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(UPDATE 10/1 at 10am) Red Flag Warning beginning 1pm Thursday 10/1 EXTENDED // Advertencia de Bandera Roja comenzando a la 1pm del Jueves 10/1 EXTENDIDO

The Red Flag Warning has been extended and will now be in effect from 1 PM Thursday (10/1) to 6 AM Saturday (10/3) // La Advertencia de Bandera Roja ha sido extendida y estará en efecto desde la 1 PM del jueves (10/1) hasta las 6 AM del sábado (10/3)


Red Flag Warning beginning 1pm Thursday 10/1 // Advertencia de Bandera Roja comenzando a la 1pm del Jueves 10/1

[Español abajo] The National Weather Service has issued a RED FLAG WARNING for the North Bay Mountains above 1000 feet, specifically the Glass Fire, from 1 PM Thursday (10/1) to 6 PM Friday (10/2) due for breezy northerly winds and critically dry conditions. The Fire Weather Watch is no longer in effect.


* WIND: Increasing northwest winds arrive Thursday afternoon during the peak of the burn period along with very low humidity. Northwest winds increase Thursday night into Friday morning with gusts 25 to 30 mph with little or no humidity recovery. Breezy northerly winds continue through the Friday burn period with continued hot temperatures.

* HUMIDITY: 15 to 25 percent but locally 8-12 percent with little or no nighttime recovery in the hills.

* HIGHEST THREAT: Active portions of the Glass Fire or those areas with unsecured or open fire line.

* IMPACTS: Fire will spread rapidly due to the combination of hot temperatures, very dry fuels, breezy northerly winds and low humidity.

PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS: A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now or will shortly. A combination of strong winds low relative humidity and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior.

City of Santa Rosa Preparedness Information:


El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional ha emitido una ADVERTENCIA DE BANDERA ROJA para el área de las Montañas del Norte de la Bahía por arriba de los 1000 pies, específicamente el Incendio Glass, desde la 1 PM del jueves (10/1) hasta las 6 PM del viernes (10/2) donde se esperan vientos brisosos del norte y debido a las condiciones críticamente secas. La Vigilancia Meteorológica de Incendio ya no está en vigor.


* VIENTO: Vientos del noroeste cada vez más fuertes llegan el jueves por la tarde durante el pico del período de incendio junto con una humedad muy baja. Los vientos del noroeste aumentan del jueves por la noche hasta el viernes por la mañana con ráfagas de 25 a 30 millas por hora con poca o ninguna recuperación de la humedad. Los vientos del norte continúan durante el período de incendio del viernes con temperaturas cálidas continuas.

* HUMEDAD: 15 a 25 por ciento pero localmente 8 a 12 por ciento con poca o ninguna recuperación nocturna en las colinas.

* AMENAZA MÁS ALTA: Porciones activas del Fuego Glass o aquellas áreas con línea de fuego abierta o no asegurada.

* IMPACTOS: El fuego se extenderá rápidamente debido a la combinación de temperaturas calientes, combustibles muy secos, vientos brisosos del norte y baja humedad.

ACCIONES DE PRECAUCIÓN/PREPARACIÓN: Una Advertencia de Bandera Roja significa que las condiciones climáticas críticas para el fuego están ocurriendo ahora o ocurrirán en breve. Una combinación de fuertes vientos, baja humedad relativa y temperaturas cálidas puede contribuir al comportamiento extremo del incendio.

Información de preparación de la Ciudad de Santa Rosa:


EERIE SKY: Check out this view yesterday from St. Helena, where the Glass Fire has burned thousands of acres in Sonoma and Napa counties. The Bay Area is now bracing for another heat wave and more critical fire conditions. Latest: 📷: .


(UPDATE 9/30 at 11:30am) Fire Weather Watch Upgraded to Red Flag Warning. Read new post here:



The National Weather Service has issued a Fire Weather Watch for the North Bay Mountains in elevations above 1,000 feet. The Watch will be in effect from 1pm Thursday afternoon (10/1) to 6pm Friday evening (10/2).

Details ...

WIND: Northwest winds 10 to 20 mph on Thursday afternoon will increase Thursday night into Friday morning when frequent gusts of 25 to 30 mph will be likely for the hills above 1000 feet.

HUMIDITY: Poor overnight humidity recoveries are expected.

IMPACTS: Any fires that develop will spread rapidly in the hot, dry and windy weather.

HIGHEST THREAT: Active portions of the Glass Fire or those areas with unsecured or open fire line.

PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS: A Fire Weather Watch means that critical fire weather conditions are forecast to occur. Listen for later forecasts and possible Red Flag Warnings.

City of Santa Rosa Preparedness Information:



El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional ha emitido una alerta de Vigilancia Climática De Incendios para las montañas del Norte de la Bahía en elevaciones que superan los 1,000 pies. La alerta estará en vigor desde la 1:00 p.m. del jueves por la tarde (10/1) hasta las 6:00 p.m. del viernes por la noche (10/2).

Detalles ...

VIENTO: Vientos del noroeste de 10 a 20 mph del jueves por la tarde aumentarán en la noche del jueves al viernes por la mañana cuando es probable que haya ráfagas frecuentes de 25 a 30 mph en las colinas por encima de los 1,000 pies.

HUMEDAD: Se esperan malas recuperaciones de humedad durante la noche.

IMPACTOS: Cualquier incendio que se desarrolle se propagará rápidamente en el clima cálido, seco y con vientos.

MAYOR AMENAZA: Partes activas del Incendio Glass o aquellas áreas con línea de fuego abierta o no asegurada.

ACCIONES DE PRECAUCIÓN / PREPARACIÓN: Una alerta de Vigilancia Climática De Incendios significa que se pronostica que se producirán condiciones climáticas críticas. Escuche los pronósticos posteriores y posibles Advertencias de Bandera Roja.

Información de Preparación de la Ciudad de Santa Rosa:


🔥9/29/20 A.M. Update🔥

The Bobcat Fire is at approximately 114,202 acres with 62% containment. Firefighters continue to patrol containment lines and mop up around the perimeter.

For communities in the Antelope Valley impacted by the Bobcat Fire, please visit (click on Info for Affected Communities) for a listing of current Evacuation Orders & Warnings.

encourages residents to follow Ready! Set! Go! Safety tips at

For additional incident updates, please follow & on Twitter.

For updates on evacuation orders & warnings, please follow on Twitter.


[En Español abajo] REMINDER: Absolutely NO entry into areas with mandatory evacuation orders. No evacuation zones have been lifted at this time.

Please do not return to evacuated areas, you will be turned away by law enforcement. If you are *in* an evacuated area, please gather your belongings and leave immediately.

We are relying on you to follow these instructions to ensure your safety and the safety of our first responders.

Please refer to the evacuation map here:

More info and updates from the City of Santa Rosa is available at:
RECORDATORIO: Absolutamente NINGUNA entrada a las zonas evacuadas está permitida mientras que las evacuaciones todavía están en vigor. No se han levantado zonas de evacuación en este momento.

Por favor, no regrese a las zonas evacuadas, será prohibido por la policía. Si se encuentra *en* una zona evacuada, recoja sus pertenencias y váyase de inmediato.

Confiamos en que usted siga estas instrucciones para garantizar su seguridad y la seguridad de nuestros socorristas a medida que se desarrolle la situación.

Consulte el mapa de evacuación aquí:

Más información y actualizaciones de la Ciudad de Santa Rosa están disponibles en:


glass fire
36,236 acres 0% contained

Situational Awareness Application for Active Fires and Evacuation Orders in Napa County.


Glass Fire Update

Glass Fire is currently 36,236 Acres
0% Contained

113 Structures Destroyed
Damage inspections still ongoing


Entire City of Calistoga, California under mandatory evacuation leave now!!!

Shady fire in Santa Rosa, California

Shady fire in Santa Rosa, California



Fires of Interest:

♦️**CAL FIRE Incidents**♦️

🔥Zogg Fire, Shasta County (more info...) NEW
Southwest Of Redding
*15,000 acres, 0% contained
*Evacuation orders in place
*CAL FIRE Team 2 in command

🔥Glass Fire, Napa County, (more info…) NEW
4 miles east of Calistoga
*11,000 acres, 0% contained
*Evacuation orders in effect and additional evacuations in progress
*CAL FIRE Team 3 in command today

🔥LNU Lightning Complex, multiple North Bay counties (more info…)
Napa, Lake, Sonoma, Colusa, Solano, and Yolo Counties
*363,220 acres, 98% contained
*While no growth is expected, fire suppression repair work is ongoing.

🔥SCU Lightning Complex, multiple Easy Bay counties (more info…)
Contra Costa, Alameda, Santa Clara San Joaquin, Merced, and Stanislaus Counties
*396,624 acres, 98% contained
*While no growth is expected, fire suppression repair work is ongoing.

🔥Butte/Tehama/Glenn (BTU/TGU) Lightning Complex, multiple Counties (more info…)
Butte, Tehama and Glenn Counties
*19,609 acres, 97% contained
*14 structures destroyed
*While no growth is expected, fire suppression repair work is ongoing.

♦️**Unified Command Incidents**♦️

🔥North Complex, Plumas County (more info…)
Northeast of Oroville to southwest of Quincy (Plumas National Forest)
*306,135 acres, 78% contained
*15 fatalities
*2,342 structures destroyed
*Evacuations in place
*Includes the Bear and Claremont Fire
*CAL FIRE Team 4 is in unified command with US Forest Service IMT Team 4, Butte County Sheriff’s Office and California State Parks

🔥Creek Fire, Fresno County (more info…)
Northeast of Shaver Lake (Sierra National Forest)
*304,640 acres, 39% contained
*Evacuations in place
*Heavy tree mortality in the area
*855 structures destroyed
*CAL FIRE Incident Management Team 1 in unified command with USFS Great Basin Team 1

🔥SQF Complex, Tulare County (more info…)
3 miles east of Giant Sequoia National Monument
*150,286 acres, 50% contained
*Evacuations in place
*232 structures destroyed
*CAL FIRE Incident Management Team 6 in unified command with USFS Team 2

♦️**Coordinated Command Incidents**♦️

🔥August Complex, multiple Counties (more info…)
Colusa, Glenn, Lake, Mendocino, Tehama and Trinity Counties
Elk Creek and Stonyford area (Mendocino National Forest)
*878,470 acres, 45% contained
*South Zone 488,897 acres, 70% contained
*North Zone 280,577 acres, 36% contained
*West Zone 108,996 acres, 65% contained
*1 fatality
*86 structures destroyed
*Includes multiple fires including the Elkhorn, Hopkins, Willow, Vinegar, and Doe fires
*A California Interagency Incident Management Team and Great Basin Team in command
*CAL FIRE Incident Management Team 3 & 5 are deployed on the West Zone of the complex

♦️**Federal Incidents**♦️

🔥Snow Fire, Riverside County (more info…)
Snow Creek Rd, west of Palm Springs
*6,254 acres, 95% contained

🔥El Dorado Fire, San Bernardino County (more info…)
West of Oak Glen (San Bernardino National Forest)
*22,680 acres, 92% contained
*1 fatality
*10 structures destroyed
*California Interagency Incident Management Team 13 in command

🔥Fox Fire, Siskiyou County (more info…)
7 miles southwest of Callahan
*2,188 acres, 89% contained
*Evacuations in place

🔥Slater Fire, Siskiyou County (more info…)
5 miles North of Happy Camp (Klamath National Forest)
*154,102 acres, 38% contained
*2 fatalities
*Evacuation orders in place

🔥Devil Fire, Siskiyou County (more info…)
5 miles north of Upper Devil’s Peak (Klamath National Forest)
*8,406 acres, 18% contained

🔥Bobcat Fire, Los Angeles County (more info…)
North of Duarte (Angeles National Forest)
*114,200 acres, 62% containment
*Evacuations in place
*Unified command with the US Forest Service, Los Angeles County Fire Department and Monrovia Fire Department

🔥Dolan Fire, Monterey County (more info…)
Hwy 1, 10 miles south of Big Sur (Los Padres National Forest)
*128,417 acres, 62% contained
*Structures threatened
*California Interagency Incident Command Team 15 in command

🔥Bullfrog Fire, Fresno County (more info…)
SE of Bullfrog Lake (Sierra National Forest)
*1,185 acres, 46% contained

🔥Fork Fire, El Dorado County, (more info…)
15 miles northeast of Po***ck Pines (El Dorado National Forest)
*1,667 acres, 70% contained

🔥Lake Fire, Los Angeles County (more info…)
Southwest of Lake Hughes
Angeles National Forest / Los Angeles County Fire Department
* 31,089 acres, 97% contained

🔥Apple Fire, Riverside County (more info…)
Oak Glen/Cherry Valley (San Bernardino National Forest)
*33,424 acres, 95% contained

🔥Red Salmon Complex – Humboldt County (more info…)
14 miles northeast of Willow Creek (Shasta-Trinity National Forest)
*111,012 acres, 31% contained

🔥Blue Jay Fire, Mariposa County (more info…)
Yosemite National Park Wilderness
*4,488 acres, 50% contained

🔥Wolf Fire, Tuolumne County (more info…)
Yosemite National Park Wilderness
*1,087 acres, 35% contained

🔥Woodward Fire, Marin County (more info…)
3 miles southwest of Olema (Point Reyes National Seashore)
*4,929 acres, 97% contained

🔥Slink Fire, Mono County (more info…)
2 miles west of Coleville (Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest)
*26,759 acres, 86% contained

🔥Moraine, Tulare County (more info…)
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks Wilderness
*668 acres, 70% contained

🔥Rattlesnake, Tulare County (more info…)
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks Wilderness
*4,070 acres, 0% contained


Alert: Mandatory Evacuation Order for zones Summerfield & Spring Lake, SR

[Español abajo] Mandatory Evacuation Orders have been issued within the City of Santa Rosa for the following Zones: Summerfield & Spring Lake. Leave immediately and head south!

Evacuation ORDER for the entire area of Summerfield:
This includes all areas within this perimeter:
East of Summerfield Rd
South of Stonehedge Dr
North of the City boundary
West of the City’s boundary (Annadel State Park)

Evacuation ORDER for the entire area of Spring Lake:
This includes all areas within this perimeter:
North of Stonehedge Ave
East of Summerfield Rd
West of Violetti Rd (East side of Spring Lake)
South of Highway 12 (Between Mission Blvd and Calistoga Rd)
South of Montgomery Rd (between south end of Calistoga Rd to Channel Dr)

Look up your designated zones within the Santa Rosa city limits at:

If you need a place to go, proceed to the following Temporary Evacuation Points:

Temporary Evacuation Points (TEP) located within the City of Santa Rosa at A Place to Play (2375 W 3rd St, Santa Rosa). For additional locations, go to

Temporary Evacuation Points (TEP) provide a safe staging area for you to park and remain in your vehicle while displaced by the emergency. TEPs are only used on a short-term basis before you are permitted to return home, figure out your next move, or are referred to another location. The TEP allows you to maintain social distancing in the safety of your vehicle amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

TEPs are safe locations where individuals can regroup and plan their next move, regardless of immigration status. English and Spanish-speaking staff will be there to make these safe, supportive places for all.

- - -

Se han emitido Órdenes de Evacuación Obligatorias dentro de la Ciudad de Santa Rosa para las siguientes Zonas: Summerfield & Spring Lake. ¡Salga de inmediato y diríjase a sur!

ORDEN de evacuación para toda la zona de Summerfield:
Esto incluye todas las áreas dentro de este perímetro:
Al este de Summerfield Rd.
Al sur de Stonehedge, el Dr.
Al norte del límite de la ciudad
Al oeste del límite de la ciudad (Parque Estatal de Annadel)

ORDEN de evacuación para toda la zona de Spring Lake:
Esto incluye todas las áreas dentro de este perímetro:
Al norte de Stonehedge Ave.
Al este de Summerfield Rd.
Al oeste de Violetti Rd (lado este de Spring Lake)
Al sur de la autopista 12 (entre Mission Blvd y Calistoga Rd)
Al sur de Montgomery Rd (entre el extremo sur de Calistoga Rd. y el Channel Dr.)

Si no está seguro si se encuentra en el área de orden de evacuación obligatoria, revise el mapa de evacuación y busque con sudomicilio en línea para saber si usted está en esta zona:

Los Puntos de Evacuación Temporal (TEP, por sus siglas en inglés) proporcionan un área segura para que usted se estacione y permanezca en su vehículo mientras es desplazado por la emergencia. Los TEP sólo se utilizan a corto plazo antes de que se le permita volver a casa, averiguar su próximo movimiento o se le remita a otro lugar. El TEP le permite mantener el distanciamiento social en la seguridad de su vehículo en medio de la pandemia COVID-19.

Puntos de Evacuación Temporales ubicados dentro de la Ciudad de Santa Rosa en el parque A Place to Play (2375 W 3rd St, Santa Rosa). Para ubicaciones adicionales, visite

Los TEP son lugares seguros donde los individuos pueden reagruparse y planificar su próximo traslado, independientemente de su estatus migratorio. Personal de habla inglés y español estará allí para hacer estos lugares seguros y de apoyo para todos.

List and description of Temporary Evacuation Points related to the Shady Fire.


Glass Fire
Working 24/7 to protect our community.


The Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office has issued an evacuation order for a large swath of the eastern portion of Sonoma County, after Shady and Boysen fires started on west side of Napa Valley.


AA7HS confirming Branch 5 ( ) has merged w/ the . They'll be unable to give updates from the air around the Hwy 12 area in Santa Rosa due to no visibility, will have to depart for fuel soon too.
CA Fire Scanner


Not much cell service here, on Featherlight Pl. in Santa Rosa.


There are multiple fires on Los Alamos Road and St Helena Road. This is an Evacuation WARNING for the following zone:   Zone 2P1: South of Porter Creek Road East of Mark West Springs ...

UPDATE  #3: 9:02PM 9/27/2020 VEEGTATION FIRE   (Napa-Sonoma Co) - AA7HS reports fire will hit Tarwater Rd hard shortly. ...

UPDATE #3: 9:02PM 9/27/2020 VEEGTATION FIRE (Napa-Sonoma Co) - AA7HS reports fire will hit Tarwater Rd hard shortly. That's halfway between Hwy 29 & Santa Rosa city limits. Evacs being expanded into the city area per radio traffic & people need to evacuate west into Santa Rosa if along St Helena/Spring Mtn. [ca fire scanner on twitter]

UPDATE #2: 8:49PM 9/27/2020 VEGETATION FIRE (Napa-Sonoma Co) - AA7HS recommending mandatory evacuations for all of St Helena Rd Reports dangerous-critical ROS w/ spotting a mile-1.5 miles out in front, heavy north winds. [ca fire scanner on twitter]

UPDATE #1: 8:27pm 9/27/2020 There are two fires on St. Helena Road. This is an Evacuation Order for the following area:
Zone 3G1:
South of St. Helena Road
West of the Napa/Sonoma County line
North of Los Alamos / Cleland Ranch Roads
East of Calistoga Road
If you are in this area, calmly and quickly evacuate now. Check with your neighbors to ensure they know about this order if you have time. First responders are going door to door to assist people.
There is an Evacuation Warning for the following areas:
Zone 3G2:
South of Cleland Ranch Road
West of Los Alamos Road
North and east of Santa Rosa City Limits
East of Calistoga Road
Zone 3G3:
South of Los Alamos Road
West of Santa Rosa City Limits and Los Alamos Road
Northeast of Highway 12
West of the Napa/Sonoma County Line, the easternmost boundary of Hood Mountain Regional Park, and easternmost boundary of Los Guilicos Juvenile Center. This INCLUDES Los Guilicos Juvenile Center.
Go to or call 2-1-1 if you have any questions. View the interactive evacuation map and search your address at If you need help evacuating animals, call 707-861-0699 (Sonoma CART). If you need help evacuating livestock, call 707-234-7193 (NorCal Livestock Evac).
This area is referenced as zones 3G1, 3G2, and 3G3 in the attached map. Future orders will reference this map as well.
If you feel unsafe, evacuate.
If you are in the evacuation order area, evacuate now. If you are in the evacuation warning area, be prepared to evacuate. [nixle]

7:27pm 9/27/2020 CAL FIRE just dispatching a new fire along St Helena Rd maybe near Tarwater Rd west of St Helena, will be called the .
This fire is on the Sonoma/Napa County line. 5 acres, moderate rate of spread and moving S-SW. This fire is near St. Helena Rd & Spring Mtn Rd on Napa Co. side. Structures are threatened. on the west side of Hwy 29, west of the . Additional engine strike teams being diverted to the incident, likely evacs to come. [ca fire scanner on twitter]

SCANNER: Sonoma County Fire and CAL FIRE Dispatch - North West

Sonoma County Fire and CAL FIRE Dispatch - North West Live Audio Feed on

If you are in West, East & North city limits of Santa Rosa, California you are under a evacuation order! Leave now!!!!! ...

If you are in West, East & North city limits of Santa Rosa, California you are under a evacuation order! Leave now!!!!! This fire is raging fast

9/27/20 SHADY FIRE WEST OF GLASS FIRENEW.     A new fire is being reported by Cal Fire, west of Highway 29 above the Nap...

A new fire is being reported by Cal Fire, west of Highway 29 above the Napa Valley. It was first reported just before 8PM.

They're calling it the Shady Fire, and crews are rushing to the scene. With the NE prevailing winds tonight this fire has the potential of crossing the line westward into Sonoma County.

The fire location is near St Helena/Spring Mountain Road on the Napa side. This is near Bothe-Napa Valley State Park. Reports put it at 5 acres and growing.

This view is from the Saint Helena we**am at around 8:17 p.m.

A new fire is being reported by Cal Fire, west of Highway 29 above the Napa Valley. It was first reported just before 8PM.

They're calling it the Shady Fire, and crews are rushing to the scene. With the NE prevailing winds tonight this fire has the potential of crossing the line westward into Sonoma County.

The fire location is near St Helena/Spring Mountain Road on the Napa side. This is near Bothe-Napa Valley State Park. Reports put it at 5 acres and growing.

This view is from the Saint Helena we**am at around 8:17 p.m.


- An evacuation warning has been issued for the eastside Silverado Trail from Howell Mountain south to Taplin Road including all of Taplin Road and the entirety of roads in between.




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