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Goat Star Books Goat Star Books is a UK-based independent publishing house that specialises in poetry translations to and from English.

We aim to act as a bridge between cultures.

Crimson Pashmina has arrived in PakistanYou can order a copy from our website for £10.00 plus p&pGoatstarbooks.com

Crimson Pashmina has arrived in Pakistan

You can order a copy from our website for £10.00 plus p&p


Crimson PashminaDanial Andrew Danish is a Pakistani poet and advocate for children's rights. Born on August 15, 1992, he...

Crimson Pashmina

Danial Andrew Danish is a Pakistani poet and advocate for children's rights. Born on August 15, 1992, he holds masters degrees in English and applied linguistics. At present, he spearheads the 'Saint Andrew Church' project, addressing hunger and supporting persecuted communities in Pakistan. Crimson Pashmina is his first published collection of poetry.

Through Danial’s voice, this bilingual edition of his poems wishes to give a glimpse of some aspects of Pakistan as experienced by one of its young citizens.

The book includes a prologue placing Danial´s poetry ion the history of Punjabi poetry.

You can buy a copy of the book from our website for £10.00 + p&p


Here they are, all two hundred copies of our fourth Goat Star book!On Monday will be ready to be ordered from our websit...

Here they are, all two hundred copies of our fourth Goat Star book!

On Monday will be ready to be ordered from our website!

A book is bornThe proof copy arrived an hour ago and it looks so gorgeous in its bright crimson cover with the title als...

A book is born

The proof copy arrived an hour ago and it looks so gorgeous in its bright crimson cover with the title also in Punjabi. I shed tears of happiness, like a poor child that receives from a fairy godmother a gift of unimaginable beauty and magic, something that the child thought was quite out of his league, the stuff dreams are made of. Pull yourself together, Rafa, I hear you say, it is only a book. Yes, it may well be just a book, but then a rose is just a rose, and a child is just a child. Only those of you who can see the uniqueness of each new rose, the lovely innocence and newness of every new born child will understand my emotional incontinence. This is not just a book, this is a bridge linking Europe and Pakistan, crossing the deserts of Asia, flying over the Hellespont. This is a true labour of love, this is the most powerful act that can be done by two men from such different cultural background, , colour, creed, sexual orientation and whatnot, such as Danial Danish and I are: to call each other brother, and create together something that turns into dust those differences. This is not just a book, this little crimson object is evidence of something we often choose to forget: that there is only one world, one planet, and one single race, the human race.

May Crimson Pashmina get the readership it deserves in Britain, in Spain, in Pakistan, and across the world.

It will soon be available from our websites and at selected bookshops in Spain and the British Isles. Watch this space.


Crimson Pashmina, the coverThanks to Hector Laplaza Peñas for this beautiful design for our next Goat Star Books publica...

Crimson Pashmina, the cover

Thanks to Hector Laplaza Peñas for this beautiful design for our next Goat Star Books publication, an English-Spanish bilingual edition of poems by Pakistani poet Danial Danish.

Out soon. Watch this space

Another great evening of poetry yesterday at Majorca's Agua Bar. We celebrated the second edition of The Poetry of Scien...

Another great evening of poetry yesterday at Majorca's Agua Bar. We celebrated the second edition of The Poetry of Science, the bilingual Catalan English anthology of Àngel Terron's poems, Goat Star Books' first collection.

Thanks to all the friends and poetry lovers who came to make a success of the event. First of all to Àngel himself, who cooked for us a splendid "coca", a delicious Majorcan savoury bake that delighted us all. Thanks also to Noèlia Diaz Vicedo who read the poems in English, and to Pere Perelló Nomdedéu, who compered for us. Then, last but not least, to Lee, the owner of the Agua Bar, a perfect space to bring poetry to life, and to Paula, for treating us to a celebratory dinner afterwards.


Mallorca here we goDemà, dimarts de ciència i poesia al Agua Bar, carrer Jaume Ferrer (Sa Llotja), Palma.Us esperemTomor...

Mallorca here we go

Demà, dimarts de ciència i poesia al Agua Bar, carrer Jaume Ferrer (Sa Llotja), Palma.

Us esperem

Tomorrow, a poetry and science evening at Agua Bar, Majorca.

Hope to see you all there


Si sou a Mallorca, us esperem dimarts!If you are in Palma, we hope to see you on Tuesday!Goat Star Books

Si sou a Mallorca, us esperem dimarts!

If you are in Palma, we hope to see you on Tuesday!

Goat Star Books

Yesterday was wonderful presenting Keats Now in Cádiz,  arguably my favourite Spanish town. "Espacio Cultural Quiñones" ...

Yesterday was wonderful presenting Keats Now in Cádiz, arguably my favourite Spanish town. "Espacio Cultural Quiñones" is the most splendid of all the places where I have been invited to present my books: an outdoors courtyard surrounded by the city's old wall and the great blue ocean beyond, that ocean that brought to Cadiz its material and cultural wealth back when Spain's Empire stretched across the globe, long before the English took over as colonial masters of the known world. The sun set most beautifully, sinking into the ocean, lighting the sky with pinks and pale blues. There was a warm Easterly wind, and it felt to me, as I was reading Keats's poems aloud, that it was the poet's own breath that was blowing, whispering the poems softly to me. Oh, how absolutely ravishing it all was! Well attended too, and the people from the Quiñones were so sweet, so enthralled by the poetry we read. Words fail to convey the mysterious atmosphere that was created as darkness gradually took hold, enveloping us and the whole city in that bewitching twilight that so becomes a poetry reading. Yes, the poet was with me once more. Perfect ending for this last night of our Goat Star Books tour

Mañana lunes 9 de octubre, María José González Dávila, experta en la obra de Valentín Llanos y un servidor de ustedes, p...

Mañana lunes 9 de octubre, María José González Dávila, experta en la obra de Valentín Llanos y un servidor de ustedes, presentamos Keats Now en Cádiz, en el espacio cultural Fernando Quiñones a las 19.30.

Leeremos poemas de John Keats, cuya hermana se casó con Valentín Llanos, y hablaremos sobre el romanticismo inglés y su influencia en el liberalismo político español de principios del siglo XIX

Os esperamos

Popping Corn in Seville, Thursday fifth of October, La Carbonería, a legendary space where, somewhere in the second half...

Popping Corn in Seville, Thursday fifth of October, La Carbonería, a legendary space where, somewhere in the second half of the seventies, rock, jazz and blues merged with the native flamenco, except that flamenco arrive itself from sonewhere else. No such thing as native folk: everything is a flux, an exchange. So, perfect space that Carbonería, temple of mysis and poetry to read Manolo Marco's verses in their original Spanish and in our English versions. After our success in Madrid, where we read to a packed room, you could be forgiven for thinking that we tanked in Seville, for we recited for an audience of five. But in poetry, as in so many things in life, it is quality and not quantity that makes magic take place and the "duende" flow. Behind those five enraptured listeners, I could see the room full of ghosts who were as charmed by Manolo Marco's words, and by Pisco Lira's account of how that fabled fusion took place there, half a century ago or so, of the Anglo-Saxon rhythms and the gypsy dances and songs.


Book launch of Popping Corn in Madrid last Wednesday, October 4th in Secret Kingdoms, an English bookshop in Madrid wond...

Book launch of Popping Corn in Madrid last Wednesday, October 4th in Secret Kingdoms, an English bookshop in Madrid wonderfully run by David, a genial bookseller if ever was one, perfect match for our Goat Star Books project. That moment just before the reading starts when you wonder whether anyone is going to turn up, the empty chairs waiting, the wine too, the pile of books. Then the magic takes place and people begin to stream in and the room fills up and finally, the magic takes place: Manolo read his surrealist-inspired poems, Minnie Marx read our English versions, there was a thrill in the air, the "duende" floating about the place, that special ineffable atmosphere that takes place when the act of poetry takes place, when one feels that a vibrating exchange of energies fill the space, a mist marvellous feeling.

Thanks to all who came to participate in that special rite, most particularly to David and his wife Beatriz, to Ara de Haro for her insights on surrealism, contextualising the piens read within a historical frame and of course to all the friends and strangers who filled that room with those vibrations.


Madrid surreal Goat Star Books y Secret Kingdoms os invitan mañana miércoles 4 de octubre a las 19.45  a la lectura de l...

Madrid surreal

Goat Star Books y Secret Kingdoms os invitan mañana miércoles 4 de octubre a las 19.45 a la lectura de los poemas de estilo surrealista de Mendigo Diego (AKA Manolo Marcos), con la participación de la escritora Ara de Haro.

Charlaremos con ella y el poeta sobre Remedios Varo y el lenguaje poético surrealista.

Os esperamos a todos

El evento tiene lugar a las 7:45 p.m. en Secret Kingdoms Bookshop

C. de Moratín, 7, 28014 Madrid


Cádiz, ciudad romántica y liberal El próximo lunes 9 de octubre, Goat Star Books presentará "Keats Now" en la Tacita de ...

Cádiz, ciudad romántica y liberal

El próximo lunes 9 de octubre, Goat Star Books presentará "Keats Now" en la Tacita de Plata, ciudad perfecta para hablar sobre la influencia de las ideas del romanticismo anglo-alemán en el desarrollo del pensamiento político del siglo diecinueve, y sobre la famosa constitución española de 1812, un hito en el liberalismo europeo y modelo seguido por todas las constituciones latinoamericanas.

El evento tendrá lugar en un lugar muy especial, lo que se dice un marco verdaderamente incomparable, el Espacio Cultural Fernando Quiñones, en La Caleta, frente a ese Océano Atlántico que trajo a Cádiz sus riquezas materiales y culturales.

Contamos con la participación de la doctora María José Dávila González, experta en la obra de Valentín Llanos, escritor y político español, y esposo de F***y Keats, la hermana pequeña del poeta. Tras mi lectura en inglés y español de una selección de poemas de Keats Now, María José y yo charlaremos sobre esa conexión entre romanticismo y política, con especial mención a Valentín Llanos y a Telesforo Trueba y Cosío, introductores de la novela histórica en España, tema de su tesis doctoral por la Universidad de Cádiz.

Como siempre, os agradecemos que nos ayudéis a difundir el acto compartiendo este anuncio con vuestras amistades y en las redes sociales.

Sevilla surrealistaGoat Star Books vuelve el 5 de octubre a la capital andaluza, ciudad surreal por derecho propio, aluc...

Sevilla surrealista

Goat Star Books vuelve el 5 de octubre a la capital andaluza, ciudad surreal por derecho propio, alucinada y alucinante a partes iguales, tierra de santos, vírgenes y poetas. Presentamos en la mítica Carbonería de Sevilla el libro Popping Corn, edición bilingüe español e inglés de los Poemitas de Maíz de Mendigo Diego, AKA Manolo Marcos.

Tras la lectura de una selección de poemas en inglés y en español, charlaremos con Mendigo Diego y con Francisco Lira sobre surrealismo y Sevilla y, ya que estaremos en ese templo del cante, el baile y el toque, sobre el carácter surrealista del lenguaje de ciertas letras del flamenco.

Contamos con la presencia de todos los amantes sevillanos de la belleza y la verdad. Por favor, compartid este cartel con vuestras amistades y en vuestras redes sociales

Madrid, ciudad surrealEl próximo miércoles 4 de octubre tenéis una cita con el surrealismo y la poesía. Contamos con la ...

Madrid, ciudad surreal

El próximo miércoles 4 de octubre tenéis una cita con el surrealismo y la poesía. Contamos con la presencia de toda persona amante del arte, la belleza y la verdad.

Tenemos el placer inmenso de anunciaros la participación de la escritora Amparo Serrano de Haro alias Ara de Haro, autora de una biografía de Remedios Varo, protagonista también de su más reciente libro "La pintora pelirroja vuelve a París". Ara nos hará de presentadora y, tras la lectura de poemas en inglés y español, charlaremos con ella sobre la vigencia del lenguaje del surrealismo y sobre la pintura de Remedios Varo, poniéndola en el contexto de la poesía de Mendigo Diego.

Por favor, os agradezco que hagáis correr este cartel en vuestras redes sociales y que se lo mandéis a vuestras amistades. Asimismo, registrad por favor vuestro interés en este Eventbrite abierto por la librería Secret Kingdoms, en la que tendrá lugar el acto:


Who would tire of roses? Who would tire of Keats?Goatstarbooks.com

Who would tire of roses? Who would tire of Keats?



Mañana jueves 25 de mayo a las 18:30 h el Auditorio del Museo abre sus puertas a los poemas del poeta romántico John Keats.
Más información👉https://cutt.ly/TDxy60K.
🎟 Asistencia libre hasta completar aforo.


Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte - Nuestros Museos - Museo del Romanticismo - Goat Star Books

Mañana jueves "Keats Now" en el Museo Romántico

Mañana jueves "Keats Now" en el Museo Romántico

Mañana jueves 25 de mayo a las 18:30 h el Auditorio del Museo abre sus puertas a los poemas del poeta romántico John Keats.
Más información👉https://cutt.ly/TDxy60K.
🎟 Asistencia libre hasta completar aforo.


Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte - Nuestros Museos - Museo del Romanticismo - Goat Star Books

Gira "Keats Now" / "Keats Now" tour Spain/UK 25 mayo 2023 Madrid, Museo del Romanticismo30 mayo 2023 Sevilla, Librería "...

Gira "Keats Now" / "Keats Now" tour

25 mayo 2023 Madrid, Museo del Romanticismo

30 mayo 2023 Sevilla, Librería "Caótica"

1 de junio 2023 Badajoz, Le Salon de el Silencio

6 de junio 2023 Granada, Librería Inusual

29 junio 2023, London, Keats Museum House

Por favor compartid las invitaciones con cualquiera que conozcáis en esas ciudades y creáis que pueda estar interesado.

Please share the poste/invitation with anyone you know in those cities and think may be interested in attending.


Doesn’t always the song of the nightingale flee into the dark valleys, leaving us, like a wretched wight palely loiterin...

Doesn’t always the song of the nightingale flee into the dark valleys, leaving us, like a wretched wight palely loitering on a cold hill side? Aren’t we, like Lamia, unfailingly destroyed by cold reasoning? Why read Keats now?




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