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A MAGICAL New Moon awaits us on May 19thOn May 19 at 18:53 there is a New Moon at 28°25' in the sign Ta**us. The Sun (mi...

A MAGICAL New Moon awaits us on May 19th

On May 19 at 18:53 there is a New Moon at 28°25' in the sign Ta**us. The Sun (mind, consciousness) unites with the Moon (emotions, the unconscious) in the earth sign Ta**us. This new moon is not as tense as the previous ones and we can devote ourselves fully to the themes of Ta**us - sensuality and pleasure, finances, values, beauty and nature.

Those born in the third decade of the sign, as well as those who have personal planets and points in the third decade of Ta**us, will be more strongly influenced by this new moon.

The ruler of the new moon is Pluto (as well as Mars as second ruler), which are in harmonious aspects to the new moon itself. Favorable period for affirmation, stimulates purposefulness. It makes people more decisive in their actions, more convincing in their relations with others. Strong passions.

In Ta**us, our basic needs want to be met, and one of those basic needs is the need to take good care of ourselves. Here we want to satisfy basic needs such as eating, drinking and sleeping, s*x, contact with nature. We can now clarify our priorities and rearrange them if necessary, because Ta**us wants to clarify for us what is most valuable to us in life. The next lunar month holds promising opportunities.

This is a special time of the month that you should use to think about what you want, write down your wishes and start taking action to make them come true. Astrologer Yasmin Boland advises how to do this.

When the new moon occurs, ideally within two hours of its culmination (but it is possible to act up to three days after), prepare a list of ten wishes. They can affect any area of life and are related to both material things and feelings or inner transformations. So your list might include health, a new job, love, a slim figure, courage, confidence, a better car or winning the lottery. It is important that these are goals that you can believe in, that seem likely to you.

If your dream is unrealistic at the moment, for example you dream of a luxury car and you make minimum wage, make it your goal to find a better paying job first. If you want to fit into a size 42 dress when you're a 46 and can't control your appetite, start by making a wish to start eating healthy.

By writing down your desires, you trigger the law of attraction – you begin to focus on what you dream of. Your actions are aimed at what you dream of and attract favorable circumstances to yourself. However, for it to happen, you have to believe that your wishes will come true and really want them.

Often our dreams don't come true because instead of dreaming to make them come true, we only think we want them. And the law of attraction satisfies this need - we can endlessly "wish" for happiness and love instead of actually experiencing it.

After listing your desires, rewrite them to become affirmations. They should not contain the word "not", they should also be written in the present tense and show that they have already happened. So, for example, don't write "I want a better job", but "My job brings me happiness and good income".

When you're done, take a few minutes to visualize how you've accomplished all of the goals on the list. What feelings will accompany you, what will you do, how will you look? Imagine as many details as possible - color, smell, emotion. Every day, beginning with the new moon, repeat the affirmations from the list, preferably in the morning and evening. If there is a desire that interests you the most, spend 68 seconds on it every day. Take a piece of paper and write the same affirmation on it all the time.

SELF-CONFIDENCEThis element has the sign of the Earth and helps to connect and make decisions. It takes away the uncerta...

This element has the sign of the Earth and helps to connect and make decisions. It takes away the uncertainty that leads to procrastination, so you can become more active and determined. The feeling that you can just be here, that you participate and that you can accept all the challenges in your life, regardless of what others think.

Focus on the center for a while (about 2 minutes). Inhale and exhale quietly, as deep as possible from the abdomen. Then close your eyes and remain silent for a while.

Quantum Jumping Portal. Transition to the New Reality. Theta Waves Binaural Beats

Quantum Jumping Portal. Transition to the New Reality. Theta Waves Binaural Beats

This relaxing but exciting meditation music will take you to the 7th plane of existence and into parallel universes wherein you will tap into the power of yo...

Relaxing Zen Music and Bamboo Water Fountain. Calm Piano Music with Water Sounds

Relaxing Zen Music and Bamboo Water Fountain. Calm Piano Music with Water Sounds

Calming Music with Water Sounds. Bamboo Water Fountain for Stress Relief. Sleep Music, Meditation Music, Study Music, Relaxation, Zen, Spa, Yoga...Contains W...

How to Stop Worrying for Good. Five Powerful Practices that Eliminate Worrying.Is it possible to stop worrying for good?...

How to Stop Worrying for Good. Five Powerful Practices that Eliminate Worrying.

Is it possible to stop worrying for good? We hear everywhere that worry and stress can dramatically affect our health, but we keep on worrying. The mind drama is RELENTLESS!

And the worst part is, worrying is useless! Worrying about things will never change outcomes.

The five practices listed below are extremely powerful to help you calm your mind, have confidence and let go of the need to control outcomes. These practices have completely transformed my life. They feature messages that remind me of my practice and keep me motivated.

1. Trust
This is definitely the most important practice. But, how to stop worrying and start trusting?

Do not judge your “problems” as good or bad.

Have faith that everything happens in your own best interest. Be open to trust that unpleasant events in life, have a reason and a purpose. How many times have we cried without knowing that life was actually doing us a favor?

Remember that not everything is under your control, and that’s okay. You don’t have to know how things will resolve, you just have to trust they will resolve. They always do. Most of the things you worry about never come to happen, and the ones that do happen, turn out to be “just fine”.

It’s not easy at first, it’s a process. A mind-training process. But I promise you, as soon as you stop worrying and instead, fearlessly trust, solutions to problems start to come from unexpected places. Guaranteed!

2. Awareness
Unknowingly, at every single moment, you are making a choice between thoughts that come from love and thoughts that come from fear. Everything in this world is a symbol for one or the other.

Observe your thoughts… Being aware of the kind of thoughts you are choosing is the first step in taking charge of your state of mind and happiness.

I like to think of the Yin & Yang symbol. It has different meanings but for me, it helps me visualize our internal struggle. Two opposite forces, pulling our mind in opposite directions, continuously. Staying aware helps us make the right choice.

3. Stillness
Take a moment and just breathe. Watch that breath as it happens. Be still. Repeat this exercise as often as you can, throughout your day.

Like a tree, root your mind to the present moment. Worries and expectations about the future as well as regrets and resentments from the past, use a lot of our energy and take us nowhere. Instead, a calm mind and trust in this present moment will always guide you in the right direction.

Stillness is the best gift you can give your mind.

4. Love
All forms of suffering hide unforgiving thoughts. Let’s pour some love into broken situations, specially, the challenging ones. It’s OK to stop carrying grudges. We find peace only by forgiving.

For-Giving: To be given.

When we manage to give up the need to blame something or someone for our troubles, we are able, almost immediately, to look at things differently.

If you are going to have challenging relationships, have them from a place of love. From this place, you are able to experience true empathy. You understand that everyone is doing the best they can, with the “tools” they have at any given moment.

5. Gratitude
Remember to feel grateful for this moment, and every moment, throughout the day. Continuous gratitude is extremely, extremely powerful.

If you are feeling worried, stressed out and fearful, it’s probably because you have forgotten to feel grateful.

“If the only prayer you say in your life is thank you, that will suffice.” - Meister Eckart, German theologian.

How to Stop Worrying – The Recipe
I will say it again; worrying is useless! It’s a very bad habit that tends to complicate things. But with determination and discipline, we can get rid of it.

The recipe for a worry-free life is simple. As often as you can and whenever you remember; be in the moment, observe your thoughts, trust fearlessly, give love and feel grateful.

That’s all you have to do. The truth of the matter is that challenging situations are never the problem, the real problem is how you choose to look at those situations.

“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place” - Lao Tzu

In India, Four Laws of Spirituality are taught: The first law says:“The person who comes to your life is the right perso...

In India, Four Laws of Spirituality are taught:

The first law says:

“The person who comes to your life is the right person.”
No one comes to our life by chance, all the people who surround us, who interact with us, who we encounter, are there for a reason.

The second law says:

“What happens is exactly what’s supposed to happen.”
Nothing, absolutely nothing that happens in our lives could have happened in any other way. Not even the most insignificant detail. There is no: “If I hadn’t done this thing then, this other thing would’ve not happened… “. No. What happened was exactly what’s supposed to happen, and it had to be that way so we could learn the necessary lessons and move forward.

The third law says:

“Any time you start, is the right time.”
It all starts at the right time, not before, not after. When we are ready for something new to begin in our lives, it will begin.

And the fourth and last law says:

“When something ends, it ends.”
Just like that. If something ended in our lives, it was for our own good, so it’s better to leave it there and move on, already enriched with that experience.

I do not think it is a coincidence you are reading these four laws of spirituality right now. If this text reaches your life today, it is because you are prepared to understand that no snowflake ever falls into the wrong place!

Lung recovery. Lung cleansing and healing. Cell regeneration. It would be useful for patients with asthma, bronchitis, l...

Lung recovery. Lung cleansing and healing. Cell regeneration. It would be useful for patients with asthma, bronchitis, lung disease and chest infections.
Promotes repair and healing of lung cells.

The frequency used in this session are designed to cleanse, restore and increase the potential of your lungs.It would be useful for patients with asthma, bro...



“We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to be in touch with all of you. We are watching the effects you all have had on the rest of the galaxy and the universe out there from Earth, and we want you to know that the pursuit of peace is causing a vibration that is quite strong . You have created peace in many other worlds with your pleas for peace for yourselves. You have also created societies where everyone has more than enough, where everyone is treated fairly and where creativity abounds and self-expression is the order of the day. Simply you have not yet created it in your world, but you are co-creating the new Earth through the claim you make as you look at the Earth you live on and all the issues you face as individuals and as a society.

You just have to take the final step, allow yourself to relax into the reality you have created to experience it. You don't have to work on creating reality. It is an effortless procedure. It takes just as much effort as you think you want this world to exist for you and everyone else. Include everyone in this new world, even those who have been led to believe they are the "bad guys," even those who have been doing the discriminating and exploiting. Include them all in your version of a peaceful, prosperous planet. You wonder why you would ever want to do that. In order to experience the growth you want to experience, you need to do more than just cut yourself off from the parts of your society you don't like.

You transform yourself first, and then everyone around you transforms to reflect back to you the work you have done. So if you still see people out there being racist and dumping chemicals into the environment wherever they want, then you have to admit that you are not done with the transformation. Either it represents something inside you, or you have failed to forgive those who do these dastardly deeds. Either way, there's something you're holding on to that you need to let go of. Clear, forgive, release, let go and you will find the ease of being you seek in a fifth dimensional light body. You don't have to wait to be transformed by your sun. You don't have to wait to be transformed.

Everything you need is within you right now, and it's a choice. Choose love. Choose light. Choose forgiveness. Choose to be the example that leads others into this new age, into this new Earth. You're going there anyway, so you can go willingly. You can also go by conscious choice and you can also be the leader you were always meant to be, the leader you really are. You will only feel satisfied and fulfilled if you are of the greatest use, and what can be of greater use than helping those who do not want to transform from within by showing them the way.

You do it not only for yourself, but for the entire galaxy and the entire universe, which is transformed by your every thought. Find out how powerful you are and then feel it. Feel the vibration of your power and use it to create something that you can all enjoy equally, no matter who you are now or who you have been. All of you must go to the promised land of the New Reality. We are the Arcturian Council and it was a pleasure to contact you.”

Throat Chakra Healing. Meditation Music

Throat Chakra Healing. Meditation Music

Extremely powerful session.Immediate opening of the throat center.Contains frequency vibrations and music at 192HzThe 5th chakra or throat chakra, also known...

Jupiter's Spin Frequency. Make Your Dreams Come True. Attract Abundance, Money, Luck, Happiness

Jupiter's Spin Frequency. Make Your Dreams Come True. Attract Abundance, Money, Luck, Happiness

Jupiter Frequency 183.58Hz Attract of Luck, Happiness, Prosperity, MoneyMake Your Dreams Come True The speed of Jupiter's rotation is a popular frequency tha...

All 7 Chakras Healing Music. Aura Cleansing. All 7 Chakras Unblocking, Balancing, Opening

All 7 Chakras Healing Music. Aura Cleansing. All 7 Chakras Unblocking, Balancing, Opening

This Meditation Music will help you Unblock, Balance and Open All 7 Chakras and they will begin to function properly. You will feel a rush of positive energy...

I’m Too Depressed to Get Out of Bed — What Should I Do?Depression is fickle. At the very moment you think you have it fi...

I’m Too Depressed to Get Out of Bed — What Should I Do?

Depression is fickle. At the very moment you think you have it figured out, another symptom pops up. One that’s quite common is feeling like you can’t get out of bed in the morning.
Even when you have a treatment plan in place, this symptom can feel hard to overcome, especially if you’re also experiencing sleep issues. (What a pair those are — thanks, depression!)
Living with depression is hard. Period. But you’re doing the best you can. So, the next time you have a day where it feels like depression and your bed are winning, be gentle with yourself — and consider these tips.

1. Let the light in
Depression can mess with your natural sleep-wake cycle, but some research shows that bright light therapy may help. If you don’t have a light box, try opening the blinds in the morning to let in the sunshine.
Even if you’re not ready to see the bright side of things today, those first rays of light might be enough motivation (or simply an annoyance) to get you out of bed.

2. Take it one step at a time
When you’re warm and cozy in bed, getting to work or the kids off to school can feel impossible — there are so many steps between where you are and where you to need to be. Instead, don’t look at the big picture.
“When you wake up in the morning, if you look at everything you have to accomplish for the day, you’re going to become overwhelmed,” says Dr. Vinay Saranga, a psychiatrist based near Raleigh, North Carolina.
“Instead, break the day down into smaller, more manageable tasks. Go one by one and only focus on the task that it is in front of you.”
Tell yourself to put your feet on the floor. Then go to the bathroom. Then brush your teeth. Then get dressed… and so on. Think just one step ahead until it feels more manageable to look further out.
“The idea is to avoid overwhelm and make things simple to knock out,” he says.

3. Treat yourself
Self-care can go a long way in making tough mornings more manageable. If you need to bribe yourself, do it!

Dr. Rae Mazzei, a health psychologist in Chandler, Arizona, says this positive reinforcement may be just what you need to overcome procrastination and get out of bed.
Go on — buy yourself coffee. Wear an outfit that makes you feel great. Eat your favorite breakfast. Do whatever you need to feel a little bit better, right now.

4. Get uncomfortable
Bed is comfortable. It’s safe. It’s easy. But when the world and your to-do list await, sometimes you have to get (just a little) uncomfortable to entice yourself to face the day.
Kick off those covers. Turn on the lights. Turn on some music. Set a loud alarm. (If you live with someone, you can ask them to help.)
When your bed feels less enticing, it’s easier to leave it behind.

5. Hit snooze
If you have some wiggle room in your schedule and you feel like you’re just not ready to face the day, go back to bed for a little while. Give yourself a “do-over.” (Just make sure you set an alarm!)
When you wake up for the second time, give yourself credit — both for the extra rest and for getting up this time. Positive self-talk can make all the difference.
“The thoughts we say to ourselves play a big role in how we feel,” says Saranga.

6. Stick to a schedule
Making decisions takes energy, but sticking with a routine may help you conserve enough to get through tough mornings. Depression can impact your decision-making abilities, so give yourself a break by sticking to a schedule.
Get ready in roughly the same order, eat the same breakfast, take the same route to work. Going on autopilot for these small tasks can help you conserve energy for bigger decisions later in the day.
A 2018 study also found that those who stuck with a daytime schedule had healthier sleep cycles, which may make it easier to get going in the morning.

7. Set more than one alarm
This tip is similar to the “get uncomfortable” one — but it might be just what you need if you’re a heavy sleeper or love hitting the snooze button.
Set an alarm on your phone, but don’t stop there. Set two or three, and place them in various places around your room. We also love the Power Nap app, which only allows you to set a timer from 1 to 30 minutes.
It’s hard to ignore more than one, especially if they’re set at different times, so you don’t get that 9-minute break to snooze (or ruminate on the day ahead).

8. Let your hunger be your guide
On the days when you’re struggling, think about breakfast — or coffee, if you’re not hungry in the mornings.
Fantasizing about what you’ll eat first thing (or that first, hot sip of coffee or tea) can give you something to anticipate, and you’ll have to leave bed to go get it. Eventually, your growling belly might be enough motivation to get you moving.

9. Be nice to yourself
Whether you coax yourself out of bed on the first try, or you’re running late, remember this: You’re doing the best you can. Tearing yourself down will only make you feel worse.
“Remind yourself that you’re just having negative thoughts — and that you do not have to act on these thoughts,” says Mazzei. “Sometimes you have to act better before you feel better.
Especially when you’re depressed, aim to commit to positive behaviors that will help you engage in your life, even though you may feel down.”
Say something nice to yourself, even if you don’t believe it at the moment.

10. Plan for days like this
Bad days happen. If you know that mornings can be a struggle, make a plan for those rough days when you’re feeling better. That might look like keeping a special cereal in the pantry, saving a favorite shirt to wear on a down day, or buying a new shampoo that smells irresistibly good.
“Always have something you’re excited about and looking forward to, which will help push you through those times you can’t get moving,” says Saranga.

11. Tell a friend
Depression likes to try to convince us we’re alone, but that’s not the case! You are loved — and reaching out to a friend or partner can help on tough mornings.
Text a friend that you’re struggling to get out of bed. Ask your sweetie to help motivate you by bringing you a cup of coffee, starting the shower or maybe tossing the blankets aside. Whatever you do, don’t keep this to yourself.
“Having people around you who genuinely care and have your best interest at heart can make a big difference,” says Saranga.

12. Remember: It’s OK to stay in bed
Sometimes, the best course of action is staying in bed. And that’s OK.
Take a mental health day if you need it. Your emotional well-being is important, and if you need to take the day for you, so be it. That’s brave — and it’s a vital part of your self-care.

How to ask for help when you need it
If you feel like these days are happening more often, or the struggle to get out of bed is negatively impacting your life, it may be time to ask for help.
You might start by talking to a friend or partner. Sometimes giving voice to symptoms and issues helps take away their power. At the very least, you’ll be reminded that you’re not in this alone — and that’s really important to keep in mind.
If you have a therapist or a doctor, talk to them. Explain how you’re feeling. They can help you find new ways to manage your symptoms.

Share to reach more people! Connect with the Universe and Cosmic Energy. You don't have to do anything, just listen! The...

Share to reach more people! Connect with the Universe and Cosmic Energy. You don't have to do anything, just listen! The "awakened" soul communicates with the Divine easily and the spiritual is its main guide in life's journey. Seamlessly vibrates in sync with the new vibrations of the universe and perceives messages from the cosmic information field with ease. The first "awakened" aim to help the "new awakening" and introduce them to the New. Those who fail or are unwilling to "wake up" and detach from the old vibration will end their spiritual existence in this life and in the old reality. Hope this helps wake most of us up.
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This Music for Meditation and Relaxation will help you Connect with the Energy of the Universe. You will find your place in the Vast Universe and Connect wit...

"Keep your face always toward the sunshine—and shadows will fall behind you." Walt Whitman

"Keep your face always toward the sunshine—and shadows will fall behind you."
Walt Whitman

9 Healing Herbs to Use for WellnessBefore there were doctor’s offices and pharmacies, people used to turn to the earth f...

9 Healing Herbs to Use for Wellness

Before there were doctor’s offices and pharmacies, people used to turn to the earth for natural healing from plants. Many of these herbs are still important ingredients in medicines today (some you might already have in your own kitchen). Use the healing properties of plants to feel healthy and strong. Check out these nine natural healing herbs and how to use them for wellness.

Allspice Berries & Leaves

The unripe berries and leaves of this evergreen tree can flavor your food, and may make you feel good! According to RxList, allspice may help with indigestion, abdominal pain as well as menstrual cramps. Use it to season your pumpkin pie and spice cake or include it in Jamaican jerk recipes to get all the wonderful benefits of allspice

Basil Basics

You probably use basil already to flavor pasta, pizza, or salads. A staple of any kitchen, this peppery herb may also calm an upset tummy. Traditionally, healers used basil to treat snakebites, colds, and inflammation, according to Medical News Today. It may also help prevent chronic diseases, thanks to its antioxidant properties

Calming Chamomile

Chamomile has a long history as a healing herb. According to a study published in Molecular Medicine this daisy-like flower has medicinal qualities and has been used for a variety of ailments including:hay fever, inflammation, insomnia, to help heal ulcers, and wounds. Skip an apple a day and include chamomile tea in your daily wellness routine (or both!)

Dash of Cinnamon

As far back as 2800 BC (perhaps even longer), people used cinnamon to treat ailments, according to a study in Pharmacognosy Research. Sweet and woody, this spice could help prevent some cancers, reduce inflammation, and may improve brain health. Add a dash to your coffee, oatmeal, or apple sauce for a sweet and healthy herbal remedy

Healing Dill

Humans have cultivated this aromatic herb since ancient times, according to Science Direct. It’s even mentioned in the Bible! Traditionally, people used dill to treat stomach pain and hiccups. Today, dill is used to help ward off infections and to soothe insect bites due to its healing properties. It also tastes great and adds a grassy-citrusy flavor to cream cheese, salmon, or salads.

Pungent Ginger Root

Keep ginger on standby to treat an upset tummy. For centuries, people have used this pungent root as a home remedy for stomach pain and nausea (especially for morning sickness), according to Medical News Today. Ginger has strong anti-inflammatory properties and could help reduce inflammation. Ginger goes well in many Chinese recipes and also tastes great in tea with honey and lemon.

Soothing Lavender

This sweet-smelling purple flower grows in abundance all over the world and there are over 30 different species. A study from the journal Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine recommends lavender for a range of healing purposes. When applied to your skin, it may ease bug bites and infections. The flower is also believed to be calming. You can enjoy lavender tea for a soothing sip at the end of the day, or create your own sprays or essential oil to relax your skin.

Marjoram for Balance

Similar to oregano but sweeter, the leaves and oil of this shrub have been used in folk medicine for years. According to WebMD, marjoram may relieve anxiety, balance hormones (especially in women), and prevent infections (including UTIs). Use marjoram to flavor meats and vegetables, or prepare a fresh marjoram soup.

Cleansing Sage

Native Americans have burned sage for generations as a spiritual ritual to cleanse a person or space. But it is also known for its purification properties. Taz Bhatia, MD, an integrative health expert and author of Super Woman Rx told Oprah Daily that sage does in fact have antimicrobial and antibacterial healing properties. You can burn sage (also called smudging) to cleanse your home or add it to butter, soup, or pasta for an earthy, peppery taste.

Archangel Michael Prayer for Protection“Loving Saint Michael the Archangel, guard us in Armageddon. Be our protection ag...

Archangel Michael Prayer for Protection

“Loving Saint Michael the Archangel, guard us in Armageddon. Be our protection against the wickedness and traps of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, bind the forces of Death and Hell, the seed of Satan, the false hierarchy of Antichrist and all evil spirits who travel through the world for the destruction of souls. Please remand them to the Court of the Sacred Fire for their Final Judgment [including (optional personal request)].

Mighty Angel, throw out the dark ones and their darkness, the sinners and their evil words and works, cause, effect, record and memory, into the lake of sacred fire “prepared for the devil and his angels.”


7 Ways Music Benefits WellnessMusic helps heal the mind, body, and soul!You probably already know the amazing benefits o...

7 Ways Music Benefits Wellness

Music helps heal the mind, body, and soul!

You probably already know the amazing benefits of music, to uplift and inspire. But, did you know that music may actually impact your health in positive ways? So, turn up your favorite song and discover the surprising health benefits of music!

Could provide pain relief

Soothing music may make the pain go away, or at least feel a little better. According to Psychology Today, the body experiences pain when nerves relay the information from an injury to the brain. Listening to music that expresses pleasant emotions, like contentment, could actually impact those signals and alleviate the experience of physical pain.

May help boost heart health

Have you ever made the connection between the beats in music with your own heartbeat? A close connection exists between music and heart rate, and your breathing and heart rhythms actually sync with music as you listen, reported Scientific American. Because music could alter the heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure, physicians could use music to aid patients with heart conditions. For example, doctors could play relaxing music to calm heart and respiration rates, a therapy used for patients who have had a heart attack.

Helps to elevate your mood

When you feel blue, turn up your favorite feel good playlist. According to research published in Frontiers, listening to uplifting music could shift your mood. Participants who felt unpleasant emotions, like anger or anxiety, eased their tension by listening to calming music. Those who felt depressed also experienced validation and comfort by having their feelings acknowledged when listening to music that reflected their current mood.

Could aid patients recover from strokes

Doctors use music therapy as a way to help stroke survivors recover from memory loss and speech impairment. Harvard Health explained that stroke patients may lose their ability to speak clearly but music stimulates the right areas of the brain to revive motor or muscle-activating nerves, which could help with speech recovery.

Helps to increases endurance

If you want to add an extra boost to your workout routine, turn up the jams! According to Scientific American, music may increase your endurance, especially when you listen to exhilarating and upbeat songs. Powerful music, like a rock beat or belted note, stimulates neural circuitry that could help you stay motivated and push yourself to be stronger.

May stimulate memory

Have you ever noticed how a song can bring you back to a specific memory in your past? According to Harvard Health, music activates areas of the brain associated with memory. It may even help people with dementia restore memory loss, like a tool to open the doors to your “memory vaults”. The Mayo Clinic found similar benefits: Musical memories are often preserved in people who have Alzheimer's disease and it is recommended to play music to connect with loved ones who have the disease.

Helps You Focus

Do you listen to music while you study? If so, you are not alone. That's because music can help you focus. A 2007 study from the Stanford University School of Medicine suggested that music can help you better absorb and interpret new information. That’s because listening to music engages your brain and actually trains it to pay more attention to what you are learning. So put your headphones on and study.



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