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The United States government can’t win a war against nuclear armed nations like Russia, China and the Islamic world simu...

The United States government can’t win a war against nuclear armed nations like Russia, China and the Islamic world simultaneously. If the US does not back off WW3 is guaranteed and it would become a nuclear war.
We are now in the critical phase.

Graham is pro supporter of (3rd world war).

Graham is pro supporter of (3rd world war).

Graham is pro supporter of (3rd world war). These war mongers are determined to depopulate the earth 🌍.

Graham is pro supporter of (3rd world war). These war mongers are determined to depopulate the earth 🌍.


US Air Force in Syria shot down a Turkish ANKA-S UAV, Then after, the Turkish drones attacked three oil stations owned by the SDF militia in eastern Syria, from where the US regularly exports oil, Turkish media write.

The oil facility in Qardahol, the Al-Qaws station north of Al-Jawadiya, and the Saida oil station in the Al-Qahtaniya area were reportedly hit (in video).

Putin: The West started talking about the outdated UN system when NATO mercilessly bombed Belgrade "In our recent histor...

Putin: The West started talking about the outdated UN system when NATO mercilessly bombed Belgrade

"In our recent history, we have often heard from Western leaders that the UN system is outdated, that it does not meet today's needs. But when did it start to be heard? During the Yugoslav crisis, when, without any approval from the UN Security Council, the US and its allies began mercilessly bombing Belgrade, they even hit the Chinese embassy in Belgrade. Where is that international law? No, they said, there is no international law, it is outdated. Why? Because they wanted to act without regard to that international law" , explained the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin .




Right now we are seeing the clearest signs yet that the U.S and China/Russia are headed for a hot war and it could come sooner than we think. Neo cons in Was...

BREAKING: The UK pushing us to WW3 - Dmitry Medvedev (Former President of Russia and the current Deputy Security Council...

BREAKING: The UK pushing us to WW3 - Dmitry Medvedev (Former President of Russia and the current Deputy Security Council Chairman)

SO, this is how Dmitry Medvedev responded to the news that the British are planning to send British soldiers directly into Ukraine.

“The number of idiots in power in NATO countries is growing.

One newly minted moron, the British Secretary of State for Defence, decided to move the UK military training of Ukrainian soldiers into Ukraine. That is, to turn the British military instructors into our Armed Forces’ legal targets; while being fully aware that they will be ruthlessly eliminated, and this time not as mercenaries but as British NATO specialists.

Another fool from Bundestag, the chairwoman of German Defence Committee with an unpronounceable surname, is clamouring to immediately provide the ukrobanderovtsy with Ta**us missiles to enable the Kiev regime to hit deep into Russia’s territory to weaken the supply of our army. That is, it is in accordance with international law. Well, in that case the strikes against the German plants which produce these missiles, will also fully correspond to international law.

Really, these halfwits are actively pushing us to WWIII…”

JUST so you understand, there are lots and lots of western mercenaries fighting on the side of Ukraine in the ongoing Russia -Ukraine war. But no western nation has openly declared its forces are physically on ground in Ukraine because that’ll amount to directly engaging Russia. So, they all exist there as “Ukrainian fighters.” But now, for the first time since the war, the British just announced there soldiers will be on ground in Ukraine to carry out so called military training of Ukrainians - something they’ve been doing in their own country. This way, they become direct targets of Russian missiles and strikes. And when they have already stated their presence and location and then they get hit, it’ll mean that Russia has hit a NATO country, and then, all of NATO plus the US will join forces to attack Russia and I can guarantee you that with their first strike on Russian soil, that scary Samart a.k.a “satan 2” intercontinental ballistic missile that Russians have placed on combat mode already, will begin dispatching to major European and American cities and then, WW3!

This is what these guys are cooking. Told you they will never stop until that becomes the reality. Living everyday without a trigger to WW3 is by the Grace of God. They are so eager to start it and you have to understand how important it is to them that Russia is buried. Russia has single handedly dismembered their 1884-1885 colonial establishment. They didn’t see it coming and they’ll stop at nothing end the colossal loss of colonial territories, currently happening in AFRICA, courtesy of the Russian Federation. They know in the end, it wouldn’t be only France that’s losing colonies. They these things. But God is with us. Africa’s time has come and no matter what, the prison break from generational colonial enslavement will progress unabated.
Source: J.C.Okechukwu.


The USA made a mistake when they decided to impose sanctions on Russia

"We thought we could beat the Russians... That was our miscalculation," said American political scientist John Mearsheimer for "Judging Freedom".

According to his words, when the USA decided to intervene in the Ukrainian conflict, "half the world was already under their restrictions".

"Sanctions are hardly effective against a country like Russia," Mearsheimer points out.

The Kremlin has prepared a plan to seize 5 regions of Ukraine if the war continues into 2024. For these purposes, reserv...

The Kremlin has prepared a plan to seize 5 regions of Ukraine if the war continues into 2024. For these purposes, reserves are being accumulated on the borders with Ukraine and new brigades are being formed. British intelligence believes the Russian army could employ a million men in a new offensive campaign.

France is finally recalling its disgraced ambassador Sylvain Itte from Niger and all embassy staff in Niamey, completely...

France is finally recalling its disgraced ambassador Sylvain Itte from Niger and all embassy staff in Niamey, completely ending its diplomatic presence in this country.
It is unknown how Paris intends to evacuate the ambassador, since Niger has completely closed its airspace to French.

Emmanuel Macron says that France will end military presence in Niger.

The United States and Western European countries must pay reparations to Africa for the slave trade, Ghanaian President ...

The United States and Western European countries must pay reparations to Africa for the slave trade, Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo said at the general political debate of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly.


The Worst Mistake Ndi Igbo Will Make...‎

Niger military government is sending more soldiers to its border with Benin.Last night, after they announced on national...

Niger military government is sending more soldiers to its border with Benin.

Last night, after they announced on national television that their country was suspending military cooperation with Benin because they had received mercenaries and allowed a French warship to land in their waters, Niger decided on this move.

The country is now sending more troops to its border with Benin ready to defend against imminent French aggression. The French have begun to withdraw from Niger, but they can never be trusted. Benin, Côte d'Ivoire and Senegal support the potential aggression planned by France with some African countries.

The army in Niger has accused France of deploying forces in the countries of the Economic Community of West African Stat...

The army in Niger has accused France of deploying forces in the countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) for military intervention in that country, AFP reported.

"France continues to deploy its forces in several ECOWAS countries in order to prepare for the aggression against Niger, which it is planning in cooperation with this organization," rebel leader Amadou Abdraman said on national television.

Russia has begun building military bases near the Finnish border, reports the Finnish portal Yle.Satellite images have s...

Russia has begun building military bases near the Finnish border, reports the Finnish portal Yle.

Satellite images have shown that Russia has begun setting up military bases in Petrozavodsk and the Alakurtti garrison, near the Finnish border.

Satellite images show that large hangars were built on the territory of two settlements for servicing and storing equipment.

France is deploying its troops in order to intervene militarily together with the ECOWAS bloc, Niger's state television ...

France is deploying its troops in order to intervene militarily together with the ECOWAS bloc, Niger's state television announced.

Blinken: Ukraine and the United States will negotiate with Russia Ukraine is ready to negotiate with the Russian Federat...

Blinken: Ukraine and the United States will negotiate with Russia

Ukraine is ready to negotiate with the Russian Federation if the Russian side makes such a proposal. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken thinks so. According to him, the United States will support Kyiv by joining the negotiations.

“ As for negotiations, it takes two to tango. If Putin shows that interest, then I think the Ukrainians will be the first to negotiate, and we will be right behind them ,” Blinken said in an interview with ABC. According to him, everyone wants a truce between the Russian Federation and Ukraine.


The united states is the largest trafficker of children in the world. Children that are illegally kidnapped and brought across the US Mexico border are then ...

Romania and the United States will conduct exercises with Ukraine and allies in the Black Sea and the Danube DeltaMilita...

Romania and the United States will conduct exercises with Ukraine and allies in the Black Sea and the Danube Delta

Military exercises “Sea Breeze 23.3” will take place from September 11 to 15. It is reported that militants from Bulgaria, France, Great Britain and Turkey will arrive for the exercises.

From the United States, the maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft Poseidon , divers-sappers with boats and special equipment will be at the maneuvers, and from other participating countries - divers, explosive device disposal specialists and staff officers .




Russian President Putin has placed his most advanced nuclear warheads on the highest alert possible. Tucker Carlson says NATO will start a hot war with Russi...

SEPTEMBER 3, 2023, Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky announced his decision to dismiss the Ukrainian Defense Minister, Oleksi...

SEPTEMBER 3, 2023, Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky announced his decision to dismiss the Ukrainian Defense Minister, Oleksil Reznikov. This is coming as Russian troops are reportedly 6 kilometers from the city center of Kupiansk, one of the regions they deserted last year. Russian forces took control of the Kupiansk-Svatovo road in the direction of Berestovo. Units of the 27th Motorized Rifle Brigade, reinforced by units of the 1431st Moror Rifle Regiment, broke through the defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) & established control over the highway, north of Stelmahovka. This is a tactical success for the Russian Army.

Far greater losses than this have befallen the Ukrainian/western alliance since the so called counteroffensive was announced. As previously reported, the counteroffensive has been a huge failure and this, many analysts believe is the reason the Ukrainian government is firing the Defense Minister who has been with them from the beginning. Things are reportedly going so bad for the Ukrainians that getting volunteers to fight for Ukraine nowadays is like getting a camel to go through the eye of a needle. Even the few fighters they have left are either surrendering en masse or deserting. In subsequent publications, I’ll publish report from a Polish volunteer who detailed the dire situation in the Ukrainian army and the mind boggling number of deaths recorded almost on daily basis. This will probably explain why Ukraine is now relying almost solely on drones and why the Defense Minister had to be fired at this time. There sure has to be some scapegoating.

Yet, there is no sign the Zelensky guys want any peace. So far, none of the territories RUSSIA took from Ukraine has returned to Ukraine. Instead, the battered, Russian-occupied territories get almost instant facelifts and are turned into modern cities overnight, like Mariupol, Bahkmut, etc. But somehow, Ukrainians and their western allies want to retake Crimea that RUSSIA annexed way back in 2014 when Yanukovich, a democratically elected president of Ukraine was criminally chased out of power through western-sponsored protests, just because he was pro-Russian. Many do not know that the so called RUSSIA-Ukraine war that started in February of 2022 actually began in 2014. Visit my old tweets or do a little bit of research.

Now, with the west sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine in this crazy, senseless proxy war, and RUSSIA activating its incredibly deadly “Satan 2” Intercontinental ballistic missiles, what we have staring us in the face isn’t just an empty threat for war. It’s a real descent into nuclear war.

You see, the west built their whole lives around resources from colonized territories, mostly in AFRICA. All of that is changing now because they became too arrogant and conceited that they ignored RUSSIA’s capacity to undermine & bring them down.

No one else understands the secrets of their dealings in these colonial territories like RUSSIA does. And because they chose war over peace, Russia is now at the point of no return in dismantling their hegemonic hold on AFRICA & beyond. It’s a fight to finish. And from the look of things, Russia/BRICS are winning - in the sense that these colonies now have Russia’s backing to revolt, kick out the west and take back back their stolen liberties. And in Ukraine, Russia has resisted even the most irresistible provocation to engage the west directly, because the plan is to pin them down in Ukraine and make the human cost unbearable for them as they bleed economically. And that has been successfully accomplished. Now, the west is frantically and desperately looking for ways to come out of the shadows and engage directly. Not because they’ll win, but because they’ll create a lot of chaos and attempt to take advantage of it. If this fails or delays, you’ll soon hear of pandemic lockdowns again! It’s already brewing. Anything to stop the tide of change. But I don’t see it stopping because this is our time!

FOR YOUR INFORMATION, Russia has now put its most powerful and dreadful Sarmat Intercontinental Ballistic missiles on st...

FOR YOUR INFORMATION, Russia has now put its most powerful and dreadful Sarmat Intercontinental Ballistic missiles on standby, ready for combat.

SARMAT Intercontinental ballistic missile popularly known and referred to as “Satan 2” in the west, is capable of carrying at least 10 nuclear warheads. This is the much talked about missile that can reach virtually any state in the U.S. and is said to have the capacity to almost sink all of New York City or Texas in minutes. It is currently the most powerful intercontinental ballistic missile in the world. This is verifiable. And now, Russia has been provoked enough to actually activate and put these destroyers on standby. So what happened?

The truth is, they’re losing big in AFRICA, they don’t see any serious respite in the nearest future and they know Russia is largely to blame for their losses on the continent, especially in the Sahel region…and to make matters worse, the much talked about Ukrainian counteroffensive isn’t going as planned. Even Ukrainians themselves have admitted this fact. That’s why Ukrainians are starting to almost solely rely on Drone attacks on sensitive Russian locations inside Russia/Moscow.

In the last few days alone, drone attacks in Russia have become so daring that if care is not taken, more sensitive, unbearable red lines could be crossed. In fact, in one of the recent drone attacks, Russians even believe the drone attacks may have originated from Estonia, a former soviet country now a NATO member state. And as it stands, if a NATO member state is confirmed to have allowed drone strikes on Russia from its territory, that’s a declaration of war on Russia by all of NATO and the U.S. and Russia has made it clear that it’s response to a NATO/western attack on its territory will be nuclear. Period! They know this, but they keep crossing the so called Russian “red lines.” Don’t forget the F-16 jets that Russia forbade them to send to Ukraine. Today, F-16s are heading to Ukraine. So, whatever makes Russia mad and brings it into a direct conflict with NATO/the west is welcomed. This is the plan.

At least, if ECOWAS isn’t acting in AFRICA, if their military is caged and can’t do anything at the moment on the continent, the delays and inactivity will wear them out and eventually weaken their resolve, implying their loss on the continent is cast on the stone. So, the best thing is to start something on the Russian axis so a nuclear war is activated, which ripple effect eventually trickles down to AFRICA and pretty much everywhere on earth - and then they can easily seize the opportunity to descend on AFRICA and attempt a military recolonization exercise. Sadly, they can’t read the handwriting on the wall - whether a nuclear war breaks out or not, Africa’s freedom in this season is not negotiable. The people are more ready than the colonial west is willing to admit. For mother AFRICA, it’s truly “Freedom-O-Clock!” And I don’t see anything or anyone changing this.


Hungarian President Viktor Orban in an interview with Tucker Carlson:

- Ukraine will not win this war, it's impossible, it's a lie;

- this is a tragedy for Ukraine, because its soldiers will end before Russian ones;

- more than 150 thousand Hungarians live on the territory of Ukraine, there is a national minority of Hungary and they are called to war, to die for Ukraine;

- sooner or later, Ukraine will need additional forces, if any Western country sends its troops to Ukraine, it will be a direct conflict, a third world war will begin.

Russia: The West uses counterterrorism operations as a cover to control the resources of other countries.

Russia: The West uses counterterrorism operations as a cover to control the resources of other countries.

Get Ready For Another COVID Vaccine.President Biden says that he will ask Congress to approve funds to make a new Covid ...

Get Ready For Another COVID Vaccine.

President Biden says that he will ask Congress to approve funds to make a new Covid vaccine.

"I signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to the Congress a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is necessary, that works,” said the President while vacationing in the Lake Tahoe area.

The current Covid booster on the market was made to target the BA4 and BA5 variants which are not in circulation. Pfizer said that they "thought" it could also target the XBB.1.5 variant but they did not test it for that.

Amid a slight rise in Covid cases, the CDC is warning about a new variant called BA.2.86. They say that it could "be more capable of causing infection in people who have previously had COVID-19 or who have received COVID-19 vaccines."

Wait wait, getting vaccinated makes you MORE likely to get BA.2.86? Why did we do that then?

The CDC does NOT say that it is more dangerous than previous Covid strains and they do say that antibody treatments could be effective. So is there a need for a new vaccine? And will this one get better vetting and approval than the last? And most importantly, will the U.S. again lease patents for this new one and collect money from drug makers after they sell it like they did the last one?

Oh and will we be able to ask those questions? An updated YouTube policy says that YouTube doesn't allow content that "contradicts local health authorities or the World Health Organization." Does that mean we cannot question shoddy clinical trials like we did for the infant RSV injection or the postpartum depression pill?

Niger's military administration has cut off water and electricity to the French embassy in the capital Niamey without al...

Niger's military administration has cut off water and electricity to the French embassy in the capital Niamey without allowing food deliveries, multiple reports on social media said on Sunday.❕

The country's leadership also took similar action at the French consulate in Zinder, according to reports.
The President of the National Support Committee of the National Council for the Protection of the Country (CNSP), Elh Isa Hasumi Bureima, has asked all partners of the French bases in Niger to suspend all water and electricity supplies and food products, according to reports.
In addition, any partners that continue to help the French in the process of supplying goods and services will be considered "enemies of the sovereign people," the reports added.
The reports come after a two-day deadline given by the military administration to the French ambassador to leave the country expired on Sunday.


A Huge Lost, My Heart Is Broken…​⁠

Depleted uranium ammunition makes Ukraine a "dead country"  "Due to the delivery of radioactive and highly toxic English...

Depleted uranium ammunition makes Ukraine a "dead country"

"Due to the delivery of radioactive and highly toxic English and American ammunition with depleted uranium, Ukraine is turning into a country that is not suitable for life. Radioactive radiation has already been recorded in the country," said the spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Maria Zakharova



Russian oil >India >Europe.

Russian oil >India >Europe.

ALGIERS, Aug 22 (Reuters) - Algeria has refused a French request to fly over its airspace for a military operation in Ni...

ALGIERS, Aug 22 (Reuters) - Algeria has refused a French request to fly over its airspace for a military operation in Niger, state radio said late on Monday, after a July 26 coup in the West African nation that lies south of the Algerian border.

Algeria opposes any foreign military action in Niger and favours diplomacy to restore constitutional order, state radio said.

France has about 1,500 troops in Niger that were stationed there before last month's coup. It is not clear what military operation Algeria was referring to, but France has not said it would intervene militarily to overturn the military takeover.


A Russian plane has landed in Niger capital, Niamey, carrying hundreds of Wagner fighters it allegedly picked up from Sy...

A Russian plane has landed in Niger capital, Niamey, carrying hundreds of Wagner fighters it allegedly picked up from Syria. Wagner has recruited thousands of veterans of the Syrian civil war, mostly men who fought on behalf of the Syrian government and defeated ISIS, Al-Qaeda and the FSA. These men have incredible combat experience against terrorists. Syria is one of the first places where Wagner proved its combat superiority to the whole world. Without their efforts, the Syrian president would’ve gotten the Gaddafi treatment from the west a long time ago. But he prevailed. Thanks to RUSSIA and its elite fighting force, Wagner PMC.

Upon arriving Niger, Wagner had reportedly told the new Nigerien administration never to worry about any foreign army on Niger soil and specifically assured the leadership that Wagner will take on the Americans head on, if they ever dare to get involved in the conflict with ECOWAS, or try to deploy their drones.

Not sure if this threat is in anyway connected with America’s sudden readiness to evacuate two of its drone bases in Niger. The US maintains in Niger a large base of reconnaissance drones operating across AFRICA, Europe and the Middle East, as well as about 500 troops. France maintains a little over 1,200 soldiers in Niger.

At the moment, there are about 5,000 RUSSIAN funded volunteer fighters in AFRICA: They are mainly active in Mali, Libya, Sudan, Central African Republic, Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

As reported earlier, Wagner will undertake the protection of the presidential palace in Niamey and the main infrastructures of the country potentially threatened by the impending Nigerian-led military action. With a personnel capacity of about 230,000 men, Nigeria is expected to contribute far more soldiers to the operation than any other country in the bloc. However the two countries with the strongest armies in AFRICA, Egypt and Algeria have warned against any military intervention in Niger, and vowed they’ll not stand idly and let that happen.

Reportedly, the morale of Niger’s military personnel is at an all time high right now, given that nearly the entire population of Niger are in support of the military and thousands have reportedly signed up to fight with the Russian volunteer force, Wagner PMC, in defense of their homeland.
J.C. Okechukwu


HOURS AGO, Nigeria’s Bola Ahmed TINUBU sought the Nigerian Senate’s approval/support for military intervention in Niger Republic.

In just two days (Sunday), the 7-day ultimatum given to the new military leadership in Niger, will expire. And from all indications, TINUBU & ECOWAS are going ahead with military intervention. So, in his letter to the Nigerian senate, he sought approval for 1. Military buildup & deployment of personnel for military intervention to enforce compliance of the military junta in Niger, should they remain recalcitrant (refuse to cede power to Bazoum, the ousted former president of Niger.) 2. He also sought approval and support for cutting off electricity to Niger Republic (Nigeria supplies about 70% of Niger’s power) and it appears this has already taken effect as reported widely in the last day or two. 3. Closure and monitoring of all land borders with Niger Republic & reactivating of the border drilling exercise. 4. Preventing the operation of commercial and special flights into and from Niger Republic; Blockade of goods in transit to Niger especially from Lagos and eastern seaports, etc. These are large scale war time activities, and I can’t but wonder, how much time is left for the citizens of Nigeria and these other ECOWAS countries to prepare for eventualities?

Reportedly, some of the actions Mr. TINUBU sought approval and support for are said to already be either in effect or all set to go into full effect.

On the side of Niger Republic, a lot has happened and much of it isn’t even being reported.

First, the military Government in Niger has signed a new agreement with Russia’s Wagner PMC to offer Specialized defense services to Niger Republic in the face of EXOWAS threat of military intervention. By virtue of this new agreement, Wagner units in Libya, Mali, and Central African Republic have at this moment made their entry into Niger Republic, reportedly. It is estimated that about 12-13,000 Wagner fighters could take part in what many have called, potentially, the biggest war in Africa since World War 2.

Also, Niger has cut off diplomatic ties with Nigeria and Togo, whereas Algeria and Egypt, boasting the strongest military on the continent, arguably, have indicated they’d stand with Niger Republic if attacked. Other countries that have pledged support for Niger are Guinea, Burkina Faso, Libya, Chad, and Mali.

Just in case you have no idea why the EU and the US are abundantly in support of any military action from ECOWAS, in 2022, Niger Republic covered about 25.38% of EU’s Uranium needs and became the second largest supplier of uranium to the bloc, after Kazakstan which supplied about 26.82% within the same period. Meanwhile, RUSSIA is among the world’s largest uranium exporters, producing about 2,500 tonnes in 2022. France, EU are heavily dependent on nuclear energy, and more-so now that energy imports from RUSSIA has been cut off through sanctions imposed on RUSSIA over the RUSSIA-Ukraine war. Despite denying it in their media, France/EU know that losing Niger Republic means losing big, especially when that loss is Russia’s gain. They can’t stomach this and that’s why I knew war was coming.

As I asked in my previous post, how prepared are we in Nigeria and other west African capitals and cities for a full scale war that could set the entire region on fire? And there are no rules of engagement when Africans fight. No one can tell how this war approaches our borders. No one has any clue what the other guys have up their sleeves. We’re talking not just Niger but a bunch of nations that have tasted military conflicts under the harshest conditions for years, banding together to fight for their survival against ECOWAS forces. And who gets to stand and watch? The west! Africa.
J.C. Okechukwu.






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