
IsoFelix To send the words of God to the world


Today is the end of April
Today is the end of poverty
Today is the end of sorrow
Today is the end of shame
Today is the end of barrenness
Today is the end of disappointment
Today is the end of jobless
Today is the end of rejection
Today is the end of sickness
Today is the end of failure
Today is the end of covid-19
May all your prayers be answer as we
approach the month of May, from today the
blessing of the Lord which
maketh rich and adds no sorrow shall be
upon you and your family, in this new
months you shall sing a new songs"

Happy Pam Sunday to you all, may God bless you all in Jesus name

Happy Pam Sunday to you all, may God bless you all in Jesus name


I saw it again. This time more scary. The end-
time is more than nigh. It will happen like a flash
unexpected and time shall be no more for
repentance. In my dream, it was as if God shut
his ears. I saw multitude of people running into a
church. But inside that church, screaming and
shouting everywhere; people making utterances
to heaven. Behold it was as if a strange spirit
entered into some people more clearly, I
remember seeing an old man who was beside
me whom the said spirit entered into and as he
let out a cry, he disappeared and few other
people. At that point, I realised that the rapture
has taken place. I cried the more. Immediately,
the devil took over and started making mockery
of the left over Christians. He had a register of
everyone's name...At this point, I woke up. The
end is more than near. What breaks my heart the
most is that many people in the church will not
make it if Jesus comes now?Many are unaware
that the end is near. Don't tell me that it's
advancement in technology or development. If
any area of your life is not in sync with God's
word - Repent and be converted. If you miss
heaven you can never miss hell...think about it.
Hell is not a pretty place, the worst part is that it
is for eternity...Don't keep this message and
don't get annoyed when u receive this just do the
whole world a favour and keep broadcasting the
Lord Jesus coming, u might save a lost soul.
Please rather than post and forward senseless
messages. Send to everyone you know. Do the
work of an evangelistPLEASE SHARE THIS
you ever wondered what would have happened if
we treat the Holy Bible the way we treat our
mobile phone?And we really can't live without it.
Only 7% will resend this message. Don't be
among the 93% who will not share the message.
Satan said "I wonder how humans claim to Love
God and disobey Him, and claim that they hate
me yet they obey me'' do not send later send
now,tomorrow may be late,God bless you as you
do so.


Steve Gouves died a billionaire, with a
fortune of $7billion, at the age of 56 from
pancreatic cancer, and here are some of his
last words:
"In other eyes, my life is the essence of
success, but aside from work, I have little
joy, and in the end wealth is just a fact of life
to which I am accustomed.
At this moment, lying on my bed, sick and
remembering all my life, I realize that all my
recognition and the wealth that I have is
meaningless in the face of imminent death.
You can hire someone to drive a car for you,
make money for you but – you can not rent
someone to carry a disease for you. One can
find material things, but there is one thing
that cannot be found when its lost – “life”.
Treat yourself well, and cherish others. As
we get older we get smarter, and we slowly
realize that a watch worth $30 or $300 –
both display the same time.
Whether we carry a purse or a wallet worth
$30 or $300 – the amount of money in it
remains the same. Whether we drive a car
worth $150,000, or $30,000 – the road and
distance is the same, we will eventually
arrive at the same destination.
If one drinks a bottle of wine worth $300 or
$10,000 – the “stroller” will be the same.
If the house we live in is 300 square meters,
or 3000 square meters – the loneliness is
the same.
Your true inner happiness does not come
from material things. Whether you’re flying
first class, or economy class – if the plane
crashes, you crash with it.
So, I hope you understand that when you
have friends or someone to talk to – that is
true happiness!
5 Undeniable Facts:-
1. Do not educate your children to be rich.
Educate them to be happy. – So when they
grow up they will know the value of things,
not the cost.
2. Eat your food as medicine, otherwise you
will need to eat your medicine as food.
3. Whoever loves you will never leave you,
even if he or she has 100 reasons to give
up. He or she will always find one more
reason to hold on.
4. There is a big difference between being
human and human being.
5. If you want to go fast – go alone! But if
you want to go far – Go together!
In conclusion:
The 6 best doctors in the world:-
1. Sunlight
2. Rest
3. Exercise
4. Diet
5. Self-confidence
6. Friends
Keep them in all stages of your life and enjoy
a healthy life.
“Love the people the Almighty sent you, one
day He will need them back.”
Something worth sharing!!!
Wishing you all a prosperous 2020.


I love this, read it:
A King had a male servant who, in all
circumstances always said to him; My king,
do not be discouraged because everything
God does is perfect, no mistakes. One day,
they went hunting and a wild animal
attacked the king, the servant managed to
kill the animal but couldn't prevent his
majesty from losing a finger. Furious and
without showing gratitude, the King said; if
God was good, I would not have been
attacked and lost one finger. The servant
replied, 'despite all these things, I can only
tell you that God is good and everything He
does is perfect, He is never wrong'.
Outraged by the response, the king ordered
the arrest of his servant. While being taken
to prison, he told the king again, God is
Good & Perfect. Another day, the king left
alone for another hunt and was captured by
savages who use human beings for
sacrifice. On the altar, the savages found out
that the king didn't have one finger in place,
he was released because he was considered
not "complete" to be offered to the gods. On
his return to the palace, he ordered the
release of his servant and said; My friend,
God was really good to me. I was almost
killed but for lack of a single finger, I was let
go. But I have a question; If God is so good,
why did He allow me to put you in prison?
His servant replied; My king, if I had not
been put in prison, I would have gone with
you, and would have been sacrificed,
because I have no missing finger. Everything
God does is perfect, He is never wrong.
Often we complain about life, and the
negative things that happen to us,
forgetting that everything happens for a
purpose. God knows why you are reading
this message today, please bless someone
with it by sharing it. God is good and
perfect!! My dear friend, a good attitude will
determine your altitude. When you look at
your life, career, job or family life, what do
you say? Do you praise God? Do you blame
the Devil ? A good attitude towards God
makes Him move on your behalf. Just sit
down and say, Today , I am thankful I had a
peaceful sleep, I am thankful I am alive with
possibilities, I am thankful I have a roof over
me, I am thankful I have a job, I am thankful
that I have Family and Friends. Above all, I
am thankful that I have God in my life . Be
blessed and don't be envious or shocked
when others are prospering because you
don't know what they have been through to
get there (test, trials and tribulation) so
thank God for what you have. "Little is much
when God is in it. It Is Well With God's grace.
Touch someones life with this message if
God is for us, who can be against us? Don't
read if you can't forward. God has seen you
struggling with something. God says it's
over. A blessing is coming your way. If you
believe in God send this message on, please
don't ignore it, God is going to fix two
things (BIG) in your favor. If you believe in
God, drop everything and pass it on. Today
will be the best day of your life. Send this to
everybody in your contacts.


I want to talk on the topic "MAKE THE CALL", for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved (ROM. 10:13), MAKE THE CALL: Are the stresses of life overwhelming you? Make the call. Does it seem your whole life is meaningless, and things are not adding up? Please, make call. Do you wonder why the shade of life you are experiencing are failures, rejection, disappointment, disease-laden, rejection, sorrow, lack, attacks? Please, make the call to Jesus Christ. The purpose of God for all of us to is to have peace, joy , good health, fruitfulness, the abundance of life and materials in addition to be free from any form of demonic attack or bo***ge. Jesus Christ can only and always save us and come thought for us if we call on His Name. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be save (ROM 10:13). Once you make the call to Him He answers and never ignore or wants to let you go because His mission is to save and restore us back to God. The pain of life you are experiencing are the works of the devil to fulfil his Missions to kill, to steal and to destroy. Jesus Christ has come to give us all abundant life, make the call to Jesus Christ and He will come and save you. Amen


Beloved, the brethren were still praying
while Peter was released from prison; the
spiritual atmosphere they created pushed
God into action at an odd hour. When you
remain persistent in prayer, God will have no
option but to get into action on your behalf.
When you keep knocking on heaven’s doors,
the doors will have no choice but to open
unto you. Even when it is not yet time for
some results, you can hasten the results
with prayers.
Is there a negative atmosphere around you?
Change it through prayers and prophetic
proclamations. Hasten your next level by
creating a supernatural atmosphere with
prayers; use God’s word to change every
negative season in your life; use your
prophetic prayers to make every season
work for your good. Use your connection to
heaven to turn the tables in your favour.
Change every atmosphere that is
negative.Remember, the brethren prayed,
and at night, Peter was released. Dare to
pray; God will respond mightily if you are
ready to pray.
DECLARE WITH ME; Prayerfully, I change every
negative atmosphere, in Jesus’ name! Good
morning beloved of the unchangeable God


*_DATE:_* Thursday 15th August, 2019.
*_SCRIPTURE:_* He hath made every thing
beautiful in his time: also he hath set the
world in their heart, so that no man can find
out the work that God maketh from the
beginning to the end- Ecclesiastic 3:11.
*_MESSAGE:_* It is pertinent that God will
always want the best for His children. His
plans are for good and not for evil, to give
you an expected end-Jeremiah 29:11. It is
an assurance which he has sworn by his
word which can never fail. The fact is that,
God works with time and season and not
age, calendar or condition.
If God is the Alpha and Omega, it means he
knows the end from the beginning. He is a
master architect who knows where and
how to position every fitting in his building
plan, your life. He knows where and when to
fix the windows, doors and electrical
fittings. That is to say, he knows the right
time for your marriage, job, etc irrespective
of your age or qualification.
Most times, in our haste to get things done,
we mix up this master plan for our lives.
Imagine a building where doors are fixed in
the place for windows and windows in the
place for doors? That is exactly what we do
when anxiety get a grip of us and we take
decisions outside God's plan probably
because of age, societal opinions, peer
pressure etc. This actions might seem good
but not right.
When God decides to bless a man, he
beautifies him beyond imagination. From
the bushes, he made David a king, from the
prisons, Joseph a prime minister. Joseph
could have taken a short cut to freedom in
the arms of his boss's wife but he waited on
the Lord. Today beloved, wait on God and in
His time, he will beautify your destiny.
condition is no longer favorable to me, how
can I trust God till my time come?
1). Prayerfully seek God's direction in all your
2). Never take decisions out of bandwagon
3). Always trust and wait on God until your
change comes.
*_NUGGET FOR THE DAY:_* Eye hath not seen,
nor ear heard, neither have entered into the
heart of man, the things which God hath
prepared for them that love him.
_*PRAYER:*_ Father, give me the grace to rely
solely on you until my change comes in
Jesus Name.
grip of the spirit of delay and limitation is
broken over your life and destiny this
season in Jesus Name.
11:19-12:1-10. 1st Corinthians 15:20-27
and Luke 1:39-56.
_*CONTACT:*_ livingwaterdevo
[email protected]


1.When they is Unity they is Love.
2.When they is Love they is peace.
3.When they is Peace they is Happiness.
4.When they is Happiness they is Joy.
5.when they is Joy they is Progress.
6.when they is Progress they is Blessing.
7.When they is Blessing they is Hope.
8.When they is Hope they is God.
9.When they is God they is Life.
10.When they is Life, every where Stew.
May the Unity of God be upon you and
your family in Jesus name.


August 14, 2019
Wednesday of Week 19; St. Maximilian Kolbe
Deuteronomy 34:1–12
Moses went up from the plains of Moab to
Mount Nebo, the headland of Pisgah which
faces Jericho, and the LORD showed him all
the land— Gilead, and as far as Dan, all
Naphtali, the land of Ephraim and Manasseh,
all the land of Judah as far as the Western
Sea, the Negeb, the circuit of the Jordan with
the lowlands at Jericho, city of palms, and as
far as Zoar. The LORD then said to him, "This
is the land which I swore to Abraham, Isaac,
and Jacob that I would give to their
descendants. I have let you feast your eyes
upon it, but you shall not cross over." So
there, in the land of Moab, Moses, the
servant of the LORD, died as the LORD had
said; and he was buried in the ravine
opposite Beth–peor in the land of Moab, but
to this day no one knows the place of his
burial. Moses was one hundred and twenty
years old when he died, yet his eyes were
undimmed and his vigor unabated. For
thirty days the children of Israel wept for
Moses in the plains of Moab, till they had
completed the period of grief and mourning
for Moses.
Now Joshua, son of Nun, was filled with the
spirit of wisdom, since Moses had laid his
hands upon him; and so the children of
Israel gave him their obedience, thus
carrying out the LORD's command to Moses.
Since then no prophet has arisen in Israel
like Moses, whom the LORD knew face to
face. He had no equal in all the signs and
wonders the LORD sent him to perform in
the land of Egypt against Pharaoh and all his
servants and against all his land, and for the
might and the terrifying power that Moses
exhibited in the sight of all Israel.
Psalm 66:1–3a, 5 and 8, 16–17
R. (see 20a and 10b) Blessed be God who
filled my soul with fire!
Shout joyfully to God, all the earth; sing
praise to the glory of his name; proclaim his
glorious praise. Say to God: "How
tremendous are your deeds!"
R. Blessed be God who filled my soul with
Come and see the works of God, his
tremendous deeds among the children of
Adam. Bless our God, you peoples; loudly
sound his praise.
R. Blessed be God who filled my soul with
Hear now, all you who fear God, while I
declare what he has done for me. When I
appealed to him in words, praise was on the
tip of my tongue.
R. Blessed be God who filled my soul with
2 Corinthians 5:19
R. Alleluia, alleluia.
God was reconciling the world to himself in
Christ, and entrusting to us the message of
R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Matthew 18:15–20
Jesus said to his disciples:
"If your brother sins against you, go and tell
him his fault between you and him alone. If
he listens to you, you have won over your
brother. If he does not listen, take one or
two others along with you, so that every fact
may be established on the testimony of two
or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to
them, tell the Church. If he refuses to listen
even to the Church, then treat him as you
would a Gentile or a tax collector. Amen, I
say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall
be bound in heaven, and whatever you
loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Again, amen, I say to you, if two of you
agree on earth about anything for which
they are to pray, it shall be granted to them
by my heavenly Father. For where two or
three are gathered together in my name,
there am I in the midst of them.

WHO'S THAT SAINT?Did you know?St. Dennis was the first bishop of Paris, hewas beheaded around 258 A.D. togetherwith his ...

Did you know?
St. Dennis was the first bishop of Paris, he
was beheaded around 258 A.D. together
with his two companions wherein their
bodies were thrown into the rivers end.
However, a miraculous thing happened,
after his death. Dennis, rosed to his feet,
carried his head and preached two miles
towards his burial place, which is now
known as Montmartre, Paris, France.


To all Christians please tell all the Christians
brethren around you not to attend the
crusade with the title we are one. It's said
that the crusade is planned by Muslim
leaders and it will be holding in all the states
in Nigeria at the same day and time. They
will use a popular and well respected pastor
in a state as a guest speaker in the crusade
in other to gather people. Their intention is
to bomb all Christians at ones in other for
them to archive their Islamisation agenda.
One of the elder (name withheld for
security) who is not in support of the plan
has just made this known to the head of
PFN. Please pass this info to at least
20people in your contact as the crusade is
just few weeks away. The Lord will hold you
responsible for any life lost through this evil
attack if you refuse to share this info.


1. Beware! When prayer becomes a difficult
thing for you.
2. Beware! When fasting is becoming a
history in your spiritual
3. Beware! When you no longer enjoy
reading the word of God.
4. Beware! When attending church
programme is becoming a
burden rather than a blessing for you.
5. Beware! When living a life of holiness is
appearing like
6. Beware! When sinful living becomes a
lifestyle in the name of
7. Beware! When you crave for earthly
things rather than the things
of God.
8. Beware! When waking up in the night to
pray is becoming a
thing of the past.
9. Beware! brethren, when your heart no
longer desires to see the
Lord Jesus one day.
10. Beware! when you eat more than pray
11. Beware! when you no longer share the
word with others.
12. Beware! When u start diluting the
preaching Word of God to
keep people around you.
13. Beware! of all these, brethren, Satan isn't
resting. We too must
be vigilant.
14. Beware! When you spend more time on
Facebook, whatsapp,
twitter, and internet. These things become
idols and take the place
of God.
Perhaps you're not even interested in the
Lets prepare, Jesus is coming soon to take
those who are eagerly
waiting for him.
Revival lord, help us to fear and obey U
I cry for revival and restoration lord...
You are Loved... That's the reason for this


As this month is about to end how can we get "Access to Divine Wisdom?)
* Thought commitment to continuous feeling on the word (PS. 119:97-100; 19:7-9; 2TIM 2:15; 3:16-17). Whatyou read patterns your thoughts. Just as one derives physical energy from feeding, the spirit-man derives insight and wisdom from reading of the word. This is the reason why feeding your soul on the word everyday is a necessary.
* By the Holy Ghost through whom we have access to the deep things of God ( JN. 16:12-14; 1 Cor. 2:9-10, 13,-14). The Holy Spirit is our Teachers and Guide to God's secret. He gave us the prayer language so that we can connect to Him spiritually ( 1 COR. 14:2-3; Jn. 16:1, 14). As we pray often in the language of the Holy Spirit, we go deeper in relationship with Him and in accessing His wisdom because deep call unto deep ( PS. 84:7). GOD will help us and gives us more access to His Divine Wisdom in Jesus name. Amen


LET US PRAY!!! (just 2 minute)
Almighty Father
creator of Heaven and earth and
everything in between, We
humbly come before you with
thanks giving in our hearts,
asking for your never ending
mercy. We lift your name on
high, above any name that has
ever existed, our father and
creator, we ask you to bless,
protect and to pour your
supernatural favor upon us, our
children, spouses and friends.
God we ask you today for divine
intervention in our lives, we ask
for your touch in all areas of our
lives, be it a new job, promotion,
freedom from debt, rebuilding of
our relationships with our
spouses and friends. Father any
situation you touch, we believe it
can never remain the same.
Father in heaven, let your will be
done in our lives as your decision
in our lives is the best and will
always be the best, please send
double portions anointings and
blessings in the quickest time to
the person who will forward
as your name is being
worshiped and glorified by
multitudes In the name of your
only son, our personal Savior,
Jesus Christ. AMEN!!! God is going
to shift things around for you
today and let things work in
your favor. If you believe, share it.


I want to write on a subject "UNVEILING THE
REALITY OF WISDOM" First of all what is
divine wisdom? Divine Wisdom It can be
Described as inspired insight from our study
of the word of God and other spiritual
resources (Dan. 9:2; 1Tim.4:13, 15;
2Tim.4:13; 2pet. 3:14). The scripture is made
up of God's inspiration and is meant for our
profitable living (2TIM.3:16). It follows that
God's word is the function of Wisdom. This
is the reason why Bible Based believers
naturally display Wisdom. If you are rich in
the word, you become rich in wisdom. Jesus
was filled with the word and as the result
was filled with wisdom (LK. 2:40, 46, 47;
COL. 3:16). When you walk with God in His
word, you gain access to His Kind of wisdom
( PRO. 13:20; 1TIM. 1:17). Daniel accessed
Wisdom by reading (DAN. 9:2). Reading
instigates the mind and provides it with
wings to fly. The culture of reading is very
vital to the enhancement of your wisdom.
Anyone who taught you to read has
prepared you to lead. On the other hand
anybody who robs you of reading has
denied you opportunity to lead. Second
divine wisdom is a product of a subject-
focused meditation (JO. 8:1-8: 1TIM.4:13,
15). Meditation means to think thought, to
think upon, to think over what you have
read or heard (PHI. 4:8). It is meditation on
the word that distinguishes destiny (JOS.
1:8; 1TIM.4 :15). May God gives us all divine
wisdom in Jesus name.




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