One year reflections 🤍
1. Prayer. It’s the battle weapon of the wife. Prayer protects, humbles, defends, provides, unifies, stabilizes and changes. I pray frequently for our marriage, ourselves as individuals, for unity and peace. Leading up to our wedding I prayed that the Lord would bless us with a strong foundation from the start, that we may avoid any newlywed challenges. Glory to God, we did.
2. Seek humility. Unity in marriage is FAR more important than getting the last word or demanding an apology when you feel wronged or hurt. Trust God. Be respectful to your husband. Chances are if your feelings are hurt, he didn’t mean to hurt them! He loves you! Apologize quickly for your own shortcomings and move on.
3. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Go with the flow. Be flexible. Always have cookie dough ready to bake in the freezer for unexpected guests vs. stressing. Don’t nag…mention it once, MAYBE twice, if left unresolved don’t bring it up again just take it to God in prayer.
4. Let go of expectations & trust God. Loosen your grip on the world, your plans, your desires. They may not be bad, but your grip may be too tight. Let your treasure be your faith, your husband, your kids. We can have desires of moving somewhere, having kids in a specific timeframe, having X jobs & making X money. But what if your husband is called by God to do something totally different? Are you rooted in your plans or your faith? Life and marriage will have many curve balls. Learning to adapt, be flexible and faithful early on will make it much easier.
5. Be equally yoked! Not just “we’re both Christians.” No, that’s not enough. I needed a husband who would lead, who knew more than me, who would teach me & our future children. 90% of our conversations since marriage have been about theology, faith, family. This is probably the most important takeaway.
6. Embrace your role. Being a homemaker brings peace, joy, fun, and creativity.
7. HAVE FUN! Travel, go on adventures, make memories, explore, go on weekly dates, laugh a ton. It’s seriously the best!