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"Wicked creature!"

Commander Verdant's voice rumbled out as numerous sharp [Blades of Liberation] flew out from him as freely as they could, their number easily towering over a few hundreds. On top of this, the sharp blades seemed to be layered with a tinge of green light as they were reinforced by the law of earth as they barreled towards the Infernal Lord who actually released two Authorities.

He was using the authorities of laws that were lesser than Fate to withstand the Authority of two Fate Lords, his body obviously feeling the strain as the power of the Supreme Law dominated!

Even though the Authorities of Fire and Water offset some of the oppressive air, many could see that the Celestial Fate Lords actually had the upper hand as they seamlessly threw off the 9th Infernal Lord's attacks while they continued to throw out even more that actually landed.

Many beings adopted heavy expressions as they did not observe the dominance that they always saw the 9th Infernal Lord showing!

When he released the terrifying black ray of light which could chain between enemies and cause the eruption of dreadful portals that released destructive lights, these rays of chaotic light would actually not reach the bodies of Commander Verdant and Lylle as they weren't able to find any targets.

The oppression of two Fate Lord's Authorities was this much that even the wondrous abilities many beings observed from the 9th Infernal Lord actually seemed to be bearable against beings that had achieved similar law comprehensions, especially in a Supreme Law at that.


Commander Verdant observed the scene as he saw that while the Infernal Lord was receiving their attacks, their damage did not even seem to be acc.u.mulating because of his horrendous defense. But since he and Lylle were pinning the Infernal Lord down with their authorities, he sent messages out to the remaining three Star Forging Celestial Commanders to finally enter the fray so they could all work together to bring this aberrant Infernal Lord down.

"Janus, Ogda, Xander! Now is the time!"

His message reached the Star Forgers hiding in the dark as in the ongoing battle involving millions, those involved felt the vibrant appearance of three more Star Forging auras as they looked towards a certain direction in shock.

At this moment, Athena's eyes were also scanning the battlefield and continuing as she would with her job as a Celestial Commander, still not having received any large commands from Crixus all this time!

When Commander Verdant called for the appearance of the other three Star Forgers to join hands in defeating the 9th Infernal Lord though, she finally received a command that made her tremble.


Many being watched with shocked stupor as they saw three more Celestial Star Forgers go towards the ongoing battle between the Infernal Lord and 2 Celestial Fate Lords, their minds reeling from the fact that just for a single 9th Infernal Lord, the celestials had actually prepared 5 beings at the same rank as him just to take him down!




Those not in the loop watched this scene with disgust as many defenders of the Dark Expanse prepared to throw their lives away to lend help to the Infernal Lord that would soon be surrounded, but their enemy Celestials used this opportunity to further strengthen their defense as they knew the fact that once this powerful Infernal Lord was defeated, they would effectively win this battle!


The figures of the three Celestial Star Forgers were streaking towards the area of overlayed authorities when at this moment, all the commanders as well as Verdant and Lylle heard the voice of Athena ringing out in their minds, this time revealing shocking information.

"Stop! It is a trap from the Infernal Lord to lure you all in! He has a third Authority!"


The three rushing Celestial Star Forgers came to a screeching halt as their essence even exploded to push themselves further back, their hearts trembling as in the next instant, they heard shocking words be released from the Infernal Lord as he actually also had a surprised look with the instant retreat of three beings who should have fallen into his newly expanded authority.

{{Fate Lord's Authority}}.


Commander Verdant and Lylle watched on with sinking faces as they saw the spread of a golden light much similar to the one they released begin to rapidly spread out and cover the both of them, only the other three Commanders being out of its bounds because of the quick words Athena!

Shockingly, this Infernal Lord was somehow also extremely proficient in fate, being so proficient in fact, that he was actually also a Fate Lord!

"Defiling the law of fate!"

The three Commanders not under the bounds of the Authority were happy with the timely words of Athena, because they saw the surprised expression on the Infernal Lord because of reactions they should not have been able to make, and they could now safely release long range attacks outside of the influence of the layered authorities to reinforce Commanders Verdant and Lylle.

They called the use of the law of fate under an Infernal as defilment while they strategized how to reinforce Commanders Verdant and Lylle that were now matched with the three Authorities of this Infernal Lord when they received another message from Athena, and this time it was as frantic as the one before!

"Commanders Janus, Ogda, and Xander, move to Commander Crixus's position quickly!"

After having just received the words of Athena with her {Precognition} ability that allowed them to escape the trap of the terrifying Infernal Lord with three Authorities, they acted instantly without question once more as they located the figure of Crixus a few tens of miles away, their bodies streaking towards him at the speed of light as they soon flashed to surround him protectively.

Commander Verdant and Lylle who had begun casting many defensive skills as they prepared for the reinforcements of the other three Commanders were left alone for a moment as they wondered why they had suddenly pulled back to a position tens of miles away, the two of them not receiving Athena's telepathic message this time around!

The three Commanders that had swiftly followed Athena's words vigilantly spread out their senses as they expected another shocking show of power from the Infernal Lord or a hidden enemy targeting the genius Crixus, but nothing occurred for a second as they sent a questioning message to Athena. Even though the situation seemed urgent, they did not hear anything back as the next voice they heard actually came from the Crixus they protectively circled to protect!

"Well then, let us properly start this battle."


World shaking might erupted out at this moment as the three Celestial Commanders felt a foreboding feeling descending, a shocking set of words being released from the mouth of the one they knew as Commander Crixus, the Destroyer.

[Aether Star Form].






🔱 INFINITE MANA IN THE APOCALYPSE 🔱 565 - You think too highly of yourself!


Commander Lylle looked at the show of arrogance from the 9th Infernal Lord with disdain as his figure streaked behind him, a brilliant golden light releasing from him as he released his {Fate Lord's Authority} in another region so there would not be any overlap with the one Commander Verdant deployed.

Noah felt the heavy strain of two Authorities of a Supreme Law descending down on him as it felt like his body and defenses could begin crumbling at any moment, but his gaze was still calm as he released another authority!

{{Water Lord's Authority}}.


It was a gorgeous show of colors as in front, he countered a resplendent circle of a Fate Lord's Authority with Fire Lord's Authority, showing a mixture of gold and red that drew in the eyes of all those watching. Then behind him, he countered another released golden light of authority as he replied with a brilliant blue one, the aurora of colors being extremely beautiful to observe in the expansive space.

Even the many fighting subordinates from both sides could not help but spread out their awareness or turn their eyes to watch this rarely seen spectacle of multiple beings using the fearsome power of Authorities, their hearts being able to feel the oppressive strength even though they were miles away from it!

The Emperor Penguin looked at this scene as he steeled his heart even further, his beady eyes locking towards the Three-Eyed Fate Child that Noah had fought in the Battle of Geniuses. This being was extremely slippery as he seemed to know all the moved before they were made, and the Emperor Penguin could barely evade the attacks of this Special Existence with his own spatial abilities.


He screamed out valiantly as he chose to finally use the abilities he had obtained recently.

[Destabilize]! [Spatial Cage]!

The space surrounding him and the Three-Eyed Fate Child became disordered as an enormous cage descended down, heavily restricting the spatial movements of his enemies. If one has a good memory, they would recall that the abilities that the Emperor Penguin used were those found in the first stage of the [The Terror of Aether- Cthulhu(Young)] skill tree!

The abilities were under the skills of the first stage that was termed [Amorphous Space Beast], and it was this exact skill tree that Noah had inscribed in the [Library] feature of the Infinite Realm that allowed him to record all his normal skills and the first stage of skill trees for his subordinates to learn. The only thing he could not grant were Absolute, Unique, and Ultimate Skills.

But even his normal skills and skill trees were ridiculous enough as the Emperor Penguin was not the only one!

[Dawn of the Blood Lord], [Nightmarish Descent].

[Summon Poison Totem], [Dereliction of the Saintly Poison Lord].


The Kraken appeared as he used the first stage abilities of the [Blood Lord] skill tree, while Barbatos appeared to be using the abilities of the first stage of the [Lich of Abomination] that was the predecessor of [Abyssal Lich].

Through the battlefield, Noah's subordinates all displayed a spectacular set of skills from his skill trees as they showed an overpowering presence in the battlefield, where even the beings that were considered at the same stage as Noah such as the Three-Eyed Fate Child and Grandmaster Light just a few weeks ago were now being matched by his Subordinates!


The battle cry of a fearsome beat rang out as an Emperor Penguin could be seen moving with majesty, his body covered in an armament filled with Chaos Essence as the flippers of this penguin rose to above and then struck down.

As they swung down, they came with the force of a destructive star as the [Shattered Star] ability from the Amorphous Space Beast skill tree was used, this strike causing the Three-Eyed Fate Child who could not move freely in the Destabilized Space to turn serious as his body shone with splendor!


World shaking might erupted out as a glorious scene of a penguin with brilliant flippers were imprinted in the eyes of many, its beak rising high across the starry space as its beady eyes actually looked down on this being termed a Special Existence.

'You think yourself at the same stage as Master? Hmph!'

This unique penguin along with the other uniquely armored beasts were relentless as they showed powerful skills while facing their enemies.

As millions of beings embroiled and fought together in space above the Verittas Fortress, a few distinct figures shone more strongly than most. The one shining the brightest was of course the side of the 9th Infernal Lord, with the next ones being armored beasts that were his subordinates, but many could not keep their eyes off another brilliantly shining figure.

It was the being known as the Destroyer, the one that brought dread to the minds of many defenders of the Dark Expanse after they watched his overpowering show of strength at the Witches Layer- it was Crixus!

A golden light of mercy seemed to be erupting from the face of this golden-robed being as he appeared a few miles away from the figures of the 9th Infernal Lord and the two Star Forging Commanders besieging him.

The face of Crixus seemed to be full of sympathy as he waved his hands forth and uttered the lines that brought chills into the hearts of many.

"I am here to save you."


With a wave of his hands, [Blades of Liberation] that were tens of meters long thundered down gloriously, rushing towards enemy commanders, Mages, and even Vampyres as any caught within them were 'evaporated' in a matter of seconds.

Of course in reality, they were all sent into Noah's Infinite Realm as he moved them from a hellish battlefield and into a paradisiacal landscape, but the terror a few others felt was real as he raised his hand and caused the appearance of a glowing golden star.

[Golden Decree].

The dreadful light this Crixus released was another focal point of the ongoing battle as even Athena who was overseeing the battle in the Realm Dreadnaught wondered what exactly this Crixus aimed to do.

In this chaotic battlefield occurring across miles of the starry expanse of space, too many figures were moving with their own show of power and strength, but the show revolved around a specific few!

The light of Authorities continued to shine as strongly as ever as bountiful attacks were released from the two Star Forging Celestial Commanders facing the 9th Infernal Lord.

"Wicked creature, die for me!"



🔱 INFINITE MANA IN THE APOCALYPSE 🔱 564 - Descent of Multiple Lords

On the Celestial's side, the vigorous shouts for order could be heard clearly.


"For order!"

"For balance!"


Athena heard these battle yells as she wondered if those yelling out knew exactly what order and chaos was.

On the side of the defending forces of the Verittas Fortress, the battle cries of the Infernals were the main thing building up a unique battle state.


"Ready to serve!"

"Ready to destroy!"


Droning sounds rang out as the Infernals smashed their weapons onto the empty void of space, every clash generating a unique force that created a unique sound that affected the hearts of many.

In the Command Room, Commander Verdant gazed at all of this as he shook his head in disgust.

"Such wicked creatures!"

His gaze filled with a golden light bubbled with power as he got ready to move.

"Fight with all of your power, and fight with great confidence! Because we are on the side of balance and order, we are the ones that will bring these savages to the right path!"


"What do we fight for?!"


"What do we do to those that stand against us?!"



The rousing words of Commander Verdant rang out across the legions of Celestials as a level of fanaticism was brought out.

Athena glanced at all of this as her heart trembled, her mind no longer being in the same state as such a scene actually cemented her new belief of her and all the other Celestials being on the wrong side of order!



Like a bomb that had been set off, the words of Commander Verdant caused the explosion of forces to rush forward, space itself shaking at the level of destruction about to ensue.

Commander Verdant's own figure disappeared as he and Commander Lylle went towards their target- the 9th Infernal Lord!

Their figures blazed with their own abilities as on Commander Verdant, aside from the vibrant light of fate, the green light of earth was abundantly flowing as it made him seem like a moving mountain. Commander Lylle was even faster as his sole focus in the law of fate made him all the more proficient, his figure shaped like a golden strike of lightning as it thundered forward!

Commander Verdant and Lylle set off first as they were to match this being with their Authorities before the other Star Forgers joined them to take his life in a swift manner.


Space shaking might exploded out as the two sides rushed towards each other, the display of skills rushing forth as the 6th Infernal Lord already found an opposing Star Forging Celestial Commander to match with.

The Vampyre Lord leading hundreds of thousands of Vampyres also matched with another Celestial Star Forger, while the Commanding Mage that had replaced Turner also matched with one himself!

3 Celestial Star Forgers were occupied by the enemy Commanders, and 2 were stressing towards the 9th Infernal Lord.

Three Star Forgers remained in the dark as they waited for the perfect moment to swoop in and take the life of a single being!

"Light Legion, pull back to the previous coordinates…"

"Commander Three-Eyed, the Penguin Commander is about to swarm you with four others like him, pull back!"

Numerous commands were ringing out from Athena as she read the battlefield like the palm of her hands and moved the forces of Celestials as needed.

Her last command meant for the Three-Eyed Fate Child who was actually facing a particularly arrogant Emperor Penguin prevented many casualties, this penguin actually teleporting fearsome beasts at the same level as him to nearly surround the Legion that Three-Eyed led.

As she gave out these commands, she also displayed the terror of the Realm Dreadnaught as numerous World Cannons activated, terrifying red pillars of light shooting out as the defenders of the Verittas Fortress formed a huge defensive shield to stop the advance of these horrendous lasers!

The Realm Dreadnaughts were extremely useful not just because of their sheer size, but because of the destructive weapons they carried!

The most used ones were the World Cannons which released horrendous destructive rays of light that could even destroy a world, but the rays of Realm Dreadnaughts were even more unique as they had faster activation and could actively seek out their targets.

Athena was the one put in charge of commanding the World Cannons of the Realm Dreadnaught, her task being to use her {Precognition} ability to foresee any unexpected situations as she reinforced their forces!

When it came to the lasers of the Realm Dreadnaught, only those at the World Rank could manage to even withstand one, and even they would lose their lives if they were not reinforced by others.

As Athena's eyes fully got into the groove of the battle while listening to everything {Precognition} was telling her, she waited for the command that would cause for her betrayal patiently, her heart solidifying more and more as the battle fully began.

She was the War Princess. In any battle or war, she would be among the very few that could perform at the optimum level. A valiant light was slowly returning to her eyes as the will she had lost ever since Crixus bound her slowly returned! It mattered not what side she would fight, she would continue fighting for her beliefs as she pointed her sword at those sowing chaos!

"Commander Verdant, the 9th Infernal Lord...will continue to remain still with no unexpected moves. Now would be the time!"

She relayed another message as the figures of Verdant and Lylle arrived in the proximity of a particular smiling 9th Infernal Lord, his body simply floating at the forefront as all Celestial Legions avoided him like a plague, only the two Star Forging Celestial Commanders that had achieved more than 50% in the Law of Fate appearing around him.

{{Fate Lord's Authority}}!

The words left Commander Verdant's mouth as he moved with vigor to spread out a powerful Authority to encompass this unique Infernal Lord, Commander Lylle waiting to see what would happen as he held his own Authority back!

{{Flame Lord's Authority}}.

A simple reply was uttered from the mouth of the 9th Infernal Lord as the might of another Authority entered the battlefield, his gaze remaining calm as he turned to look towards Commander Lylle in a taunting manner as if to ask, aren't you gonna cast your Authority as well?

It was a domineering gaze that did not seem to give even an ounce of care while being surrounded by an Authority of a Supreme Law, his gaze actually taunting another Star Forger to release his Authority!

As the battle at the Verittas Fortress began with a bang, many focused their eyes on the scene of this domineering 9th Infernal Lord as they wondered what surprises they would come across today!


🔱 INFINITE MANA IN THE APOCALYPSE 🔱 563 - Be Wary of the 9th Infernal Lord!

The dreadful Realm Dreadnaught streaked across space as the void itself trembled, the movement of so many vessels causing a shift in the surroundings.

Commander Athena stood at the forefront while being surrounded by two Star Forgers who had achieved more than 50% comprehension in Universal Laws, another 6 Star Forgers spread out across their own vessels.

The presence of Crixus and Vredral were the most prominent ones around her, Athena actually finding herself growing calmer as the time that she thought would be her death neared.

After all, how could she escape the grasps of 8 Star Forgers after she betrayed them? How could she escape the hands of the being that had fooled every single Celestial and had already bound her by blood?

The only ending she saw for herself was death, and this thought actually made her return to her calm and valiant mental state!

If she was to die, she would at least look upon the face of Vredral and see his expression as everything crumbled around him. She would at least look upon Crixus with confidence as she atoned for all that she did.

At the end of it all, she wanted to know...who was he, really?

The thoughts swimming around her mind were many as she prepared to not be hypocritical and actually point her sword to those causing chaos, her mind looking at the advancement of Celestials into the Dark Expanse differently as she questioned the meaning of everything they did.

Regardless of the circ.u.mstances, she was a being with the goal of bringing order and balance, and she would destroy any of those causing chaos! With this thought, her eyes shone with l.u.s.ter as she recorded the valiant light that had been pushed down, her body beginning to emanate a unique aura in the command room of the Realm Dreadnaught as her eyes glanced towards their goal!


They broke through layers of space as their eyes honed in on a particularly fortified stronghold far in the distance, the numerous vessels of the huge Legion making their grand appearance as they came to a halt while nearing the Verittas Fortress.

Numerous communications began to be sent through as the two sides looked towards each other, Athena's gaze glancing towards the forces of the Verittas Fortress as she tried to see exactly what plan Crixus had.

To be so confident as to place someone like her under his command while moving with the force of Celestials he stood against, what trick did he have up his sleeve?

Her eyes scanned the forces at the Verittas Fortress as she found nothing unique, counting the auras of only four Star Forging Realm experts with the collection of hundreds of thousands of Vampyres, Mages, Wizards, and Infernals.

She looked towards the forces of Vampyres as this was where she expected Crixus's allies to be, recalling how he had displayed glistening fangs when binding her by blood. Even though the force of Vampyres looked fearsome, she still did not see something that would be able to withstand a force of 8 Star Forgers!

Her discerning gaze then landed on the body of the being at the forefront of the defense at the Verittas Fortress. He had a shimmering red crown coming from his head that signified his title as an Infernal Lord, a regal battle robe wrapping around him as hundreds of thousands of Infernals stood behind.

The reinforcements of the 6th Infernal Lord were present as the numbers of defending Infernals exploded, their force at the very forefront as the 9th Infernal Lord was leading one side, and the 6th Infernal Lord was leading the other!

Athena's eyes scanned all of this as she still believed the side of the Verittas Fortress was outgunned and outmanned, wondering exactly where Crixus's plan lied.

Her eyes focused on the being floating calmly at the very forefront as she wondered- were all the hopes of this battle being placed on this powerful and mysterious 9th Infernal Lord?

"The one we have to be wary of the most is that arrogant-looking creature at the very forefront."

The voice of Commander Verdant rang out in the Command Room as his body already shone with the l.u.s.ter of stars.

"The enemy has access to two Authorities, so I will head out first and deploy my Authority, with Commander Lylle coming after and deploying his Authority."

His voice was filled with confidence as he said this, because he knew his enemy had the Authorities of two normal Universal Laws, while the two of them had the Authority of a Fate Lord!

"As we pin him and his two Authorities down, three other Star Forging Commanders will enter the domains of the Authorities as we besiege this 9th Infernal Lord until his death. The remaining Star Forging Commanders will match the 6th Infernal Lord and other commanders of the Verittas Fortress."

A clear plan was relayed in the minds of Athena and the 7 Star Forging Realm Celestial experts from Commander Verdant, and it was a plan to overwhelm the 9th Infernal Lord with 5 beings at the same level as him!

"We will depend on you {Precognition} ability to evade any unexpected moves from this creature, as we hope to not have even a single one of our brothers fall in this battle."

Commander Verdant's eyes bore into Athena as he said, the War Princess nodding as the forces of their enormous Legion came face to face with the defenders of the Verittas Fortress!

Athena's eyes shone with a melancholic light as she sent a telepathic message to Crixus.

"What commands do you have for me?"

As the battle was about to begin, the commander of the enemy forces sought another being's command as a battle of immense proportion was about to begin.

Athena could feel the calm smile on Crixus without even turning around, the telepathic reply of this being ringing out thereafter.

"Continue with the flow that Commander Verdant mentioned for now. I'll let you know when the time comes for you to move."

The words in her mind reeked of such confidence that the War Princess wondered exactly what plan was afoot in the mind of this mysterious being!


The horns of War were blown as the tensions between the two sides reached the peak!



Noah's main body continued to act as the 9th Infernal Lord at the Verittas Fortress, his gaze peaceful as he awaited the arrival of a huge force of Celestials.

His second clone that remained in the Infinite Realm was currently utilizing the feature of [Library] as he doc.u.mented his abilities as well as the first stage of his skill trees in order for his subordinates to copy and learn them, contributing to boosting their strength by a wide margin as he wasn't the only one increasing in strength.

The feature of [Library] was a unique one, an ancient styled building that had the ornament of an opened book being erected near the center of the Infinite Realm that anyone can access.

Inside of this actual Library, there were different levels that all held varying skills from Noah, each of them in their own books that his subordinates could go in to touch and learn if they had the required level of strength.

This Library could also be accessed through his [Pocket Realm] with the portals he laid out there, so even those that were already around him at the Verittas Fortress could quickly access it and learn new skills!

As for Noah himself, he was currently glancing at the progress he had made just in the past few days as he fully utilized the law spaces, dual cultivation sessions, Authorities, as well as the highly potent planted herbs containing dense fate and chaos essence as he glanced at his Stat panel.

[Noah Osmont][Title(s): Infernal Lord(Variant)]

[Bloodline(s): Vampyre Progenitor]

[Fate Line(s) : 5,438,365]

[Chaos Particle(s) : 2,021,264]

[Origin Core(s) : Fire-5, Water-5]

[Domain(s) : Fate,Chaos, Space, Fire, Water]

[Vitality: STAR FORGER]

[Focus: - ]

[Strength: STAR FORGER]

[Law(s) : Fate-55%,Chaos-20%,Space-8%, Fire-57%, Water-57%]

[Authority(s) : Fate Lord, Flame Lord, Water Lord]

His Chaos Particles were actually rising at a more rapid rate than even his Fate Lines at this moment, the use of {{Fate Lord's Authority}} to amass more chaos particles being extremely potent. Compared to Fate Lines, the Chaos Particles actually had triple the rate of progress in the past few days by amassing close to 600,00.

This was a terrifying number to imagine, but Noah made it possible!

Even though they were rising this rapidly though, he knew his progression in the law of fate would blow every other law progression out of the water with the cause being the coming battle. Truly too many beings were delivering themselves to him, and he had [Fate Stealer] when it came to the law of fate!

His eyes continued scanning the starry space surrounding the Verittas Fortress as he watched the deployment of numerous Infernal Legions under the 6th Infernal Lord, as well as a multitude of Mages and Wizards accompanied by parties of devilishly handsome Vampyres.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #!_51901374627105363 for visiting.

The many Commanders were moving about rapidly as they strengthened their ranks and prepared, a heavy atmosphere spreading out as they had to once again defend this important location!

Noah was currently conversing with Old Man Inuit as he monitored the situation around the Verittas Fortress. He was sending telepathic messages as he provided the old strategist with information that would be used to deploy the forces of the Dark Expanse to expertly match the Celestial Legions.

At the same time, he sent a message about how the coming Celestial Legion where even his other clone that was known as Crixus was coming along had a force of 8 Star Forging Celestial Commanders.

On the other side of space, Old Man Inuit heard this as he rose from his seat abruptly.

"What?! 8 Star Forgers? I'll send reinf-"

Noah laughed lightly as he quickly sent back a reply while sensing the worry in the old man's voice. Even though Old Man Inuit knew of Noah's ability and trusted in it, it was still terrifying to imagine a force of a Realm Dreadnought and 8 Star Forging Realm experts coming for you!

"No need."


Old Man Inuit stood with a blank face as he heard these words, his aged ears distinguishing them from words that many would think were of arrogance to those of plain confidence!

From Noah's words, Old Man Inuit actually felt a level of confidence that showed Noah did not have even a semblance of worry!

Inuit did not know what show of power to expect, but never in his wildest dream could he imagine that Noah had very little worries because he was effectively controlling the enemy commander of the coming Legion.

Even though the commander was weak at the World Rank, the Star Forging Realm experts that listened to her words were the targets that he set his eyes on!

He was planning on making sure that he would be able to personally take down most if not all of these Star Forging Commanders, as he speculated he would be able to pull a significant number of Fate Lines just from them in this one battle.

The number of Fate Lines he could possibly get made this battle extremely significant as it could potentially hand him three or four million Fate Lines, double what he got in the prior two battles! For this reward that could potentially push him to 80% or even possibly nearly complete the comprehension of the law of fate, it was too important! Even the discarding of his identity with Athena's coming betrayal was nothing if he could really get his hands on a few million fate lines.

He looked towards making this dream into a reality as he thought of amassing a shocking number of Fate Lines in one day that would take others hundreds of years!

It was truly too ridiculous.

Too balance breaking! Too unfair to any others properly studying the universal laws!

Yet it was something that Noah thought about simply turning into a reality.

"Oh, and during the fight at the Verittas Fortress, they will be using the other Realm Dreadnaughts to advance forward at the Blackscale Stronghold, the Icy Supercl.u.s.ter…"

He continued his conversation with Inuit as he planned, numerous hidden information that he now had access to within the Realm Dreadnaught he was moving in were also shared with the Old Man for him to spread to Vladivostok and the forces of the Dark Expanse, the defenses being set up against the Celestials expected to hold off all of these forces moving behind the scenes.

The state of war was constant and ever-moving, where they were currently at the stage where Celestials were still taking the lead.

With their plot during the failed assassination of the 9th Infernal Lord, they had advanced far into the Dark Expanse as they now needed a single stronghold to fall in order to consolidate these newly gained areas before they broke through into the inner depths of the Dark Expanse.

This meant that for the Celestials to continue forward...the stronghold at the Verittas Fortress had to fall!

This established truth had many beings on the edge as the Realm Dreadnought composed of multiple legions thundered forth through space, heading towards a single location where many eyes would be watching the coming battle once again…




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