Em Emery

Em Emery Mum | Farm Life | Dream Beach House | Health and Wellness | Travelling with Kids

I wanted to have some family photos taken before I lost my hair. I was trying to stay positive but deep down it wasn't a...

I wanted to have some family photos taken before I lost my hair.

I was trying to stay positive but deep down it wasn't about the hair.

I wanted my kids to be able to remember their 36 year old, Mum.... just in case...

I had already been diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

Chemo started the very next day.

I am incredibly grateful to say that I am in the minority. Only 49% of women survive beyond 5 years after a diagnosis. I am one of the lucky ones!

Today is World Ovarian Cancer Day.

There is no known cure.

There is no early screening tool.

The symptoms are vague.

Listen to your body and build a relationship with a GP.


🌟 LEST WE FORGET 🌟Today is a day of refection and gratitude.  It's also a day to remember my family and their contributi...


Today is a day of refection and gratitude.

It's also a day to remember my family and their contribution to world we live in today.

My Grandad served in the Merchant Navy in a World War 2.

My Great Grandfather was an ANZAC who landed at Gallipoli at 21 years of age.

My other Great Grandfather was a Private in the Army in World War 1 and in the Merchant Navy in World War 2. Interestingly, he was sunk twice in the second World War and survived!

We were incredibly fortunate to have all of these men return home to their family ❤️


After spending time today, learning from the best in the business...

My mantra for the week is 'JUST DO THE THING!'


If you could choose one career, without worrying about money or qualifications, what would it be?

Sean Patrick Flanery is right in saying...You can have 12 months of resultsORYou can have 12 months of regrets.I can con...

Sean Patrick Flanery is right in saying...

You can have 12 months of results


You can have 12 months of regrets.

I can confidently say that my future self is already thanking me. My life is so abundantly full.

Ask me how to start TODAY!!!


My top 5 would be:
1. Alaska
2. Canada
3. USA
4. Cuba
5. Ireland

Ever felt that pursuing another degree was the only way to keep up with the ever-evolving digital landscape? I've been t...

Ever felt that pursuing another degree was the only way to keep up with the ever-evolving digital landscape? I've been there, until I realised the game has changed. The pace of required skills has quickened, and there's a faster route to staying ahead.

In my quest for growth and adaptability, I once thought a new degree was the solution to acquiring cutting-edge skills in this rapidly changing digital era. However, a shift in perspective showed me a more dynamic path — short courses taught by industry leaders. Here are the key takeaways:

1. Agile, Transferrable Skills: Short courses provide skills that swiftly adapt to the ever-changing digital landscape.
2. Embrace a Rapid Learning Mindset: The pace of the digital world demands continuous, rapid learning.
3. Practical Action Over Lengthy Degrees: In the digital era, practical experience and swift adaptation trump traditional degrees.

If you're considering how to keep pace with the dynamic digital landscape, explore specialised short courses. They offer a quicker, more flexible, and practical way to gain skills vital in today's fast-paced environment.

💻 Share Your Journey: Comment below with an area you're eager to delve into. Let's connect and inspire each other in this era of rapid digital evolution! 🚀

Only hours before this photo, most of these women were strangers from different corners of the country and varied walks ...

Only hours before this photo, most of these women were strangers from different corners of the country and varied walks of life. Yet, when we gathered, we became like family.

We're REAL people!

👨🏻‍👩🏻‍👧🏻‍👦🏻 We share a love for our children and a desire to Create More Family Freedom
💻 We're all digital entrepreneurs
⏱️ We all crave to break free from the 9-5 grind
💪🏻 We're strong, intelligent, positive, ambitious, and coachable
🥂 We're here to celebrate achievements and learn from the best in the business
💗 We all have abundance in our lives

So much growth and opportunity comes from simply saying 'Yes!'

What's holding you back from being in the next photo? DM to find out how ⌨️

Ever felt the nudge to step outside your comfort zone? Let's talk about the power that lies beyond those familiar bounda...

Ever felt the nudge to step outside your comfort zone? Let's talk about the power that lies beyond those familiar boundaries.

A few months ago, I hesitated before taking a leap into the unknown. Leaving the comfort of my routine seemed daunting, but little did I know, it was the catalyst for incredible growth and new opportunities.

Here are some things I have learned:
1. Embrace the discomfort: Growth often lurks just beyond your comfort zone.
2. Discover hidden strengths: Challenges reveal capabilities you never knew you had.
3. Open doors to new possibilities: Stepping outside the familiar opens up a world of opportunities.
4. Cultivate resilience: Each step outside the comfort zone builds resilience for future endeavours.

If you're feeling stuck or contemplating a change, take a moment to reflect on your aspirations. Identify one small step you can take to challenge your comfort zone.

When was the last time you stepped outside your comfort zone? Share your experiences below and let's celebrate the transformative power of embracing the unknown together! 🚀✨


What does freedom look like to you?

For me freedom is:
⏱️ Choosing how to spend my time
👨🏻‍👩🏻‍👧🏻‍👦🏻 Prioritising time with family and friends
✈️ Booking my next holiday without having to organise leave, worrying about my job, asking permission
💰 Not checking the bank balance
🍉 Eating healthy, nutritious food
💦 Drinking the world's best water
💗 Supporting cause close to my heart

What if there was ACTUALLY a way to achieve freedom? DM to find out how ⬇️

Lately, I've been navigating the delicate balance between the demands of consistent posting and the imperative need to p...

Lately, I've been navigating the delicate balance between the demands of consistent posting and the imperative need to prioritise my health.

These past weeks, my health demanded more attention than my to-do list. Instead of pushing through, I chose to listen to my body and rest. While it meant fewer posts and less screen time, it allowed me the space to recharge.

My key takeaways are::
1. Health First: Our bodies send signals; we must listen and respond.
2. Adaptability is Key: Plans may change, and that's okay. Adaptability is a strength.
3. Quality Over Quantity: Sometimes, less frequent, quality posts outweigh consistent but rushed content.
4. Grace in Imperfection: It's okay not to have it all together; perfection isn't the goal.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, where health demands more attention than work, remember:

✅ Prioritize self-care without guilt.
✅ Communicate with your audience transparently.
✅ Embrace adaptability; your well-being is a priority.

Drop a love heart emoji if you resonate with the belief that health is more important than work. Let's celebrate the community that recognises the value of putting our well-being first. 🤍

Hi, I'm Em.I'm married and a mum to two awesome kids.I'm a trained teacher turned digital entrepreneur. I help educate a...

Hi, I'm Em.

I'm married and a mum to two awesome kids.

I'm a trained teacher turned digital entrepreneur.

I help educate and empower women like me to embrace FREEDOM.

If I'm not travelling, I'm thinking about it and talking about it!

I value honesty, relationships, adventure, resilience and personal growth.

My happy place is at the beach with my family.

My mantra is 'be a decent human being'.

Who has been doing last minute Christmas shopping this weekend?I am trying very hard not to buy stuff for the sake of st...

Who has been doing last minute Christmas shopping this weekend?

I am trying very hard not to buy stuff for the sake of stuff this year. I have tried to go for experiences for the kids. So far, I have:
📽️ Movie tickets
🎳 Ten pin bowling
🏊🏻 Aquatic centre
🛼 Skating

What else would you add to the list?

I don't know about you but when I'm about to travel somewhere,  I love that Facebook suggests places/ pages I might like...

I don't know about you but when I'm about to travel somewhere, I love that Facebook suggests places/ pages I might like.

Ningaloo Reef has always been on my bucket list. 2024 is the year to tick it off!

Tell me what's on your bucket list for 2024?

How’s that water clarity 👌✅

Snorkelling the crystal blue waters of Visit Ningaloo is just one of the many Coral Coast experiences we have on our 2024 travel bucket list 🤿 what's on yours?

📷: (via Instagram)

Australia.comWestern Australia

Sometimes, life throws unexpected curveballs, and this was one for me. 😔✈️ Due to unforeseen circumstances, my flight to...

Sometimes, life throws unexpected curveballs, and this was one for me. 😔✈️ Due to unforeseen circumstances, my flight to the highly anticipated retreat was cancelled. Disappointment is an understatement, but amidst setbacks, there's always room for growth.

Here are a few tips for my fellow adventure seekers and busy bees when faced with a cancelled flight:

Stay Calm: Take a deep breath and stay calm. These situations are beyond our control.

Communicate: Reach out to the airline immediately. Often, they can assist in rebooking or finding alternative solutions.

Explore Alternatives: Check other flights, transportation options, or nearby airports. Flexibility can lead to surprising solutions.

Use Travel Insurance: If you have travel insurance, check the coverage for such situations.

Embrace the Unexpected: While it's okay to feel disappointed, consider this an opportunity for a new adventure or a chance to explore the unexpected.

Remember, every setback is a setup for a comeback. Missing the start of the retreat may be a detour, but the journey continues. I'll keep you updated on the twists and turns. 💫

What are your tips for dealing with unexpected travel changes? Share your wisdom below! 🌍✨

OMG - I am so excited for this!Something so exciting, something that is changing the trajectory of people’s lives.🎉 Entr...

OMG - I am so excited for this!

Something so exciting, something that is changing the trajectory of people’s lives.

🎉 Entrepreneurship Essentials 🎉

A masterclass like no other is launching inside our private Facebook group at Thursday 14th December 2023 at 7.45.

I’d love to invite you to join me inside the group where we will be really giving you a unique experience and introduction to life changing strategies and insights to the new paradigm of business a business model that is impacting thousands of people across the globe with their wealth, their health and the way they get to own more choices in their lives.

An invite for you to embody a new and more conscious way of living with more TIME, more CHOICE, more MONEY and more FREEDOM!

Discover a New Paradigm and the business vehicle that's shaping our world. Learn how these changes can impact not only your life but also the lives of others across the globe. Dive into a 500-year vision and a business that supports you to honour your values alongside the profound health impact that's touching millions.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to make a real difference in your life and our New era of living.

Act now and connect with us to secure your spot!

It will be going deep into:

The power of creating a conscious personal brand aligned to your own vision and values.
• How to activate limitless freedom and abundance
• What it means to build a legacy, beyond your lifetime
• How to bring this all to your social media platforms even if you have no idea how to get started
• How to monetise your social media to create a conscious online income
• Our proven strategy to create true generational wealth and make a real difference for generations to come.
• What it means and how to leverage automation and done-for-you systems, so you can spend your time living your life more present and empowered.

It’s time to stop trading time for money and start making money in a way that you can actually enjoy your time and feel good about!

This masterclass will set you up to know how to build a conscious income that evolves with you as an individual, that celebrates who YOU are and has the ability to change thousands of lives, starting with your own!

It’s a business model designed to evolve with you, so that your financial future is always in YOUR hands.

This is the new way of living on the terms of life that suit YOU!

To receive access to this conversation, to be a part of this movement, just pop a YES below and I’ll send you the link
with all the details

I've got a number of tickets to give out for this event for free to those that are committed to watching it and playing full out!

This is the future of freedom and true wealth in all aspects of life, I can promise you!!

🌟 Dear Amazing Community,I hope this message finds you well. 🌷 I've been a bit quiet on social media lately, and I wante...

🌟 Dear Amazing Community,

I hope this message finds you well. 🌷 I've been a bit quiet on social media lately, and I wanted to share with you why. In the past weeks, I've been prioritising my health, taking the time I needed to recharge and restore.

Now, I'm thrilled to be back, bursting with energy and some incredible news to share! Last weekend, I attended a transformative retreat that left me feeling rejuvenated and inspired. 🌈✨

This isn't something I would have done before. In the past, I might have pushed through, ignoring how I truly felt. But, I've learned that self-care is not a luxury—it's a necessity. Taking this time for myself has been a game-changer, and I can't wait to share the powerful experience and insights gained during this retreat. 🌿💖

Stay tuned for upcoming posts where we dive into the magic together! 💫 Thank you for your understanding and support. Let's embark on this journey of growth and wellness together! 🌻💖

Embrace change as your greatest adventure. It's the transformative journey where unknown paths lead to extraordinary dis...

Embrace change as your greatest adventure. It's the transformative journey where unknown paths lead to extraordinary discoveries. Let change be the compass guiding you through uncharted territories, making each twist and turn an exciting chapter in your incredible adventure of growth. 🌍✨

🍎🌐 From Classroom Communication to Digital Entrepreneurship: Mastering the Art of Effective Interaction! 📢💼Hello educato...

🍎🌐 From Classroom Communication to Digital Entrepreneurship: Mastering the Art of Effective Interaction! 📢💼

Hello educators and budding entrepreneurs! 👋 Beyond the school walls, the communication finesse developed in teaching opens doors to success in public relations. Let's delve into how navigating parent communication seamlessly translates into the dynamic world of online business!

1️⃣ Media Savvy: Much like PR pros, teachers navigate media landscapes. Understanding media agendas ensures effective communication. In the digital market, staying attuned to trends and platforms is equally crucial for success.

2️⃣ Public Image: Cultivating a positive public image is vital in teaching and marketing. Teachers grasp the importance of reputation, just as businesses rely on a positive online presence for success.

3️⃣ Presentation Excellence: Teachers excel in presenting information effectively. Similarly, in online business, crafting compelling presentations is key to engaging audiences and driving success.

These adaptable skills are the foundation of my journey from teaching to a thriving digital venture. If you're curious about how these skills can pave the way for success in your own pursuits, let's connect! 🚀

📚✨ Transitioning from teaching is not an end; it's a gateway to pursue passion and infinite success. Embrace change as t...

📚✨ Transitioning from teaching is not an end; it's a gateway to pursue passion and infinite success. Embrace change as the catalyst for personal growth, exploring uncharted avenues that resonate with your heart. The skills cultivated in the classroom become stepping stones toward a fulfilling journey where passion fuels your endeavors. Discover the boundless possibilities beyond teaching, where every step brings you closer to a life brimming with purpose and achievement. 🌟💼 Embrace the journey, trust the process, and let your passion be the guiding star toward a future filled with limitless success.

In the whirlwind of a busy week, prioritise genuine connections with friends! 🤝🌟 Send a heartfelt text, plan a quick cof...

In the whirlwind of a busy week, prioritise genuine connections with friends! 🤝🌟 Send a heartfelt text, plan a quick coffee catch-up, or schedule a virtual call. Quality over quantity matters—small gestures make lasting impacts. Time-poor doesn't mean connection-poor! 💬

Tuesday TRAVEL TaleAnyone who has travelled through the centre of Australia knows that it is a very LONG and BORING trip...

Tuesday TRAVEL Tale

Anyone who has travelled through the centre of Australia knows that it is a very LONG and BORING trip through the desert. We were keen to get the kms on the clock and on this day, drove well after dark.

Imagine our surprise when we awoke the next morning in our rest area to find this sensational view of Lake Hart, South Australia.

Even a windy day at the beach is better than no day at the beach 🏖️🩴🏖️

Even a windy day at the beach is better than no day at the beach 🏖️🩴🏖️

Embrace the bold move to change your career path—it's the key to unlocking new horizons. Each pivot brings fresh opportu...

Embrace the bold move to change your career path—it's the key to unlocking new horizons. Each pivot brings fresh opportunities and fuels your growth. Don't fear the unknown; it's where transformation and endless possibilities await. 🌐✨

Recently, we took part in a delayed Halloween 'trick or treat' event at our beach community. The kids loved it. I think ...

Recently, we took part in a delayed Halloween 'trick or treat' event at our beach community. The kids loved it. I think they love seeing their parents dress up more than the lolly stash 🤭

📚💼 From Classroom Leadership to Digital Triumph: Transferable Skills Unveiled! 🌐🌟Hello, educators and aspiring entrepren...

📚💼 From Classroom Leadership to Digital Triumph: Transferable Skills Unveiled! 🌐🌟

Hello, educators and aspiring entrepreneurs! 👋 Managing a classroom isn't just about teaching; it's a strategic adventure that involves prioritising objectives, mastering time, and skillfully navigating the challenges that arise daily. Let's explore how these skills seamlessly transfer into the dynamic world of online ventures!

1️⃣ Objective Prioritisation: In the classroom, setting educational goals is crucial. Similarly, in the online space, prioritising objectives ensures strategic focus on tasks that drive growth—be it nurturing minds or building networks.

2️⃣ Exceptional Time Management: Teachers are time wizards, balancing lessons, assessments, and more. Translating this skill to the digital space ensures efficient use of time, a priceless asset in both education and entrepreneurial pursuits.

3️⃣ Problem-Solving Prowess: The classroom presents daily challenges, demanding quick thinking and creative solutions. Likewise, in the online business world, adept problem-solving turns obstacles into opportunities for growth.

These transferable skills are the bedrock of my journey from teaching to a thriving digital venture. If you're curious about how these skills can lead to success in your own pursuits, let's connect! 🚀💬




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