Hashtag Wag

Hashtag Wag Helping pet based businesses grow and scale using marketing, systems and strategy so you can work le

Do you get overwhelmed thinking about growing your business? There are so many things to consider and most of us don't e...

Do you get overwhelmed thinking about growing your business? There are so many things to consider and most of us don't even know where to start!

The place I recommend starting is taking inventory of what you are currently doing when it comes to growth. For example- have you identified the key metrics and data points to keep an eye on so you know if you are truly moving the needle? How about knwoing where your top leads and sales are coming from? Do you know your biggest referral source?

If you do not know any of these or haven't even thought to think about them.. take some time to sit down and get clear on what you need to get those answers or what other information you would like to know. This will be a great starting point to then get into the next steps which I will be talking about here soon!

Let me know your top growth task that you are doing in your business below!

Being disciplined when it comes to business or life, can be difficult! But let me tell you that it can actually be quite...

Being disciplined when it comes to business or life, can be difficult! But let me tell you that it can actually be quite freeing and bring you so much peace in the end as it helps you create routines and ultimately achieve goals and get you to difficult places!

Think of it this way- discipline is all about strength! Having the strength to make conscious decisions repeatedly to get where you want to go in the long run.

"Discipline is our catalyst for passion, the key to strength, and refusing to settle for what we want temporairly for what we want ultimately."- Michelle Myers

So, tell me- what things are you doing in your business or life that require discipline and for you to consistiantly show up to get where you want to go?

Even in the mundane, it’s important to find delight. Let’s inspire others to see the mundane moments as opportunities of...

Even in the mundane, it’s important to find delight. Let’s inspire others to see the mundane moments as opportunities of joy.
Duty is easy but delight takes effort!
How will you inspire others today?

Anyone else’s bed look like this? 🙈Ya’ll.. when I told you I love to learn I wasn’t lying! You can always find a minimum...

Anyone else’s bed look like this? 🙈

Ya’ll.. when I told you I love to learn I wasn’t lying! You can always find a minimum of four books laying next to me at all times (much to my bf’s dismay)... and don’t mind the bajillion that are in my nightstand cubbies and downstairs in my bookcases 📚

It’s SO important to keep learning! Things are always changing and you want to keep up! Especially if you are trying to grow and scale your biz or even just connect with your customers. You need to know what’s going on out there and what your people are into!

If you don’t like learning.. I hear ya but I’m going to challenge you to find a topic that you could get into and at least learn about for a few minutes per day, everyday in July. By the end of the month you’ll have learned so much!
So tell me.. what are you currently learning about or what do you want to learn about? 🤓👇🏻

Are you making content burgers?? 🍔 Today is national hamburger day 🍔 and I love me a good analogy so...When you’re writi...

Are you making content burgers?? 🍔
Today is national hamburger day 🍔 and I love me a good analogy so...
When you’re writing content, think of it like a burger!
You have to build it with all the pieces or it’s just not right.

1. Bun- aka the opener. Use an intriguing or surprising or shocking ( you get the idea) first sentence to get people interested and hooked to keep reading.

2. The toppings- aka add some fun details to keep them interested. Do you see the pattern? You want to keep sprinkling in goodies to make them want to sink their teeth into what you’re saying. Don’t give them soggy lettuce.

3. The party- aka the meat of the story. Ok now you got them hooked and reading so you can give them the story and the details of what it is you’re trying to convey. But don’t leave them with a dry patty- keep it interesting and juicy.

4. Close with another bun- aka the call to action- every time you wrote a piece of content you need to tell your audience what you want them to do now. Don’t just leave them hanging or they will read and say oh cool and then leave! Tell them what you want them to do- click this link, read this blog that pertains to what you just read, learn more about this thing etc.
You went through all that prep- making the patties, toasting the buns, cutting up the toppings, sitting at the grill-don’t leave them with a paper plate and then send them to sit in that wonky lawn chair that pinches your legs!
Take them on a journey and then nurture them after the hamburger is over and direct them to your other goodies! Aka desserts? I could do this all day 😂😂

So... are you making content burgers??


Does your business have a blog?
Are you adding new blogs every month?
Are you sharing those blogs?

I hope you answered yes to each of those question! Here’s why...

-> Did you know that over 57% of businesses acquire new customers through there blog?

-> Having a blog increase web traffic by 55%

-> Sharing your blog to different platforms increases the likelihood that more people will find you and inbound marketing (people coming to you organically) costs 62% less than outbound marketing (you paying for them to come to you)

Blogging is a way to get your expertise and knowledge out to the world, get eyes on your business and what you offer and inevitably... grow your audience and business!

Don’t know what to write? Brainstorm ideas and plan that content each month! You don’t have to write a novel just a few paragraphs to educate and entertain and always make sure to leave the reader with something to do- visit another area of your website, visit your store, visit your Instagram, sing up for your newsletter etc.

🐾Need help with ideas or what to write or planning your content? My content planner specifically for pet based businesses drops soon! DM me to get on the waitlist or sign up in my bio

Happy Mother’s Day! 💕🐾💐

Happy Mother’s Day! 💕🐾💐


Ok , so you’ve got something to say.. great! But here’s a tip for your content.
Make sure to pair your info/content with a visual to get it to stick!
When info/content is paired with a relevant image, people remembered 65% of it 3 days later! (Only 10% remembered when there was no image)
-> not sure where to get images or how to create graphics? Use a free software like Canva!
-> not sure what to post everyday? Send me a message to get on the waitlist for my content planner made specifically for pet based businesses 🐾😎

If you've been here long enough, you know I love Parks and Rec and Leslie Knope has some of the best compliments ever! I...

If you've been here long enough, you know I love Parks and Rec and Leslie Knope has some of the best compliments ever! I also LOVE encouraging people and seeing them do their best so I have decided, every week you will be getting a quick dose of encouragement to hopefully put some pep in your step (and yes, be prepared to see lots from LK)!
So, get out there and have an awesome day you rainbow-infused space unicorns!! 🦄🦄

FOMO- have you heard of it? It stands for Fear Of Missing Out... and 56% of people have it when it comes to social media...

FOMO- have you heard of it? It stands for Fear Of Missing Out... and 56% of people have it when it comes to social media! This means that they check their social media often as they do not want to miss out on anything that may be happening!
->So what does this mean for you? People are looking and active on social and you you just might be what they are looking for! But they can't find you if you're not posting!
-> Social media is a powerful form of marketing for your business and so many people tell me that they don't post on social media or think it is going to work for them
Spoiler Alert--- It works for them, it works for you, it works for everyone!
BUT you have to actually show up consistently and create content that engages with people!

It’s so important to keep learning!! So happy to be learning a ton of good stuff at the  spring conference today!! Being...

It’s so important to keep learning!!
So happy to be learning a ton of good stuff at the spring conference today!!
Being a cacvt board member and their social media director I have had such an amazing time helping move this three day in-person conference to a virtual platform!
Talk about the-positioning! Gotta do what you gotta do even if it seems daunting!

🐾Ok, so you own a pet based business and now you’re having to drastically change the way you do business.... decreased s...

🐾Ok, so you own a pet based business and now you’re having to drastically change the way you do business.... decreased services, decreased workforce, possibly even shutting down entirely! So... now what do you do? What do you focus on? How do you stay ‘in business’ and stay top of mind for your customers?

Now is not the time to roll over and hide... all you need is a change of plans!!
I created a free booklet filled with ideas and tips on what to do right now, how to get more customers and hopefully bring in some revenue during this time!

—>Head to the link in my bio to download your FREE copy!

It’s broken down by niche: groomers, vets/medical, walkers/trainers/sitters, boutiques/stores/etc— even if your niche isn’t listed you can use these ideas!! 🐾

Spending the day soaking in some vitamin D and hangin with my pup and son while he attempts to fix an old lawnmower.... ...

Spending the day soaking in some vitamin D and hangin with my pup and son while he attempts to fix an old lawnmower.... we had a conversation about how he wants to earn money and he wants to mow lawns. In order to do that he has to get this mower to work...
It inspired me to think about areas of my business that could use some fixing up... its a great idea to take inventory of your processes and protocols but also old content and see where there may be holes or areas for improvements...
What are you working on today?

Yes, things are crazy right now and the darkness can definitely feel like it's seeping in.... but please try to not let ...

Yes, things are crazy right now and the darkness can definitely feel like it's seeping in.... but please try to not let it consume you! You never know who is watching, who you're insipring, who's face you're bringing a smile to... you are the light to someone out there right now so don't give up, don't let darkness win and keep your fire ignited!
--> Don't stop posting, don't stop talking about what you do and what you offer...people need you now more than ever!
--> Yes, you might not be operating in the same capacity as before and things may be tough but right now is a great time to show who you are, that you are a light that is going to lead people during this time and help them get through it.
--> Connect with people, build relationships and when things start to get better, you will have some awesome new lifers who will remember what you did and how you showed up!

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us - Ralph Waldo EmersonNow is...

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Now is the time to reach inside of yourself and rally. We are in uncertain times but what is certain is how we react.

Right now is the perfect time to reflect, rest, learn, and really think about where you are and where you want to be.

Don’t get discouraged if your business slows down. Now is the time to pivot and potentially devise alternative strategies. If you’re worried, I’d love to chat and see if we can come up with some creative ways your business can pivot. (No strings attached, just send me a DM)


One day you’ll sit in the sun and things won’t seem as bad 💛

I know things are somewhat turbulent for many of us right now but wanted to give a reminder to keep your head up 🌟

Keep shining ☀️

Faith is the light that will guide us through darkness 💡

If you need anything or need someone to talk to let me know 💕

It always seems impossible until it’s done -Nelson Mandela 👏🏻 👏🏻 I love this picture because it reminds me that nothing ...

It always seems impossible until it’s done -Nelson Mandela 👏🏻 👏🏻

I love this picture because it reminds me that nothing is impossible! I mean think about it.... an average train weighs something around 3,000-20,000 tons and someone said, “hey, I think it would be super cool and help a lot of people if I could make a train airborne! I’m going to build a bridge literally across the sky that will hold a flipping train!”

Spoiler alert: it happened!!

Can you imagine allllll the people that were like, “no way man, you’re crazy 🙅🏼‍♀️”

Listen... just do the dang thing! That big idea rolling around in your head, that big scary decision you’ve been wrestling with, investing in your business.... whatever it is!!!
🌎 The world needs crazy people who make impossible things come to life so that other people can be.. healed, have a solution for their problem, save a ton of time... etc.

🌟 Don’t let anyone stop you from dreaming big and doing the impossible... the world needs you!

What impossible dream are you working on?


Happy International Women’s Day! You’ll see this a lot today but I want to make sure you know what it truly means..
Its a celebration of all the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women across the globe!


Love this video!! What a fantastic way to showcase woman in the vet industry 😍😍

Words to live by...Ron Swanson knows what’s up!As a business owner it can be hard to not squirrel 🐿 out and want to do a...

Words to live by...Ron Swanson knows what’s up!
As a business owner it can be hard to not squirrel 🐿 out and want to do alll the things!!

Let me tell you that this is not a good strategy nor is it sustainable.
You need to have a plan everyday and stick to it.

But Heather I don’t even know what to focus on.. or I have shiny object syndrome and can’t seem to stick to my plan!
Ok I hear you but hear this... if you don’t know what your goals are and discover the activities that actually move the needle in your business... you’ll more than likely fail and fizzle out. 😵😵

I know harsh words but I speak the truth.

🧠 Sit down and brain dump everything you want to accomplish in your business- from small to huge goals! Don’t be afraid to dream big here ok.
Once you get that all out of your head (take a breath cause that was a lot!) and then move onto brain dumping the tasks that you find yourself doing most often... funny thing is they probably don’t align with your goals 🙈🙈

So now you need to look at your goals and put a timeframe or deadline on them and then start working backwards on what you need to do to accomplish this goal. Boom you now have what you need to focus on in your business! 🎤
Example- I want to grow my Instagram followers to 10k in the next 6 months- I need to commit to posting on a consistent schedule, create a content plan that I follow, research hashtags for my audience, engage with my followers everyday, engage with x # of accounts everyday, post x # of stories per day, track my analytics each week.

See now that you have a plan it doesn’t seem to bad eh?

Don’t be a half 🍑 now go brain dump, take a pic and tag me!!

I was thinking about how things seem to catch on.... like the 5 Second Rule! You know the one where if you drop somethin...

I was thinking about how things seem to catch on.... like the 5 Second Rule!

You know the one where if you drop something in the floor, as long as you pick it up within 5 seconds, there is some magical force that seems the item still clean and edible?! 😂

So how does everyone and their mom know about this rule?? How has it become such a coined phrase That young and old use? Well me being me I went and did some research...

There’s the talk about germ theory and people not knowing better but then I got to the good stuff... the ‘rule’ had been referenced by Julia child in an episode of her cooking show in 1963, then used in print for the first time in a book in 1995 and then used in a movie and then more and more and more....

What does that mean? Just think about it! It’s the power of community and word of mouth!! Things light up like fire when more and more people use it or reference it. It’s essentially the same idea as going viral... so what’s the point? It’s the pure simple fact that you have to get your stuff out there! You have to be seen! Make connections, tag people in your stuff, engage engage engage! You can’t get anywhere by playing it safe!

** Tell me one way this week that you’re going to step out and share your stuff with others!!

💪🏻 What are you doing to conquer your Monday?!

💪🏻 What are you doing to conquer your Monday?!

How do you spend your Sundays? 📓 Are you the planner? You plan out your whole week, meal plans, go grocery shopping... a...

How do you spend your Sundays?
📓 Are you the planner? You plan out your whole week, meal plans, go grocery shopping... alll the things?!

📺 Are you a cacooner? You wrap yourself up in your favorite blanket, turn on Netflix and say ✌🏻 the outside world.

🦋 or are you The social butterfly - you go to brunch with your friends, drop in and visit a family member, head to the coffee shop whatever you can do to get out of the house cause the weekend is Your time!!
Let me know how you spend your day 👇🏻

Need a little help with coming up with social post ideas? Head to the link in our bio to snag 10 free social post ideas!...

Need a little help with coming up with social post ideas? Head to the link in our bio to snag 10 free social post ideas! 🎉 Let us help you plan out your posts for the next couple weeks 😎

The top 3 things I see pet based business owners struggle with... 1. Knowing what to post on thier social feeds2. How to...

The top 3 things I see pet based business owners struggle with...

1. Knowing what to post on thier social feeds

2. How to create consistent content for those feeds

3. How to grow their followers and create engagement

I can help with all 3! The first one is easy as I have a download for you with 10 free post ideas to get you started ( keep an eye out for another resource that I have coming for you soon!) The link to the freebie is in my bio or you can find it here- www.hashtagwag.com/freebies

The others take time and patience to learn- you need to first identify your audience and what they want to hear from you. Then you will create buckets that you organize your content topics into that you can pull from at any given moment.

Always make sure that you are asking your audince something or giving them something to do in your posts. This will help boost engagement and keep your content interesting! **Do you struggle with any of these in your business??**

📱I'm guessing you have Instagram..but I am also guessing that you don't really know how to use it or setup your profile ...

📱I'm guessing you have Instagram..but I am also guessing that you don't really know how to use it or setup your profile in a way that will get more eyes on your feed....

✨Step 1- Let's Optimize Your Profile!
- Pay attention to your username and name-
🔎These are the only two things in your profile that are searchable and what Insta uses to populate your profile when people search!

-Make sure that whatever you do or sell is either in your username-- i.e.: --or in the name section of your profile if your business name doesn't exactly say what you do.(which is ok)

-If your business is then make sure to put searchable info in your name- ie- Pet Boutique | Organic dog collars -- Tip: The name section is for more than just your name- you can even use emojis! 🔥

Step 2- Your bio (Coming 'atcha tomorrow!)

👇🏼Comment your username and how how you used your name section!! Or DM me if you have Q's!


It can be hard to figure out what you’re supposed to do when it comes to marketing...
📱 What to post? When to post? How to reach your audience?
🤫 Well let me tell you a secret... there’s no one cookie cutter answer and don’t let anyone tell you different!
🌟 You have to figure out your own audience and what they respond to , when they’re on social, where they’re hanging out, etc.
🐾 Let us help you figure out how to get these answers and boost your efforts!



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Marketing For Pet-Based Businesses

We help pet based businesses create an effective and engaging marketing strategy focused on content, engagement and community. We want to get people to your door, lay down the welcome mat and give them a reason to stay!

Don’t trust your marketing to someone who doesn’t know the difference between a Belgian Malinois and a German Shepherd or who has no idea what a vaccine protocol is. We’re not your typical marketing agency that curates generic content. We create a strategy that is unique to you and your business based on our 15+ years experience and knowledge in the pet industry.

We are community builders- not just focused on how many likes a post can get. We are more interested in the experience a person has when they interact with you and your brand.

Let’s Put The Wag Into Your Marketing Strategy!