Popping Corn
Este jueves 9 de junio en la Llibreria Documenta de Barceloneta, Pau Claris 144, a las 19.00.
Mendigo Diego vendrá a leer la versión original castellana de sus poemas, mientras que Minnie Marx leerá la versión inglesa en esta edición bilingüe.
DiPadrón Kalashnikov, hustoriadora de arte, conversará después con el autor y el público sobre la vigencia y el legado del surrealismo.
Purpur salt, a poem by Angel Terron-Homar
Here's a poem included in The Poetry of Science, the anthology of poems by my dear friend, excellent poet and brilliant scientist, Angel Terron-Homar, that I have published. He's coming to London for the event around his work that we have organised at Keats House this Thursday, where he will recite a selection of his poems in the Catalan original, while Di Sherlock will do the same with my English versions. Adrian Holme, lecturer on Science and Art at Central Saint Martins will then join us to discuss the somewhat fraught and uneasy relationship between poetry and science in the light of John Keats own connection with "natural philosophy". If in London, please do come.
Here's the link again where you can register, but do turn up on a whim if you prefer. You will be most welcomed:
Reading from "The Poetry of Science"
We will be presenting the book at Keats House on May 26th
There will be a discussion on the relationship between art, poetry and science in the context of Keats own poetry as well as our own contemporary concerns regarding this issue. Professor Adrian Holme, lecturer in MA Art and Science at Central Saint Martins will participate in the event.
Please, register here if interested:
Popping Corn by Mendigo Diego, available from goatstarbooks.com
Popping Corn, Poem ###VI
Let us play a game, shall we? It is called, the game of interpretations. What do you think this poem could be about? What feelings does it arise in your heart and in your mind?
My house is a romantic cage
standing on a past which is sick with pity.
The roof is an open skylight
neatly crumbling down.
We suffer from sweet leprosy,
a shuddering collar bone,
the delicate machinery of desire
fastened to candour with the help of a hammer
and some stars
Lamia, un poema de John Keats
Continúo con la siguiente sección de este largo poema, bello y profundo, en el que Keats reflexiona sobre como la triste filosofía humana ignora y destruye su naturaleza divina, negando con religioso afán, los misteriosos elementos que se conjuran caprichosamente para crear la belleza del universo, que es en último término, su única verdad, como bien está demostrando la ciencia moderna. Este poema que estoy traduciendo del inglés al español, será la piedra angular del nuevo libro de Goat Star Books que espero sacar en noviembre, Keats Now, una antología inglés-español de los poemas del gran poeta inglés, y que irá dedicada a mi muy querida amiga Mar Espot, cuyo apoyo y entusiasmo me animan a continuar con mi kamikaze labor editora.
Si queréis apoyar este proyecto mío, os invito a comprar cualquiera de los dos libros que ya he publicado: The poetry of Science, una antología ctalán-inglés de la obra del poeta mallorquín Àngel Angel Terron-Homar y Popping Corn, la edición bilingüe inglés-español de los Poemitas de Maíz de Mendigo Diego, el pseudónimo del poeta, pintor y músico cordobés Manolo Marcos.
World Poetry Day
May I encourage you today, if you have not already done so, to buy copy of The Poetry of Science from our goatstarbooks.com site? What could be a better way to celebrate spring and World's Poetry Day? Give it a go and support this independent project. Your purchase will contribute to the expense of printing our new book.
The Day of the Dead
My version of this poem by Àngel Terron included in our "Poetry of Science" anthology, a book exploring how those two disciplines can work together as ways of approaching truth.