Andoni Host/Impacted Communities Bureau

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Case closed permanently. No appeal



WITH each second, each day, that these Andoni Traditional Rulers Council & Their Cohorts deprive me & majority of the Andoni People's rights, our resolve gets more stronger.

They Thought that they are the Iroko Tree with huge roots and frightening branches, but we are the Chainsaw and the BULLDOZER. We will clip their branches and their roots. We will bring them down


As I earlier promised, It is with great pleasure that I announce to you that the first phase of our fight against injustice, oppression and falsehood has began with our multi billion naira suit against the imperialist Andoni Traditional Rulers Council and TotalEnergies/AMNI.

Our suit has been entered and is now ready for service. I trust God that all parties will be served by Monday.

With the conclusion of the first phase, we will begin the second phase in earnest. And that would be to commence criminal action against the Andoni TRC in a jurisdiction where justice would be guaranteed.

Very soon, the Iroko will be shaken to its roots.

Stay tuned.


The Ides of March
By popular history, Julius Caesar was stabbed by sixty conspirators and killed at the base of the statue of Pompey the Great in the Roman Senate House on March 15. The year was 44 BC. Today is remembered in history for this event. Julius Caesar was killed by people who always praised him in his presence but criticised him in his absence. The stab that got to his heart was the one delivered by someone he considered a close friend, Marcus Junius Brutus. He was even the one who hatched the whole plan along with Gaius Cassius Longinus. Before Caesars death that day, his wife, Calpurnia, warned him several times of signs suggesting that he was in grave danger. She begged him to stay back home that March 15. But being a man who feared no one, Julius Caesar did not heed that female intuition. There is much to be learnt here.
1. Respect female intuition (especially the inexplicable ones)
2. The one you see as a friend may be the one that goes about murdering you through gossips and may end up killing you, if you are not careful.

Today is the Ides of March, reflect on these principles and be wise. Be wise.

It's same today that some greedy Obolo Youth are planning to take my crown. But as the conspirators and murderers were chased out of Rome, so too you all will be chased out of Andoni and your devilish plots.

Watch Out!!!



Yesterday the information below was brought to my attention. Please read:


You are by this notice informed that you have been nominated to serve in a committee in the bureau and the inauguration of the Standing Committees is billed for tomorrow,15/03/22 by 12pm noon @ No 2B Railway Close, Behind Nitel Garrison, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

You are expected to be in attendance.

Best regards.

Administrative Secretary."

These are the same people that few weeks ago claimed that the Andoni Traditional Rulers Council gave them a Power of Attorney as agents to collect Andoni Company revenues and reserve 50% of the revenue for themselves.

A whopping 50% of the entire Obolo Nation Revenue to be reserved for two persons alone! Jesus Christ of Nazareth!!! What a blatant level of greed!

And when the balance of the 50% is remitted to the Andoni Traditional Rulers Council, the entire Obolo nation would remain empty handed and be clapping for them?

Because of the immense uproar the SECRET DEAL raised, the Andoni Traditional Rulers Council quickly and openly disowned, withdraw and denounce the purported Power of Attorney.

Maybe they have cornered another agreement with the Andoni Traditional Rulers Council for them to now operate another Bureau because the last time I know, the Mandate, Certificate of authority and Power of the Andoni Host/Impacted Communities Bureau is still with Chf. Nte Rawlings Ete esq.

Their can never be two certificates. It's either the one with me is withdrawn and a new one given to them or they are using a forged certificate or without certificate or authorization.

If they like, they should go to President Buhari to get A GLOBAL POWER OF ATTORNEY or certificate, I will ASSURE US ALL that no secret agreement will work in Andoni.

The Andoni Oil/Gas revenue would be for the entire six (6) District of Andoni and Ngo Urban. No one can bamboozle us with SECRET arrangements again.

The fact that he is the step son of the Acting Chairman of the Andoni Traditional Rulers Council does not give him emperor status to control our finances. IT WILL NEVER WORK. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. NEVER!!!

Andoni is bigger than one man.

We are watching.

So please don't let con men con you!!!

THE DECEPTIVE POWER OF ATTORNEY. (OUR RESPONSE) Our attention has been drawn to a purported Power of Attorney displayed ...


Our attention has been drawn to a purported Power of Attorney displayed on the Social Media that purportedly gave some persons certain powers to act on behalf of the Andoni Traditional Rulers Council, hereinafter referred to as the TRC.

The first thing that we checked was the date the purported power was donated, and we discovered that it was on the 1st of December, 2021. It therefore shows that our Andoni Host/Impacted Communities Bureau which was inaugurated on the 13th of December has overtaken the event of the 1st of December 2021.

The second thing we checked was the PARTIES donated the Power to. We also discovered that the beneficiaries of the purported power were included in our Bureau.

Then we looked at the duties. And found out that HOST COMMUNITIES RIGHTS were not included in the purported Power.

With the above facts, we calmed down.

The fact that we have so many educated illiterates should be a cause of concern to us all. That publication was intended to abuse the minds of the unsuspecting public to achieve a dubious end. They have failed on arrival.

The fact that they masterminded a coup against me and attempted to lure me into a criminal act has condemned them before God and Yok Obolo. Even ewetraba will judge them.

They refused to understand that diverting money meant for a particular project into personal use is a criminal offense.

They also do not understand the meaning of the legal term of FURNISHING A CONSIDERATION. We furnished adequate consideration before we were mandated to constitute the ANDONI HOST/IMPACTED COMMUNITIES BUREAU. It was not a manna from heaven. It was not given for free. And it was given to them. We will not hesitate to lodge a billion naira suit and attach the accounts of any person or group of persons that attempt to infringe our rights.

The fact that you cannot give what you don't have is something that we all ought to know.

The Andoni Area Traditional Rulers Council is a creation of Law. That law is the Rivers State Traditional Rulers Law No. 4 of 2015.

It creates the, State Traditional Rulers Council, Local Government Area Council of Traditional Rulers, the Divisional Council of Traditional Rulers (for the Districts) and the Community Traditional Rulers Council. Please see sect. 1, 22, and 26 of the law supra.

Under sect. 24 of the enabling law, the functions of the Local Government Area Council of Traditional Rulers is PURELY to advice the State or Local Government Council on matters relating to customs and tradition. No where in the enabling law or any other laws was the TRC empowered to act in Oil and Gas or host community matters. The only Traditional Rulers that the law empowers to act in respect of Oil and Gas matters is the Traditional Ruler of the Community (ies) where the company is situate or domiciled.
Pls see the Local Content Act 2010 and sect. 235(3) of the PIA 2021.

A literate being knows that if you act outside the confines of your mandate, your action is null and void by reason of it being ultra vires your powers.

Has any of us seen the parent body of the TRC, (The Rivers State Traditional Rulers Council) interfacing, interfering or getting involved in Host Communities Vs Company affairs in Rivers State?

Has any of us seen the TRC of any other local government area interfering on behalf of the Host Communities in their area?

These TRC members have highly trained children at home in their respective communities. Why have they refused to be advised or seek the advice of qualified legal practitioners. When TRC engage their selves in fraudulent acts, they should expect to face the laws of the land.

Fraudulent Misrepresentation is a criminal act, we will not hesitate to petition the IGP and drag them before the Courts of law.

Ask Yourself the following questions:
1. Is the Andoni TRC a Community? and who is the King of the community?
2. Is "ANDONI" a community? aside from being a TRIBE or ETHNIC GROUP. A community must have a King or Traditional Ruler. Who is the Traditional Ruler or King of Andoni?

We have spent huge sums of money to make our point/case clear. We have accepted to withdraw and have withdrawn all our cases in Courts and our petition against the TRC. But will Never Forgive again. Neither can they escape being sued for damages, and/or facing criminal charges for conduct capable of causing communal conflagration/war. They should know that that is a capital offence.

Any Traditional Ruler(s) that goes out of his lawful mandate to MISREPRESENT himself before any Oil and Gas Company should be prepared to face the full wrath of the laws.

All the money and the largesse that they have collected illegally is enough. We are waiting, we are watching. Any further attempt will be matched with enough venom.

They have sponsored all manners of traducers against us. We have surmounted them all. We have forgiven but not forgotten.

We don't want to be responsible for any member of the TRC losing his Stool or Staff of Office because of being engaged in Fraudulent Misrepresentations.

No one can act on behalf of the actual host communities except the Traditional Ruler of that/those community/ies.

Igberi faa ooo.

I don talk my own finish ooo.


All indebted Green Energy Scholarship beneficiaries both Postgraduate, Undergraduate of Andoni Local Government extraction, are hereby directed to reach Chf. Nte Rawlings Ete esq or Engr. Unyeawaji B. Ntesat on WhatsApp on the following numbers: 08033304238 or 08038717021 with the following details;
1. Evidence of scholarship,
2. Evidence of current status as a student,
3. Status of indebtedness.
These details are to be sent as soft and/or hard copies on or before *Friday 04/03/22*



if you are a flying boat driver or you know any, and want to enhance your career with further training and marine papers and wish to pursue a career in the oil and gas industry, the opportunity is here as the Local Content Board (NCDMB) is here to help.


1) Your Name
2) phone number
3) email (if any)

To: 09032930039


Good morning Obolo People and Happy New Year Once Again

Today is the end of the holiday season and the beginning of this year's official workday. It is therefore expected that we also begin our work in earnest. We have therefore so began.

We will be giving you regular updates of our activities and progress or difficulties, as we move on.

We have a complaint about Grean Energy's refusal to keep to their Corporate Social Responsibilities to their Host/Impacted Communities in the area of payments of the Scholarship entitlements of our students, or even continuing the scholarship process/policy.

I want to state here unequivocally that the scholarship program giving to our children is a right. It is of great importance that we understand the fact Scholarships, off the job and on the job training are not privileges but host community rights backed by laws. And so we can demand it's enforcement as of right. Do not forget that the oil and gas they are taking from our land, is our own. The law says he who owns the land, owns what is beneath the land and above the land. So if our government disposses us the benefits of the Oil/Gas, and give them the DUTY of giving us meager Corporate Social Responsibilities to perform, why would we allow them to run away from performing those duties while they are still drilling and selling our oil daily.

We therefore intend to use our offices to demand the urgent delivery of these rights to the Andoni Communities.

We will therefore appeal that anyone with further relevant information of such breaches to avail us with it timely.

It is also important that we all know that we are part of the process of lifting our people from the ongoing marginalization from the oil companies. The earlier you come forward to join us in the struggle, the better for us all.

We have several other issues/matters we are taking head on today. Your advice/imputs in any areas of your interest can't be overestimated.

My phone number is always open for your calls. In each of the districts, you have our member representating you in this Bureau to also approach.

Together We Can Win.

Yours in service

Chf. Nte Rawlings Ete esq
Okaan-Ama Oyorokoto
(Chairman Andoni Host/Impacted Communities Bureau)




On the 13th of December 2021, the Andoni Host/Impacted Communities Bureau was inaugurated by the ANDONI AREA TRADITIONAL RULERS COUNCIL with myself as the Chairman. It brought to an end almost five years of painful agitation for the recognition of our community, Oyorokoto, and ourselves as one of the major host communities of All the Oil & Gas Companies operating in the Atlantic Ocean, offshore Oyorokoto. It then heralded a brand new Era of broad and united ownership of the oil and gas industries directly by the host and Impacted Communities. It is an assemblage of host and Impacted Communities in Andoni.

Today, 1st of January 2022 is the beginning of our tenure and our duties include but not limited to the following:

1. To coordinate all host and Impacted Communities interest as it relates to companies corporate social responsibilities to Andoni.

2. To source for employment and empowerment opportunities for deserving sons and daughters of Andoni.

3. To liaise with Andoni Communities to ensuring a peaceful environment for the activities of Oil companies operating within the boundaries of Andoni.

4. To serve as representative of the Andoni People as it affects the businesses of oil & Gas in Andoni and report to the communities through the Andoni Area Traditional Rulers Council, and,

5. To liaise with the Andoni Local Government Council, where necessary to ensure smooth operation of the Bureau, the companies and the Communities.

As broad as this mandates are, we believe we will not let our people down.

In view of the above, I wish to extend my heart felt appreciation to the following persons:

1. KING AARON IKURU Okaan-Ama of Ikuru Town and Chairman of Andoni Area Traditional Rulers Council.
I hereby extend my heart felt appreciation to you for adopting me as your son and spending your time to advise and indoctrinate me on the ideals of love, peace and a UNITED OBOLO NATION built on the foundation of equity and labor. You saw that the time was ripe, and despite all opposition, you did what is expected of a father who loves his nation. I will never forget the lectures I received from you on the unity of Andoni, and will do everything within my powers, and the blessings of God never to disappoint you and our Obolo Nation.

2. TO MY Capt. Friend. I wish to thank you for your unflinching support. It's you that initiated the entire process. You stood by the Oyorokoto Community for twenty years (20) today. Without you, I dare say, this success wouldn't have been achieved so soon. I will always try never to forget the fact that you were a piller that I leaned on. Today, the Glory is to God and mankind. I thank you.

3. To my friend and partner, the Andoni Jagaban of Ikuru Town. I thank you for your support. I am loyal. Together we can make Andoni a peaceful, progressive and successful Community.

4. To My "Son" in Bonny Kingdom. You proved yourself more than an adopted son. You became a strong piller of financial and moral support. You guaranteed loans for this course without me signing a single paper. Neither I or Andoni will ever forget.

5. To my innumerable sponsors. The battle is won and now over. Thanks to you. We will not forget. Your regular advice will be appreciated.

6. To the Andoni Council Boss. I hereby, on behalf of myself and my colleagues pledge our on alloyed loyalty to your government. We are your children and relations. Forgive us our sins and let your anger no longer kindle. Let it go with the past year 2021. Let this new year bring good relationships, love, peace and progress to us all. We are ready to work with you. We are ready to listen to your advice. We are ready to learn and grow with you. Let's unite to salvage Andoni.

7. To The Saboteurs of Andoni.
We know you. It's your opposition that galvanized us to fight harder. We thank you. We know your time has expired. Drop the sabotage. Come let's build together.

8. To the seat tight CLOs of Andoni. .
Know from today that your lease has expired. CLOs from today would be rotated among the seven (7) districts of Andoni. No single person/community will hold a particular CLO position for more than two (2) years.

9. To My Detractors.
I thank you for making me stronger.
I have forgiven you all. And I appeal that you forgive me too. Let's be friends and walk arm in arm to our progress.

10. To those who are in the business of harming me. Know that I am a complete Naturalist. I believe in Awaji, Oluwa, Abasi, Yok Obolo, Ewitraba and all the other gods. Each of the above is a thousand times stronger than your force(s). And so you end up destroying yourself while attempting to plot my harm. I thank you for keeping my spiritual forces alert and ever aggressive against your likes. Ometeburu is our motto.

11. To Those Who Still Plan to Truncate Our Mission.
My brotherman, try no more. For Macduff was not of a woman BORN, But was untimely ripped from his mother's womb. Note that our Vallas are up, the Victorious Ship has set sail. We will not anchor until we port at that illusive Island of PEACE, PROSPERITY AND PROGRESS. Don't be a second Pharaoh.

Peaceful Agitation.
From the onset, I pledged to myself and my God never to spill blood in the course of this battle. Glory to God that we kept to our promise. We achieved our goal without spilling any blood. I hereby pledge to protect the project without bloodshed.

To Our Youths. The joy in your faces today wouldn't have been possible without pain staking peace created by the efforts of our Traditional Rulers and our Council Boss, Barr. Erastus Awortu. I appeal to you to reciprocate these efforts by making sure that you ensure that crime is not only reduced in Andoni, but eradicated completely. That is the only way that we can sustain the peace and the expected progress in Andoni.

To us all, let's enter this year on a positive note. We have suffered enough. This year is a year that we all must forgive each other and come together in strength and unity for the eradication of poverty in our land.

I thank you all and WISH YOU A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR of Peace and Progress.

Good morning.

MY CHRISTMAS MESSAGELet me start by giving you the GOOD NEWS. Today is Christmas. We are alive and well. Though some of ...


Let me start by giving you the GOOD NEWS. Today is Christmas. We are alive and well. Though some of us may be financially sick and health sick. We must still give God thanks that we are alive to see this day. I'm certain that our future is bright.

Yesterday a good Obolo Son has redeemed his pledge by supporting this Struggle with the sum of three million, five hundred thousand naira (₦3.500 000 00) for office space. While we would not disclose his identity for now, it is of great importance to us if we, in our silent moment, pray to God to bless him, and ask God to encourage him to do more for the emancipation of the Obolo People.

We have secured the office. Though we still need to pay the agency and legal fees, and to carry out the necessary renovation work. We also will have to equip the office with all necessary office equipments like tables, chairs, computers etc. We will also employ cleeners, drivers, secretaries etc. We need a bus to convey our Local/Community Content Task Force members to their different official assignments. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. We are sure that the step has been taken, that other well meaning Obolo sons will follow this perfect example and do more to assist the course.

It's unfortunate that our good intentions to operate an open policy in the Oil and gas industry is generating some bad blood. I would advise that change is inevitable and we all should accept the fact that the Andoni Oil and Gas industry is ripe for overhaul.

Expect those that are benefitting from the status quo to protest and protect their garri. Ours is to continue to do the right thing for the Obolo People. The suffering is just insufferable. We must therefore persevere.

To those that our actions and in-actions have offended, especially our amiable Chairman of Andoni Local Government Council, Hon. Erastus Awortu, I want to use this opportunity to RENDER AN UNRESERVED APOLOGY to him. We have hurt ourselves. We believe it's time to forgive, forget and move on.

To the Obolo People, we assure you that we will strive for peace and sacrifice for peace so that glory will remain to the God above.

I thank you all and wish you well.

A Very Happy Christmas To You All.





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