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Summit Club Podcast The Summit Club Podcast features thought-provoking interviews, strategies and tactics on how to grow

What if we told you we could position your professional LinkedIn profile activities and outreach to further your busines...

What if we told you we could position your professional LinkedIn profile activities and outreach to further your business development? A winning formula that showcases the "Best of You" Personal Brand Reimagination to drive future business. We help our clients achieve personal and professional growth.

Summit Club Podcast, a subsidiary of Peak Performance Plus, is passionate about delivering results that make a real diff...

Summit Club Podcast, a subsidiary of Peak Performance Plus, is passionate about delivering results that make a real difference to our clients. Mark's experience is just one example of how we partner with the heart of the business, the people, to drive success.

Ready to become "one of not many"? Let's talk about how we can help you achieve your goals.

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Just thought I’d share some of my experiences regarding getting things done. More and more it seems I’m hearing and seeing some really good ideas that seem to die…run out of gas….or are just forgotten about. Ideas from CEO’s, COO’s, CMO’s, administrators, managers, sales folks, administrators, team leaders and many others. Solutions and initiatives that just “die on the vine”. Things like “best practices”, “rules of engagement”, “team fundamental behaviors”, “social media initiatives”, “SEO” support, “rewards and recognition” programs, and on and on. I had to ask myself “why”?

Well, right or wrong, my conclusion seems to center around “mindset/courage”. The first organization each of us must manage is “ourselves”, and the first rule in management is “you can’t manage what you can’t control”. Consequently, get control of your mindset. If you want to (and are needed to) execute around developing and initiating your ideas, your mindset must be centered on being “proactive”. Get organized, control your schedule, manage your activities. Plan your work and “work your plan”! If you aren’t organized, if you’re not managing your schedule/activities, what do you think your direct reports or your team members are thinking?

Everybody can create opportunities to lead. You need to have courage to play/work at your best! For most people, their capabilities lag behind their abilities. We perform up to our “self concept”. Translation, you’re only as good as you think you are. Safer that way because you minimize failures. Sad.

As I was thinking this through the observations, I was listening to the Phillies pre-game show this past weekend. I heard an interview with Jeff Hoffman, first time All-Star Phillies relief pitcher. Interviewer asked about how his career led him to this great recognition? He said he was drafted #1 (I think) by the Colorado Rockies but didn’t pitch that well while there. Got traded to the Cincinnati Reds and was frustrated there that he couldn’t play as well as he felt he should. Phillies picked him up and had him in the minor leagues with the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs. (Hang in there with me.) Bryce Harper was sent to Lehigh Valley for a rehab assignment late last spring and the team wanted Bryce to take some batting practice against respectable pitching, but not dangerous to the biggest start on the team. Jeff Hoffman was selected to pitch to the “star of the team” (and NOT HIT HIM). He pitched perfectly, competitively but not recklessly. Compliments came from Phils exec’s (they believed in him and he gained confidence). They brought him up to the “Big Team” and the rest is history. Belief and conviction gave him confidence, and confidence has given him courage.

All of us need to challenge our “self limiting beliefs”, those thoughts and assumptions about our abilities that limit our growth and confidence. Then we procrastinate and before long, the opportunity to “pitch to the best” or "share that great idea" just fades in the background.

So, the next time an opportunity presents itself, speak and act courageously and put your ideas into action. Be One of Not Many and Make Every Day Matter!!

I appreciate you all.

Insiders,So, how about when we don’t necessarily feel “motivated”? What then? Maybe it’s the context that generates the ...


So, how about when we don’t necessarily feel “motivated”? What then? Maybe it’s the context that generates the “internal state”. Do we have to “feel like it”? Is the reason important enough?

I’m not sure, and like most of us, I can’t honestly say I don’t have times when I just don’t feel “motivated”. A few years back, I asked the question, “What do you do to get or stay motivated?” in one of my sales training classes. A fairly young guy new to selling, Brian Wendig from TBP Converting said to the group, “well some days it helps if I watch TCU The Grind”. None of us in the room were familiar with TCU The Grind, so I looked it up on my computer, and the group watched it on the PowerPoint projector.

Sometimes you need a "kick in the ass” to get motivated. FYI, there’s a book I’ve used from time to time in sales training entitled “Kick Your Own Ass” by Robert Early Johnson (a GM named Tom Kirby as a client loved the name of that book!). Anyway, not unusual that most of us, from time to time, need that kick in the ass to get/stay motivated. Getting started seems the toughest challenge to finding motivation, and sometimes a “kick” in the right place at the right time can get the fire started.

Another thought, a trigger sometimes, is your “personal avatar”. What’s that you ask? Well, our social media director Ashley Harris and I have labeled it your "personal brand” created and supported by The best version of yourself. You define what makes the best version of you! Maybe go back and watch TCU The Grind again, and in listening to the adjectives spoken (defiance, reason, don’t look back, work to do, get in your way, and fight), select a few that could, should, or do describe “The Best Version of You.”
Then go to LinkedIn, and add some of those descriptors to your profile. Next time you’re stuck and need motivation, go to your LinkedIn “Avatar” and maybe seeing the words you’re advertising to the social media world will give you the kick in the ass you need to get you motivated.

Welcome to a “glimpse” of my avatar!! You can live in fear or believe in the best version of yourself. I believe.

Listen in on our Master's Roundtable as we discuss relevant business topics!

Listen in on our Master's Roundtable as we discuss relevant business topics!

Join our second session of the “roundtable” where we will continue to explore a wide range of timely business topics through the lens of our Peak Performance Plus/Summit Club “Mastergroup”, a small cadre of business professionals with varying backgrounds and experiences.

Morning Insiders,Maybe I’m part of a very small group of folks that find inspiration in the music I hear. Again, ever si...

Morning Insiders,

Maybe I’m part of a very small group of folks that find inspiration in the music I hear. Again, ever since I was "single digit young” I loved music. Then may years at WIOQ, a dream job, rock and roll 24/7!

Worked in my office this morning until about 1 pm then went out to mow some grass on my tractor and relax, think, and listen to music on headphone (ear protection). I heard “Revelator” by Phosphorescent (not sure what it’s about but I liked it). Heard “Not Dark Yet” by Bob Dylan, liked that (don’t know if I heard it before or not). Then I hear “Think” by Aretha Franklin, and her voice screaming FREEDOM is stuck in my head. Instead of “Think, what you’re trying to do to me” I’m thinking “Think, what I’m trying to do to myself”!! We have the freedom to think for ourselves, about ourselves. Are we the best of ourselves? Do each of us know what the “best of us” is? We all have the “Freedom” to find out and show it to the world, everywhere and every day.

Here’s a clue. I believe we each need a “code to live" by to "be and show" the best of us every day. For Tom Brady it is “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz. His ex-wife Gisele gave it to him years ago as a “Practical Guide to Personal FREEDOM”. Or, how about Max Homa, who just finished tied for third in the Master’s this weekend. I don’t know him but I wish I did. I've known his Aunt and Uncle, Jan and Larry for years. His “code” is “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” a “practical guide to the fulfillment of your dreams”.

Doesn’t matter whether you, me, Tom Brady, Max Homa or whoever. I worked with Steven Covey’s organization for 7 years and clearly embraced his 7 habits. Each of us has a better shot at being and showing the best of us every day if we have a personal code to live by.

Every day I think three (3) things:

Clint Eastwood/Toby Keith “Don’t Let the Old Man In”
“I can live in a place of fear, or believe in the best version of me"
Be the best of me every day

Think Freedom and make every day matter.

Aretha Live:

Aretha with the Blues Brothers 4k version:

Buy/Rent The Blues Brothers!Amazon:

Insiders, I have the room and need a moment.I’m seeing, hearing and sensing a bit of “malaise” here and there right now....

Insiders, I have the room and need a moment.

I’m seeing, hearing and sensing a bit of “malaise” here and there right now. Not sure why. Not in a position to “figure it all out”, but am in a position to react. I think for the most part, it's attitude.

For instance, in talking with Ashley our social media director earlier this week, she mentioned seeing a recent Gallup poll that found that “basically, half the people in the western world are in the wrong job”. If that’s the case, you know what! That’s a lot of complaining! Personally I think it’s GIGO, you know that technology acronym garbage in garbage out. You bring a crappy attitude to your work/job, you’ll deliver a crappy performance Nice. Now you’ve found the perfect way to sabotage your career!

It’s spring….may be time for new life, new outlook, new mindset! David Sandler (President, Sandler Sales Institute) used to say,”The first organization you need to master is YOU”. What can we do to best manage ourselves? Teach yourself and learn. Be a life long learner. No excuses, set time aside to what the Air Force used to say, “read and heed (pay attention)”. Parent yourself maybe? About time for some of us..

Came across an article about Paul Epstein who spent 15 years as an executive in professional sports ( NFL & NBA) and is now a noted leadership and sales keynote speaker. He says the "key differentiator between winning and losing is mindset. Specifically, embrace an offensive mindset rather than a defensive one. Focus relentlessly on factors within your control and refuse to be distracted or deterred by adversity, setbacks, hurdles and obstacles. Don’t let it overtake your life! An offensive mindset is about controlling the controllables!”

How about this, show up every day and deliver the “best version of you”. Manage your attitude! Take ownership of you and your life and as it says under my signature block, “Be One of Not Many” every day.
We all are parenting ourselves and “managing the organization of me”.

That makes all of us teachers. Listen and learn. Be the "best version of you” and make every day matter.

CSN can help.

From Philadelphia when we were great. JFK, Live Aid. 1985

Crosby, Stills & Nash performing at Live Aid in front of 100,000 people in the John F. Kennedy Stadium, Philadelphia USA on the 13th July, 1985. The event wa...

Insiders,Don’t ever stop dreaming….you never know when it all may end. I always wanted to be a cowboy as a little boy. M...


Don’t ever stop dreaming….you never know when it all may end.

I always wanted to be a cowboy as a little boy. My mother, bless her had given me the list I wrote to “Santa” with "Cowby Bots” on it. She thought I was about 5 or 6 years old. And I got ‘em.
Here’s Toby’s version, watch the video, turn up the volume and see from Oklahoma to Bosnia, Iraq, to Afghanistan:

Clint Eastwood helps with this. Story has it, Toby Keith ran into him somewhere and asked him how he keeps going at his age. Eastwood replied “I get up each morning and “I Don’t Let The Old Man In”
The video is Clint’s the song is Toby’s.

This is why I always end with Make Every Day Matter. Love you all.

Music video by Toby Keith performing Don't Let the Old Man In. (C) 2018 Show Dog, LLC marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers

Insiders,Many have “resolution views” of the New Year….even Tony Robbins is back with a five-step, eight stage something...


Many have “resolution views” of the New Year….even Tony Robbins is back with a five-step, eight stage something or other (a little like Bill Wilson’s 12 step). A magic “potion” if you will to be quicker, smarter, richer, stronger, slimmer, or whatever!

Well for me, I just want to be satisfied with myself. I think it’s time not to be an “abundance freak”, or to stop trying to “over achieve” whatever that means. Maybe it’s my time to just be me and focus on the truly important things, and realize why I should be happy. The old saying when you can’t sleep says “stop counting sheep and start counting your blessings”. Maybe in 2024 some of “us” (me and some of you) need to be thankful for what we are, where we are, what we have, and “stop punching above our weight”! M.P Neary, author, says “stress is that silent destroyer that can grind us down. Stop fighting the fights you have no chance of winning”. Maybe 2024 is the time to stop fighting period. Accept "the power of now” and live each day, one at a time. Maybe start having more fun and be more “respectful”. I saw a banner on a Linkedin profile (don’t remember whose…sorry), that said “Show respect to people even when they don’t deserve it. Respect is a reflection of your character, not theirs”.

Anyhow, my thoughts for this new year are 1. Simplify as much as I can. 2. Prioritize around what makes me happy. 3. Hold myself to higher values. 4. Focus on self fulfillment. And last but not least, 5. Be thankful for what I have, every day as the picture shows below.

For me, I sum it up with Frank and “That’s Life” ,

Frank Sinatra performing “That’s Life” from Sinatra: A Man And His Music Part II.Listen to Frank Sinatra's greatest hits:

Insiders,Just finished the book, all 671 pages (I included the “about the author page”). Worthwhile, certainly. This isn...


Just finished the book, all 671 pages (I included the “about the author page”). Worthwhile, certainly. This isn’t a review, just a “takeaway summary”. Here are some thoughts I came away with:

Don’t be reluctant to try, even if out of your "comfort zone"
Plan on failure
Value everyone you meet; “everybody brings you something”.
Learn lessons…..pause….take action
It’s complicated…accept it
It is great to be first
No competition in view
Life is peaks and valleys
Valleys can be harsh, and peaks can be scary
Powerful habits help others to predict & tolerate
It’s ok to admit "I can’t"
Be open and let others know where you stand
Even the inside of the book covers are awesome

R.E.M. captured his soul I think.

As some “books” can showcase business challenges, I’m thinking a “book club” could amplify possible solutions. I’d like to schedule a “book review podcast” (and maybe an on-line book club?) so if interested or have book suggestions, reach out to me.

Make Every Day Matter and Be One of Not Many!

A Music video with Clips from Superman The Animated Series, Smallville, the Max Fleischer Catroons, Chris Reeves and George Reeves as Superman. This was not ...

Insiders,So, we just held our first “Masters Roundtable” about two weeks ago, and it was great to have the “masters” wit...


So, we just held our first “Masters Roundtable” about two weeks ago, and it was great to have the “masters” with me! The recording will soon be in Podcast production and hopefully soon uploaded on Timing details to follow shortly!

Of the twelve “masters of our roundtable”, thanks to the six that were able to make the zoom meeting, Jess Baum, Holly DeFanti, Justin Ebert, Suzanne Jackson, Matt McCoy, and Cindy Wadsworth. Many subjects were put on the table including “AI", Team Building, On-boarding, Talent development, and Leadership just to mention a few. In the course of introductions, each of the “masters” provided a brief bio as well as anecdotal sketches of how and when they met me. The stories were extremely gratifying for me, and totally unexpected!

The days that followed our recording session were interesting in that I reflected a lot on those stories, the who’s, the when’s, the what’s and the why’s. It made me think about how I got to meet them, when my “career” started after the Air Force, and where I am now.

The real start for me was running WIOQ-FM in 1975 and experiencing Tower Theatre shows produced by Midnight Sun Concerts with The BeeGees, Bowie, Genesis, Springsteen, Jackson Browne, on and on. Which led up to taking inventory of where I am now and thinking about the trajectory (with many adjustments on the way) that got me to today. Now I reflect as to:

Did I really have a targets on my horizon?
Was I reasonably confident of what I could accomplish?
Could I see any of what I needed to do or be to get there?
Am I satisfied with my “now”?

Good questions to ponder I think. David Sandler (Sandler Sales Institute CEO & Founder) once told me "Staats, you’re either part of your plan or part of someone else’s, you pick”. I’m glad I picked mine.

I’d encourage everyone to take that “tour" of your personal work journey and see what “ah ha’s”, or lessons or “epiphanies” you might discover that could help with adjusting “your trajectory”. For me, “The Masters stories” got me started on my “tour”. Maybe my suggestion will get you to start yours.

Make Every Day Matter and Be One of Not Many!

My Reflections:
then June 27th, 1975.

now November 8th, 2023

Insiders,Well, what’s different this week? For some of us, it's pricing, ours or suppliers. For others, supply chain, de...


Well, what’s different this week? For some of us, it's pricing, ours or suppliers. For others, supply chain, delivery frustrations. Then there’s staff changes, organizational changes, delivery schedules, traffic snarls, wars, famines, and escaped prisoners!

Sometimes in my world, clients reach out for me to help with performance questions relating to themselves or a team member. I try to approach the request as an opportunity for that individual or team member to get a different look in their “mirror” at attributes, approaches, talents, skills, attitudes, behaviors and motivators. We have a number of tools/assessments (including a “working from home” assessment!) to help as well as conversation/discussion and past performances. More often than not, they’re seeing some things in their “mirror” that they didn’t expect. I do believe that “the only constant is change” and for most of us many times, if we do “change” we actually adapt.

This is strong work! As Michael Jackson said (yes that Michael Jackson), “If You’re Going to Make a Difference, Start with the Man In The Mirror. I’m Asking Him to Change His Ways”. If you want to get yourself in a better place, take a look at yourself”in the mirror and make the change(s). No finger pointing at all the easy excuses around you! Find the solutions with help from outside yourself, or seriously give yourself a strong dose of “introspection” and do your own “self rehabilitation! Either way, take a serious look at the “Man in the Mirror” and ask him or her “to change their ways”! Here’s to you finding a better you!

Remember the proverb “always do what you’ve always done, and you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten”. Is this your time to “Be One of Not Many”?

Make every day matter! Here’s MJ.

Techniques used:-High quality deinterlacing-Noise reduction-A little color correction-Some brightness and contrast adjustment-DeHalo (To eliminate the excess...

Insiders,Labor Day Weekend is upon us shortly, but not so sad! It’s a “transition” from the end of “Summer” into “The Ha...


Labor Day Weekend is upon us shortly, but not so sad! It’s a “transition” from the end of “Summer” into “The Harvest”! Almost like we’ve been “planting and sowing” business activities for months and now we get to reap the benefits!! The harvest moon is coming to celebrate our “business harvest”!

Now remember, it’s no longer “spring training”. We’re prepping for the playoffs, just like our Phillies are on a tear,(meaning to “rip or split open” their gap from the other teams!). The best prepared team will have the best shot at winning! Are you prepared for your “Playoffs”!

Review the last 8 weeks and the last 8 months.
What went right?
What went wrong?
What’s still in “limbo”?
Go through that pile of notes, “to does” and messages on the corner of your desk or in the center drawer. There may just be “gold in them there hills”!
Return or send emails that “slipped through the cracks” (I’m being kind…stuff you forgot or avoided!)
Get Kevin Bacon’s "6 degrees of separation” energized and give and get referrals and introductions. Start building a 4th quarter "referral tree" (if you don’t know what that is reach out to me).
Enjoy what you do or do something else! Others can “read” your face and body language and if it looks like you’re not having a good time, why should they want to get involved as I’m sure they have enough negativity around them?
Win business because you are the best (not because you sold price!). Read Blair Enns book “Win Without Pitching Manifesto”, introduced to me by my client Frank X. Powers, to learn the “secret”!
Don’t spend too much time looking over your shoulder! Remember, the windshield is a lot bigger than the rear view mirror for a reason!
Stay in the moment (Power of Now!, Eckhart Tolle), like the Phillies are right now!

Look for the “Harvest Moon” soon and enjoy the adventure! Here’s Neil Young to explain. Find your “Alex’s” (in the video)

Hi, this is Neil. Link to the NYA info-card for this song with press, documents, manuscripts, photos, videos. Look around NYA for fun and listening! ALL my m...

Insiders,In many of my coaching and consulting opportunities I see really talented people trying to do far too many thin...


In many of my coaching and consulting opportunities I see really talented people trying to do far too many things. Too many “reviews”, too many meetings, too many problems/challenges, too many appointments, too many e-mails, and wearing too many hats. So here’s a “parable” of sorts ("a story that illustrates an attitude or teaches a lesson").

As I’ve been told or read, in 1969 an MIT student by the name of Tom Scholz, wrote some music that included a song entitled “Foreplay”. In 1975 he recorded an album in his basement playing the majority of instruments with a lead vocalist, Brad Delp including the song “Don’t Look Back”. Boston’s first album was released in 1976 and as most record company’s require, “Boston" had to tour to support the record's success. Since there was no band “Boston”, Tom had to create one. The rest is history so to speak, selling 75 million records.

So what you ask? Well, I see many “Tom Scholz’s" in my business activity that try to play all the instruments in their “band”themselves. Not working out of their basement for sure, but looking for that “hit” without all the right players to play the Company’s many “instruments and ”tour” day in and day out, rain or shine!

Some of us, whether sellers, buyers, producers, managers, or leaders need to support the magic of the “music” we can write with great “musicians and vocalists” like Tom Scholz ultimately did. Seamless harmonies are possible when all the vocals are the same “voice” digitally recorded in your basement (like in your head listening to your self talk), but ya can’t take to the road without vocalists singing the parts and the players playing the instruments.

Take a look "outside your head” and see what you really need in players to play your music, the way you need and want it played. You may have to teach them how you wanted the song played, but don’t settle (perfume on a goat?). I’m sure you have a “hit song” in your head and played in “your basement”. If you want hit to climb the “charts”, practice with the right players!

Close? Check out the lyrics in Tom’s song “Don’t Look Back”, might just fit you this August 2023.

Be one of not many and make every day matter!

Official Video for ”Don't Look Back” by BostonListen to Boston: to the official Boston YouTube channel: https://Bosto...

Here's our very own Golf Advisory Board Member, Ashley Grier!She won the women’s section championship this past week, do...

Here's our very own Golf Advisory Board Member, Ashley Grier!
She won the women’s section championship this past week, down in Maryland! We are so proud to know her and to see her continue to climb to new heights. Well done, Ashley!



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