Title: Is Saitama's Strength The Same As Goku's? A battle between Saitama and Son Goku still ongoing. Both of them showing an absolutely incredible strength. Goku with his Ultra Instinct looks incredible but Saitama also the same. The fight still goes on. Saitama and Goku, both of them exchanged attacks. Goku constantly attacks Saitama that makes Saitama a bit in pressure. Using his Ultra Instinct, Goku's attack looks powerful. Saitama knocked back but this time Saitama switched to serious mode in instant. #goku #songoku #ultrainstinctgoku #saitama #saitamastrength
Does Goku Stronger Than Saitama?
Who Is Stronger, Gogeta Blue or Gogeta SSJ4? #dragonballsuper #goku #gogetablue #gokusupersaiyan #gokuultrainstinct
Goku 1 - 0 Jiren
An epic battle between two titans from different universe. Goku from universe 7 meanwhile Jiren from universe 11. The battle was intense. Both of them using their most kick off power. Goku, for instant unlocked a new level which is Super Saiyan Ultra Instinct . Finally, Jiren was defeated by Goku. The universe 7 is survive
Goku 1 - 0 Jiren #goku #jiren #dragonballsuper