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Kindness Counts Our main goal is report and publicize acts of human kindness.

He always wanted a puppy. Bryson Kliemann also loved his Pokemon cards. He started collecting them at age 4, which for h...

He always wanted a puppy. Bryson Kliemann also loved his Pokemon cards. He started collecting them at age 4, which for him was half a lifetime ago.

When a friend's dog had puppies he adopted one of them and Bryson's happiness was complete. He had both a puppy and his Pokemon cards. Then the puppy became sick and the vet told the family it was going to need to be hospitalized and it wouldn't be cheap.

Bryson's parents told him this was expensive and they'd try to figure out how to pay for it. Bryson had an idea. He put a stand up outside with his Pokemon cards all for sale, so he could pay to save his puppies life.

Curious neighbors found out why Bryson was selling his cards. Some started handing him money. Some came over with Pokemon cards they had to replenish his supply. Word spread and money started coming in. The Pokemon company heard about it and sent Bryson some rare cards for his collection.

So much money came in that Bryson was able to treat his beloved puppy as well as pay for the medical care of four other dogs.

When Bryson, an 8-year-old boy from Lebanon, Virginia, adopted Bruce, a now 4-month-old black lab mix puppy, they quickly became best friends.

Kamaljeet and Sukhi Dhaliwal moved to Millicent, Australia and stood out, they were people from India living there. Sukh...

Kamaljeet and Sukhi Dhaliwal moved to Millicent, Australia and stood out, they were people from India living there. Sukhi opened a restaurant and noticed people would pick through the garbage looking for food. He spoke to his local grocery store and they together with his restaurant formed a partnership.

The grocery gave Dhaliwal food and his restaurant prepared ready made dinners. These were put in a refrigerator at the grocery store where locals who were hungry could pick up a meal, no questions asked.

Millicent business owner Sukhi Dhaliwal is creating dozens of delicious meals for hungry locals, thanks to a partnership with a local grocer.

𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙉𝙤 𝘼𝙘𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙆𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙂𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙒𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙋𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙝Louis Goffinet knew people who were struggling to buy food during the...

𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙉𝙤 𝘼𝙘𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙆𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙂𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙒𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙋𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙝
Louis Goffinet knew people who were struggling to buy food during the pandemic, in my old Connecticut neighborhood, so he did what any decent person would do. He decided to help and he asked his friends to help him buy food for these food. His request went viral and he raised $30,000+ for these people.

He made over 130 grocery store trips buying food for others. Now the IRS swoops in and wants to punish him to the tune $16,031 in taxes for daring to raise money for others. Of course, financial gifts to needy neighbors are taxable but donations to politicians are not—after all politicians write the tax laws.

Louis Goffinet, a middle school science teacher in Connecticut, said he never thought his volunteer grocery effort would get so big.

A young man was buying an engagement ring for his bride-to-be. He just couldn't afford it so he was speaking to the cler...

A young man was buying an engagement ring for his bride-to-be. He just couldn't afford it so he was speaking to the clerk about a payment plan for it. Also in the store is former NBA star Shaquille O'Neal who on hearing what was happening pulls out his credit card to pay for the ring in full for the young man.

Shaquille O'Neal was out shopping in Atlanta when he saw a man buying an engagement ring. The NBA great decided to buy it for him – and the gesture was caugh...

Twenty-one years ago Danny Stewart rushed to catched the subway when he stumbled across a bundle that changed his life.

Twenty-one years ago Danny Stewart rushed to catched the subway when he stumbled across a bundle that changed his life.

Danny Stewart saw something on the floor of an NY subway station - soon he would treasure it more than anything.

Max Woosey, 11, was given a tent by his 74-year-old neighbor shortly before the man died of cancer. The British youngste...

Max Woosey, 11, was given a tent by his 74-year-old neighbor shortly before the man died of cancer. The British youngster decided to raise money for the hospice where his friend was cared for in his last days and so he asked people to donate on the promise that he'd spend one year sleeping in the tent every night.

Now thousands of other kids are joining him for the last night in their own tents.

So far Max has raised £440,000 or over $600,000!

An 11-year-old boy has raised £440,000 (€513,174) for a hospice by sleeping in his garden for a whole year. Max Woosey, 11, has stayed in a tent every single night since March 28, 2020 – and all over Christmas, on his birthday, and even braving the winter storms.

𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐫You will remember the story of the older Asian woman who was attacked in San Francisco and used a board to d...

𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐫

You will remember the story of the older Asian woman who was attacked in San Francisco and used a board to defend herself sending her young attacker to the hospital.

Xiao Zhen Xie, 75, was attacked and described the attacker this way, "He bullies old people." She ended up with two black eyes, PTSD and a swollen wrist and it afraid to go out now. Her family sought $50,000 in donations to help with medical costs and the like.

They received $949,000 instead. (It's gone up since the news report.) The granddaughter posted, " My heart is with all the other elderly asians that has also been seriously injured or killed in this wave of attacks towards the asian community."

Well, grandma has put her foot down: "She also stated multiple times to donate all the funds generated in this GoFundMe back to the Asian American community to combat racism. She insists on making this decision saying this issue is bigger than Her. This is my grandma, grandpa, and our family’s decision. We hope everyone can understand our decision.

Good for grandma!

A 75-year-old Asian woman who was attacked in the street is taking the nearly $1 million donated for her medical bills and using it to combat racism, her family says.


Simple act of kindness: student pays off school lunch debtYou hear a lot about bullying and other social problems in schools.But it just takes one student to...

In Florida, a waitress became concerned when a family sat down to eat. Two adults and two children were seated at the ta...

In Florida, a waitress became concerned when a family sat down to eat. Two adults and two children were seated at the table when she noticed the 11-year-old boy had bruises and cuts on him. When it came time to order food, the adults and a 4-year-old girl had food ordered but the boy was forbidden to eat by the adults.

The boy was seated across the adults so she stood behind them and held up a sign asking him if he was okay, or in need of help. He didn't respond the first time but the second time she tried he briefly nodded yes and Flavaine Carvalho, the waitress, went to call police.

Police interviewed the boy and found him bruised and beaten by regular abuse. He was frequently not given food and was handcuffed or tied up. Investigation showed a long history of physical abuse, all of which stopped because Ms. Carvalho became concerned and called police.

As server Flavaine Carvalho waited on a family of four, she saw signs that something possibly wasn't quite right with the young boy. And she decided to ask a question that police said potentially saved his life: "Do you need help?" On New Year's Day, Timothy Wilson II, Kristen Swann, an unknown fami...

Facebook has made it impossible to continue many groups by allowing harassment of the pages and false reports. They shut...

Facebook has made it impossible to continue many groups by allowing harassment of the pages and false reports. They shut this page down as violating "community standards" without specifying how it did. We are thus reluctant to post anything anymore and do most our posts on other sites now. Our apologies. Here is a story about a whole town showing kindness to a little boy abandoned by his mother.

Hinckley police and Medina County Job and Family Services are continuing their investigation into the circumstances that led to a little boy and his dog bein...


Derlin Newey, 89, discovered social security isn't much security. So he started delivering pizza 30 hours a week.

He delivered to the Valdez family, who have some following on TikTok and they filmed this kind, older man chatting with them. People who watched on TikTok were surprised someone Newey's age was having to work. So a fundraising effort was started and TikTok viewers donated just over $12,000 for Newey, who had no idea it was happening.

Diego Méntrida was competing in the Santander Triathlon in Barcelona and head for a 4th place finished behind British co...

Diego Méntrida was competing in the Santander Triathlon in Barcelona and head for a 4th place finished behind British contender James Teagle. Near the very end of the course Teagle accidentally continued straight as the course turned and that put Méntrida into a guaranteed 3rd place finish. Méntrida saw what happened and turned to look at Teagle and then, just before the finish line, he stopped and waited for Teagle to catch up, he shook his hand and waited for him to finish the race before crossing the line himself.

Méntrida said of Teagle, "He deserved it." He also said this sort of thing was something he taught since he was a child, "In my view it should be a normal thing to do."

Race organizers responded by giving Méntrida a honorary third place finish and awarded the same cash prize that Teagle received as well.

El español Diego Méntrida batallaba mano a mano con el británico James Teagle por el tercer lugar del Triatlón de Santander cuando ocurrió un hecho inesperad...

Giselle Aviles of Texas was worried. Her father worked all day in the food truck he runs and total sales were $6.00. The...

Giselle Aviles of Texas was worried. Her father worked all day in the food truck he runs and total sales were $6.00. The pandemic was destroying his business and sales were way down.

She apologetically took to Twitter and said "I wouldn't normally do this, but my dad's tack truck business is struggling" she asked them people to visit the truck and share the tweet. In one day it was shared 2,000 times and better people found the truck and started ordering food. The first day he opened the truck people were already in line.

He got so busy he had to close twice that day, the first time to restock and then again later when he ran out of food. One report said a man offered to buy everything on the truck to be delivered to a hospital for workers. Kindness counts

When a young woman in Texas learned that her dad's small business was struggling during the pandemic, she made a heartwarming plea on Twitter asking people to help.

Ten year old Paxton Burns set up small kiosks with free food, no questions asked. The first went up when he was six, not...

Ten year old Paxton Burns set up small kiosks with free food, no questions asked. The first went up when he was six, not there are 75 of them.

(FILE VIDEO -- 2017) A Wichita family has installed a Blessing Box, sometimes called a little free pantry, outside their home. The project, they say, has "just taken off."

Today's Kindness Count's Hero is 6-year-old Bridger Walking in Wyoming. His younger sister was in the line of fire of a ...

Today's Kindness Count's Hero is 6-year-old Bridger Walking in Wyoming.

His younger sister was in the line of fire of a dog on the warpath and Bridger jumped in-between his sister and the animal. He was savaged by the dog but still took his sister by the hand and led her away. Bridger had over 90 stitches.

The family has turned away GoFundMe offers but said Bridger is a budding geologist interested in rocks and if you want to send him an interesting rock you can do so:

Bridger Walker
P.O. Box 22141
Cheyenne, WY 82003

A 6-year-old boy is being hailed as a “little hero” after he survived multiple dog bites while trying to save his younger sister.

Matt Casertano (15) and Dhruv Pai (16) were both helping their grandparents get groceries so the older relatives could s...

Matt Casertano (15) and Dhruv Pai (16) were both helping their grandparents get groceries so the older relatives could stay home and not risk exposure to the virus. The boys then realized that many older Americans don't have younger relatives who can help them so they encouraged friends to join them and formed Teens Helping Seniors.

Matt and Dhruv don't have driver's licenses so they either walk, bicycle or get a ride from their parents, but many of the teens who have helped form chapters do drive. In Montgomery County, Maryland—where the group started—they now have 250 volunteers.

They also deliver prescriptions and other needed items.

The two founders, who often walk or bike to grocery stores, have expanded their delivery service to 14 chapters nationwide.

Even during these troubling times, as it appears to many that the country is falling apart, there are those who do good ...

Even during these troubling times, as it appears to many that the country is falling apart, there are those who do good things.

One police officer got separated from the others and was suddenly alone facing protests over a police killing that had turned violent. A group of black protesters formed a line in front of him to protect him.

It was during the Great Potato Famine in Ireland when members of the Choctaw nation learned of the famine they gathered ...

It was during the Great Potato Famine in Ireland when members of the Choctaw nation learned of the famine they gathered together what they could and sent help to Ireland. It was a total of $170, or about $5000 in today's money.

As word spread of the suffering of Native Americans from the devastation of Covid-19 a GoFundMe page was established to help tribes deal with the disease and donors from Ireland flooded the site with gifts in appreciation of the kindness extended to them in 1847.

To date some $2.3 million has been raised.

It is in our rational self-interest to live in a world of kindness and for that to happen we too must be kind.

The Navajo Nation and Hopi Reservation are extreme food deserts with only 13 … Ethel Branch needs your support for Navajo & Hopi Families COVID-19 Relief Fund

I have a lot of respect for Sikhs, who are often involved in charitable enterprises even as ignorant bigots often harass...

I have a lot of respect for Sikhs, who are often involved in charitable enterprises even as ignorant bigots often harass them for being Muslim—the two religions are not related.

In Riverside, California the Sikh Mission and local members of their community are now serving 1,400 meals a day at the Sikh temple and has given out more than 40,000 meals int he last month to health care workers and people who are hungry. They are also sending meals to nursing homes and hospitals and have distributed 15,000 masks.

On the weekends they had out groceries. They deserve applause especially at a time when some are merely fighting for the right to spread a virus.

In Knoxville people have formed a Kindness Committee to help older neighbors during the pandemic. For those most at risk...

In Knoxville people have formed a Kindness Committee to help older neighbors during the pandemic. For those most at risk staying home is important so the Kindness Committee is running errands for them, doing shopping, etc., so they can stay home safely.

While people are social distancing and avoiding crowds due to COVID-19, neighborhoods are lending a helping hand to those with weak immune systems who may not be able to leave home. Kindness isn't canceled in the Old North Knoxville Historic District neighborhood. Neighbors are taking the phrase "lo...

Police say he can't be identified by name for legal reasons but a praising a 14-year-old Australian boy. The boy was on ...

Police say he can't be identified by name for legal reasons but a praising a 14-year-old Australian boy. The boy was on the school bus when he saw a man punching a woman.

Regardless that the man was much larger than him the boy told the man to stop assaulting the woman. The man turned and grabbed the boy by the throat which is when other bystanders finally intervened.

A boy who got off his school bus and stepped in after he allegedly witnessed a man punching a woman in the face is praised by police for his bravery in stopping the incident.

Meydi Guzman Rivas was just 16 when she was r***d by a gang in Honduras. The threat of it happening again and again is v...

Meydi Guzman Rivas was just 16 when she was r***d by a gang in Honduras. The threat of it happening again and again is very real and she and her father fled to seek asylum in the United States.

They made all their appointments with the paper pushing, uncaring bureaucrats at Immigration but there was confusion about one of those appointments. They didn't realize they missed it but there is no mercy from bureaucrats and they were arrested to be deported.

The other students at her high school decided they would take matters in their own hands and sent up a fund raiser to get Meydi out of immigration prison so she can finish high school, and hired an attorney for her.

Meidy Guzman’s release means returning to school, and possibly graduating with her classmates, while also seeking asylum and battling possible deportation.

Andi Bernabe turned 18 and his high school classmates did something special for him. Andi is transgender and has been wa...

Andi Bernabe turned 18 and his high school classmates did something special for him. Andi is transgender and has been wanting to legally change his name to Andrew.

His classmates threw a surprise party for him and gave him two gifts. The first was a birth certificate they drew up listing him as Andrew Bernabe and signed by all of the. The second was $300 they raised so he could legally change his name.

A TikTok video shows Andi Bernabe being surprised with a gender reveal-themed party and cash to file for an official name change.

This is one story with thousands and thousands of participants. Nine-year-old Quaden Bayles has a genetic condition caus...

This is one story with thousands and thousands of participants. Nine-year-old Quaden Bayles has a genetic condition causing dwarfism. His mother shared a video of the distraught boy breaking down and begging to die after he was relentlessly bullied at school. He kept yelling he wanted someone to stab him to death. In tears he told his mother "give me a rope, I want to kill myself."

Comedian Brad Williams has the same condition and suffered the same kind of inhumane bullying that is rampant in the public school system. He set up a GoFundMe page to raise $10,000 because he said he wanted to send Quaden to Disneyland to let him know that some people won't tolerate bullying.

They raised the $10,000 and then some... a lot some! The GoFundMe page says $394,662 at this moment but that's the UK GoFundMe so I'm not sure it thats actually dollars of pounds, which would be a bit more. It that's pounds then the amount raised exceeds $511,000 with almost 18,000 donors.

Williams says he overwhelmed and will make sure every penny goes to the cause. It will pay for the Disneyland trip, and he thinks they'll set up a college fund for Quaden and donate the rest of applicable charities.

9 year old Quaden is an amazing boy from Australia with dwarfism. One day when… Brad Williams needs your support for Let’s send a wonderful kid to Disneyland!

When patients went to the Urgent Care Clinic in Lincoln, Nebraska, Dr. Donald Rice had a surprise for them. Every patien...

When patients went to the Urgent Care Clinic in Lincoln, Nebraska, Dr. Donald Rice had a surprise for them. Every patient received a card telling them that Rice was going to pay their co-pay that day, no matter what it was.

During the day the physician saw some 80 patients and it is estimated paid around $4000 in co-pays for his clients.

Right now, a Lincoln urgent care doctor hopes dozens of his patients will pay it forward. It's all because he decided to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day, in a special way.

Take a minute to applaud Noah Woods, a very mature five year old. The Georgia boy woke up and found the bedroom he share...

Take a minute to applaud Noah Woods, a very mature five year old.

The Georgia boy woke up and found the bedroom he shared with his two-year-old sister in flames and filled with smoke. He opened a window and pushed his sister out. He then found his dog and put the dog outside as well, before climbing out himself.

Noah then ran next door where his uncle lived and woke them and together they went back to the fire and alerted the rest of the family. Noah's quick thinking and action saved the lives of 8 other people, not including himself, and the family dog.

A 5-year-old Georgia boy awoke to flames in the bedroom. But he didn't panic, and his actions helped save his entire family.

Carl Wilner and Morris Horowitz are both in the same senior home in West Palm Beach and Carl makes it clear the reason h...

Carl Wilner and Morris Horowitz are both in the same senior home in West Palm Beach and Carl makes it clear the reason he's still alive was an act of kindness from Morris.

It was 1945 and Morris was a prisoner in a German concentration camp liberated by the Americans. Horowitz was one of the soldiers. Wilner saw a chocolate bar that Horowitz and asked for it.

Morris told him he'd give it to him but he had to make a soup out of it, so it would last longer. Carl did just that and says it saved his life. Years later they accidentally met again at a book club.

They shared their story Monday on International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

In Alberta, Canada Kendall Diwisch came across three kittens who apparently were dumped in the wild. The three were hudd...

In Alberta, Canada Kendall Diwisch came across three kittens who apparently were dumped in the wild. The three were huddled together and their tails were frozen to the ice. Diwisch was able to free one quickly but the other two were stuck.

He used some warm coffee to melt the ice and free the other two—one of them immediately began drinking the coffee.

He took all three kittens home and posted he had found them. A family that recently lost their cat volunteered to take all three so they could stay together.

The three cats Kendall Diwisch rescued near Drayton Valley Wednesday morning were adopted Thursday afternoon.

I wanted to share a story of simple kindness that really touched the recipients. It was something I witnessed in Novembe...

I wanted to share a story of simple kindness that really touched the recipients. It was something I witnessed in November, 2016 in Yucca Valley, CA.

I was ordering food when I heard a young woman and her horrid mother berating and insulting four visitors from India. These two women were insulting the younger woman entirely about her parking. I could see the cars and no car was touched and all were legally parked. But these two women didn't like how the driver parked and were being horrid about it.

The poor young visitor kept apologizing but these horrid shrews were enjoying the insults. They looked like they were having fun being rude.

I was handed my food and took it to a table where I could see these visitor to our country. The driver was a table with a woman of similar age and an older couple. I was under the impression it was parents with their daughters, but I can't be sure. I can't be sure they were tourists but we get millions of them every year and it seemed likely. I could see the young woman was still upset by how she was treated by the two gloating women.

Seated near these four visitors was an old man who had been eating by himself. As he finished and was leaving he turned to the young woman who had been treated so badly and gave her the customary Hindu salute of hands pressed together, the Namaste, which means, "I bow to the divine in you."

I didn't hear him say anything. He simply gestured and left. The young woman, who was steal grieving over her treatment looked surprised by the gesture. As she sat there her eyes welled up in tears and she started crying quietly. The older woman started crying as well.

That simple gesture meant so much to them. This one man with a simple gesture turned an awful day for this family into a memory they will cherish.

Some individuals on a bus are having a private conversation and speaking Chinese when this woman starts hollering at the...

Some individuals on a bus are having a private conversation and speaking Chinese when this woman starts hollering at them insisting they have an obligation to speak English—as if she has a right to their conversation. Others on the bus tell her to mind her own business and she doesn't like it one bit. Eventually police arrive and she is removed from the bus.

White man defends a couple foreign college kids for speaking in there own language. Mind you it was a private conversation.

Mayra Vasquez-Ruiz wanted a birthday party for her four-year-son Abel. She mentioned on social media she needed some cak...

Mayra Vasquez-Ruiz wanted a birthday party for her four-year-son Abel. She mentioned on social media she needed some cake mix to make him cake and she got it. She also got balloons, and another offered a pony for the party, presents arrived as well. Abel got his party and his mother received lots of kindness.

Four-year-old Abel Vasquez has Down Syndrome and when his mother asked for cake mix for his birthday, the community rallied and helped throw him a Toy Story birthday

A violent man assaulting a woman had a pink dinosaur to deal with, among others. Really.In San Jose a convention of self...

A violent man assaulting a woman had a pink dinosaur to deal with, among others. Really.

In San Jose a convention of self-labeled "furries" was being held and many participants were outside the hotel where it was being held when a car pulls up and slams on the brakes. The woman driving starts screaming and the man in the passenger seat starts assaulting her violently.

A group of bystanders charged in—including a "tiger" and one "pink dinosaur"— and pulled the offender out of the vehicle and held him immobilized until police arrived to arrest the attacker.

A group of befurred bystanders intervened when they saw a man ‘whaling on’ his girlfriend inside a car late Friday, witnesses and police said.

In Canada a 38-year-old man, Sandy Doucette saw a group of birds on the road. As he approached they flew away, all but o...

In Canada a 38-year-old man, Sandy Doucette saw a group of birds on the road. As he approached they flew away, all but one. He stopped to find out why it wouldn't move and found the poor bird had his feet encased in ice and was stuck.

He gently dug the bird out which happily flew way.

A resident of P.E.I. helped free a bird left "completely frozen to the ground" after a bout of freezing rain and snow hit the Island on Sunday.

Linda Herring has fostered children in need a home for more than 50 years. To date she has cared for over 600 children, ...

Linda Herring has fostered children in need a home for more than 50 years. To date she has cared for over 600 children, she had five children of her own and adopted another three which she had fostered.

Today four of her biological children have fostered children, three of them adopted kinds and three of her grandchildren have also fostered kids. Due to health reasons the 75-year-old had to stop fostering last year.

Linda Herring always wanted a big family. But she never imagined that she would foster more than 600 children and turn her home into a safe haven where every child was given shelter, food, clothing, and most importantly, endless amounts of love.

Howard Kirby bought a used couch from a thrift shop but didn't find it very comfortable. He investigated and found a box...

Howard Kirby bought a used couch from a thrift shop but didn't find it very comfortable. He investigated and found a box stuffed inside the couch and inside the box was $43,000.

He realized the person who donated the couch had no idea the money was there. The thrift shop checked their records and contacted the woman who donated it. It had belonged to her grandfather who recently died and she had no idea the money was there.

Howard Kirby said the ottoman felt hard and when it was opened he found a box containing thousands of dollars in cash.




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