Tales Of The Gods

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Tales Of The Gods The TalesOfTheGods.com connecting the metaphysical and spiritual communities! Need some free witchy/spiritual advertising? Let us know! Want us to share your ads?

We will set up your shop on our online or offline directories! Just shoot us a message!


Jesus h christ, if you see my profile running an Ad, I didn't run it. Some idiot hacked my account and is trying to sell some scam. I am working on cancelling everything

I know Harry Potter is far from real-life occult practice, but because JK Rowling insists on talking about mythology, I ...

I know Harry Potter is far from real-life occult practice, but because JK Rowling insists on talking about mythology, I feel like this falls into our wheelhouse.

The Jewish community for years has pointed out that her depiction of goblins is nothing more than an extreme depiction of a negative Jewish

What's changing?In short not much. The basic functionality of this site is going to be exactly the same, but it is going...

What's changing?
In short not much. The basic functionality of this site is going to be exactly the same, but it is going to be a little more fine-tuned. Let's go over the basics.

Aesthetically we are going for a sleeker look. The original look was bright, cluttered, and kind of looked like it was hodgepodged together rather than intentionally designed.

The logo has gone from a crudely photoshopped assortment of random items that vaguely reflect the owner and divinity to one that represents paganism, the occult, and the Hellenic pagan aspect of the owner (this website was originally meant to be an informational website for the Hellenic gods when it was first created in 2019 before it really had its identity and domain name figured out in 2020).

The colour scheme remains similar regarding it's purple and gold but takes on a cooler tone rather than the more warm tones of the old layout. This is meant to convey a more gender-neutral theme as the original was perceived as overly feminine. The biggest change is that the background for the website is black rather than white. This is to ease the eyes when browsing for prolonged periods of time. We live in the age of dark modes on most phones and computers, so we took out the extra steps and just made the website automatically darker to protect viewers' eyes.

The front page is less cluttered. The old one included a calendar, a blurb, a feed of the blog posts, as well as ads flanking the sides. Now all you will see is the feed to the blog as everything from articles to news is posted in the blogs anyways. The ads remain to help run the site, but we are working on ways to include them while making them less intrusive. If you have any requests or thoughts on this, feel free to comment on this post.

The website merch shop has been removed as it is being revamped and will be moved to the general shops page which is currently completely down as we rebuild our databases from the ground up. Feel free to drop shops you like in the forums, in the comments, or in our email at [email protected]

Forums are being revamped, as are the books tab. These are just aesthetic changes to fit the rest of the site and functionality remains the same.

TalesOfTheGods is currently aiming to have these changes completed by the end of the week so don't panic if some aspects look a bit strange, we are working on it. If you have a major problem, send us an email or utilize the FAQ/Troubleshooting page in the forums. We will reply as quickly as possible.

Thank you again for your patience, and please leave your input on these changes, we love to hear from you and want to make this a website that serves you as best as possible.



TOTG is getting a makeover, as such, some features may be missing or a little buggy. Please be patient, we are getting all our eggs in a basket. We apologize for the inconvenience.

In case y'all missed the previous post.

In case y'all missed the previous post.

Updates on the TalesOfTheGods & Practical Witchcraft magazine as it transition to Modern Spirituality


What's going on?

So as you can see, there are some pretty big changes going on with this magazine. We were the TalesOfTheGods & Practical Witchcraft Magazine. We released on every day of the wheel of the year which came to about once every other month.

We were and still are a small group of indie authors and witchy/ pagan creators coming together to produce a magazine filled with resources, information, and entertainment. We started in December of 2020 when I (Desirée, the owner and publisher) was homeless and in the middle of COVID-19.

The original plan was to split the income equally and that I would design, contribute for, edit, publish, and market it on my own and within the first year have enough money to be able to hire on editors, pay for non-contributor columns, and get some help publishing. What I personally did not account for was COVID and homelessness to make getting jobs nearly impossible. When I finally found an apartment and employment, all my money went to that, and with no money for advertising the magazine made just enough to switch to Ingram Spark and pay for publishing through them.

Our one-year mark hit and things collapsed. I had a bad experience with a bad therapist which triggered a downward spiral while suffering from autistic burnout and the death of my favourite cat and it resulted in an absolute stop in everything for 6 months.

Fatigue was not only affecting me, it was affecting my writers, who much like myself, were doing this for free at this point.

Things had to change. I needed to heal.

We (and especially me) couldn’t keep up with the month-after-month release schedule between work, home, COVID, and life and because of that, editions were becoming thinner and thinner. It came to the point after publishing the anniversary edition where I had to make a decision:

1- I throw in my hat, take the L, and let the magazine end or…
2- Change things up.

I opted for the latter. First thing’s first, the name. It was always long-winded but it came to my attention that the “Practical Witchcraft” part of it was actually the name of a few books, and similar to the movie “Practical Magic”. To avoid stepping on toes and make the name a bit better on the tongue I went with “Modern Spirituality.”.

The publishing schedule needed to change drastically while still keeping a easy to remember release date for the readers. We have transitioned from using the Wheel Of The Year, to publishing on the solstices and equinoxes. This change is for more than just the practicality of it. I have heard some people bring up some valid points about how the editions had little to do with the days aside from colour scheme and a small (frankly half-assed) paragraph about the day which usually ended up criticizing the Wheel Of The Year for taking from other practices.

This change will hopefully cut down on alienating those who both follow the wheel religiously, as well as those who religiously oppose it, as this magazine is meant to unify people from across walks, not just new-age western religious ideologies.

We have upgraded from Scribus to InDesign to create the magazine, thus allowing for a more polished look, as well as making workflow more streamlined for me cutting down on stress on my part.

You’ll notice that this is published through KDP. This is not a permanent thing. As I said, funds are low currently and I can’t afford the $70ish Canadian dollars to publish through Ingram Spark. We will be returning to Ingram by the next edition (Thursday, September 22).

Speaking about Kindle, we are planning to release full-length articles from here on out on Kindle Vella, allowing people to read individual articles one at a time at their own pace without buying full-length physical or digital copies.

For those of you who have reached out about subscription services, we are currently not looking at creating a service until we are sure we can deliver editions without halts and without skipping editions. Keep an eye out for updates on subscription services updates in the future here, on FaceBook, or on the website: TalesOfTheGods.com

We are still in association with both TalesOfTheGods and Practical Witchcraft.

If you would like to write in to share events, news, or more, feel free to visit the website or email us at [email protected]

Thank you for keeping with us, we look forward to another year of content.

So the TalesOfTheGods & Practical Witchcraft is going through some changes to protect us legally, as well as to increase...

So the TalesOfTheGods & Practical Witchcraft is going through some changes to protect us legally, as well as to increase product quality and ease stress on publications. From here on out it will be known as Modern Spirituality, will be released on the equinox's and solstices, and for now due to financial issues on my part will be published through KDP. That last part is a temporary change and will likely not be the case for the next edition. We will be adding things such as event directories and resources, news, and more and be giving it a facelift so keep an eye out for more information.
The directory can be found here ( https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSS8BxIqIwoUO7uoATU9l2oWNaVDpambdDj2RnU30W7Bm-LIqruoDmuZe25aK3c60TQOFoOpbsMqau_/pubhtml ) and if you'd like to add anything, feel free to comment below. Also taking suggestions and write-ins through here, DM, or through email at [email protected]


Greg Locke talks about how its not fair that people are sending hexes, glitter bombs, and di**os when all he did was threaten people.


Out now, the entire first year of the TalesOfTheGods & Practical Witchcraft magazine in hardback form.


You may notice some changes coming to TOTG with the start of 2022! One among them is the revisiting of the offline and online shops pages! The offline shops will now have an embedded custom Google map page with all locations pinged in red where you can easily get directions, website, and phone numbe...


Christian fundamentalist Pastor Greg Locke threatens to begin a witch hunt and doxx 6 members of his church as witches.


Due to unforeseen personal events, as well as the Christmas season, being a busy season for everyone involved, the Yule edition is canceled. We will pick up again at the Imbolc special 1-year anniversary edition. We apologize for the inconvenience. It is likely that in future years we will not publi...

A publication printed on every day of the wheel of the year. From an ever-changing group of writers and contributors tha...

A publication printed on every day of the wheel of the year. From an ever-changing group of writers and contributors that bring education, entertainment, and spiritual and occult news for people of all paths and expertise. Read the Samhain / Halloween edition, and keep an eye out for subscriptions for the magazine coming soon!

​(Prices vary, visit the link or TalesOfTheGods.com/magazine to find where to buy)

Table Of Contents

About Samhain

Understanding Soul Contracts

Death Rituals Around The World

Grief & Cookies

The Misconceptions About Ouija Boards


For This I Am Ever Thankful

What Is A Death Witch?

Book Of Shadows Pages

Pagans & Cremation

Magazine Updates


Magazine Updates!

The Yule edition marks the one year anniversary of the TalesOfTheGods & Practical Witchcraft magazine! Since the beginning this magazine has gone through many changes. Staff changes, publisher changes, format changes, and more! Not all of these changes have come without growing pains.

You may have noticed the last 3 editions were not released on the day of the wheel of the year for which they are named. Recently we have changed to a new publisher, IngramSpark. As IngramSpark distributes to hundreds of book stores across the world both online and off, it takes time for sellers to get the copies of the magazine. On top of this, there is also a fee of about $60 cad that has to be paid to publish the magazine. As this is a small group of creators, and is made with a budget of $0, that money comes out of pocket on my end and thus if a publication date falls in the middle of the month I may not be able to pay said fee.

We are working on changing this but it takes time as it requires shifting the entire production time back a month. The Yule edition will come out on time, and likely earlier as we finally hit a part of the wheel of the year where we aren’t essentially publishing month after month back to back.

We also have finally figured out the problems regarding the digital editions, and from now on out there should be no problem with the Kindle print reproduction of the magazine.

People have been contacting us about creating a subscription for the magazine, and we are working on it. It is likely that a digital edition subscription will be implemented but it is a work in process and will likely result in PDF’s being distributed rather than Kindle editions. Like I said, this is a work in process and the details are being ironed out. A physical subscription will be created in time, but that will most likely be done in mid to late 2022.

We decided to axe the TalesOfTheGods & Practical Witchcraft Archives due to a lack of interest, and settled on a once yearly collection of all the magazines in that said year. After Yule you will be able to find the 2021 compilation which will be a single hardback book containing the full colour editions of all the magazines within it. It will also contain contributor bios and information about the magazine. You will be able to see the improvements over the year, and the journey from a small KDP publication to a more professional and constant witchy magazine.

We thank you for your patience and for sticking with us through our journey. We look forward to the coming years, and to bringing you pagan and occult entertainment, education, and news for people of all paths and levels of experience.


Life isn’t the straightforward journey we all believe it to be. There is so much about our world, our solar system, and our universe we don’t understand. There are mysteries and magic in every corner of our world, and we’ve collected some of that mystical knowledge up for you to get your hands on, no travel required! Thanks to our partners at Hay House, Weiser Books, and HarperCollins, it's easier than ever to explore spirituality, magick, and elements of witchcraft with ebooks like Wicca Made Easy, Wishcraft, Witchery, and Year Of The Witch. Plus, your purchase helps support a charity of your choice!

Check out the Autumn Equinox / Mabon edition of the TalesOfTheGods & Practical Witchcraft magazine!                A pub...

Check out the Autumn Equinox / Mabon edition of the TalesOfTheGods & Practical Witchcraft magazine!

A publication printed on every day of the wheel of the year. From an ever-changing group of writers and contributors that bring education, entertainment, and spiritual and occult news for people of all paths and expertise. Read the Autumn Equinox edition and learn about how music influences magic, an introduction of Ogham, a witchy Karen, a cult running in a metaphysical shop, Reddit witches trying to curse the Taliban, and more!

A publication printed on every day of the wheel of the year. From an ever-changing group of writers and contributors that bring education,

There has been changes to KDP's ebook file systems that botches the digital version of the magazine. Rather than fightin...

There has been changes to KDP's ebook file systems that botches the digital version of the magazine. Rather than fighting with that, and considering that many who like the magazine do not like supporting Amazon, the digital version will be sold through Etsy on Azimuth Spirituality ( https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1090718531/talesofthegods-practical-witchcraft?ref=shop_home_active_1 )
Physical magazine coming soon (waiting on distributors.)

Due to file size limitations on Etsy, when you download you will get a word document with a link you can follow to download the PDF from the TalesOfTheGods google drive. Please do not share the file link, this work is protected by copywrite. Once published on KDP, now released in PDF form through

Check out this stunning tarot deck!

Check out this stunning tarot deck!

Luminous Void captures the subconscious shamanic realms of consciousness. It loosely follows the structure and symbolism of the Rider-Waite Smith Deck. It was created by Laura Zuspan an internationally recognized artist and healer. All art is original watercolor.

Due to a formatting error on the Kindle Direct Publishing file, the formatting on any purchases through the Amazon Kindl...

Due to a formatting error on the Kindle Direct Publishing file, the formatting on any purchases through the Amazon Kindle shop was... botched shall we say. Appearing and behaving strangely as it was formatted for a reflowable book instead of a print replica causing visual errors. So, easy fix right? Go in and replace the file with a print replica formatted file. Unfortunately KDP does not allow you to change from a reflowable file to a print replica file on a published book.

Because of this, we have decided to give away the digital version of the Lughnasadh edition away for free on TalesOfTheGods.com. Rest assured that this mistake will not be made in the future and the digital version has been unpublished from Kindle. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused.

Read here: https://www.talesofthegods.com/lugnasadh-2021


The planetary retrogrades for the month of September, 2021


Metaphysica and Witch shops are the cornerstone for the occult and spiritual communities. They give us tools, knowledge, and services as well as a sense of community where we are usually surrounded by people who don't share our religious and magical beliefs. They can make or break the local communit...

Leviathan Lobster God will TalesOfTheGods ever get an interview with Claus the Lobster god? who knows, but here's some i...

Leviathan Lobster God will TalesOfTheGods ever get an interview with Claus the Lobster god? who knows, but here's some info about the Holy Order Of The Claw

I am a total supporter of all religions so long as they do not majorly harm the community at large. From the Church Of Hanzo (A character from Overwatch and a church in Brazil made to show how easy it is to make a religion.) to the Church Of The Flying Spaghetti Monster many people have created reli...


A witch by every meaning of the word, one of our own takes the title of Karen rather than Crone.

A witch by every meaning of the word, one of our own takes the title of Karen rather than Crone.

The woman disliked her race, as well as her clothes. When the woman called her a witch in a derogatory but less rude version of "bitch", she turns and states that she is in fact a witch, and the girl "knows nothing about witches". Apparently, this is a common theme with the Witch Of The Wheelchair,....


WitchTok, Reddit, and Baby Witches are convincing people they are going to curse the Taliban.



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