Africa Internationalist and Socialist

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We are a platform for information and political debate on the class struggle on the African continent, organised and maintained by activists from various countries and organisations from the perspective of socialism and internationalism.


| This week, thousands of Kenyans demonstrated nationwide against prices of food, the cost of living on Monday, inflation and unemployment. The marches on Monday, 20 March, appeared in many Kenyan cities, and they were repressed by the Kenyan police, who used tear gas against the masses in the streets. On Monday the Kenyan police banned planned demonstrations and rallies, claiming that the demonstrations were unconstitutional and threatened peace and business. More demonstrations are called for Thursday. At least 500 persons were arrested nationwide. It is unclear how many people who were arrested Monday and Tuesday have been released from jail.

Convidamos você a participar da conferência da África Internacionalista e Socialista, um movimento de ativistas comprome...

Convidamos você a participar da conferência da África Internacionalista e Socialista, um movimento de ativistas comprometidos com a libertação da África do saque imperialista de suas riquezas, no domingo 11 de dezembro de 2022. Convidamos você a ser signatário deste convite e a juntar-se a nós em uma grande campanha internacional para a saída de do RD CONGO.

Liga Internacional de los Trabajadores - Cuarta Internacional
Grupo Afro Agbara Dudu

Nous vous invitons ce dimanche 11 décembre 2022 à assister à la  conférence de l’Africa Internationalist and Socialist, ...

Nous vous invitons ce dimanche 11 décembre 2022 à assister à la conférence de l’Africa Internationalist and Socialist, mouvement réunissant des militants autour de la cause de la libération de l’Afrique du pillage impérialiste de ses richesses. Nous vous invitons à être signataire de la présente invitation et de vous impliquer à nos côtés dans une grande campagne internationale pour le départ de la .

Congolese Civil Society of South Africa
Congolese Renaissance Movement

We invite you this Sunday, December 11, 2022 to attend the conference of the Africa Internationalist and Socialist, a mo...

We invite you this Sunday, December 11, 2022 to attend the conference of the Africa Internationalist and Socialist, a movement of activists around the cause of the liberation of Africa from the imperialist plunder of its wealth. We invite you to sign this invitation and to get involved with us in a great international campaign for the departure of

Congolese Civil Society of South Africa
Congolese Renaissance Moment

MONUSCO DÉGAGE Nous vous invitons ce dimanche 11 décembre 2022 à assister à la  conférence de l’Africa Internationalist ...

MONUSCO DÉGAGE Nous vous invitons ce dimanche 11 décembre 2022 à assister à la conférence de l’Africa Internationalist and Socialist, mouvement réunissant des militants autour de la cause de la libération de l’Afrique du pillage impérialiste de ses richesses.

Nous vous invitons à être signataire de la présente invitation et de vous impliquer à nos côtés dans une grande campagne internationale pour le départ de la MONUSCO.

MONUSCO OUT | We invite you this Sunday, December 11, 2022 to attend the conference of the  , a movement of activists ar...

MONUSCO OUT | We invite you this Sunday, December 11, 2022 to attend the conference of the , a movement of activists around the cause of the liberation of Africa from the imperialist plunder of its wealth.

We invite you to sign this invitation and to get involved with us in a great international campaign for the departure of .

Appel à une campagne internationale pour le départ des troupes de la Monusco de la RDC!Les récentes manifestations récla...

Appel à une campagne internationale pour le départ des troupes de la Monusco de la RDC!

Les récentes manifestations réclamant le départ des casques bleus de la MONUSCO montre clairement que la population n’en peut plus de son incapacité à apporter la paix et de son parti pris pour les forces soutenues par le Rwanda. Face à l’avancée et aux exactions des groupes armés (M23, ADF) les soldats de l’ONU sont inefficaces quand ils ne sont pas eux-mêmes auteurs d’exactions. Contre la mobilisation de la population congolaise, la répression a été brutale avec plus de 40 personnes assassinées par les soldats de la mission de « maintien de la paix».

La mission des Nations Unies, créée après les accords de Lusaka en 1999, avait pour objectif affiché de faire respecter le cessez-le-feu, de désarmer les groupes armés et de garantir la sécurité des civils. Vingt années ont passé et nous constatons qu’au lieu de pacifier le Congo il y a , au contraire, de plus en plus de groupes armés, de plus en plus de massacres, de misère et d’exploitation.

Son « inefficacité » est pourtant tout à fait logique quand on veut bien voir que loin d’être une force impartiale venue rétablir la paix, la Monusco est une occupation impérialiste de l’ONU, dirigée principalement par les États-Unis, l'Europe et la "Communauté internationale". Elle y garantit le pillage des ressources du Congo en sécurisant les intérêts des grands groupes multinationaux, mais ne garantit en rien la sécurité de la population congolaise. Au contraire, retranché dans ses camps, elle ne s’oppose pas à l’ingérence des forces soutenues par Rwanda. Pire, elle envenime le conflit en soutenant des groupes armés, justifiant ainsi sa présence. Et c’est grâce à l’intervention du Rwanda que l’impérialisme préserve ses intérêts en intervenant au Congo et en évitant que la situation ne devienne incontrôlable, car cela nuirait aux affaires.

Ces juteuses affaires font que la population congolaise subit depuis des décennies un véritable génocide et cela dans un silence complice et criminel pour cette seule raison : l’économie mondiale à besoin de ses richesses et, pour cela, sa population peut être sacrifiée. Dans ce contexte, le gouvernement congolais ne protège pas le peuple mais collabore avec l’ONU malgré tous ses crimes, car il gère les affaires de tous les capitalistes qui pillent le pays, en prenant un pourcentage au passage pour service rendu.

Nous soutenons la population qui en a marre et se soulève en demandant le départ de la Monusco. Contrairement à tous les vendeurs de soi-disant démocratie, le peuple congolais, et particulièrement sa jeunesse, identifie l’armée de l’ONU comme une armée de pillage et non comme des « soldats de la paix».

Nous appelons par la présente déclaration à une campagne internationale pour demander le départ de la Monusco, dénoncer le plus largement possible le rôle réel de la Monusco et soutenir la population congolaise dans sa lutte contre l’occupant et ses soutiens.

Africa Internationaliste et Socialiste (AIS), le 20 août 2022 -

IWL- FI / International Workers League - Fourth International | "The working population of semi-colonial countries are r...

IWL- FI / International Workers League - Fourth International | "The working population of semi-colonial countries are rising up against hunger and social degradation, accentuated by the rise of the dollar, the devaluation of their national currencies, the increase in the cost of importing fuels, and a foreign debt and inflation that are skyrocketing."

Ecuador, Sri Lanka, Panama and Great Britain…

Bombardeio nuclear: o elo perdido entre Hiroshima-Nagasaki e CongoHá 77 anos, dois bombardeios norte-americanos atingiam...

Bombardeio nuclear: o elo perdido entre Hiroshima-Nagasaki e Congo

Há 77 anos, dois bombardeios norte-americanos atingiam as cidades de Hiroshima e Nagasaki. Estes dois ataques marcariam não somente a memória coletiva do povo japonês, como do mundo inteiro.
As bombas de material nuclear, parte sombria da Segunda Guerra Mundial, revelaram o horror do poder de destruição atômica das potências mundiais e o ataque se tornou uma das maiores tragédias da história da humanidade.
O que pouco se sabe, no entanto, é sobre como os preparativos para o ataque às cidades japonesas resultaram em outras milhares de vítimas civis no Congo, mais precisamente na região da mina de , oficialmente desativada em 1960.
Esse elo macabro entre os dois países é pouco conhecido e a razão para isso pode ser compreendida quando se analisa o contexto político e histórico, conforme nos contou em entrevista o ativista e acadêmico congolês membro da CCSSA (sigla em inglês para Sociedade Civil Congolesa da África), Yves Salankang.

📍 Saiba mais e leia a entrevista em nosso site:


🇿🇦 SOUTH AFRICA | Rapper and teacher, Hertz Dias states that: “Africa for us is considered as a motherland, but if today I went to South Africa, for sure my life would be at risk.”

The pre-candidate therefore stands in solidarity with immigrants in South Africa persecuted by “Operation Dudula” as he claims that this group has used methods of persecution and repression from the US racial supremacist movement, the Klu Klux Klan.



Vera Lúcia is a pre-candidate for the presidency of Brazil in the October elections. The only black woman candidate in Brazil repudiates the far-right group Operation Dudula and unconditionally supports the struggle of migrants in South Africa.

In the video, she mentions the slavocratic past that dispersed black people around the world and the fond imagery of black Brazilians with the African Continent.

However, she says she is horrified by the images of blacks hunting blacks in South Africa.

“it is necessary to organise the working class to face unemployment and confront the extreme right that is expressed in the dudula operation”.

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RD CONGO | "La visite du Roi Philippe en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), ancienne colonie de la Belgique, a été ...

RD CONGO | "La visite du Roi Philippe en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), ancienne colonie de la Belgique, a été saluée unanimement par la majorité de la presse belge comme une visite réussie (...). Mais le véritable objectif de la visite n’était pas là. Il s’agissait, comme pour toutes les visites d’un membre de la famille royale belge dans le monde, de consolider avant tout les rapports diplomatiques et économiques. Lesquels sont, dans ce cas-ci, fortement emprunts de néo-colonialisme."

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Tensions between DRC and RwandaThis monday, 20/06, Isaiah Mombilo, from Congolese Civil Society/SA, gave an interview to...

Tensions between DRC and Rwanda

This monday, 20/06, Isaiah Mombilo, from Congolese Civil Society/SA, gave an interview to the channel "Newzroo Afrika", analysing the immanent conflict between the countries.


Elementos históricos sobre a Guerra do Sahel | O povo de Azawad (tuaregues) enfrenta vários desafios: A realpoltik das g...

Elementos históricos sobre a Guerra do Sahel | O povo de Azawad (tuaregues) enfrenta vários desafios: A realpoltik das grandes potências, a marginalização e as injustiças dos países que nos abrigam e finalmente o terrorismo cujo objetivo é extraditar os tuaregues em massa e fazer desaparecer nossa cultura.

Ehameye Ag Mohamadoun Antes de mais nada, a questão é geopolítica e remonta à Conferência de Berlim, que decidiu sobre fronteiras arbitrárias que dividiram os tuaregues em diferentes países. Os [...]


SOUTH AFRICA | Clover workers have today occupied the offices of IDC to demand that DTI/IDC buy out CBC/MILCO out of Clover, following collapse of the successive Negotiations with Clover/MILCO management.

They demand public ownership of Clover, withdrawal of police from Clover factories- state police cannot act as the company security, and withdrawal of all austerity measures in Clover.
Afrique du Sud | Travailleurs de Clover ont occupé aujourd'hui les bureaux d'IDC pour exiger que DTI/IDC rachète CBC/MILCO de Clover, suite à l'échec des négociations successives avec la direction de Clover/MILCO.

Ils exigent la propriété publique de Clover, le retrait de la police des usines de Clover - la police d'État ne peut pas assurer la sécurité de l'entreprise - et le retrait de toutes les mesures d'austérité à Clover.
ÁFRICA DO SUL | Os trabalhadores da Clover ocuparam agora os escritórios da IDC para exigir que a DTI/IDC comprasse a CBC/MILCO à Clover, após o colapso das sucessivas negociações com a direcção da Clover/MILCO.

Exigimos a propriedade pública da Clover, a retirada da polícia das fábricas da Clover - a polícia estatal não pode actuar como a segurança da empresa, e a retirada de todas as medidas de austeridade na Clover.

🇿🇦 África do Sul | Desde 2008, ano em que houve um ataque xenófobo histórico brutal contra cidadãos estrangeiros, as agr...

🇿🇦 África do Sul | Desde 2008, ano em que houve um ataque xenófobo histórico brutal contra cidadãos estrangeiros, as agressões xenofóbicas vêm aumentando na África do Sul a cada ano, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 e 2022. Em 2008 o ataque aconteceu após um discurso de ódio de certa autoridade influente, que fez com que a população acreditasse que seus empregos estavam sendo ocupados por estrangeiros. A população que já estava pressionada pelas péssimas condições de vida e pela falta de assistência e serviços público (tais como: água encanada, rede de esgoto, hospitais, moradia, energia elétrica, transporte, escola etc.) e são motivadas pelos políticos que se utilizam de argumentos que culpabilizam os estrangeiros pela situação e se organizam para os ataques. Mas os estrangeiros são tão vítimas do sistema, assim como o restante da população da África do Sul, mas com o agravante de que são vítimas de xenofobia e não recebem qualquer apoio institucional.

Leia mais:

SOUTH AFRICA | About 4.000 workers who belong to the GIWUSA and the FAWU have been on strike against the majority Israel...

SOUTH AFRICA | About 4.000 workers who belong to the GIWUSA and the FAWU have been on strike against the majority Israeli-owned company since 22 November, 2021. Striking workers fear that corporate changes at the dairy giant will lead to reduced local production and increased imports of Israeli products. (...)

We understand that those who believe that the solution is the immediate nationalization of Clover, to guarantee jobs and stop financing the bloody apartheid to the people of Israel, are right.

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SOUTH AFRICA | We reproduce below the testemony written by Esther Nkulu, representant of African Youth Congress. Nkulu u...

SOUTH AFRICA | We reproduce below the testemony written by Esther Nkulu, representant of African Youth Congress. Nkulu uses her story to denounce how the government and student institutions reproduce a xenophobic educational apartheid, by restricting, hindering and preventing the development of studies for students who are not of South African origin.

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SOUTH AFRICA | Since 2008, a year of an historical brutal xenophobic attack against foreigner national, South African un...

SOUTH AFRICA | Since 2008, a year of an historical brutal xenophobic attack against foreigner national, South African under hate speech declaration from certain influential authority, made population to believe that their jobs it’s been taken by foreigner, using the weakness of lack of services deliveries to the people and putting blame on innocent foreigner who are being victimize with no institutional support.

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Le Forum Sino-Afrique: nouvel épisode de la colonisation africaine | Écrit par Elhadji Thiam et Falilou Wade, Senegal

Le Forum Sino-Afrique: nouvel épisode de la colonisation africaine | Écrit par Elhadji Thiam et Falilou Wade, Senegal

ABOUT US | Africa Internationalist and Socialist it's a platform for information and political debate on the class strug...

ABOUT US | Africa Internationalist and Socialist it's a platform for information and political debate on the class struggle on the African continent, organised and maintained by activists from various countries and organisations from the perspective of socialism and internationalism.

- We support the struggle of the working class all over the world
- We claim the International Trade Union Network of Solidarity and Struggles
- We defend political and financial independence from the bourgeoisie and imperialism

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About Us We are a platform for information and political debate on the class struggle on the African continent, organised and maintained by activists from various countries and organisations from the perspective of socialism and internationalism. We support the struggle of the working class all over...[EN]   it is also present on Twitter. Follow us and collaborate with the information ...

[EN] it is also present on Twitter. Follow us and collaborate with the information and organization of the workers!

[FR] est également présent sur Twitter. Suivez-nous et collaborez à l'information et à l'organisation des travailleurs!

[PT] está presente também no Twitter. Siga-nos e colabore com a informação e organização dos trabalhadores!

D.R. CONGO | Over three (3) weeks now, teachers in Congo took to the street protesting over several issues including mea...

D.R. CONGO | Over three (3) weeks now, teachers in Congo took to the street protesting over several issues including meagre salaries, bonus pay, retirement age, working conditions and other issues that have arisen since the free primary school programme was launched in 2019 by President Felix Tshisekedi. The government is blaming the leaders of religious groups of being behind the strike, allegations which they have categorically rejected.

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AFRICA | If yesterday, many empires and precolonial kingdoms had based their development on the transformation of a sing...

AFRICA | If yesterday, many empires and precolonial kingdoms had based their development on the transformation of a single type of mineral; today, several countries abound in several types of minerals. And yet, as the exploitation and export of tons of raw minerals increases, the poverty and misery of the African populations becomes indescribable. It is therefore in this Africa, potentially rich in natural resources, that the poorest countries on planet earth can be counted.

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