When thinking about a tragic event such as war, the damage done to the environment rarely comes to the fore. But unfortunately throughout history and today, in Ukraine, nature is another victim of the invasion 🇺🇦
Our reporter @astrig went to Ukraine to report on the environmental disaster that is unfolding behind the human one.
Consequences that are set to last for a long time, and which threaten the daily lives of Ukrainian citizens.
The reportage is out today on ereb's Youtube channel ▶️ subscribe and watch via link in bio
#ukraine #ecocides #environment #Ukrainewar #war #Russianinvasion #offthetrail
💥The survey is closing in 3 days💥
Huge thanks to all of you who have taken their time to answer the questions and contribute to the future of European journalism.
If you haven’t, you still have time — hit the link in our bio and have your say!📢
💥Notre survey se termine dans 3 jours💥
Un grand merci à tous ceux qui ont pris le temps de répondre aux questions et de contribuer à l’avenir du journalisme européen.
Si vous ne l’avez pas encore fait, il y a encore du temps: cliquez sur le lien dans notre bio et de exprimez-vous!📢
💥Ancora tre giorni per partecipare al nostro sondaggio💥
Grazie di cuore a tutte e tutti quelli che hanno dedicato un po' del loro tempo per rispondere alle domande e contribuire così a vostro modo a costruire il futuro del giornalismo europeo.
Se non l’avete fatto, siete ancora in tempo: cliccate sul link nella nostra bio e dite la vostra📢
🔴[Announcement] Hi everyone. In collaboration with the @SpheraNetwork we are trying something new: the first ever pan-European audience.
This survey would be super useful for our journalists to be better know your expectations of the Sphera Network. Are you curious to understand the level of civic engagement, the variety of political attitudes, and get an insight into different perspectives on the European continent?
💥Join us on this journey to understand our shared European identity. LINK IN BIO ☝
Unlock Your Voice, Shape the Future.
#VoiceOfaCommunity #Europeasyouneversawit
🔴[Annonce] Bonjour à tous. En collaboration avec @SpheraNetwork, nous essayons quelque chose de nouveau : la toute première audience pan-européenne.
Cette étude serait super utile à nos journalistes pour mieux connaître vos attentes du Sphera Network.
Êtes-vous curieux de comprendre le niveau d’engagement civique, la variété des attitudes politiques et d’avoir un aperçu des différentes perspectives sur le continent européen ?
💥Rejoignez-nous dans ce voyage pour comprendre notre identité européenne commune.
A vous de parler maintenant
#VoiceOfaCommunity #Europeasyouneversawit
🔴 Hey there, ereb readers! We have been working with the @Spheranetwork on something special for you coming soon.
Curious? Stay tuned for a chance to have your voice heard and participate in engaging conversation. Watch this space💥
🔴 Bonjour à toutes et tous, lecteurs et lectrices d’ereb. Nous avons ces derniers mois avec le réseau @Spheranetwork sur un projet très spécial qui sort très bientôt.
Curieux ou curieuse? Alors restez dans les parages, on compte sur vous!💥
🔴 Ciao, carissimi lettori e lettrici di ereb. Negli ultimi mesi abbiamo lavorato con @Spheranetwork ad un progetto speciale con altri media partner in tutta Europa. Sarà online a breve !
Siete curiosi? Allora seguiteci, contiamo su di voi! 💥
#VoiceOfACommunity #Europeasyouneversawit #Sphera #SpheraNetwork
1968 marked the beginning of what was to become three decades of violence, Northern Ireland’s “Troubles”. Over 30 years, more than 3500 people were killed, and thousands were injured.
🤝But decades on, there are people and organisations working hard on promoting peace, collaboration and trust between the communities.
This story is part of the YOUTHopia campaign, a journalistic project shedding new lights on the EU Cohesion Policy.
▶️Read the full story on ereb.eu (link in bio) #ireland #troubles #peace
Segregation, isolation, lack of access to education — these are the conditions that many families, who experience generational poverty, have to endure.
🇸🇰In Slovakia, women and children in roma communities are particularly affected.
This story is part of the YOUTHopia campaign, a journalistic project shedding new lights on the EU Cohesion Policy.
▶️Read the full story on ereb.eu (link in bio)
#Slovakia #poverty #Roma
24-hour confinement, restraint, violence, isolation, being treated as an object, not a human.
🔹This is what many people with mental illnesses experience in medical institutions across the world.
🇸🇮In Slovenia, the system is particularly resistant to change. Why and what does it mean for people suffering from mental illnesses?
This story is part of the YOUTHopia campaign, a journalistic project shedding new lights on the EU Cohesion Policy.
▶️Read the full story on ereb.eu (link in bio)
#Slovenia #mentalhealth #deinstitutionalization
Across the world, bees are dying out. But there’s at least one place, where the trend seems to have been reversed.🐝
It’s Slovenia. The country has become a paradise forbees, cared for by more than 11,000 passionate beekeepers like Andreja Stankovič.
This story is part of the YOUTHopia campaign, a journalistic project shedding new lights on the EU Cohesion Policy.
▶️Read the full story on ereb.eu (link in bio)
#Slovenia #beekeeping #
We are trying something new!
In those last months, we worked on our first video feature. For our inaugural reportage, we decided to head to Armenia.
Our video series “Off the trail” will be officially launched on 2 October on our Youtube channel.
A video story of our brilliant @astrig with the as brilliant video editing skills of @francoisdelski
A series in collaboration with @spheranetwork
#Armenia #Offthetrail
C’est le grand jour, on lance In Vivo, sa nouvelle newsletter. 💌🎉
On te fait plonger dans l’histoire de Silvana, une gynécologue italienne qui exerce sa profession aux côtés de confrères et consoeurs qui refusent de pratiquer des avortements. Quels effets cela a-t-il sur les patientes et leur prise en charge ? Silvana nous fait pénétrer dans le monde parfois brutal des hôpitaux.
In Vivo, c’est toutes les deux semaines, en français, en anglais, en italien, et c’est gratuit. 🇬🇧🇫🇷🇮🇹
Si tu n’es pas encore inscrit·e, inscris-toi maintenant pour ne rien rater d’In vivo
Today is the day where we are launching In Vivo, our new newsletter. 💌🎉
Dive into Silvana’s story, an Italian gynaecologist who works alongside colleagues who, for the most part, refuse to perform abortions. What impact does this have on patients and their care? Silvana takes us into the sometimes brutal world of Italian hospitals.
In Vivo is issued every fortnight, in French, English and Italian, and is completely free. 🇬🇧🇫🇷🇮🇹
If you’re not yet subscribed, sign up today to not miss a single issue.
Oggi è il grande giorno! Lanciamo la nostra nuova newsletter, In Vivo. 💌🎉
Immergiti nella storia di Silvana, una ginecologa che lavora insieme a colleghə che, per la maggior parte, si rifiutano di praticare l'aborto. Che impatto ha questo sulle pazienti e sulle loro cure? Silvana ci porta nel mondo a volte brutale degli ospedali.
In Vivo viene inviata ogni quindici giorni, in francese, inglese e italiano, ed è gratuita. 🇮🇹🇬🇧🇫🇷
Se non sei ancora iscrittə, non perdere questo e i prossimi episodi, iscrivendoti oggi stesso.
🇫🇷 - Es-tu prêt·e pour le lancement d’In Vivo, notre newsletter? 🚀
À partir de demain, toutes les deux semaines, reçois directement dans ta boîte de réception, un témoignage intime avec des recommandations culturelles qui te permettront de creuser davantage le sujet. 🔍
Dans cette première édition, on t’emmène en Italie pour rencontrer Silvana, une gynécologue qui pratique des avortements dans un pays où la pluplart des médecins refusent de le faire.
Inscris-toi maintenant pour en savoir plus sur Silvana.
In Vivo est disponible en français, en anglais et en italien.🇫🇷🇬🇧🇮🇹
🇬🇧- Are you ready for our newsletter In Vivo’s launch? 🚀
Starting tomorrow, every two weeks, receive in your mailbox a personal story with cultural recommendations that will enable you to learn more about the topic. 🔍
In this first issue, we’ll take you to Italy to meet with Silvana, a gynaecologist who performs abortions in a country where most doctors refuse to do.
Subscribe now to know more about Silvana’s story.
In vivo is available in English, French and Italian. 🇬🇧🇫🇷🇮🇹
🇮🇹- Sei prontə per il lancio della nostra newsletter, In Vivo?
Da domani ed ogni quindici giorni, storie intime e consigli culturali del nostro team editoriale direttamente per saperne di più sull’argomento. 🔍
La prima parte domani dall'Italia con Silvana, una ginecologa che esercita la sua professione in un paese in cui i medici che accettano di praticare aborti si contano ormai sulle dita di una mano.
Iscriviti adesso per saperne di più sulla storia di Silvana.
In Vivo è disponibile in Italiano, Inglese e Francese. 🇮🇹🇬🇧🇫🇷
Si tu aimes découvrir les récits et expériences intimes qui traversent les frontières, notre newsletter In Vivo est faite pour toi! 🌏📃
Chaque deux mercredis:
1️⃣Plonge au cœur de l’intimité des récits et des des destins de personnes venues de toute l'Europe.
2️⃣Informe-toi sur ce qu’il se passe sur notre continent avec une perspective sociale humaine.
3️⃣Nourris ta réflexion de l’Europe avec de nouvelles voix, représentatives des réalités locales.
4️⃣Pousse la réflexion sur un sujet avec des recommandations culturelles choisies avec soin par la rédaction.
5️⃣Sois au fait de l’actualité européenne grâce à une sélection des meilleurs contenus publiés par des médias européens indépendants.
N’attends plus pour voyager au cœur de l’intimité européenne et inscris-toi! 🗺
Do you like personal stories which transcend borders? If so, our newsletter In Vivo is made for you! 🌏📃
Every two Wednesdays, you will:
1️⃣Delve into the personal stories and experiences of people from all over Europe.
2️⃣Understand what’s happening on our continent through a social and human lens.
3️⃣Cultivate your opinions on major issues.
4️⃣Every fortnight, receive cultural recommendations picked out by our team, to dig deeper into the topics that impact our continent.
5️⃣Get links to the best stories published by European independent media.
Subscribe to our newsletter to be at the heart of European news. 🗺
Ti piacciono le storie personali che superano i confini? 🌏📃
La nostra newsletter In Vivo fa al caso tuo.
Ogni due mercoledì:
1️⃣Immergiti nelle storie e nelle vicende individuali di persone provenienti da tutta Europa.
2️⃣Capisci ciò che accade nel nostro continente in un modo diverso, attraverso la lente d'ingrandimento del sociale e dell'umano.
3️⃣Arricchisci la tua