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Hey fbf,Please donate to this gofundme if you can. My cousin unexpectedly lost his wife this week, and is looking for an...

Hey fbf,

Please donate to this gofundme if you can. My cousin unexpectedly lost his wife this week, and is looking for any type if assistance to cover the funeral expenses. Every little bit helps. If you have any questions, please reach out to me.

On Tuesday Morning June 6th, Antony Steele Sr. was informed that he los… Antony Steele Jr needs your support for Tashona Steele’s Funeral Expenses and Family

Hey Family,I am pleased to announce the return of my podcast which is called the Fall To Rise Podcast on Saturday April ...

Hey Family,

I am pleased to announce the return of my podcast which is called the Fall To Rise Podcast on Saturday April 1st, 2023 at a special time of 7:00 PM Est. This week's topic is, Do Black Women Protected By Black Men (Why or Why Not). This a show that I have been wanting to for a while, and through quite a few rescheduled episodes we are finally set for next Saturday. The goal of this episode is to finally get some answers on this age old question, and to hopefully find a resolution. To view this episode live, please follow the link below, or please watch us on the Fall To Rise Podcast YouTube page. I look forward to seeing you all next week.

Topic: Do Black Women Feel Protected By Black Men

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Meeting ID: 806 930 0961


I just looked at my friends list, and I realized that I have lost at least 39 people in the past 10 years, and a few more that have been stricked with medical issues that have changed their lives for the worst, including strokes, aneurysms, lupus, MS, heart attacks, cancer, and losing the ability to walk, talk, or communicate. Most of these people were not sick, and a large portion of them didn't even make it 40. When I look at these numbers it serves as a reminder to cherish every moment. It's easy to get caught up with things in life, but we should really ask ourselves if they are really worth it. Ask yourself if you have been kind to others, have you been kind to yourself, have you made yourself happy, are you happy right now, are you living the live that you want, if not why, the final question should be if your life ends tomorrow are you happy with how you've lived it. We only have limited time here on this earth, and we should ask ourselves what have we done with our time thus far, what are we doing with it now, and what are we going to do in the future. Every one of those people that I mentioned earlier thought that they had more time, please don't make that same mistake. As long as you are breathing you can change your life for the better. People always question what the purpose of life is, I think that the answer is LIVE IT.

Hey FBF,I would like to first thank everyone that attended or viewed the replay of the return episode of the Fall To Ris...

Hey FBF,

I would like to first thank everyone that attended or viewed the replay of the return episode of the Fall To Rise Podcast. This week we are back with my guest Real Estate Paralegal Terri Artis, and the topic will be Understanding Real Estate. On this episode we will discuss home buying tips, what to look for when buying a home, your rights as a home buyer, available grants, and other information that may save you money when purchasing a home. This episode will debut on Saturday March 11th, 2023 at 12:00 PM Est. This episode can be viewed live on the Fall To Rise Podcast YouTube channel, or @ the link below. If there are any questions or comment, please contact us @ the Fall to Rise PodcastFacebook or Instagram pages, or @Gmail.Com. Please subscribe, like, and share the Fall To Rise Podcast Youtube page.


Topic: Fall To Rise Podcast
Time: Mar 11, 2023 12:00 PM Eastern Time

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Meeting ID: 806 930 0961

Hey Fbf,I am pleased to announce the release of the recording of last week's return episode of the Fall To Rise Podcast....

Hey Fbf,

I am pleased to announce the release of the recording of last week's return episode of the Fall To Rise Podcast. On this episode, the topic was African Spirituality VS. American Religion. I was fortunate to have my guests Tengy Mpila and Nguru Wa Maina, the hosts of By Africans For Africans return for another installment of the African VS. African American series. I was also fortunate to have High Chief Jason Gray to appear on the show for the first time ever. We discussed the misconceptions of African Spirituality, and how it has helped us throughout history, especially when Haiti defeated Napoleon and the French. We also discussed with our guests, their past experiences with being Christian and Muslim. Please watch, like, and subscribe to this educational, entertaining, and at times controversial episode. As always, if you want to contact us here at the Fall To Rise Podcast, please reach on the Fall To Rise Podcast Facebook and Instagram pages, or you can email us [email protected].

I am pleased to announce that after one year the Fall To Rise Podcast has returned. On this episode we discussed African Spirituality VS. American Religion. ...

Hey Fbf,TODAY WE ARE BACK at 12:00 PM Est.. After a year of being away, the Fall To Rise Podcast Returns. Please follow ...

Hey Fbf,

TODAY WE ARE BACK at 12:00 PM Est.. After a year of being away, the Fall To Rise Podcast Returns. Please follow the link below for access.

I am pleased to announce that after one year the Fall To Rise Podcast will be returning on February 25th, 2023 at 12:00 PM est. My guests will be all the way from Nairobi, Kenya, the hosts of By Africans For Africans Tengy Mpila and Nguru Wa Maina, and High Chief Jason Gray. On this episode we will discuss African Spirituality VS. American Religion. Please join us for this open, honest, and educational discussion. This show can be viewed live on Zoom or YouTube by following the links below. If there are any questions, please dm us or email at [email protected]. I look forward to seeing you all there.

Topic: Fall To Rise Podcast
Time: Feb 25, 2023 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 806 930 0961
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Meeting ID: 806 930 0961
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If you want to know what's wrong with today's society think of this, people are finding more fame and influence for creating controversy and pushing narratives that we all know are false because they create sensationalism, than they are for promoting peace, love, and harmony. Always remember that chaos and confusion are usually promoted for a reason. Don't fall victim to this. Always remember that what is real is real, no matter how much others try to convince you that it is fake, and what is fake is fake, no matter how much they try to convince you that it's real. Trust yourself, the truth is already within, and they can't change that, they can only teach you not to believe yourself. May you all find the peace that you seek, and may you have the courage to seek it.


Don't confuse the loudest one in the room with the most powerful one. They are usually not the same person.


In life we sometime focus too much on what was and, what we want it to be, instead of what is. Widen your gaze. See all that life has to offer.

Hey Fbf,I am pleased to announce that after one year the Fall To Rise Podcast will be returning on February 25th, 2023 a...

Hey Fbf,

I am pleased to announce that after one year the Fall To Rise Podcast will be returning on February 25th, 2023 at 12:00 PM est. My guests will be all the way from Nairobi, Kenya, the hosts of By Africans For Africans Tengy Mpila and Nguru Wa Maina, and High Chief Jason Gray. On this episode we will discuss African Spirituality VS. American Religion. Please join us for this open, honest, and educational discussion. This show can be viewed live on Zoom or YouTube by following the links below. If there are any questions, please dm us or email at [email protected]. I look forward to seeing you all there.

Topic: Fall To Rise Podcast
Time: Feb 25, 2023 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 806 930 0961
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,8069300961 # US (Chicago)
+16469313860,,8069300961 # US

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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
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+1 309 205 3325 US
+1 386 347 5053 US
+1 507 473 4847 US
+1 564 217 2000 US
+1 669 444 9171 US
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 689 278 1000 US
+1 719 359 4580 US
+1 253 205 0468 US
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 360 209 5623 US
Meeting ID: 806 930 0961
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kezlc8IIKj


Is coming back soon.

Is coming back soon.

Hey Fbf,Below is the newest episode of the Xtreme Truth Podcast. In this episode we discussed the things that men go thr...

Hey Fbf,

Below is the newest episode of the Xtreme Truth Podcast. In this episode we discussed the things that men go through privately. We discussed men's vulnerabilities, insecurities, and our private pain. Please check out this amazing episode. This episode gave men the chance to be honest in a judgement free zone, and gave women the better understand what goes on in the mind of a man.


Xtreme Truth Podcast goes deep into discussion of what black men go through in society in America.


We are not a monolith. Don't let others tell you that you have to find a certain mold, because of your status, affiliations, organization, race, or lifestyle. No one person can speak for an entire group. Any way that you choose to live your life is exactly how you're supposed to be. Don't lose parts of yourself trying to fit in. Think of it this way, imagine that you're a square peg, and you're told that you have to fit into a round hole in order to be accepted. If you keep grinding, squeezing, and forcing your way in, you will eventually fit. Once you fit you will find that you're uncomfortable, and you had to shave off your edges which make you unique, just to fit into a place that is you were never supposed to be in. You will hurt everyday until you adapt, compromise yourself, and eventually accept giving up on what makes you unique to fit in. Once you have given these things up you become just another round peg that once had an edge. Don't give up your edge, be different, be you, be happy.


People are dying these days without the opportunity to give their last words or say goodbye. Cherish each other, but more importantly cherish every moment like it's your last, because you don't know when it could be.


Don’t ever let anyone make you question your self-worth. Their opinions of you are meaningless. Most times when people are attacking you, whether it be physically, mentally, or emotionally, they are attacking something that they fear in you or hate about themselves. Don’t waste your time hating these people, you should instead pity them. They a fighting a battle within themselves that is so big, that the only way that they can deal will it is make to make you feel the anguish that they feel inside. Always remember, if someone has to pull you down, you’re already above them.


Be intentional about what you want in life, but also take the time to understand why you want it. If you want something just because people say that should have it, or because it’s filling a long term hole in your life, leave it alone. If you follow that path you will never be happy. You need figure out what’s missing from your life or path, and what your path is on your own. Nothing that you can buy, or situation that you force yourself into will be able to provide that. I’ve met a lot of people that have gotten into marriages, jobs, or organizations to find meaning in their lives. If those things are what give meaning or purpose, you’ve made your life meaningless. If you need those things to be somebody, then you are nobody without them. FOCUS on YOU. Once you focus on what truly makes you happy, and brings you peace, the universe will do the rest of the work for you, and will attract what you need.


I'm finally back from my vacation, and I'm sooo happy that I took it. It gave me a mental break, and spiritual reset that I needed. The most important thing it showed me was how important peace is. It becomes so addicting to normalize drama, anger, hatred, and unhappiness that we begin to think that life is supposed to be that way. IT IS NOT. A brother that I met in my trip said something that was very profound to me, he said that we all have an expiration date that we can't change, the only thing that we can change is the quality of life of until we get there. There is a lot negative energy around mostly from people that seeking the peace that we are all seeking. Don't engage with that negative energy, instead figure out what gives you peace. Like me, for some finding your peace may require to you to leave you current situation (home, country, relationship, career, friendship, etc...), but when you do it is definitely worth it. While on vacation I saw a horse running in a field that had no harness, wasn't in a farm, wasn't branded, and had no owner. He was just free. After seeing this I cried for the first time in a long time. I realized that a lot of us wish that we could have the freedom of that horse. How many of us are harnessed by things in life, how many of us being forced to work a farm that we don't want to, and how many of us forced to wear a brand or label that we don't want to wear, because it's not who we truly are. If you take nothing else from what I said here, please take this, find your peace. Learn the difference between what brings you peace, and what distracts you from your sadness


I'm finally back from my vacation, and I'm sooo happy that I took it. It gave me a mental break, and spiritual reset that I needed. The most important thing it showed me was how important peace is. It becomes so addicting to normalize drama, anger, hatred, and unhappiness that we begin to think that life is supposed to be that way. IT IS NOT. A brother that I met in my trip said something that was very profound to me, he said that we all have an expiration date that we can't change, the only thing that we can change is the quality of life of until we get there. There is a lot negative energy around mostly from people that seeking the peace that we are all seeking. Don't engage with that negative energy, instead figure out what gives you peace. Like me, for some finding your peace may require to you to leave you current situation (home, country, relationship, career, friendship, etc...), but when you do it is definitely worth it. While on vacation I saw a horse running in a field that had no harness, wasn't in a farm, wasn't branded, and had no owner. He was just free. After seeing this I cried for the first time in a long time. I realized that a lot of us wish that we could have the freedom of that horse. How many of us are harnessed by things in life, how many of us being forced to work a farm that we don't want to, and how many of us forced to wear a brand or label that we don't want to wear, because it's not who we truly are. If you take nothing else from what I said here, please take this, find your peace. Learn the difference between what brings you peace, and what distracts you from your sadness.

This Monday's show had an epic discussion, and you'll want to check out how many different views there are from so many ...

This Monday's show had an epic discussion, and you'll want to check out how many different views there are from so many different people on such an important topic. Xtreme Truth Podcast presents our Social Topic of the Week from episode 01/24/2022: What Destroyed The Black Family Structure? Check out the episode, please subscribe to our YouTube page, hit the notify bell, and leave comments below because we want to let your voices be heard!!!





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