2 more days before Week 4 ends!
Big prizes up for grabs this week to start the year right:
💥 2 Artisan FX Hayate Kou Mousepads
💥 2 Pulsar X2H Superclear mice
💥 1 pair of Moondrop Kato In-Ear Monitors
💥 1 one BenQ Mobiuz EX2710 1920x1080 165Hz Gaming Monitor
Sign up and complete missions at taravalo2024.playvalorant.com to join the raffle!
Raffle mechanics:
1. Sign in to taravalo2024.playvalorant.com to link your Riot IDs
2. Complete your missions and play a game of VALORANT (any game mode)
3. Grab your TaraValo event badge
4. Upload your badge on Facebook, Instagram or TikTok with the tag
5. Register your entry at https://riot.com/TaraValo2024 and make sure your account is public!
Weekly draws happen every Monday the following week.
New Year na, !