures economic and social justice. This way of life cannot be man-made; it must be provided by the Creator who fashioned humanity. Ignoring the Creator in our calculations will only lead to further disaster.
∎ The Role of True Islamic Teachings in Guiding Humanity ∎

We must acknowledge that there is a Creator, that all humans are part of one family, and that every person has equal rights to the earth's resources. Discrimination based on race, faith, or culture is forbidden by the Creator. Humanity can only be divided into two groups: the good and the evil. This standard of good and evil must be determined by the Creator. Throughout history, Messengers of the Creator have been sent to guide humanity with a balanced way of life. As long as people adhered to this divine guidance, they enjoyed peace and prosperity.
Unfortunately, the teachings of the last Messenger of the Creator have been lost over time. The ruling class deviated from the original message, leading to the downfall of the civilization that once thrived under divine guidance. Today, the Muslim world is fragmented and oppressed, and Islam is often associated with extremism and terrorism due to the actions of a few who misinterpret the teachings of the Quran and Hadith.

∎ Hezbut Tawheed's Vision for Global Peace and Unity ∎

We, as Muslims, must make it clear to the world that true Islam is not a doctrine of terrorism. Those who commit atrocities in the name of Islam do not represent the faith. The definition of terrorism is often debated, but we must unequivocally condemn any form of aggression that results in the unjust killing of innocent people, regardless of the perpetrator's religion or nationality.
In conclusion, the good news is that we have received a simple way of life from the Creator, a system that can bring humanity back from the brink of destruction. This ideology has been presented across Bangladesh for the last 29 years, and millions have embraced it. Hezbut Tawheed is a respected, law-abiding, and non-political movement that advocates for this divine way of life.
∎ A Call to Embrace a Unified System of Life ∎

We invite all of humanity to embrace this ideology and work together to build a world where security, prosperity, humanity, brotherhood, and justice thrive. A world where peace prevails under a unified system of life. The path ahead is clear; it is up to us to walk it. Together, we can create a better world for future generations.


We, as Muslims, must make it clear to the world that true Islam is not a doctrine of terrorism.

Hossain Mohammad Salim


This standard of good and evil must be determined by the Creator.

Hossain Mohammad Salim

Hezbut Tawheed's Perspective on Women∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎Half of humanity is female. Therefore, it is impossible to i...

Hezbut Tawheed's Perspective on Women

Half of humanity is female. Therefore, it is impossible to imagine the progress of any nation by excluding half of its population. A society where women are backward, immersed in superstitions, and lack proper education can never truly advance. Currently, religions have become conflicting with women's liberation. Even after creating Adam (pbuh), the beautiful environment and amenities of paradise seemed dull to him due to the absence of a companion. Then Allah created Eve (pbuh). Hence, neither man nor woman is self-sufficient; they are complementary to each other. In adverse environments, physical strength is needed to earn a livelihood through hard labor. Allah has endowed men with well-built muscles and a strong physique and has given them the responsibility of providing for the family. He has filled women with compassion and created their bodies suitable for bearing children. Therefore, naturally, a woman's general responsibility is to care for children and manage household affairs. However, Islam does not discourage women from acquiring qualifications and participating in any sector of collective life according to their abilities.
∎ Recognition of Women’s Contributions ∎

Women, like men, possess qualifications, experience, knowledge, intelligence, wisdom, and courage. No civilized nation has ever reached the peak of civilization by neglecting women. That is not a natural law. Hence, all the prophets who have come to the world have provided ways to advance women alongside men. For this reason, religious texts, including the Quran, have narrated the stories of women's sacrifices, greatness, and struggles while describing the glorious past of human civilization. From the beginning of creation to the present day, it is impossible to mention the contributions of men without acknowledging the contributions of women. Most of the great works' recognition and awards are proudly received by men, yet behind their success, some woman has silently worked behind the scenes, and the blind society's gaze rarely turns towards that woman. There is no recognition for them; instead, in today's so-called civilized society, women are being oppressed and exploited at every step.
∎ Women’s Status in Early Islam ∎

In the age of Jahiliyyah, women in Arabia were not given the value of human beings. Many felt ashamed when a daughter was born, and some fathers even buried their daughters alive. The Messenger of Allah transformed that society into one where a beautiful young woman adorned with jewelry could travel hundreds of miles at night without any fear of harm to her wealth or honor. During the time of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh), men and women prayed together in the mosque and engaged in discussions. Women also gave advice on various matters, participated in battles, carried the wounded, and provided them with care and treatment. When necessary, they even took up arms and fought directly. Just a hundred years ago, the Western world claimed to have restored women's rights by granting them the right to vote and participate in the military. Yet history testifies that 1,400 years ago, in the age of Jahiliyyah, when girls were buried alive, Aisha (ra.) led 10,000 soldiers.
∎ Historical Achievements of Muslim Women ∎

The names of brave women like Safiya, Umm Ammara and Khawla (ra.) are written in golden letters in the books of Hadith and history. Khawla bint al-Azwar defeated the fierce Roman soldiers and rescued her brother Dirar. Umm Shifa (ra.) successfully managed the busy market of Medina. During wars, women contributed by supplying provisions, carrying the wounded from the battlefield to the camp, treating and caring for them, and burying the martyrs. A hospital was set up in the courtyard of Masjid al-Nabawi for treating the wounded, which was managed by a woman, Rufaidah Al-Aslamia (ra.). Women had the right to participate in social, national, and state affairs and in discussions. They participated in the five daily prayers, the Friday prayer, and the Eid prayers in the mosque. They even went to the mosque for Tahajjud prayers late at night. It can be said that there was no field where women did not participate. This was the form of freedom that Islam, as revealed by Allah, granted to women.
∎ Restoring Women’s Dignity ∎

On the other hand, contemporary religion-mongerers have confined women in the name of Islamic veiling practices. Meanwhile, Western civilization, under the banner of women's freedom, has pushed women towards obscenity and commodified them. Both of these extremes are excessive. Islam aims to mitigate these excesses and restore balance. Hezbut Tawheed seeks to restore women's true dignity, freedom, and rights. In practice, in Hezbut Tawheed, both male and female members participate together in all activities. They contribute to all tasks with their experience, knowledge, and capabilities. For the sake of their work, they undergo various types of training to enhance their qualifications and skills.
∎ Women’s Participation in Hezbut Tawheed ∎

In combating extremism, Hezbut Tawheed’s women play a leading role in organizing public meetings and seminars, delivering speeches, publishing and promoting newspapers, engaging in journalism, providing organizational leadership, participating in cultural activities, working in industrial production, engaging in agriculture and business, and providing healthcare services. They also participate in various physical activities and sports. Hezbut Tawheed organizes traditional sports competitions such as badminton and cycling for women. Additionally, they organize marathon races where both men and women participate. Hezbut Tawheed also has a women's kabaddi team that participates in national-level tournaments. Many are involved in self-defense sports such as Wushu and Karate.
∎ Resistance Against Clerical Oppression ∎

However, the misogynistic clerical class, unable to accept these roles of women, has been harassing and attacking them on the streets. In 2003, religious extremists attacked and martyred Rabeya Khatun in Kushtia. But the women of Hezbut Tawheed did not remain silent. Ignoring the threats and slander of the fanatical extremist groups, they continue to march forward with the torch of truth in hand.

Congratulations to the struggling studentsCongratulations to the students and people for their historic victory against ...

Congratulations to the struggling students
Congratulations to the students and people for their historic victory against injustice from the non-political movement, Hezbut Tawheed. When state oppression began against students protesting for fair quota reform, I condemned it through Facebook Live and praised the students' spirit. I said during the live broadcast that our students have shown their rebellious spirit is still strong. They know how to stand up against injustice, just like they did before.

Now, the great awakening of the students and people has happened. We support movements that fight against injustice. However, an extremist group is taking advantage of this situation and spreading false information about Hezbut Tawheed across the country.

Hezbut Tawheed has been working against all kinds of injustices for 29 years. During this time, many governments have come and gone in Bangladesh, but none have run the state according to Allah's command. Therefore, Hezbut Tawheed has never felt the need to support or oppose any government. We are a non-political movement in Bangladesh. This movement has only been working with full effort to invite people to follow the path of true Islam. Hezbut Tawheed has always tried to establish the true teaching of Islam.

We call on the authorities and concerned parties to make sure that no one harms Hezbut Tawheed by spreading false information and taking advantage of the current political situation.

Hezbut Tawheed's Sports Initiatives and Perspectives∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎Youth is the lifeblood of a nation. Wit...

Hezbut Tawheed's Sports Initiatives and Perspectives
Youth is the lifeblood of a nation. Without vitality in the young, the nation falters. To advance a nation, the youth must be dynamic, idealistic, and healthy both physically and mentally. It is society's responsibility to create opportunities for their growth. By providing the right platform, their hidden talents can emerge, allowing them to make meaningful contributions to society. Sports can help steer youth away from drugs, self-centeredness, selfishness, unhealthy entertainment, and cultural aggression. Driven by a desire to benefit the nation, Hezbut Tawheed has selflessly established football and kabaddi clubs across the country.
One of the greatest deficiencies of our time is the lack of a proper ideology. Many young people are unaware of what ideologies are and why they are essential. They often spend their time on trivial activities, drifting aimlessly through life. Modern technology, internet-based games, and harmful cultural influences have opened doors to destruction. Corrupt politics exploit them, leading them into violence and drug abuse. Meanwhile, distorted religious interpretations push many towards militant activities, squandering their precious energy. They neither value their bodies nor their souls and are indifferent to their protection. No one has informed them that they are representatives of Allah and that their existence in this world has profound significance. Our duty as humans is to maintain peace according to Allah's will, uphold human rights, and prevent conflict and bloodshed. To fulfill this duty, we must be physically healthy, mentally stable, and spiritually pure.
We at Hezbut Tawheed believe that sports and cultural activities are crucial for protecting the youth from these negative influences. We are committed to the liberation of mankind from all injustice. A strong, vibrant nation requires healthy and energetic citizens. A nation's overall development depends on having robust individuals. A healthy mind is as important as a healthy body. When both body and mind are fit, progress can be achieved. Sports promote qualities such as brotherhood, solidarity, and leadership while enhancing physical and mental fitness. Given the current global crisis, physical ability is crucial for safeguarding oneself, one’s family, and society.
Every member of Hezbut Tawheed should be physically and mentally healthy, dynamic, brave, hardworking, and active. They regularly engage in sports such as kabaddi, football, marathon running, swimming, badminton, and cycling. The women’s division of Hezbut Tawheed is equally active, frequently organizing outdoor games for women.
Regrettably, some so-called ulama have declared all sports as haram, spreading misinformation about Hezbut Tawheed's sports initiatives. However, Islam encourages physical exercise due to its numerous benefits. Islam condemns laziness and idleness. Hadiths indicate that Allah favors active, vibrant, and strong believers. The Messenger of Allah organized various sports competitions in front of Masjid al-Nabawi and awarded winners in wrestling, archery, and horse racing. He also participated in these events. However, the Messenger of Allah forbade games that foster introversion, unhealthy competition, financial transactions, gambling, or betting. Emulating the Messenger’s example, Hezbut Tawheed discourages indoor entertainment and sports.
The founder of Hezbut Tawheed, Imamuzzaman Mohammad Bayazeed Khan Panni, was a national-level sportsman. At 14, he hunted a crocodile, and at 17, a man-eating tiger. He excelled in football, kabaddi, and yoga. In 1956, he won a rifle shooting competition and was selected for the Pakistan team in the World Olympic Championship in Melbourne, Australia.
To promote kabaddi, the national sport of Bangladesh, he established the 'Tawheed Kabaddi Team,' organizing numerous tournaments nationwide. The Tawheed Kabaddi Team has succeeded in various tournaments as a member of the National Kabaddi Federation. Honorable Imam Hossain Mohammad Salim continued this legacy by founding the Pinnacle Sports Association, creating 55 sports organizations across the country. Annual football, kabaddi, badminton tournaments, and marathon competitions are organized. Each year, over a hundred tournaments are held nationwide as part of Hezbut Tawheed's initiatives. Members also participate in self-defense sports like wushu, kushu, and karate, showcasing their skills at events under the Bangladesh Kushu Federation.
In conclusion, Hezbut Tawheed plays a vital role in enhancing the physical and mental well-being of the nation’s youth, nurturing qualities such as unity, discipline, loyalty, punctuality, perseverance, regularity, brotherhood, leadership, compassion, and harmony. Sports and physical activities are indispensable for shielding youth from negative influences and fostering an ideological renaissance among them. Hezbut Tawheed is dedicated to guiding misguided youth back to the right path.



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