Light, Dark and Chiaroscuro

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Light, Dark and Chiaroscuro This is a page for the players of Episaga Games Ltd. and the Light, Dark and Chiaroscuro campaign.

More of a Fort really.........

More of a Fort really.........

I present to you Enbarr.

I present to you Enbarr.

This seems somehow familiar....

This seems somehow familiar....

Character Intro Artemis Year 95 TD Artemis stood out amongst her fellows as young, perhaps even too young. The war in th...

Character Intro Artemis Year 95 TD Artemis stood out amongst her fellows as young, perhaps even too young. The war in the Elvin homelands had taken a heavy toll on the Therian forces. Her kind was rare as it was, more so with the war. Therians, or beast men as some called them were at the forefront of the war. Though they possessed super natural gifts, the war tested them in ways even they were not prepared for.

Artemis, like many of her kind was fierce, proud, and ready to serve her clan, to bring honour to her family and kin. There had been much debate, utilizing the youth. The All Clan leader Luna had objected intensely at the idea of having to put the youth in harms way. But alas, so few of them remained to keep up the fight.

This is why Artemis was chosen; she was small, young at 15 years of age, and had the ability of flight. All these traits would not be expected by the enemy. Now, information was the key to the war, not only to preserve her own kind, but to stop the war. For this reason Artemis was taken in, trained as a sort of spy, assassin, and hunter. Her mission was to make it safely to the island, posing as a child on a merchant vessel, one of the few last being called back to port, before Kauldron would close its borders.

Once she landed she would disappear into the slums. The good people of South Port did not take to the Dark Queens rule whole heartily, some resisted. These rebels were to be her contacts, but they did not trust easy and it did not help that her original contact was killed a week earlier. It would take her the better of six months and the rescue of no less than seven resistance fighters before they would trust her enough to start giving her intel.

The life she lived was rough. She enjoyed hunting, and being outdoors was natural to her. The falcon form which she wore served her well, though during the moon she had to be sure to be away from any settlement. Her blood still ran wild at the moons call. As a youth she had not mastered the control of her form. This was part of the All Clan Leader’s objection, but she volunteered. Both her parents had died, defending the Elvin people. It was her duty to see them avenged.

Her time in south Port had been better than she had expected. With the resistance helping her she could get the drop on where to be and who was who. This week however she got a tip that she couldn’t pass up. The princess was to be knighted, and all the royalty would be there. The daughter of the one responsible for her parents death would certainly be a good place to start in order to exact her vengeance. More importantly the Queen was stepping down, and her daughter would soon take her place. What better way to defeat the war than cut off the head of the beast before it is crowned.

Travel had been difficult through the swamps and mists. It had taken her every thing she had, flying day and night before she reached the black spires of the Queens castle. If not for the lights, she may have over flown it. The castle was likened to an oasis. The mists that surrounded the grounds were acidic if you spent too long in them. But here the grounds were lush and green, as some unnatural magic sustained it. The grounds were surrounded by fruit orchards. Fortunate, as not only was she hungry, but she could survive and hide in waiting for days if she had to. The guests had already began to arrive.
Artemis lay hiding in bird form. It was the perfect cover and no one took notice of her. All she had to do now was wait for her target to arrive. It was said the princess possessed unnatural beauty, with both eyes and hair being violet in color. This sounded like a witch to Artemis. No natural creature she knew of possessed violet color. Surely this princess was a witch. Witch or no, she would make for a grand prize. The information the resistance could glean from her alone would be worth a kings ransom….fitting really as she was a princess and all.

Artemis waited the entirety of the day. Guest after guest arrived. One after another. The day was spent and night arrived. She had prepared a special bolt for the princess, it would send her to the land of sleep. That would make getting her away from the castle easier. Artemis was not sure what to do after she had taken her shot, but a hunter will wait for opportunity. Often the difference between failure and a successful hunt was to recognise when was the right time to strike.

The party had been full bloom for maybe half an hour before Artemis saw her chance. The princess left the castle from the back entrance. Unusual behaviour for one of her status. She seemed to sneak. As she made her way across the court yard a strange being appeared out of no where, falling into the bushes, rather ungracefully. The Princess had not noticed the creature as she headed for a carriage. This was to be her moment, thought Artemis. To her disappointment the strange creature seemed to be following the Princess as well, sneaking across the courtyard and grasping onto the back of the carriage as the Princess ordered the driver to drive.

At night time carriages were well lit, so it was easy to follow by air. This other being complicated things. Was he friend or foe? Artemis did not know, but one thing was for sure, she would not let this creature come between her and her prey. The carriage road on for some time, suddenly turning to the right. Artemis paused. Into the mists was dangerous, but she dared not falter now.

Against her better judgement Artemis followed the carriage into the mists but to her surprise her presence within was brief. The carriage had stopped. No mists covered this area. A strange structure was in front of her, made of the same stone as the castle earlier. A Way point, of course. One could not expect the local Lords and Ladies of the land to traverse weeks of acidic mists and swamp. As Artemis looked she could not see the strange humanoid, he must have hidden. The princess paid the driver and he drove away. Why had she donned armor so late in the evening? The princess walked towards the way point and upon stepping on it, disappeared. Shortly after the strange humanoid came out of hiding and he to stepped on the way point and disappeared. The prey was escaping.

Artemis flew over to the way point. It was a pleasing structure, elegant in its design and obviously not known to the majority of the citizens of South Port. The fact it even existed was a great boon to the cause. Artemis waited as she stood on the waypoint. Nothing happened. She changed form, still nothing happened. Of course, it must be warded thought Artemis. After a moments pause she closed her eyes and focused on the latent energies present at the way point until she found that crack.
I command you to open, said Artemis as she forced the portal to open. Slayers were taught to seek out and force open teleportation portals. It was quite the advantage when chasing quarry. Artemis stepped through, weapon drawn and followed the previous two.

The Princess had not gone far and her follower was catching up. Artemis quickened her pace. She would follow the pair for the better part of three hours. The princess walked along a stream, using it to cover her tracks. What was she hiding? Eventually the princess pulled out a strange box, and after gathering kindling and wood created a fire and set up camp. The princess bore no bed or other camping supplies. This was strange. Not long after she went to sleep. Fool, to be out in the open with no protections, no alarms?

It was now that her follower snuck into camp. Artemis trained her crossbow on the interloper. He went to her side, seemingly curious, and touched the princess. Artemis fired. The sleep bolt meant for the princess was now for him. The strange blue skinned humanoid screamed and fell down. This woke the princess and she began to panic.
Obviously she did not know this creature judging from her reaction. The princess reached for her blade, but dropped it as soon as she laid her hand on it.

Suddenly the princess began to rip off her armor, she then began to wretch. What had he done to her? As the princess scrambled to get her armor of she cried for help. Help? The princess cried out again, Pleeease someone!!! Artemis saw an opportunity as she ran out into the camp. Me lady, allow me to assist you.

Lady Kauldron was surprised at her new guest’s sudden appearance, but with little choice accepted her help. Artemis, helped the princess take off her armor and once revealing skin, she could see why the princess soo badly needed aid.

‘What is happening?’ asked the princess.
Artemis looked on with horror as pointed claws began to exit from the princesses back, protruding and growing outward.
‘I don’t know’ said Artemis, ‘I uhh” and then she went silent.
The protrusions grew faster and faster.
‘What did he do to me?’ demanded Lady Kauldron.
Artemis stood in stunned silence as the princess began to scream in pain and agony. With little else she could do she stood in horror as a pair of giant bat wings grew out of lady Kauldron’s back. With one final scream of agony Lady Kauldron fell to the ground, unconscious.
Artemis looked over the camp. ‘The key to a successful hunt, was to know when to strike’, she thought to herself as she pulled out her rope.

Xenialanankasménos was over 6000 years old. He had seen a lot, not as much as the ancient ones, but enough to know his w...

Xenialanankasménos was over 6000 years old. He had seen a lot, not as much as the ancient ones, but enough to know his way around, especially around mortals. He loved the way they gawked at his blue skin and orange wild hair, or his not one, but two sets of wings. One feathered, one like the wings of a dragon. His tail would often catch his opponents by surprise, rarely did adventurers look down.

Xenialanankasménos went by X in the mortal realms. A name had power where he was from, and one letter seemed already too much, but he liked the symbolism. An X to the illiterate was a signature, and could by symbolic nature, representing any name ever created, and so he was called by most, X.

The world of the Quasidivine was a fickle one. Full of deals, battles and betrayals. It did one not much good to be a one trick pony and so, he began trading in souls, the common currency for his kind and many other of the outer realm powers. It was in the interest of procuring yet another soul that he ventured to the Prima Realm, in a back woods galaxy, far far away from his own realm.

There he was summoned by one who thought herself powerful, with an offer for a soul, for a seemingly menial task. It was too good to pass up, and so he decided to answer the summons, par for the course.

Before him stood a striking woman, dressed in black with violet highlights, her hair was up, and intermixed with some form of feathered cap, likewise it was black.
She was indeed powerful, and her soul black, but her arrogance, like so many others would be the end of her.

X looked around and noticed the markings on the ground. Precise, flawless she was thorough at least, not a single mistake. As X looked around he took in the beautiful black onyx walls and surroundings. The walls looked as though they might hurt you, if you dared to go too close to them.

You have summoned X, and X has appeared stated X. (It was part of the game, play all humble and subservient).
Indeed said the Dark Queen as she eyed him with glowing eyes, yes indeed, you will do just nicely.
X had no idea what she was referring to. She did not even seem surprised at his appearance.

It is my understanding, that your kind value souls yes? Asked Kamodo
That is so, replied X

And so, for a soul that I own, you would do me a request? Asked Kamodo.

That depends on the request replied X slyly.

Good, said Kamodo. My proposition is that you sit in that chair, and I will give you a soul that I own. Offered Kamodo.

X was suspicious. He hadn’t survived 6000 years to not know when something was up.

On condition, he replied I search the chair first.

Be my guest replied Kamodo.

X searched the odd looking chair. It was made of metal, carved with ornate skulls and gems. After finding nothing he turned around. I sit in the chair, and..

I give you a soul I own yes, finished Kamodo.

Fine I agree said X, confident he could work his way out of anything this mere mortal could throw at him.

Done!!! Said Kamodo, with eyes ablaze. There was a rumble outside and the room shook.

Done? DONE?!!! THAT WAS HIS LINE! That was the line that QD say when they seal a deal, just who was this woman?

For the first time in a long time X began to feel….fear. However he kept his cool demeanour.

Well time to pay goaded X.

Not until you sit in the chair, stated Kamodo as she turned away.

X felt doubt as to that action now. But she said the word, the binding word. X wondered at how she had obtained that ability. Perhaps he had underestimated her.

Very well said X, I shall sit. As X sat he wondered if this had been a bad idea.

Sever! Said Kamodo as cuffs sprang from the chair entrapping the QD.

What the? Said a surprised X. RARRRRWWWWLLLLL howled X as he tried in vain to get free.

You lied, YOU LIED screamed X , you can’t do that, there will be repercussions, terrible terrible repercussions!

Kamodo smiled holding up a silver chain leading to the chair, and in her other hand a small shining gem.

Within this gem is the soul of a poor farm girl. She had never left home, nor even had a boyfriend, and now this soul that I own, is yours. Kamodo passed the QD the gem, but as his hands were bound dropped the gem in between his legs.

X was now starting to panic. He had been played at his own game.

And now, our dealing is over, our halves both fulfilled, I can get to work. Said Kamodo.

X began to struggle, he could not understand why he could not simply break free, it was as though the chair was unbreakable.

Kamodo took the other end of the chain and produced a key. As she placed it into a slot in the chair a panel showed up, containing strange dials and levers.

I suspect you are very old and powerful, yet not very well versed in technology. Stated Kamodo as she began to turn a dial.

X began swearing and struggling uncontrollably. He howled insults, hissed and growled yet nothing he could do would free him, and his powers, his powers why couldn’t he use them?

This might sting a bit said Kamodo as she pulled a lever all the way to max.

White light and pain shot through X, and year by year he felt his life essence being drained.

X remembered his last thought was, Clever gurl……….

Through a fog of consciousness X awoke briefly. In front of him, glass and water? A liquid, but not water, it had a slight glow to it. He was encased in a large tube, and before him another tube, with cables running from one to the other. A whitish light went from his tank, to the other, that of a girl, purple hair and perfect physique. As more of his life energy left him he passed out again.

He would awaken again, in a cage, made of metal plates, not of bars, but metal plates allowing him little view. He tried to stand but fell down. A voice called out in the darkness. X said nothing. His powers. His souls, they were all …Gone. The many years of his existence, robbed from him but how?

X was aware of some one moving around when he heard a gasp and a rattle. Suddenly his cage opened..FREEDOM!

X dived out of the cage and nearly lost consciousness again. He was weak, vulnerable. X looked around frantically ..a door way, light, it was escape. X ran toward the light and seeing a bag on a table grabbed it, hoping for something of value. X ran up the stairs and out of the bright white room, full of finery and jewels. Had it been any other situation he would have stopped, but now escape was priority.

X left the room and made his way to a stained glass window. He knew not what was on the other side but he hoped for freedom. With all his remaining power he used a technique called Body Slide and did a short range teleport to the other side of the window, immediately to find himself falling.

X managed to spread his wings and prevent falling to death but his landing was anything but graceful. He sat and hid in the bushes, contemplating his situation.

Just then he felt something, a presence, the same one that was in the lab, she was near. X felt nearly compelled to follow…a piece of his power lay within……THERE!

X watched intently, closing the distance on this person wearing armor. She then broached a carriage and got in, all the while X was a mere ten feet from her.

Drive! Said the woman in the carriage.

X grabbed onto the back of the carriage. He didn’t understand the connection between himself and the woman, but it served him to be leaving just the same.

His thoughts began to turn to anger as the nights cold chill wind hit his face, but he had to give it to that other mortal, she had certainly played a good game……

Character Intro Lady Kauldron Year 95 TD The Lady Kauldron, witty, beautiful, strong. A specimen of human perfection, so...

Character Intro Lady Kauldron Year 95 TD The Lady Kauldron, witty, beautiful, strong. A specimen of human perfection, social grace and athleticism. Few could rival her charm, her conviction and her skill in battle. Tonight was to be one of her proudest moments yet. For not only was she born a princess, but tonight, she was to become a Dame.

The title of female knight is not known to all, in fact it is barely spoken of in most royal halls, yet today, Lady Kauldron would take that mantel. She had done the fasting ritual, said her prayers and in her own ways sung the praises of her mother, Queen Kamodo Sung.

The Queen ruled with authority and poise, grace and charm, and Lady Kauldron mimicked her in every way, not missing a beat as her mother instructed her in the ways of nobility. Tonight would be the last great ceremony before she would ascend to the throne, as her mother had promised to step down in a year’s time. The war against the heretics had taken its toll on the Queen. They were soon to be on the defensive as the Evil King Radiance and his metal army fought back their forces, which for soo long Kamodo had held at bay. Lady Kauldron would pick up the torch and lead their kingdom to glory.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door….. that was the signal. She would bow her head, opening the door and not looking up until she was knighted. She walked through the halls of her mothers beautiful palace. A building of onyx black spires topped with amethyst spheres that glowed in the night. The floors, walls even ceiling were made of this glossy black stone. It was a beautiful stone to Lady Kauldron’s eyes.

With the familiarity of being born and raised in the palace, Lady Kauldron was escorted to the throne room. There stood every noble, every person of importance and of course her mother, Kamodo. As she kneeled before her mother, she heard herself speak the oath, to swear fealty, and at long, long last, to rise as the Lady and Dame, Princess Kauldron Sung.

At last she could meet eyes with her mother and those within the room. Her mother smiled at her, proud of what she had become, it was a glorious moment. Just as she had been instructed she ate lightly, and drank even more so, though the night would be one of festivity joy and laughter. Tales of her adventures and cheers to the idea, down with the resistance!

It would be some time later that evening, that Lady Kauldron would be ushered to a private room by her mother the Queen.
And for my daughter I offer you this! Said Kamodo as she waived around the room.
Lady Kauldron had never even seen this room before. This room was filled with row upon row of finery and jewellery, each sitting upon a violet pillow, encased by glass.

You may have any one that you wish, stated Kamodo with a grin.
Lady Kauldron took in the moment. Her mother’s eyes could be cold, extremely so, especially when someone had failed her, but her eyes never looked upon Lady Kauldron in that fashion, for her, there had always been understanding, patience, and love, though now, there seemed something else, something, seemingly more grand in her mothers eyes.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, as one of the local lords wished to enter.
Kamodo smiled and quickly left the room in order to distract the lord from actually entering. And suddenly, Lady Kauldron found herself alone in what could only be described as a room full of the most exquisite treasure.

Piece by piece, Lady Kauldron examined the treasures. She had toyed with the idea of something modest, yet for all of her achievements she felt she deserved more. It was at that exact moment that a tiara caught her eye. It was made of silver and was shaped like a bat, with violet gemstones for eyes.

As she pulled at it, she felt resistance and suddenly a section of the stone wall opened up in front of her. Was this a test? Mother was quite smart that way! Lady Kauldronne peered around the stone wall with her violet coloured eyes. With a slight moment of concentration, Lady Kauldron used her aura vision, granting her sight within the dark stairs leading down.

As she walked boldly down ward she looked forward eagerly. Was this some form of surprise? Perhaps a gift lay in store for her? Lady Kauldron could hardly contain her excitement, but as she entered the chamber below it opened up to an expansive chamber, one she had never entered before.

I knew it! Thought Lady Kauldron as her eyes fell upon a most exquisite armor. It resembled the same onyx walls of the palace with purplish hues. Slowly she tried it on. The armor fit her perfectly, though she had wished for a servant to assist her. There lay with the armor, two swords, scimitars, twins made of the same material as the armor, and even a shield to match. Naturally she was trained in both shield and multiple weapons.
Oh, she thought as she reached out for a hand cross bow and quiver full of arrows. Lastly a pouch with 1000 silver. Mother had clearly planned on a shopping excursion to celebrate her having become a Dame.

Just as Lady Kauldron put on her helm there was a noise. Lady Kauldron spun around to see what it was, but her aura vision reached only 20 ft.
Hello? Called out Lady Kauldron.
No answer.
Drawing sword and shield Lady Kauldron ventured further into the room.
She saw strange tables with what looked to be surgeon’s tools and towards the back of the room something large seemed to glow.
Cautiously she approached the glowing objects. They were tubes! Tubes some seven feet tall, and inside them a greenish glowing liquid and to Lady Kauldron’s horror, there was inside, a women. Her body seemed lifeless, and not unlike her own. As Lady Kauldron looked down, she saw an inscription, “ Experiment 34”
Lady Kauldron stood back aghast, there were others, and more disturbingly, each one seemed to contain the very same woman. The woman possessed purple hair, just like herself. One by one she began to follow the wall, and at every five feet sat another tube.
She came across one that she could see the face of the occupant. On the inscription it read, “Experiment 626” and to Lady Kauldron’s horror, the person inside…..was her!

Lady Kauldron’s mind began to swim as unconsciousness threatened to take control. As lady Kauldron reached out to steady herself she heard the sound of a switch, and a cage door. She had accidentally freed some captive in a cage. Making out only shadow, it stopped, and looked at her, and then escaped the way she had come.

Suddenly Lady Kauldron was aware of a large presence in front of her. A large hulking Orcish skeleton made of Platinum stood in front of her.
Queen’s new body escape from tube? Questioned the large skeleton.
How you do that? he continued.
Lady Kauldron froze.
Bad clone, you get back in tube right now, or Kilgore say you in big trouble. Said Kilgore as he pulled out a blade.
With the sound of an unsheathing weapon, Lady Kauldron’s instinct kicked in.
Lady Kauldron withdrew her weapon far faster than her opponent and sent two slashes across his rib cage.
Ha HA Ha replied Kilgore. That tickles. Then Kilgore back handed Lady Kauldron, sending her back into some shelves.
You no kill Kilgore, Kilgore invinctabull!
Lady Kauldron got to her feet landing several blows on Kilgore, but it was as he said, she could not even scratch him.
After dodging some of his attacks, Lady Kauldron decided to retreat and rushed for the door, Kilgore tried to cut her off, but was thwarted by Lady Kauldron pushing a table in front of him causing him to trip.
As Lady Kauldron ran up the stairs she was sure the skeletal menace would catch up to her, but for some reason, he did not follow. Perhaps he had orders not to leave that accursed chamber.

As lady Kauldron got back into the room, she closed the secret door, and left quickly.
What should she do? Thought Lady Kauldron…what were those things? Lady Kauldron’s mind was racing. What did that creature mean? The Queens new body?
Lady Kauldron was torn, she wished to demand answers from her mother right this instant, yet her instinct told her to do something she rarely did…RUN!

Lady Kauldron made her way down the hall, trying not to look afraid or act out of place. The majority of those who would normally be wandering the halls were busy at her Knighting ceremony. Quickly she made her way to the back entrances, where normally the servants would come in and out.

None recognized her in her new armor as she would turn her head away when ever she got close. As luck would have it, she escaped out into the cold night. What should she do? Where would she go? Lady Kauldron went to the nearest carriage and hopped in.
Drive! she demanded and the cabby did as he was instructed.
She needed time to think….what had she seen and what did it all mean?


WELCOME... to the last group to be created in the into the darkness series.




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