Jew's Harp Practice Day 4
#jewsharp #jewsharper #dailyreel #musicalinstrument #mouthharp #mouth #mouthsounds @vargains #vargains
Here is some M O A R !!! 💥🤯🔥🔥🔥🔥
Check the link in bio! 🔗
#djset #djdrop #dropthebass #breaks #breakbeat #music #dj #djlife #djlifestyle #pioneer #pioneerdj #youtube #youtubechannel
A clip from the ending of the 7 Hour Party!!!!! 💥
@astaunitrier thank 🙏 you for giving me the honor to be the DJ for the night. 👍 Thank you everyone who attended and especially to people who shared their wishes with me!
Learning more about German culture through music for me is a present! 🎁 Now ✨ SXTN Von Party zu Party is one of my favorites! 🎶 🎵 ✨
It was incredible experience and I will remember each interaction with you people! You are Awesome!!!! This party will remain in my memory forever!
Also thank you for each member of @astaunitrier for making it special for everyone and organizing such event.
#party #studentparty #partytrier
#trierparty #djtrier #forcyte
Join me on Twitch this evening for a special DnB live set! Http://
I think it is easy to guess what is the cherry 🍒 that I've picked. But what will be yours? ,🔥😎❔❓
Another promising Demo :) What do you think?🎚🎛
#forcyte #forcyteofficial #trance #trancefamily #SynthWave #synthwavemeetstrance #trancemeetssynthwave #demo #anotherdimension
While we create, we are not who we think we are. When we create we are not the person, not the problems, nor the man or a woman. We are not here or there, not in the past no in the future. When we are truthly in the process of creation we become It.
Inspired by DIOVA
Thank you Krzysztof Kamiński for the amazing Logo
If you wish more make sure you follow me on FB ;)
onair Gif
Just in about 20 Minutes I am going Stream on Facebook a special Live DJ Set for you my friends!
The goal is to listen to nice music and have a lot of fun. We will also try to hit 100 Followers here on Facebook!
Invite your friends to hang around! Post your Pictures in the chat! Let's have Fun!
Буквально через 20 минут я зупускаю Стрим на Facebook и предоставлю специальный Живой DJ-сет только для вас, друзья мои!
Цель - слушать хорошую музыку и весело провести время. Мы также постараемся достичь 100 подпискчиков здесь на Facebook!
Пригласите своих друзей оттянутся под классную музыку! делитесь фотками в чате! Погнали!!