YSJ Classic Season 3
The boys are back and badder than ever. Watch as these people try to hit a little white ball and chase it. Let's have some fun!
Planning another tournament for August hopefully! More details coming soon! If you’re a player who would like to compete please let me know!
I will also be looking for sponsors as this will be a memorial tournament with proceeds being donated.
Dixon Pride 2PM-10PM
Tune in LIVE for Sauk Valley Pride in Dixon, IL! LIVE interviews with coming out stories to celebrate Pride month! Come out to the booth and enter to win a $25 gift card for Arthur's/Don Pedro's! Also test your skill at Mario Bros. 3! Fastest to beat level 1 wins a special editions Funko Pop Pride harley Quinn!
Coming up this Saturday, June 15th! Dixon Pride at Page Park in Dixon, IL! 2PM-10PM. Check out Sauk Valley Pride for more info!
I will be one of the vendors at this years festival! If you’d like to share your story of coming out stop by the tent and share! I am looking for short (5-10 minute) interviews that I will be turning into a compilation as a special episode!
Just look for the big orange banner!
Sauk Valley Pride 2024
Sam, Val, Gabby, & Noah (AKA- Barbara Busch Light) with Sauk Valley Pride join me on the pod as we get a sneak peek into Dixon Pride 2024, coming up June 15th!
Rock River Riders Motorcycle Club/Father's Day Hill Climb
Join me today on the pod as Tiffany, Ed, & Justin from Rock River Riders Motorcycle Club talk to us about the upcoming Father's Day Hill Climb coming up June 16th in Oregon, IL!
Shinny's! Pinball, Vintage Arcade Games, & Golf Simulator
Join me for a special episode LIVE at Shinny's in Dixon, IL. Owner Ryan Marshall gives us a look into Dixon's newest hotspot! If you're in to Pinball, Classic Arcade Games, or even Golf Sims you do NOT want to miss this!
The top two teams took it to a game 2, round 11! Blitz Boys taking it over 901 City Boys!
Test Stream
Test stream for Duos Tourney.
Check out the new group for Ogle County, New & Improved - What’s Up OGLE COUNTY!!! Join & Share!