Musicians on The Music Bubble!
Help us to investigate the relation between music practice and flow!
Hello folks!
a friend is doing a research on music/musicians and flow.
If you whish to answer the questionnaire, this would be a big help!
Hello, my name is Joy, and I am conducting a study on how musicians experience flow while they practice, for an honour’s thesis at Simon Fraser University. Would members of your club be interested in participating in this online questionnaire study? If they are, feel free to share the following information with them:
Requirements to join this study include the following: ages 16 and older, at least 5 years of experience learning and/or playing jazz or classical music, basic English literacy and a stable internet connection.
So, what is flow? Most people experience it in everyday tasks, such as driving and working. Flow is a mental state where you are completely immersed in an activity – some might call it being in the “zone”. It is so enjoyable that time flies by, and you are not aware of your surroundings.
Participation in this research includes two data collections on your experiences of flow during music practice. Each will take about 10 minutes to complete: the first can be taken at any point in time during the day, and the second should be done directly after a practice session. A brief pre-test and post-test questionnaire will take about 3 minutes each to complete. A follow-up email and link will be sent to you 12+ hours after completing part one. Your total time commitment will be approximately 30 minutes.
If you are interested in participating in this research, please follow the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.ca/r/HH7YWPS . There will be a consent form that provides further details about the nature of this research, as well as privacy and confidentiality concerns. At the end of the study, you will be debriefed on the specifics of the study.
Warm Regards,
Joy Lee-Shi
Researcher / Primary Contact
State / Trait Flow Study
Psychology Department, Simon Fraser University
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