The Moon empties out to her darkest dark on Monday, Dec. 30 at 5:26pm Eastern Time. This New Moon is set against a backdrop of stars the ancient Seers of India named "Purva Ashadha" thought to activate "varchograhana shakti," or, "the power to invigorate."
Consider this New Moon to be, metaphorically speaking, a form of cryotherapy for the collective. The health benefits of a nice dunk in a really cold body of water have been well documented. Yet we're not all rushing out to take that plunge because most of us find that initial shock of cold to be, at best, unpleasant.
Well this New Moon favors those who can get themselves behind what they know is beneficial for them and for their web of relations. Even if it's not what most people consider to be fun.
It's a great New Moon for setting intentions for the New Year – especially the kinds of intentions that will not only benefit you but will have positive ripple effects in other peoples' lives as well.
A good set of contemplations might be:
* What part of my life or my community's life could use some invigoration?
* How might I psych myself up for something I really want to do for myself but am resisting, or fearing, or stuck in, or unmotivated about?
* What motivating social activity could I wrap it up in?
* Is there a meaningful ritual that might make it more approachable?
* Can I envision a "threshold" to cross that gives me the permission and umph to do this hard thing I previously haven't wanted to do or haven't thought I could do?
As the New Moon closest to the turn of the year, this one sets a bit of a tone for the whole year to come.
The astrology of this New Moon:
• Saturn squaring natal Mercury: the interrogation of current views on leadership
• Mars in full (vedic) aspect to Venus: gruffness in the face of politeness; instigating new aesthetics of belonging (especially material)
• Jupiter still opposite Mercury by sign: hope, optimisim, gathering ideas
Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash