This was the day that I got fired from my dream job as a Casting Director in 2018. I got a call from my boss saying that my services were no longer needed at the company. (They found out I was secretly operating this new vegan food truck)
I was devastated because I’ve never been fired before and at the time I was running a team of 7 or 8.
That day, I worked a 14 hour shift on the food truck and decided to go to the 24 hour spa afterwords to clear my mind.
That night, I got a phone call from telling me that he had and Lil Duval at his studio and wanted me to feed them.
Y’all, I was so tired but I told my team that THOSE WHO TAKE CHANCES MAKE ADVANCES! We left the spa at about 1am and drove an hour to go fulfill the request.
That night changed my life because my video with went viral and the rest is history.
That was the beginning of becoming a household name.
If i never lost my job, this moment would’ve never happened but I will forever be grateful that I lost the thing I THOUGHT I needed.
So thank you you helped me turn one of the biggest losses into one of the biggest wins of my life! ❤️
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