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Marry someone who matches your sense of humor, not someone who will get angry when you laugh at his mother's wig 😍


Marriage is not for every woman. If you're too big to respect a man, stay single.
Marriage is only for well-behaved women.

DEAR MARRIED MEN,   Nobody will tell you this but I will;If you want to go far in life, love your wife, take good care o...


Nobody will tell you this but I will;
If you want to go far in life, love your wife, take good care of her, make her happy and her prayers will open doors for you.

Remember when things go down health wise or financially for you, only your wife will feed you and will be there for you. Most of your friends and side chicks will abandon you!

And lastly, that lady you think is better than your wife, it's because she is not living with you. Bro, invest in your woman!
Ojie Stories


Sometimes your wife is silent about your cheating because you're no longer her husband but her ATM or Roommate

THE SINGLE MOTHER-EPISODE 11- PREVIOUS EPISODEAfter Mrs Theresa punch the pregnant Edima on her belly, she was rushed to...



After Mrs Theresa punch the pregnant Edima on her belly, she was rushed to the hospital were she was confirm half death cos she was long death but was still fresh and her body wasn't cold nor stiff but Joe was there to help bring her back to life but How's that possible?

After the doctor came to examine Edima if she can wake up from death, the situation was still the same so he left but the nurse was busy staring at Edima lying lifeless in the hospital and miraculously she noticed that Edima's fingers were moving that was then she ran out to call doctor but when the doctor came in... Edima stopped moving he screamed at the nurse....

But doctor what I saw was true, her fingers were moving..
(the nurse cried out)

Why is it not moving now? Is been moving only in your eyes and Joe's eyes, I think I know what to do... now get out from here before I query you
(the doctor chased away the nurse and went straight to his office then brought out chemicals draw the liquid to the syringe then move straight to Edima to inject her)

Let me end this madness once and for all, how can someone die and this is 3days now without giving a foul odour without being stiff and without decaying yet still fresh and body temperature still warm? The worst of all is that she only moves in 6hr eyes of others but fail to move in my own eyes let me end thid cos is like the ghost story I've been watching on movies and hearing from stories is just happening now.. So i think I have to end this now, once and for all..
(the doctor now takes Edima's hand and search for the biggest vain to inject the chemicals, soon he gears a knock at the door.. It was the nurse)

What is it again?
(the doctor pause the injection and shouted at the nurse)

Doctor is an emergency situation cos the commissioners son was involved in a car accident and ur presence is really needed now
(the nurse responded with fear and the doctor quickly puts the syringe inside his pocket and hurried out then turned and faced Edima and said I'll be back soon)

(In the other hands Joe was busy looking for money to come buy time for Edima and he had sold all his valuables and even tempered with his school fees for the semester and he has to asked his roommate Mike for more money)

Guy I can't give you out money like that abeg, you've sold everything from this house that you've managed to set and wants to borrow me money again?...
If you don't tell me what u wanna use the money for then am not giving u..
(Mike responded to him)

OK let me be sincere with u now, there's this girl I dated from high school days so after our graduation we separated and now I got connected again but she was in a bad situation cos she was răped by her brother inlaw and got pregnant then her bother inlaw denied the pregnancy .. To cut the story short her madam met her talking to me so she gave her a heavy blow on her belly that led her to the hospital
(Joe narrated)

Jesus christ why will she be that wick£d? So what happened next?
(Mike asked)

I got her madam arrested and for Edima ajes děad but something tells me that she can be alive again that's why I can't give up that easily
(Joe said we emotions)

Be alive how? Someone's death and you're talking about coming to life again? Is she lazarus in the bible?
(mike asked with a surprise look)

Mike I don't know what to say just give the money I asked for
(Joe begged)

You want to do a befitting burial for her? What about her parents? Just take her to her parent...
(Mike shouted)

No I don't wanna do any burial, she died and this is three hours now then she's still fresh and no foul odour.. Talkless of being stiff, what baffles be most is that she pleaded me in my dreams that I shouldn't disturb her anymore cos she can't cross the gate due to my tears disturbing her..
(joe explained)

So what do u wanna use the money for?
(mike asked)

Mike u asked me too much questions, the doctor wants to transfer her to the mortuary and you know if the mortuary people injects her, there'll be no chance of living again.. So i wanna use the money to buy her time to still stay in the hospital if miracle will happen.
(Joe replied)

What if it doesn't happened, I mean the chance is slim for her survival..
(Mike asked)

Are u giving me or not, stop asking me questions that won't help on this matter
(Joe got angry)

OK am sorry send me ur account details, am just doing this cos you also helped me when I got someone daughter pregnant, you were there to fight for me when her parents wanted me arrested and possibly to kee me...
Can I follow u to the hospital?
(Mike asked)

Of course and heading to the hospital now
(Mike transferred fat amount of money to Joe and they set for hospital to buy edima time)

(after doctor had finished with the emergency, he comes back to Edima to inject the chemicals again)

Am sorry Edima, I have to do this to make u have peace over there and you can cross the gate at once so you won't need to roam around and Joe won't have to worry over you.. Good night Edima
(the doctor brought out the syringe and injected Edima with full loaded chemical and quickly leaves the room to his office, soon Joe and Mike arrived the hospital and they went to check on Edima after some hours Edima's body began to get stiffed and cold.. There was changes in Edima's body that made Joe called the doctor to come and see what's going on... The doctor arrived and make some examinations in Edima)

Joe finally she's dead, am so sorry for everything and ur sacrifice but I warned u right from the onset that is not wise to have hope on a death human being but see what it has cost you... So sorry and u can keep the money u just brought I don't want it...
(doctor tries to console Joe)

Noooo Edima I can't believe that you've gone, why has my tears finally let u go?
(he cried out and Mike hold Joe trying to console him... Hours later Edima's body was conveyed in the ambulance to the village and when they arrived at the village everyone came out including her parents to see what was happening)

What's going on? Why the ambulance in my compound? Who's on there?
( Mr Akpan asked)

Sir it's Edima
(Joe replied and narrated all that had happened to Edima's parents and this made her dad to weep more and put the blames on nkoyo Edima's mother)

Woman have u seen what you've caused? I wanted to keep Edima and adopted the pregnancy but you choosed to chase her away so that your fellow women won't laugh at you, see her laying down there Atleast since you didn't accept her alive.. You'll now accept her dead
(upon hearing the news uyai Edima's elder sister arrived and soon the pastor arrived to pray for the co**se and bury her, then everyone start to say their tributes one after the other)

Seeing you laying down lifeless has brought me more tears, I know I wasn't fair enough but I wasn't my fault cos you decided to spoil my home but I have forgiven you so rest on sister.. Till we meet again in that faithful day when we won't leave each other again
(uyai left and handed a chance to Akpan, Edima's father to say something)

Edima uyai Eyen mmi
(Edima my beautiful child )

I know it wasn't wise to chase you out to the dangerous road alone without accompanying you even when you made a mistake but I hope if you can hear me now you'll find a place in your heart to forgive us... But you'll never be alone cos someday we'll also come around to join you.. Sleep on mkpor uyo mmi
( sleep on my precious)

(after Mr Akpan Edima's father has finish saying his own tribute, he now gave his wife Mrs nkoyo Edima's min chance to aksu say something)

Eyen mmi
(my child)
I know am at fault, I shouldn't have chased you away but it has happened and I can't do anything.. All am saying is sorry don't worry much just sleep peacefully till we meet again
(after Edima's mum has say her own tributes she handed over to few people before Joe finally say his own tribute)

Edima you've suffered alot and you've finally given up, all my resources that I've wasted trying to save your life isn't a loss but a contribution that I made and I believe that if everyone has rejected you from the story you told me at least there's someone else that hasn't rejected u but stood by your side till ur last breath, if someone had told me that Edima we use to play in the high school could lay down here like this.. I wouldn't have believed that, I don't have much to say but rest on peacefully and have ur in mind that one person at from many hasn't rejected you and still loves you so dearly.. Good night Edima mmi.
( Joe said this and tears rolled down his cheek and fell inside the casket and touched Edima)

Is enough guy
(the grave diggers says this as they pushed Joe away cos he was wasting time to crying over Edima, the casket was covered and the pastor prayed over)

My dear heavenly father I thank you for this day, thank you for calling this your daughter Edima out from the earth to come be with you cos it is written in the bible that there's a time to be born and a time to diee and at the faithful day the deads shall rise up again.. On this day we pray that may her soul find rest in the bossom of Abraham amen
(after this the grave diggers took the casket and lower it down then began to covered the sand.. Soon the grave diggers noticed something)

To be continued...

120 shares for the last episode

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Stop crying for who left you.... Let them Go... You're somebody's prayer request


Most men don't ask for help. They'd rather suffer in silence. If a man asks for your help, you are his last hope


👉Even a poor man feel like a king🤴 when he marry a right woman 😍
may God bless you guys with a right partner 🧠


It hurts when you are losing bond with someone you planned to be with forever😞💔


Many men are going through hell in their marriages but can't open up because of society.


My girlfriend stole money from her DAD for me to start a business. Now that I am RICH should I marry a thief?

THE SINGLE MOTHER-EPISODE 10-SUMMARY OF LAST EPISODEAfter Jerry had chased innocent Edima out from his house because of ...



After Jerry had chased innocent Edima out from his house because of seeing a pics that Edima had an affair with another Calvin , Edima luckily got a job with accommodation through a dream she had.. But that didn't mean Edima was free from problems in fact her situation got worst when her madam of her new job beats her to coma..

After Edima's boss set a fist and gave her a blow at her stomach, Edima fell on the floor and without breathing... All the efforts to ressurect Edima proved abortive and she was rushed to the HOSPITAL by Joe and her boss ...

(After 7hours in theatre the doctor comes out to meet Joe and Edima's madam)

Please doctor How's she? As she woke up?
(Joe and Edima's madam choruses the question)

Well I can't say is fine neither can I say is bad cos like now it's between life and death... The situation is so critical but hopefully and prayerfully she wakes up cos my nurses are working on the situation standby ... I shall be with you shortly...
(the doctor excuses them and attended to a visitor)

Madam if anything happens to Edima you see this hospital? It won't contain the both of us.. Just pray very well, if you know how to call Jesus better call him now ooo..
(Joe scolded Edima's boss)

Young man I'm sorry, I didn't wish all this to happen to Edima.. Ok I know I fu*cked up very big time but fix yourself in my shoes, how will u react when someone you provides shelter for and still feeds the person .. Will leave ur business and customers to go talk to someone outside.. What will be your reaction?
(Edima's boss asked)

I know it was bad but i just query such worker or got her fires .. But knowing fully well that she was pregnant then you still gave her a direct blow on her stomach?
Haba.. You be witch?
Start calling Jesus oo, cos at this point he's the only one who can save you that's if he'll even listen to u at all..
(Joe fired back)

Nothing will happen to Edima
(Edima's boss replied with tears)


(while at the coma, Edima woke up sound and healthy and saw the nurses and saw her carbon copy she was surprised and asked the nurse what happened yet no one could hear her and she tried touching the nurses but she couldn't)

Oh my God what's happening to me? No one can hear me and I can't feel anything what's going on
(she went out and met Joe and her madam and shouted at them yet they didn't responded not until she tries to touch Joe, though she couldn't touch Joe but joe had a goosebump and he felt that everything wasn't alright)

Ma'am I feel like everything is wrong, I have this feeling that all isn't OK.. I have to go into that theater
(Joe said with boldness and the madam tries to stop him)

"Hey Joe is not always advisable to go into theater is prohibited"

Well at this point, I won't care cos I don't have a choice.. Wait here for me while I go inside... I'll be back
(Joe summoned courage and went inside then met the doctor and the nurses and also saw Edima being covered with white blanket )

Doctor what's going on here
(Joe asked with surprise)

That's what am seeing here ooo, I don't even understand what's going on here
(Edima concurred, even when she knew nobody can hear her)

Mr man, we try all our possible best but we lost her and the baby...
(the doctor said that and Joe broke into tears.. It was during this moment that Edima knew that she's a ghost)

Doctor it can't be true please uncover her the blanket I need to see her again
(Joe pushed the doctor away and removed the blanket then hold Edima very strong and screamed loud)

Please Mr man stop screaming you're disturbing other patients, am sorry you've lost her but crying ur ass out isn't the solution now so just start arranging for an ambulance that will convey her to the morutaury
(the doctor said this and left Joe)

Edima no you can't do this, fight for people who cares about you... Don't leave me here..
(Joe cried and Edima rolled on the floor cos she knows no way out again... Soon five ghosts appeared to Edima)

(They all choruse with echo voice)
"Young woman is time"

Are you guys talking to me?...
Can you see me?
(Edima asked)

Ofcourse we can see you and we've come to take you cos you're one of us now..
(Edima didn't wanted to follow them And kept dragging with them not until they forced her and dragged her to follow them then Edima shouted Joe Heeeeelp meeee, they've taken me away.. Joe heeelp ooo but it fell on deaf ears)

(Edima's madam comes in when she had waited without seeing Joe coming out)
Hope you're happy now, we've lost her, a round of applause for yourself madam witch..

Am Theresa and not a witch and I maintain ur senior and old enough to mother you young man, so you have to give me some respect
( Theresa Edima's madam scolded Joe)

Oh mummy weldone ooo, see what you've done to your daughter... Mummy indeed
(joe mocked at her)

Joe, I know it hurts and am still pleading for forgiveness.. If I can backward the hand of time... I won't touch Edima, I'll spare her but since I can't handle the hand of time I've accept my fate.. You can call the police.. I'm ready
(Mrs Theresa cried out)

Don't worry I had already call the police some minutes ago before you came in, may the lord have mercy on you..
(Joe cried and soon the police comes in)

Madam Theresa you're under arrest for the murder of miss Edima, you have every right to maintain silent or anything you say or do now will be used against you in the court of law.. Officer handcuff her....
(the police took Mrs Theresa away)

(throughout the night Joe kept praying and crying for Edima to wake up but nothing happened.. Soon the doctor came in with ambulance driver to carry Edima to the mortuary.. He stopped to examine Edima and he observed something)

Why is she not stiff? She's still flexible and hot... I mean this has never happened before..
This is my 13yrs in medical field and I haven't seen this.. Once a person dies it doesn't take the person 5hours to start being stiff talkless of this one that has stayed over a night and almost a day?
(the doctor lamented)

Doctor even me am surprise as u are, maybe we should still give her sometime... Cos I don't know what's going on in the spiritual world.. Maybe she on the judgment or so..let's just give her time...
(Joe begged with confidence)

Hmmm, you and this kind of believe.. Even if am to keep her for sometime to see if she can wake up Don't you know that she laying down here is still counting on your hospital bills?
(doctor asked Joe)

Fine doctor count it on me, I will even risk my school fees to buy her sometime here, just drop me ur account details let's me pay the other bills
(Joe brought out his phone and doctor called out the account details then he transferred the money to the doctor).

But young man why are u risking this for a dead girl and what if she doesn't wakes up?
(the doctor asked how with a surprise)

Well I'll say things we do for love,
If she doesn't wake up then is my loss, there's no success without taking a risk..
(Joe replied as he was petting Edima like a baby or like someone who's alive)

But taking risk is always 50/50 with success and failure... But this one you're taking a risk with 99% failure? The other 1% is because her body temperature is still warm
(doctor replied)

Thank God is not 100 % failure but just 99% which means there's still hope and doctor please is enough of all this.. I've paid you.. It's my money and not urs...
(Joe got angry and the doctor left quietly)

(that same night Edima's body was still hot and fresh not cold, the doctor came on to check what's really wrong but still the same thing so he excused Joe to have a talk)

Joe I understand how you feel and what this girl means to you but do you know that keeping a dead body on the hospital bed till this time is kinda weird? I mean it's 2 days plus now since she died..
(the doctor trying to convince Joe)

Well doctor there's hope, that's the reason I can't give up easily.. I mean I've gone this far and it won't be wise if I give up on the way
(Joe pleaded with doctor)

OK ooo is ur lost anyway, your money is almost exhausting ooo. Hope you'll renew
(the doctor asked)

Haba doctor that fast? OK give me tomorrow I'll bring another money for you and buy her time...
(Joe pleaded)

Joe you're funny I must confess,
What if one month and she's still like this.. Are you still gonna burn out you're money in the name of buying her time for possible resurrection? Common such things happened in time of Jesus joor
(says the doctor)

Doctor even if it means for me to sell my property and my inheritance, I must wait to see the end of this
(Joe took his stand and throughout that night Joe kept on crying and praying for Edima till he fell asleep and had a dream seeing Edima pleading him to allow her rest cos there nothing good about the world)

Joe stop disturbing me just go away and let me rest please I beg you, I can't just crossed the gate cos ur tears and sacrifice kept drawing me away from the gate and I can't enter to join others..
(Edima beggeg him in that dream)

No am not leaving you, if I leave you.. there are many truth that's to be revealed..
Jennifer's secret and ur brother in law's secret plus ur parent will miss you and regret ever pushing you away... You need to follow me now
(Joe countered her)

What's my business with the truth cos all I know is that everyone will stand on the judgment day to give accounts what they did on earth.. You're a Christian and you should know this 😭😭😭...
(Edima replied him and Joe tried to to drag Edima to follow him home... That was then Joe woke up and he noticed that Edima's hands was moving bit by bit and he shouted then rushed to call the doctor to see the new development so when the doctor came in Edima's hand didn't move again)

Joe are u really OK? Why is her hand not moving like you said, I mean I've stand here for 15mins now
(the doctor scolded Joe)

But doctor I'm telling you the truth, I can't lie for you in moments like this... Anyways am really convinced that there'll be light in the end of the tunnel... Tomorrow am bringing your money that I can assure u
(Joe said with excitement)

(morning time the doctor came to check if there's any development on Edima's chance for survival yet it was still the same thing)

Still the same thing, take this girl to the mortuary you no gree.. Be looking for miracles you hear?
(doctor mocks at Joe)

I agree, he who laughs last laughs best lemme go hustle for money to come buy her time
(Joe rush back to his apartment in school to see what he can sell)

Guy where are you going with ur foam, laptop and student fridge ?
(Joe's course mate asked)

Mike I want to sell them
(Joe replied)

Why do u wanna sell them
(Mike asked again)

Just forget about it when the time comes you'll know
(Joe didn't wanna tell Mike cos he knows Mike will make fun of him if he tells him what he wants to use the money for)

(Joe sold his laptop, student fridge and lots of his valuables)

(doctor smiles and leave but there was a nurse who was still having her eyes fix on Edima and she noticed that her fingers has began to make some movement she rushes and Call the doctor and when the doctor came in, it stopped... This made the doctor very aggressive and pursued the nurse out)

I think I have to inject Edima with a chemical that will surely kill her for real to end this madness, i mean somebody di£s and this is almost 3days without foul odour or being stiff? Instead she's still fresh.. Unbelievable
(doctor goes into his office and brought some tubes of chemical then draw the liquid into the shrings and ready to inject Edima)

To be continued..
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Being a MOTHER is the only job without a salary, with no promotions, no day off and no overtime but the duty is 24 hours...

Being a MOTHER is the only job without a salary, with no promotions, no day off and no overtime but the duty is 24 hours, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.


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80% 0f absent fathers didn't run away from their children but they run away from toxic women who were draining their soul 😐😒

DEAR MARRIED MEN,åNobody will tell you this but I will;If you want to go far in life, love your wife, take good care of...


åNobody will tell you this but I will;
If you want to go far in life, love your wife, take good care of her, make her happy and her prayers will open doors for you.

åRemember when things go down healthwise or financially for you, only your wife will feed you and will be there for you. Most of your friends and side chicks will abandon you!

åAnd lastly, that lady you think is better than your wife, it's because she is not living with you. Bro, invest in your woman!
Class dismissed 🥂
Ojie Stories

20 SECRETS LADIES ADMIRE 👇1. Call her like twice daily✌,2. Don't wait until she ask  you for money, give out freely✊3. D...


1. Call her like twice daily✌,

2. Don't wait until she ask you for money, give out freely✊

3. Don't tell her she's boring 🙅

4. Kiss her on her four head 💋💋

5. Whenever she tell you she's missing you, and you are not around, try your best to see her that day👏💘

6. Play with her like your sister 💆

7. Whenever she tell u, Bby am sorry, try and forgive/ forget😭🙊,

8. Have special time with her and tell her hw beautiful she is 💃🙈,

9. Don't make her cry😭😭

10. If she cry, kiss her tears and tell her she's beautiful😱😱

11. Introduce her to your friends 👦👨👨‍❤️‍👨.

12. Don't promise her heaven and earth wen you don't have it🙆🙅,

13. Hold her on her waist while walking together to make her feel protected 💏,

14. Tell her hw special she is 💯.

15. Don't engage her with a ring 💍 if you're not sure to marry her 👏, cos woman do normally get hurt.. And they can cry nonsense 💁😂

16. She's your Bby, handle her with care 🙏,

17. Text her in the morning and tell her u miss her 🙇,

18. Don't lay your hand's on her🙍,

19. Correct her privately when she's wrong in the public🙋,

20. Don't buy her world with everything, but buy her attention. Come back and thank me LATER🚶,
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WHY SOME PEOPLE DON'T ENJOY SEX...✍🏾1. LACK OF LOVELove is the greatest aphrodisiac; when you are in love with someone, ...


Love is the greatest aphrodisiac; when you are in love with someone, you find everything about them s*xy, you surrender to pleasure. S*x is more than getting to the climax, it's an act of intimacy, it's also about the journey that leads to the climax and the reason why the climax is special. That's why you should marry the one you are in love with.

When you are making love, free your mind and pleasure will follow. Put the stress aside, stop thinking about the baby, about the bills, about your responsibilities, whether your skin is too sweaty, whether you're making too much noise, whether you're doing it right, whether you are hard or wet enough. Stop worrying, you and your spouse deserve this moment of pleasure. Pleasure is first sought after in the mind.

When you compare and make your expectation of what good s*x is based on what you read in magazines, what you read online and what you hear from friends; when you compare the size of your hubby's tool with what you hear from friends, compare your wife's body and tricks with what you hear; you will not enjoy s*x with your spouse. S*x is custom-made for every couple, leave the world behind, it's just you two.

4. PO*******HY
Po*******hy confuses you, it plants images of strangers in your mind. Po*******hy becomes addictive as you are ever searching for the next steamy scene by strangers on screens. Slowly you become numb to your spouse's s*xiness as you drool over strangers; even when you climax, it's not because you are thinking about your spouse but because you are thinking of p**n stars. Po*******hy is like taking a walk with your spouse in the streets and desiring every person who passes your way, you wouldn't do that in the streets, why do that on screens?

Sleeping with many people drains you, eventually, you feel lost. Eventhough s*x takes you to a form of high, s*x comes with deep feelings 🙏🙏
Ojie Stories


Never kill yourself because of a failed relationship. Some relationships have to end or fail for your destiny to be fulfilled

THE SINGLE MOTHER~EPISODE 9~~SUMMARY OF THE LAST EPISODE After Jerry saw those pictures, the love Jerry had for Edima se...


After Jerry saw those pictures, the love Jerry had for Edima seized automatically till the extend of sending Edima out of his house cos of pictures that shows Edima was having an affair with someone else....


After Jerry told Edima that first thing tomorrow morning, she should parkout from his house... Edima begged him that she's innocent of the picture but her pleas fell on deaf ears cos Jerry had already made up his mind...

(throughout the night Edima couldn't sleep, she was busy crying wondering where she'll go to... cos everyone had rejected her and it seems the clock is really fast)

Oh God why is all this happening to me? Where will I go to? ... Should I try another su***de mission? Oh no I've gone this far I don't think I can... Pls God make a way for me
(Edima cried as she was begging God for help till she fell asleep)....

(It was around 8am Jerry had taken bath and ready to go out to work, he met Edima at the palour still sleeping on the Floor ... That was then he kicked Edima on the waist)

"You B***h common wake up now, here is 100k take it and find ur own place to stay cos I don't want to leave u behind so just go in there pack up ur belongings and leave this very minute"

Jerry why are u this harsh on me, I swear to my living God, I don't know anything about that picture.. It could be a set up
(Edima tried to defend herself)

Setup you say?
So it was a setup when u met that guy?
It was a setup when u entered his car right?
Was it still a set up when u collected a drink from a stranger like u said and then ended up in the hotel? Common Edima those lies are too cheap just come up with something else ...
The reason I gave u that money is just like a compensation for being with me romantically.. Atleast I've seen the impact of friendship with you not until u messed up.
(Jerry fired back and Edima rejected the money then went in and park up her belongings)....

Jerry if you knew that you won't stand by me till the end, you should have allowed me commit the suic!de.. Atleast I would've been resting in peace by now, now that you've chased me away, tell me where I should start from...
(Edima cried out)

My dear it's a perfect time now to go commit ur suic!de and no one will disturb u, I've given u money but you rejected it.. No problem, now leave
(Jerry pushed Edima out)

(During evening time, Jerry phone Jennifer to meet him at the same bar they met and Jennifer arrived 45mins later)

Jenny so Edima didn't love me that much and she's a bloody liar, even after she saw those pics that u gave me.. She still denies it and if at all she would have said sorry I would have accepted her back.. But she was still denying it, can you imagine?
(Jerry said this as he was drinking a beer he ordered)

Lol I told u that she's not the type for u, u mean after seeing those pictures i gave you... She still denied it hmmm she's a devil..
Jerry now Edima is out of our way what's the next move towards us?
(Jennifer said this as she was very eager to hear Jerry's response)

Oh please Jenny, I just broke up from a relationship not long now and I can't just go into one now Please..
But Jenny are u sure that Edima begged the guy u hired for s£x or maybe the guy drugged her drinks to act having s£x with Edima?
( Jerry ask Edima)

Wait Jerry are u calling me a liar now?
(Edima asked back at him)

Nooo am not calling u a liar just that you're always manipulative since from high-school days and maybe you've manipulated that test cos Edima loved me so much that I was so surprised how she could be that cheap to fall easily for a stranger..
(Jerry said this to Jennifer cos he wasn't 100% sure that the test was legit)

Well Jerry you can think whatever you want to think I don't care but just remember our bargain that if Edima fails the test you'll give me a second chance.. I give u from now till next week to make up ur mind
(after Jennifer had reminded Jerry the bargain, she stood up and perk Jerry at his cheek before leaving)

(Night time came, Edima was roaming round the street not until she decided to settle down in the big and empty market to sleep.. After she dozzed off, she had a dream of how a little girl around the age of two years was calling her mummy and be disturbing her to cook for her then the young girl gave her pot and food items and she cooked for the girl then after dishing the food she woke up and checked her time it was 3 am and she prayed for an hour about the dream before she went back to sleep)

(Early in the morning the sounds of moving vehicles woke her up, traders have come into the big market to open their shops and buyers have come too for the early morning market... Edima turned her eyes and saw a shop that had a sign board that's written about a vacancy for a cook and Edima without wasting time she hide her bag somewhere and rushed in to the big restaurant to make an enquiry for the job opportunity , luckily for her she met the owner of the restaurant and they discussed about the work)

So young lady tell me about yourself
(the madam asked her to introduce herself)

Ma'am my name is Edima Akpan , am from akwa ibom state the Southern part of Nigeria.
We're two children in the family and am the last born.. I just finished high school last year and am getting to 19 soon...
(Edima introduced herself in the best she could)

OK I see, I'm convinced with were you come from cos I learnt that akwa ibom people are the best cooks in Nigeria
(the madam complimented Edima and Edima said thank you with smiles)

You say your name is Edima, what's the meaning of Edima?
(the madam asked Edima)

Ma'am Edima means BELOVED
(Edima replied)

What a nice name and you look so beautiful and Dearly too ... So
Where do u stay Edima?

Ma'am where I stay is very far...
(Edima replied)

So how will u be able to discharge this work effectively cos ur location is very far?
(the madam asked)

Ma'am distance can never be a barrier, leave that one for me..
(Edima replied)

Oh no, I was looking for someone around this axis cos considering the high cost of petrol now the transportation fare is too much, and all i can do is if you'll like to live here... We have accommodation for workers..
(the madam asked)

Yes ma'am, very well
(Edima replied with excitement)

OK if you say so, take this form and fill it then u can return to me today or tomorrow and attach ur two recent passport photograph then tell your guardian to sign as a guarantor for you and your salary will be thirty thousand naira for a start .. I think that will be all for now..
(the madam handed over the form to Edima and Edima rushed to a nearby computer shop and get done with the form... After a hour and a half she returned with the form gave the lady then luck was on her side she was hired that same day)

(As time goes on Edima discovered that the job was very stressful and no rest, she eats once a day, she'll do the cooking, at times does the job of a waitress and sometimes she has shortage while selling drinks and food which will be deducted from her salary... She really went through hell)

Oh God am really suffering and loosing weight, pls no matter what save me and my baby... Just look at my salary very low cos of the shortage I'm having all day, please give me a helper
(Edima cried out)

(One day Edima heard in a news that their dancing group has receive the winning prize of 30000 dorlas they won in the just concluded competition , she was so so excited and she planned on going there to have her own share so she thought of what to do)

OK tomorrow is Wednesday their dance rehearsal day, I'll just take a break and go there as soon as possible.. If I collect this my share,bye bye to suffering..
(Edima said this to herself and tomorrow came, she did as she had planned.... She hurriedly reach the dance hall rehearsal and everyone welcomed her)

Jesus Edima is this you, you're very slim and smelling... Gosh
(Jennifer mocked at Edima before everyone came around to listen to what she wants to say)

Good afternoon, please I heard in a news that the the money we won at the dance competition was finally paid to the group's account last week and I've come for my share
( Edima said with a calm voice so she won't offend anyone before the leader of the group thanked Edima for helping them won the competition before demanding for her bank account details and Jennifer remembered the promised that she made to Edima that she'll make sure she doesn't collect her share.. She kicked against it)

Director she's not getting a thine from the money, yes she also dance and who signed her in to the group? Did she signed any contract with us? If she's given her share I'll sue this group and of course u know what that means? Incase u don't know... This group can be at risk of loosing it licence from the dance association and all the money won can be retrieved back... (Jerry seeing how Edima looked and he couldn't help it but cried out)

Jennifer what's it na? That's the mistake we made cos we should have let her sign a contract but since everything was in a hurry and during that moment she was răped by her brother inlaw.. Why do u hate this poor girl this much? What has she really done to u to deserve this treatment? you've gotten what u wanted and we're in a relationship now, can't you just let her collect her share and move on with her life?
(Jerry begged Jennifer before Edima also knelt down in begging Jennifer)

Jennifer am on my knees, please allow them to pay me even if it's a quarter of it cos am really suffering, I eat once a day and not to my satisfaction... Is affecting my health and this baby's own.. U see how I look like? Am not healthy like before cos I work like an elephant and eat like ant.. Please pity me
(Edima pleads fell on deaf ears as Jennifer still stood her ground)

Please is enough, I said she won't be paid and that's final, any attempt of paying her in any means will put this group at risk.. Cos she didn't had any contact but she joined the dance.. Which means you robbed the competition by hiring a member....
Well that's the result of stepping on me and no one dare step on me and gets smiling now leave Edima or I call the security on u..
(Edima stood up and left with tears that made Jerry felt sorry for her the more)

(on reaching her workplace she was one hour late for her break limit, her madam really scolded her and promised her no food for the rest of the day which made Edima pleaded hee)

Please ma'am am very sorry cos I was trekking and there was no money for me to pay and come back please I need food to keep me and my baby going
(Edima knelt and beg her boss)

So you were pregnant? No wander you were sleeping on duty and behaving weird... Pls I don't want to k!ll someone's child oo, go in there and park your belongings and leave please...
(at this moment Edima knelt down and rolled on the floor then tell every information about her, if her boss will have a change of mind .. Her boss knowing fully well that Edima has no option than to stay here or she won't have anywhere to go to... she decided to give her conditions).

I've heard you but u see? You lived here and this is a month plus now so you'll have to pay rent.. Your salary will slash into half.. Agree?
(Edima hearing that there's a slim chance for survival, she jumped and accepted the new condition before she was accepted back)

(one day as Edima was serving food to customers, her eye mistakenly looked outside and she saw someone that looked like Joe her first boyfriend in high school days and she wasn't sure but she wanted to be sure that's when she left the customers and ran outside to go check out and truly it was Joe)

Oh my goodness Joe is this u?
See how you've grown big and fresh.. Wow am so happy to see u....
(Edima hugged Joe so tightly for 2 minutes cos both of them were happy to see each other)

Edima what's wrong, what happened to you and why are u looking so skiny? I checked on you at ur house in the village
But ur parents said they don't know ur whereabouts and that ever since you got pregnant and pinned it on ur brother inlaw.. They chased you away but why will u do that kind of a thing?
(Joe asked being curious before Edima broke into tears and told her everything that had happened.. They kept on discussing and Edima didn't remember that she had left the customers unattended to, it was then that the madam sighted her talking to Joseph outside the road)

Oh she's discussing with a guy outside and leaving my shop
(Edima's boss with furious heart went outside to meet Edima and without asking question she set a fist and blow Edima at her belly.. It was at this moment Edima slumpped and stopped breathing, effort to resurrect Edima prove abortive and she was rushed to the hospital)

To be continued......

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