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New Yemen Newspaper is the newest and only English weekly newspaper in Yemen currently. New Yemen has an overarching goa

Yemen: ongoing conflict deeply threatens children’s educationSANA’A (11 February 2021) –An entire generation of children...

Yemen: ongoing conflict deeply threatens children’s education
SANA’A (11 February 2021) –An entire generation of children in Yemen faces a bleak future because of limited or no access to education. A three-minutes animation produced by the UN Human Rights Office in Yemen depicts how the lack of access to education has pushed children and families to dangerous alternatives, including early marriage, child labour and recruitment into the fighting.
“All parties to the conflict and those with influence on them need to unconditionally commit to stopping attacks against schools to protect children’s education across Yemen in line with the Safe School Declaration that Yemen endorsed in 2017,” said Renaud Detalle, UN Human Rights Representative for Yemen.
“Today, on the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, let us remember that education is a fundamental human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ,” Detalle said, adding that thirty-two years since the convention on the Rights of the Child was ratified, it is unacceptable that education remains out of reach for children in Yemen because of man-made factors. They include conflict-related damage to school buildings or their occupation for military activities or accommodating Internally Displaced Persons.
Together with partners, the UN Human Rights Office in Yemen, continues to call for efforts to be made to prevent an entire generation of Yemeni girls and boys from missing out on their education, denying them the full development of their personality and of becoming tomorrow’s scientists or leaders. Above all, parties to the conflict in Yemen must work towards peace to allow for recovery and for children to grow up in a safe environment.


بيان صادر عن مكتب المفوض السامي للامم المتحدة:اليمن: النزاع المستمر يهدد تعليم الأطفال بشدةصنعاء (11 شباط  2021) - يواجه...

بيان صادر عن مكتب المفوض السامي للامم المتحدة:

اليمن: النزاع المستمر يهدد تعليم الأطفال بشدة
صنعاء (11 شباط 2021) - يواجه جيل كامل من الأطفال في اليمن مستقبلاً قاتماً بسبب محدودية او عدم امكانية الحصول على التعليم.
في هذا الإطار، أصدر مكتب الأمم المتحدة لحقوق الإنسان في اليمن فيلم رسوم متحركة مدته ثلاث دقائق يصوّر كيف دفع الافتقار إلى تعليم الأطفال والعائلات إلى بدائل خطيرة، بما في ذلك الزواج المبكر وعمل الأطفال والتجنيد في القتال.
يقول رينو ديتال ، ممثل الأمم المتحدة لحقوق الإنسان في منظمة الأمم المتحدة لحقوق الإنسان في اليمن: "يجب على جميع أطراف النزاع ومن لهم تأثير عليهم الالتزام من غير شروط بوقف الهجمات ضد المدارس لحماية تعليم الأطفال في جميع أنحاء اليمن بما يتماشى مع إعلان المدرسة الآمنة الذي صادق عليه اليمن في عام 2017".
وقال ديتال: "اليوم ، في اليوم الدولي للمرأة والفتاة في ميدان العلوم، يجب ان نتذكر أن التعليم هو أحد حقوق الإنسان الأساسية المكرسة في الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان " ، مضيفا أنه قد مر اثنين وثلاثين عاما على التصديق على اتفاقية حقوق الطفل، ومن غير المقبول أن يظل التعليم بعيدا عن متناول الأطفال في اليمن بسبب عوامل من صنع الإنسان، ومن بينها الأضرار الناجمة عن النزاع في المباني المدرسية أو احتلالها لأنشطة عسكرية أو إيواء النازحين داخليا.
وبالتعاون مع شركائه ، يواصل مكتب الأمم المتحدة لحقوق الإنسان في اليمن الدعوة إلى بذل الجهود لمنع جيل كامل من الفتيات والفتيان اليمنيين من فقدان تعليمهم وحرمانهم من التطور الكامل لشخصياتهم وأن يصبحوا علماء أوقادة المستقبل . قبل كل شيء، يجب على أطراف النزاع في اليمن العمل من أجل السلام من أجل أن ينمو الأطفال في بيئة آمنة.



أصدقائي الأعزاء

تجدون طيه بياناً صحفياً من الأمم المتحدة لحقوق الإنسان باليمن ورابط لفيلم كارتون قصير مع الشكر لكل من ساهم في إعداده

الرجاء نشره على نطاق واسع

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Please find attached a press release and a link to a short anime from UN Human Rights Yemen with thanks to all those who contributed to its preparation

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PDFNew Yemen Newspaper Issue (31) , November 16, 2020 pdfPublished: November 19, 202010:39 PMAuthor khaled wejdan1 New-Yemen-Issue-31Download Post Views: 1 Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)

New Yemen Newspaper A new voice for a new Yemen.Our Web site:

New Yemen Newspaper
A new voice for a new Yemen.

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New Yemen is the newest and only Englweekly newspaper inish Yemen currently.New Yemen a new voice for a new yemen.

New Yemen Newspaper A new voice for a new YemenOur Web site:

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A new voice for a new Yemen

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New yemen Issue (30) October-26-2020 pdfDownload

New yemen Issue (30) October-26-2020 pdfDownload

PDFNew Yemen Newspaper Issue (30) October-26-2020 pdfPublished: November 8, 20209:20 PMUpdated: 9:21 PMAuthor khaled wejdan1 New yemen Issue (30) October-26-2020 pdfDownload Post Views: 1 Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)

Having habits can often be a good thing. When you drive to work for example, you don’t need to wonder whether you should...

Having habits can often be a good thing. When you drive to work for example, you don’t need to wonder whether you should turn left or right. the route becomes habit. “We want the brain to learn how to do those things without energy and effort”. says Russell Poldrack a professor of psychology at Stanford University. “Habits are an adaptive feature of how the brain works”. [ 937 more words ]

Having habits can often be a good thing. When you drive to work for example, you don’t need to wonder whether you should turn left or right. the route becomes habit. “We want the brain to learn how to do those things without energy and effort”. says Russell Poldrack a professor of psychology a...

The distribution comes amid part of the celebration, of the anniversary of the Prophet Mohammed's birthday. It targets f...

The distribution comes amid part of the celebration, of the anniversary of the Prophet Mohammed's birthday. It targets families in al-Hazm city and the district of al-Matamma and al-Moton. At the inauguration, Jawf governor Amer al-Marani praised the initiatives and projects, implemented by al-Shaab Foundation and its relief for poor families. Al-Marani called on charitable organizations and charities to provide aid to Bilal's descendants . and the rest of society as a result of the US-Saudi aggression and siege on Yemen.

The distribution comes amid part of the celebration, of the anniversary of the Prophet Mohammed’s birthday. It targets families in al-Hazm city and the district of al-Matamma and al-Moton. At the inauguration, Jawf governor Amer al-Marani praised the initiatives and projects, implemented by al-Sha...

By: Malak Ali Turmeric has been found to possess some of the most powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties....

By: Malak Ali Turmeric has been found to possess some of the most powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. A compound in turmeric called curcumin is what makes this plant extraordinary when it comes to fighting and preventing diseases such as cancer, arthritis, digestive problems and Alzheimer's. A teaspoon of turmeric in a cup of milk with a pinch of black pepper and some honey for a sweeter taste can leave you with the renowned “Golden Milk”. [ 265 more words ]

By: Malak Ali Turmeric has been found to possess some of the most powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. A compound in turmeric called curcumin is what makes this plant extraordinary when it comes to fighting and preventing diseases such as cancer, arthritis, digestive problems and A...

By: Malak Ali Businesses making profits through social platforms and game applications are exploiting the vulnerability ...

By: Malak Ali Businesses making profits through social platforms and game applications are exploiting the vulnerability of human psychology. The founding president of Facebook, Sean Parker, once confessed that the social network was founded to distract us instead of uniting us. “The thought process was: ‘How do we consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible?’” he mentioned at an event held in Philadelphia. [ 233 more words ]

By: Malak Ali Businesses making profits through social platforms and game applications are exploiting the vulnerability of human psychology. The founding president of Facebook, Sean Parker, once confessed that the social network was founded to distract us instead of uniting us. “The thought proces...

Ansarullah political office mourned the Minister of Youth and Sports, Hassan Zaid, Tuesday who was martyred by criminal ...

Ansarullah political office mourned the Minister of Youth and Sports, Hassan Zaid, Tuesday who was martyred by criminal individuals of the US-Saudi aggression. Ansarullah political office mourned the Minister of Youth and Sports, Hassan Zaid, Tuesday who was martyred by criminal individuals of the US-Saudi aggression. Ansarullah political office mourned the Minister of Youth and Sports, Hassan Zaid, Tuesday who was martyred by criminal individuals of the US-Saudi aggression.The office indicated that the countries of aggression had declared Mr. [ 313 more words ]

Ansarullah political office mourned the Minister of Youth and Sports, Hassan Zaid, Tuesday who was martyred by criminal individuals of the US-Saudi aggression. Ansarullah political office mourned the Minister of Youth and Sports, Hassan Zaid, Tuesday who was martyred by criminal individuals of the U...



FrontNew Yemen Newspaper Issue (29) Mon, October 19, 2020-Published: October 27, 20202:38 PMAuthor khaled wejdan1 New-Yemen-Issue-29Download Post Views: 1 Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)

Issue 30 26-10-2020Download

Issue 30 26-10-2020Download

PDFNew Yemen Newspaper Issue (30) 26-10-2020Published: October 26, 20205:44 PMAuthor khaled wejdan1 Issue 30 26-10-2020Download Post Views: 1 Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)



PDFNewspaper Issue (28) octoper-12-2020 pdfPublished: October 17, 20206:03 PMAuthor khaled wejdan1 New-Yemen-Issue-28Download Post Views: 1 Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)

Final-New-Yemen-Issue-27 PDFDownload

Final-New-Yemen-Issue-27 PDFDownload

New Yemen Newspaper Issue (27) Mon 17/8/2020 PDFPublished: September 22, 20207:53 PMAuthor khaled wejdan1 Final-New-Yemen-Issue-27 PDFDownload Post Views: 1 Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)

Under occupation, the Palestinian National Authority lacksthe policy space and economic tools to deal withthe massive ch...

Under occupation, the Palestinian National Authority lacksthe policy space and economic tools to deal withthe massive challenge posed by the pandemic. United Nations Information Centre Geneva, 8 September 2020 – COVID-19 has compounded the dire economic conditions in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt), which were moving from bad to worse before the pandemic, according to the latest UNCTAD report on its assistance to the Palestinian people. [ 1,007 more word ]

Under occupation, the Palestinian National Authority lacksthe policy space and economic tools to deal withthe massive challenge posed by the pandemic. United Nations Information Centre Geneva, 8 September 2020 – COVID-19 has compounded the dire economic conditions in the Occupied Palestinian Terri...

Eng. Ammar Al-Adro’iee, executive general director of the Yemeni Oil Company, and the company’s employees in Sana’a, rec...

Eng. Ammar Al-Adro’iee, executive general director of the Yemeni Oil Company, and the company’s employees in Sana’a, received today foot travelers coming from Wassab district, Dhamar governorate on foot to denounce the continued detention of oil derivative tankers by the aggressive Coalition. “We welcome travelers coming on foot from Wasab district to Dhamar city,” he said, “and then to the United Nations office in Sana'a on an eight-day journey, during which they traveled 280 km, to deliver their message to the United Nations and draw the world's attention to the arbitrary practices and piracy that the Yemeni people are exposed to on oil tankers."He pointed out the importance of this trip in conveying a clear message to the world about the suffering of the people of Yemen because of the persistence of the aggression and its continued detention of oil derivative ships and preventing them from entering the port of Hodeidah despite obtaining permits.Al-Adro’iee also indicated the importance of revealing the truth about the United Nations itself that provides cover for the countries of the aggressive Coalition to practice maritime piracy. [ 277 more words ]

Eng. Ammar Al-Adro’iee, executive general director of the Yemeni Oil Company, and the company’s employees in Sana’a, received today foot travelers coming from Wassab district, Dhamar governorate on foot to denounce the continued detention of oil derivative tankers by the aggressive Coalition. ...

NEW YEMEN Newspaper English Issue (26)Download

NEW YEMEN Newspaper English Issue (26)Download

FrontNEW YEMEN Newspaper English Issue (26) PDF July-20-2020Published: September 7, 20208:29 PMUpdated: 8:30 PMAuthor khaled wejdan1 NEW YEMEN Newspaper English Issue (26)Download Post Views: 1 Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)



FrontNEW YEMEN English Newspaper Issue (25) Mon 13-JULY-2020Published: September 7, 20208:09 PMAuthor khaled wejdan1 New-Yemen-issue-25-eDownload Post Views: 1 Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)

New Yemen News Paper Issue (24) Mon, July 6, 2020 PDFDownload

New Yemen News Paper Issue (24) Mon, July 6, 2020 PDFDownload

PDFNew Yemen News Paper Issue (24) Mon, July 6, 2020 PDFPublished: July 20, 20207:14 PMAuthor khaled wejdan1 New Yemen News Paper Issue (24) Mon, July 6, 2020 PDFDownload Post Views: 1 Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)

New-Yemen-issue-23 pdfDownload

New-Yemen-issue-23 pdfDownload

PDFNew Yemen Newspaper Issue (23) Mon, June 8, 2020 PDFPublished: July 5, 20206:05 PMAuthor khaled wejdan1 New-Yemen-issue-23 pdfDownload Post Views: 1 Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)

Newspaper Issue (22) May 11 2020 PDFDownload

Newspaper Issue (22) May 11 2020 PDFDownload

PDFNew Yemen Newspaper Issue (22) May,11, 2020 PDFPublished: May 16, 20201:16 AMAuthor khaled wejdan1 Newspaper Issue (22) May 11 2020 PDFDownload Post Views: 1 Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)

New Yemen Newspaper Issue (21) Mon, May 4, 2020 PDFDownload

New Yemen Newspaper Issue (21) Mon, May 4, 2020 PDFDownload

PDFNew Yemen Newspaper Issue (21) Mon, May 4, 2020 PDFPublished: May 10, 202012:09 AMAuthor khaled wejdan1 New Yemen Newspaper Issue (21) Mon, May 4, 2020 PDFDownload Post Views: 1 Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)

By Mohammed al-Kibsi UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council in Yemen (STC) on Saturday declared southern autonomous ru...

By Mohammed al-Kibsi UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council in Yemen (STC) on Saturday declared southern autonomous rule and a state of emergency in addition to assigning transitional economic, legal, military and security committees. STC Statement includes a list of accusations against the government and Saudi-led coalition. The STC issued a robust statement on Saturday evening, coinciding with the state of public tension due to the deteriorating service conditions in the temporary capital, Aden. [ 894 more words ]

By Mohammed al-Kibsi UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council in Yemen (STC) on Saturday declared southern autonomous rule and a state of emergency in addition to assigning transitional economic, legal, military and security committees. STC Statement includes a list of accusations against the govern...

By Mohammed al-Kibsi The President of the Supreme Political Council of the Ansar Allah group (Houthis) Mahdi Al-Mashat s...

By Mohammed al-Kibsi The President of the Supreme Political Council of the Ansar Allah group (Houthis) Mahdi Al-Mashat said Friday evening that his group’s political solution document represents a possible and fair method for all parties to reach a comprehensive settlement for all the war files. This came in an interview with the Sana’a based "Al-Thawra" newspaper, on the occasion of the second anniversary of his presidency of the Political Council. [ 689 more words ]

By Mohammed al-Kibsi  The President of the Supreme Political Council of the Ansar Allah group (Houthis) Mahdi Al-Mashat said Friday evening that his group’s political solution document represents a possible and fair method for all parties to reach a comprehensive settlement for all the war files....

New Yemen Newspaper Issue 20 April 27/2020Download

New Yemen Newspaper Issue 20 April 27/2020Download

FrontNew Yemen Newspaper Issue (20) April 27, 2020Published: May 2, 20209:26 PMAuthor khaled wejdan1 New Yemen Newspaper Issue 20 April 27/2020Download Post Views: 1 Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)

By Kamal al-Sanabani Three UN staff members in Sana’a were suspected of contracting COVID-19 a matter that lead the auth...

By Kamal al-Sanabani Three UN staff members in Sana’a were suspected of contracting COVID-19 a matter that lead the authorities in Sana’a to insist on testing the three UN staff and banning movement of UN and other international organizations staff in the areas controlled by the Salvation Government (Houthis). "The three suspected cases of infection with the Coronavirus in the United Nations residence in Sana'a are free of the virus," a UN official told New Yemen. [ 405 more words ]

By Kamal al-Sanabani Three UN staff members in Sana’a were suspected of contracting COVID-19 a matter that lead the authorities in Sana’a to insist on testing the three UN staff and banning movement of UN and other international organizations staff in the areas controlled by the Salvation Govern...

By Sameer Sanabani The Ministry of Health in the Yemeni internationally recognized government received a notification of...

By Sameer Sanabani The Ministry of Health in the Yemeni internationally recognized government received a notification of a suspected case of the novel coronavirus last Thursday in the interim capital, Aden. The ministry said in a statement that "the central operating room in the Ministry of Public Health and Population was informed of the presence of a suspected disease condition for a Yemeni citizen in the capital Aden, and immediately the rapid response team was assigned to go to the field for the purpose of investigation and taking samples according to the protocol adopted for such a case and in accordance with instructions And WHO guide." [ 245 more words ]

By Sameer Sanabani The Ministry of Health in the Yemeni internationally recognized government received a notification of a suspected case of the novel coronavirus last Thursday in the interim capital, Aden. The ministry said in a statement that “the central operating room in the Ministry of Public...

By Kamal Sanabani UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) has warned of an "imminent war" with Saudi-sponsored mi...

By Kamal Sanabani UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) has warned of an "imminent war" with Saudi-sponsored militants as divisions between the two sides continue to deepen. In a statement, STC said it had informed ambassadors of UNSC’s five permeant states to Yemen and the UN envoy Martin Griffiths that "the outbreak of war is imminent". The group accused Riyadh-backed government of former Yemeni president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi of violating a power-sharing settlement signed between the two sides in Riyadh last year. [ 840 more words ]

By Kamal Sanabani UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) has warned of an “imminent war” with Saudi-sponsored militants as divisions between the two sides continue to deepen. In a statement, STC said it had informed ambassadors of UNSC’s five permeant states to Yemen and the UN envoy M...

By Mohammed al-Kibsi Yemen's climate is still unstable and will be yet severer in the coming 72 hours, the Yemeni metrol...

By Mohammed al-Kibsi Yemen's climate is still unstable and will be yet severer in the coming 72 hours, the Yemeni metrology center said Saturday, warning of rock and mud slides and floods. "Rainfalls are expected to continue, compounded with thunderstorms, in the coming 72 hours," the center added. Rains are expected to fall on mountainous height rings in general, with the heaviest on central heights of Sana'a, Dhamar and Ibb governorates. [ 95 more words ]

By Mohammed al-Kibsi Yemen’s climate is still unstable and will be yet severer in the coming 72 hours, the Yemeni metrology center said Saturday, warning of rock and mud slides and floods. “Rainfalls are expected to continue, compounded with thunderstorms, in the coming 72 hours,” the center a...

By Mohammed al-Kibsi The Saudi-led Coalition and its affiliated forces launched over four incursions in 4 different gove...

By Mohammed al-Kibsi The Saudi-led Coalition and its affiliated forces launched over four incursions in 4 different governorates, using airstrikes and various types of medium and heavy weapons in the first days of the week. The military spokesman of the Houthi group tweeted Saturday evening, that his group "was able to repel two large-scale creeps' first towards the Majzar district of Marib Governorate, lasting for several hours… [ 444 more words ]

By Mohammed al-Kibsi The Saudi-led Coalition and its affiliated forces launched over four incursions in 4 different governorates, using airstrikes and various types of medium and heavy weapons in the first days of the week. The military spokesman of the Houthi group tweeted Saturday evening, that hi...

New Yemen Newspaper Issue (18) April/13/2020.PDFDownload

New Yemen Newspaper Issue (18) April/13/2020.PDFDownload

PDFNew Yemen Newspaper Issue (18) Mon, April 13, 2020 PDFPublished: April 21, 20204:07 PMAuthor khaled wejdan1 New Yemen Newspaper Issue (18) April/13/2020.PDFDownload Post Views: 1 Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)

The National Prisoners' Affairs Committee released Thursday 70 prisoners all of them are sick, injured and elderly, in a...

The National Prisoners' Affairs Committee released Thursday 70 prisoners all of them are sick, injured and elderly, in a unilateral humanitarian initiative. In a tweet, the head of the Prisoners Committee, Abdulqader Al-Murtada, explained that the prisoners were released by order of the leader Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi, and were handed over to the local authorities in the governorates. Al-Murtada said, "We hope from the other side to do similar steps, especially for humanitarian cases, as they are most vulnerable to be infected with Coronavirus, if it spreads."

The National Prisoners’ Affairs Committee released Thursday 70 prisoners all of them are sick, injured and elderly, in a unilateral humanitarian initiative. In a tweet, the head of the Prisoners Committee, Abdulqader Al-Murtada, explained that the prisoners were released by order of the leader Say...

Mohammed Ali Al-Houthi: We responded to UN envoy message By Mohammed al-Kibsi The U.N. special envoy for Yemen Martin Gr...

Mohammed Ali Al-Houthi: We responded to UN envoy message By Mohammed al-Kibsi The U.N. special envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths submitted the warring parties in Yemen revised proposals on Friday for a nationwide cease-fire and the urgent resumption of peace talks. Martin Griffiths urged the internationally recognized government, which is backed by a Saudi-led coalition, and Ansar Allah (Houthis) to accept the proposed agreements “without delay” and to start negotiations “to comprehensively end the war.” [ 2,878 more words ]

Mohammed Ali Al-Houthi: We responded to UN envoy message By Mohammed al-Kibsi The U.N. special envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths submitted the warring parties in Yemen revised proposals on Friday for a nationwide cease-fire and the urgent resumption of peace talks. Martin Griffiths urged the internat...

SLC, Yemen internationally recognized government politicize Coronavirus BY Mohammed al-KibsiThe Supreme National Committ...

SLC, Yemen internationally recognized government politicize Coronavirus BY Mohammed al-KibsiThe Supreme National Committee to Face the Coronavirus Pandemic in Yemen revealed the first confirmed case of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on Friday, in Hadhramout Governorate, eastern Yemen. The account of the committee stated on the social networking site "Twitter" that the case was confirmed infected with the virus, and a press conference will be held later for the spokesperson of the Supreme Emergency Committee to reveal all the details. [ 534 more words ]

SLC, Yemen internationally recognized government politicize Coronavirus BY Mohammed al-KibsiThe Supreme National Committee to Face the Coronavirus Pandemic in Yemen revealed the first confirmed case of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on Friday, in Hadhramout Governorate, eastern Yemen. The account....

UN Information Centre -Sana'a The United Nations envoys in Middle East hot spots urged all warring parties on Saturday t...

UN Information Centre -Sana'a The United Nations envoys in Middle East hot spots urged all warring parties on Saturday to translate Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ appeal for immediate cease-fires to tackle the coronavirus pandemic into concrete actions aimed at ending hostilities. The envoys for Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict stressed that solidarity is required to face the challenge of COVID-19 and this cannot happen “if the guns of war and conflict are not silenced.” [ 371 more words ]

UN Information Centre -Sana’a The United Nations envoys in Middle East hot spots urged all warring parties on Saturday to translate Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ appeal for immediate cease-fires to tackle the coronavirus pandemic into concrete actions aimed at ending hostilities. The e...

UN Information Centre -Sana'a The Members of the Security Council endorsed the Secretary-General’s call of 25 March for ...

UN Information Centre -Sana'a The Members of the Security Council endorsed the Secretary-General’s call of 25 March for those fighting in Yemen to immediately cease hostilities, focus on reaching a negotiated political settlement, and to do everything possible to counter an outbreak of COVID-19. They welcomed the announcement by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on behalf of the Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen, of a unilateral ceasefire in Yemen in support of the UN’s peace process and the Secretary-General’s call. [ 225 more words ]

UN Information Centre -Sana’a The Members of the Security Council endorsed the Secretary-General’s call of 25 March for those fighting in Yemen to immediately cease hostilities, focus on reaching a negotiated political settlement, and to do everything possible to counter an outbreak of COVID-19...



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