DAILY REFLECTIONS(Daily Personal financial reflection)
Impoverishment (poverty) had never been a function of Household consumption expenses, especially during this pandemic lockdown. Meaning that people has to spend on their household needs whether earning or not rather poverty is a function of not earning enough so as to sustain your expenses whether during lockdown or not as well as investing.
Every expense is meant to be an investment especially during lockdowns. The Question is have you been thought on how to optimize profitably on every expense. If your expense is not enriching your portfolio profitably you are only , transferring your hard earned income to others in the name of household expenses
Expendincome media classes is about teaching you on skills or tips of how to (improve your earnings) portfolio on a normal daily basis so as to comfortably spend your household attained consumption expenses.Your personal income / economy can only survive if you can master these expendincome taugt skills within your first next 300 days. Exendincome is inviting you on her page on the following terms. 1. Ensure you have liked / following the page. 2. Ensure that you have invited to the expendicome a minimum of 25-45 persons (within the age range of 16-45 years)as earlier explained . This number of people once invited will be to your earning advantage in this network of the forth coming cyber page.....
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