Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence.

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Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence. Anti-racist campaign in defense of human rights✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾

For just over three months, the campaign “Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing ...

For just over three months, the campaign “Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental health of the black population residing in favelas in Brazil”, held a series of dialogues about systematic human rights violations, especially addressing the human right to mental health of black populations that live in marginalized areas of Brazilian cities. The campaign started on May and lasted until October, under the general coordination of Prof. Dr. Ulisses Terto Neto, with the communicational support of Joaquim Cantanhêde, Mayrla Frazão, Luciano Rodrigues Castro, Julia Machado and André Roberto Neves.

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The campaign “Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental health of the ...

The campaign “Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental health of the black population residing in favelas in Brazil!” promoted, on September 6, the 2nd virtual event with the theme: “State violence, militarized policing and mental health in Brazil”, which included the participation of human rights defenders such as Monique Cruz, researcher and Social Worker , Ana Paula Oliveira, from the Mães de Manguinhos movement and Professor Siobhan Wills, with the moderation of Professor Ulisses Terto Neto, campaign coordinator.

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“My son would be turning 25 years old, if he hadn't been murdered, shot in the back, fired by a police officer from the ...

“My son would be turning 25 years old, if he hadn't been murdered, shot in the back, fired by a police officer from the Military Police, stationed at the UPP (Pacifying Police Unit) in Manguinhos (Rio de Janeiro), in 2014”, reports Ana Paula Oliveira, in reference to Johnatha de Oliveira Lima, who died on May 14 of that year.

From maternal stories, marked by police violence and mourning transformed into struggle, the 'Mães de Maguinhos' was formed, in which Ana Paula does her part. Her pain is one of the voices echoed in the documentary “While I'm Alive: Resistance to Police Violence in Rio”, co-produced and co-directed by Cahal McLaughlin and Siobhán Wills. September is the month scheduled for the documentary’s launch, via Zoom, as part of the campaign "Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental health of the black population residing in favelas in Brazil”.

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2nd virtual event postponed: see new date and panelists Our 2nd virtual event that would take place on August 30th will ...

2nd virtual event postponed: see new date and panelists

Our 2nd virtual event that would take place on August 30th will be postponed to Tuesday, September 6th, with a change, too, in our panel, which will be composed by Ana Paula, from the group Mães de Manguinhos, Prof. Dr. Siobhan Wills, Monique Cruz, from the NGO Justiça Global and Prof. Dr. Ulisses Terto Neto, campaign coordinator.

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_  State violenc...
State violence, militarized policing and mental health in Brazil. These and other topics will be addressed at the 2nd virtual event promoted by the campaign “Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental health of the black population residing in favelas in Brazil”, which will feature the participation of interlocutors such as Ana Paula Oliveira, a black woman human rights defender and one of the leaders of the Mães de Manguinhos movement, Prof. Dr. Siobhan Wills (Ulster University, UK), Prof. Dr. Luciana Dias (PPGIDH-UFG), with the moderation of Prof. Dr. Ulisses Terto Neto (UEG, PPGIDH-UFG and Ulster University), general coordinator of the campaign.

The event is a joint realization by the research group on Human Rights, Education and Public Policies at the Goiás State University, Ulster University, the Maranhense Society for Human Rights, and the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Human Rights at the Federal University of Goiás, and will take place on August 30, at 10 am Brasília time and 2 pm London time. There will be simultaneous translation and broadcast on the channel “Pensar Direitos Humanos-UFG”. Join us!

Violência de Estado, policiamento militarizado e saúde mental no Brasil - online. Confira eventos e cursos online na Sympla!

State violence, militarized policing and mental health in Brazil. These and other topics will be addressed at the 2nd vi...

State violence, militarized policing and mental health in Brazil. These and other topics will be addressed at the 2nd virtual event promoted by the campaign “Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental health of the black population residing in favelas in Brazil”, which will feature the participation of interlocutors such as Ana Paula Oliveira, a black woman human rights defender and one of the leaders of the Mães de Manguinhos movement, Prof. Dr. Siobhan Wills (Ulster University, UK), Prof. Dr. Luciana Dias (PPGIDH-UFG), with the moderation of Prof. Dr. Ulisses Terto Neto (UEG, PPGIDH-UFG and Ulster University), general coordinator of the campaign.

The event is a joint realization by the research group on Human Rights, Education and Public Policies at the Goiás State University, Ulster University, the Maranhense Society for Human Rights, and the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Human Rights at the Federal University of Goiás, and will take place on August 30, at 10 am Brasília time and 2 pm London time. There will be simultaneous translation and broadcast on the channel “Pensar Direitos Humanos-UFG”. Join us!

In addition to dealing with the lack of public policies, on the part of the state, that work on mental health and public...

In addition to dealing with the lack of public policies, on the part of the state, that work on mental health and public safety in the communities, the documentary brings as a backdrop the militarized police violence in Brazil, a well-known phenomenon. Its most immediate consequence is the murder of a specific portion of the Brazilian population: predominantly black and poor young people who inhabit marginalized regions, such as the favelas, die. Echoing this project is part of the Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental health of the black population residing in favelas in Brazil, as pointed out by Prof. Dr. Ulisses Terto Neto, general campaign coordinator:

“We live in difficult times. Conservative forces, now realigned under neo-fascist ideology, have been destroying Brazilian democratic institutions. A direct effect is the increase in police violence directed at the Afro-Brazilian population residing in marginalized communities such as favelas. This generates, among other things, a violation of their human right to mental health. Therefore, the documentary “It Marked My Life A Lot” contributes to the public debate and, in this sense, is characterized as very useful for the objectives of the campaign ““Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental health of the black population residing in favelas in Brazil”, mainly because it exposes a serious problem and pressures the authorities to face the issue of militarized police violence against black women and men in the country”, stressed Ulisses Terto Neto.

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Daily police violence, combined with social inequality, destroys the mental health of a large part of the population liv...

Daily police violence, combined with social inequality, destroys the mental health of a large part of the population living in Complexo da Maré, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This is what the research Construindo Pontes, organized by the Redes da Maré movement together with the People’s Palace Project, a department of the Queen Mary University of London, says.

The study, carried out with 1,411 residents of Complexo da Maré, one of the largest favelas in Rio de Janeiro, concludes that almost a third of the adult population in the region has their mental health affected by police violence.

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This month [july], the campaign "Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the me...

This month [july], the campaign "Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental health of the black population residing in favelas in Brazil” showed the effects of militarized police violence on the relations of black men and women in society. It also reverberated the campaign’s side event to the UN Rights Council, brought up a survey carried out by the Brazilian Public Security Yearbook, which points to the black population as the main target of violence in the country, and emphasized the key role played by human rights defenders in resisting police violence, through the text by Diogo Cabral, a human rights defender and popular lawyer from Maranhão, Brazil.

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The campaign "Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental health of the ...

The campaign "Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental health of the black population residing in favelas in Brazil” warns about the physical and mental illness of those residing in the favelas of Brazil. As these regions are taken by the State as a public security “problem”, the action of the militarized police results not only in the already known deaths and disappearances, but also in less discussed impacts on the mental health of the mothers and relatives of the direct victims.

Photo: Bruno Itan/Olhar Complexo

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Giving visibility and promoting debates about the Human Rights of this population is part of the campaign "Afro-Brazilia...

Giving visibility and promoting debates about the Human Rights of this population is part of the campaign "Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental health of the black population residing in favelas in Brazil”. Through it, we attempt to guide the debates about the systematic violations of human rights (especially the human right to mental health) perpetuated against black populations that inhabit marginalized areas of Brazilian cities, such as favelas. As these regions are taken by the State as a public security “problem”, the action of the militarized police results not only in the already known deaths and disappearances, but also in less discussed impacts on the mental health of the mothers and relatives of the direct victims.

Access our website and find out more! (Link to bio).

The campaign "Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental health of the ...

The campaign "Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental health of the black population residing in favelas in Brazil” supports the act in memory of the boy Maicon, killed by the police in Acari (RJ, Brazil) at the age of 2 and in repudiation to militarized police violence in the favelas. The act takes place this Monday (18), at Av. Marechal Câmara 370, Castelo, Rio de Janeiro, and is organized by resistance groups that tirelessly fight against the state violence that plagues families living in favelas. Please, give your support! Please, Take part on it!

On the morning of last Tuesday (12), six people were murdered in Manguinhos, North Zone of Rio, in a police action that ...

On the morning of last Tuesday (12), six people were murdered in Manguinhos, North Zone of Rio, in a police action that reproduces a pattern of violence and lethality of the Brazilian State, against the lives of populations that occupy territories of Brazilian favelas and peripheries. In Manguinhos, as in other favelas in Brazil, there are countless reports from survivors, especially from those who are at the forefront in confronting and resisting the militarized police violence.

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The campaign "Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental health of the ...

The campaign "Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental health of the black population residing in favelas in Brazil” continues to bring important debates about the physical and mental conditions of the population living in favelas, especially in the face of militarized violence against blacks, who according to the Institute of Applied Economic Research (Ipea) are the majority in the periphery. This campaign will run from May to September 2022 and your attention and support are of great importance for us to broaden the debate.

This is echoed by Diogo Cabral, human rights defender and popular lawyer of Bom Acerto community (MA), in the article “Human Rights Defenders in Resistance to Live - Contemporary Brazil at War against those who Fight for Rights”. In his article, Diogo highlights serious human rights violations and points out, based on strong data, the high homicide rates of the black population in the country.

The article “Human Rights Defenders in Resistance to Live - Contemporary Brazil at War against those who Fight for Rights” by Diogo Cabral is available in our website:

In relation to killings by the police, the difference is amplified. Data from the yearbook reveal that 84.1% of the targ...

In relation to killings by the police, the difference is amplified. Data from the yearbook reveal that 84.1% of the targets are black. It is important to highlight that this index, in relation to the white population, dropped by 31% in 2021, but there was an increase of 5.87% among blacks, based on the previous year.

In contexts of profound violence exerted on black bodies, mental illness is real and dialogue about it is urgent. The campaign “Afro-descendants Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental health of the black population living in favelas in Brazil” is part of this reflection on the different ways in which militarized violence crosses the population in Brazil, exposing the weight of this violence on the minds of those blacks who live in favelas.

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It is part of the campaign "Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental ...

It is part of the campaign "Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental health of the black population residing in favelas in Brazil” to encourage debate and raise awareness about the human right to mental health of this group, commonly victims of police violence in the periphery. With this, our campaign promoted, on 21 June 2022, an event parallel to the sessions of the UN Human Rights Council, through the digital platform Zoom, which had the presence of interlocutors acting in the fights for human rights and who are closely aware of the weight of police violence and its direct impact on the emotional health of the black population.

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Campaign Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental health of the black...

Campaign Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental health of the black population residing in favelas in Brazil.

Reflecting on the different ways in which militarized violence crosses the black population is urgent; and one of the impacts of this action falls on the personal construction of the black person with themselves and with the other and in their way of seeing and feeling affection. After all, resisting is not just fighting, it's rebuilding yourself. And this is directly related to the health of the mind. In this way, the campaign Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental health of the black population residing in favelas in Brazil exposes the weight of this violence on the minds of those black people residing in favelas.

Picture: Ceará Criolo

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Reflecting and debating on the role of the State as well as on the human rights to life and to mental health of the blac...

Reflecting and debating on the role of the State as well as on the human rights to life and to mental health of the black population, who predominantly occupy favelas throughout Brazil, is the background of the campaign Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental health of the black population residing in favelas in Brazil, which takes place from May to September 2022.

This Brazilian militarized violence is a well-known phenomenon. Its most immediate consequence is the murder of a specific portion of the Brazilian population: predominantly black and poor young people who inhabit marginalized regions, such as the favelas, die. Less talked about, however, are the lasting effects on those who stay behind.

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The campaign Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental health of the b...

The campaign Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental health of the black population residing in favelas in Brazil, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Ulisses Terto Neto, has the support of the Maranhense Society of Human Rights (SMDH), the Research Group "Human Rights, Education and Public Policies" at the State University of Goiás (Brazil) and Ulster University (UK).

The project has the graphic art of André Roberto Neves, also the coordination, in the area of communication, of Joaquim Cantanhêde, Mayrla Frazão and Luciano Rodrigues, having as Manager of Social Media, Júlia Machado.

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The campaign Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental health of the b...

The campaign Afro-Brazilians Resisting Police Violence: the impact of militarized policing on the mental health of the black population residing in favelas in Brazil – aims to shed light on the resistance to the systemic violations of human rights, especially the right to mental health, perpetrated by the police against the black population living in marginalized communities. Framed by the Brazilian State as an “issue of public security”, the action of the military police has as an outcome not only the notorious deaths and disappearances, but less debated impacts on the mental health of mothers and relatives of the victims.

Illness manifests itself in many ways: depression, anxiety and sometimes even the death of those mothers and relatives. The main people affected are black women who have lost their children, husbands and fathers. The human rights to life and mental health are thus violated.

Aiming to foster a debate about the impact of police violence on the mental health of the black population residing in favelas as well as affirm the human right to mental health, our campaign takes as interlocutors the movements of mothers and relatives of victims of police violence, especially the collective Mothers of Manguinhos. Bringing their knowledge and affects to the forefront, our campaign will unfold between May and September 2022.

Through our e-mail and social media, we will raise awareness over themes rarely taken seriously by the Brazilian State. We will also host events such as webinars and the launching of a short film in September 2022.

Image description: In the photo, the image of Ana Paula Oliveira, a black woman, human rights defender, and one of the leaders of the Mães de Manguinhos movement, with a microphone in her hand crying out for justice for her son Johnatha de Oliveira Lima, 19, murdered by the police in Manguinhos in 2014




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