This is how a baby elephant uses trunk for feeling
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#elephant #elephants #ElephantSound #elephantlove #babyelefant Nature's Womb and Grace
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This is one of the elephant attacks in villages of North Bengal. Crazy wild elephants attack in village. The continuous pressure in forest areas such as firewood collection, excessive grazing, mining, shrinking forest habitats and expanding army areas, colonies, tea gardens and highways â leads to decreasing water levels, an absence of natural fodder and more. When put under such undue stress, these wild animals have no option but to force their way into human-occupied spaces, and paddy, maize, pineapples become accessible dietary options, and this is one of the main reason behind the frequent attacks of wild animals. Nature's Womb and Grace #natureswombandgrace #elephant #elephants #elephantlove #ElephantSound #elephantattack
#Digha #dighatrip #dighadiaries
Full video link..
Magical trip to Digha Mohana.. đĨ°
#dighamohona #dighaseabeach
#natureswomb #Dighatour