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Bible Ki Roo se اس پیج کو بنانے کا مقصد مسیحیوں میں خدا کے زندہ کلام کی ?


Phopho singing psalm 9


Kya aap ne Yasu Masih ko apna SAVIOUR qabool kiya hai.


بدروحیں کی کیا حقیقت ھے؟ کیوں بدروحیں ھماری زندگیوں میں آتی ھیں؟ بدروحوں سے کس طرح بچا سکتا ھے؟ Bible ki Roo Se


yasu naam se bhadker na tha na hoga koi naam|


جہنم کی منادی بہت ضروری ھے۔گناہ سے توبہ کریں اور آج ہی خدا کے بیٹے یسوع مسیح کو قبول کیجیئے۔دوسرے لوگوں کے ساتھ ضرور شیئر کریں ۔

گناہ کا اقرار کرنا بہت ضروری ہے۔

گناہ کا اقرار کرنا بہت ضروری ہے۔


ہم کس طرح روح القدس کو رنجیدہ کرتے ہیں؟ جانئیے اس ویڈیو میں ۔
How do we grieve Holy Spirit ? Know in this video.Christian must watch and also subcribe this channel .


بائبل مقدس کے مطالعہ کے لیے چند اہم سوالات

کیا کبھی سوچا 🤔🤔🤔🤔

1- بائبل مقدس کے کتنے حصے ہیں؟
*دو حصے ہیں۔ پرانہ اور نیا عہد نامہ*
*پرانے عہد نامہ کے پانچ حصے ہے*
*نئے عہد نامہ کے تین حصے ہے*

2- بائبل مقدس کتنے سالوں میں لکھی گئی؟
*1500 سالوں میں*

3- بائبل مقدس میں کل کتنی کتابیں ہیں؟

4- پرانے عہد نامہ میں کل کتنی کتابیں ہیں؟

5- نئے عہد نامہ میں کل کتنی کتابیں ہیں؟

6- بائبل مقدس کو کتنے مصنفین نے تحریر کیا؟

7- پرانے عہد نامہ کو کتنے مصنفین نے تحریر کیا؟

8- نئے عہد نامہ کو کتنے مصنفین نے تحریر کیا؟

9- بائبل مقدس میں کل کتنے ابواب ہے؟

10- پرانے عہد نامہ میں کل کتنے ابواب ہے؟

11- نئے عہد نامہ میں کل کتنے ابواب ہے؟

بائبل مقدس میں کل کتنی آیات ہیں؟

12- پرانے عہد نامہ میں کل کتنی آیات ہے؟

13- نئے عہد نامہ میں کل کتنی آیات ہے؟

14- بائبل مقدس کی سب سے بڑی کتاب کونسی ہے؟

15- بائبل مقدس کی سب سے چھوٹی کتاب کونسی ہے؟

16- بائبل مقدس کا سب سے بڑا باب کونسا ہے؟

17- بائبل مقدس کا سب سے چھوٹا باب کونسا ہے؟
*زبور 117*

18- بائبل مقدس کی سب سے بڑی آیت کونسی ہے؟
*آستر 8باب 9آیت*

19- بائبل مقدس کی سب سے چھوٹی آیت کونسی ہے؟
*بلاناغہ دعا کرو*

20- خداوند یسوع مسیح نے اپنی زمینی خدمت میں کل کتنے معجزات کیے؟ / اناجیل میں خداوند یسوع مسیح کے کتنے معجزات تحریر کیے گئے؟

21- ایلیاہ نبی نے کتنے معجزات کیے ؟
22- الیشع نبی نے کتنے معجزات کیے؟

گریس بائبل چرچ پاکستان/ گریس تھیولوجیکل بائبل ٹیچنگ

*تحریر: مسیح کی خوشخبری کا ایلچی شیراز مسیح*
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THE BELIEVER'S VICTORY OVER COMMON AND PECULIAR TEMPTATIONS:1 Corinthians 10:12,13; Hebrews 12:1-4; Revelation 12:11. Victory is the believer's right. Anyone in partnership wi1h the Lord Jesus Christ by faith and in reality shares in His victory. When we become born again, we are made partakers of His life as well as His victory. Though there are temptations, the believer is recreated and destined for victory. God has given the believer the ability, grace and privilege to overcome every temptation because "there hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but win with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it" (1 Corin1hians 10:13). The question is, how do we overcome temptation? We begin by laying aside the things that bring temptations and, taking necessary steps to victory. The seven letters of the word "victory" spells the steps to victory over temptation. (1) V= vigilance: you must look at everything carefully and prayerfully (2) I=intercession: it is the man who prays that will be a partaker of the victory of Christ (3) C= conviction: you must have conviction that you are a child of God; that the Word, power and might of God is unfailing; and that Satan is the fallen, defeated foe, (4) T=trust: you have the assurance that there is no way you can fall because the Lord is holding your hand; you are also holding to the promises of God, trusting that He will not allow you to fall. (5) O= obedience: you must be obedient to every word of God that you have learnt (6) R= resistance: you resist the devil no matter what direction he may come from and he will flee from you (7) Y= yieldedness to God: you have to resign to God and let Him have His way to do His will in your life. You will continually overcome when you take these steps and also look unto Jesus for help. When temptation comes your way as a believer, the right attitudes to manifest for you to overcome are: 1. looking unto the Lord 2. leaning on the Lord 3. loving the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind 4. listening to the Lord to show you the way out 5. living for the Lord day by day 6. leaving all in the hands of God 7. learning from His examples.

1. PERCEPTIONS AND OBSERVATIONS ON TEMPTATION: James 1:14, 15; Genesis 3:1-7; Joshua 7:21; 1Kings 21:1-4; 3 John 9; Micah 2:1; 1Timothy 6:9, 10. Temptation is an enticement or seduction of Satan or his servants to lure man into evil or sin. It starts with a conception and graduates into sin and consequently death, if the process is not aborted. Man's strong, inward desires make temptation more powerful and irresistible. Intense, passionate desire for prosperity, pleasure, power, progress, popularity, possession, pre- eminence at all costs and, by all means, generate and give undue strength to temptation to overcome unbelievers and the unstable believers. Hunters normally put baits that are relevant and related to the inward desire, pleasure, and liking of a particular animal. They study those animals to know what they like and use it to catch them. In the same way, Satan hunts believers by setting baits related to their passions and desires. If he sees that you want prosperity or possessions at all costs, he will set it as bait for you. The devil will always use what you desire or want most to try to lure you into sin. He does this by making your sensitivity and conviction numb and dead. He removes the fear of God from your heart and minimizes the warnings and judgements of God and the consequences of sin that will come upon the evildoer. Bible characters like Eve, Achan and David yielded to temptation because of their irresistible inward desire, passion and lust. These are the same reasons why Christians still backslide today. They yield to (1) unequal yoke in marriage (2) fraudulent business practices (3) examination malpractice (4) immorality, fornication, adultery and polygamy (5) po*******hy, drug addiction, cultism (6) worldliness (7) secret covenant and bo***ge to falsehood. There is no temptation that cannot be resisted or overcome if the strong inward passion or driving force is dealt with.

2. PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE OF THE TEMPTER: 2 Corinthians 2: 11; 11: 3; 1Thessalonians 3: 5; 2 Timothy 2: 25, 26; 1 Peter 5:8; Luke 22: 31, 32. If we are ignorant of the purpose and objective of the devil in bringing temptation to us, we will play into his hands and eventually be lost. The purpose of the devil in bringing temptation is to corrupt the believer's mind so he will not be able to think straight or live right. He also wants our salvation and the labour of Christian workers and ministers to be in vain. The devil plans to make you a captive and keeps you in bo***ge. He wants you to loose everything that is good and precious in your life. The devil and his agents are the believer's enemies. They do not use familiar methods always. They deceive by making you get interested in things that will destroy your soul. Tempters are enemies. Satan tempted and drew one-third, of the angels of heaven away from God through his cleverness. He deceived and destroyed their holy nature and they became demons. They have been drawn away into eternal damnation. Satan's purpose in bringing temptation our way is to deceive, destroy and damn the soul in hell fire. Being tempted is not sin. But yielding to temptation is; and it leads to backsliding and eternal damnation.

3. POWER TO OVERCOME TEMPTATIONS: Ephesians 6: 10-18; 2 Corinthians 10:4,5; James 4:7; Psalms 119: 37,9-11; Proverbs 4:23-27; Genesis 39:7-12. God says believers will be able to withstand all the wiles of the devil and overcome in every temptation if we put on the whole armour of God. If you are fallen already, you can rise and recover from backsliding. To temptation, you must always pray away every evil thought that comes into your heart and keep your gates - eyes, mouth, ear and other senses - shut. Joseph was one exemplary Bible character that overcame temptation. He refused to yield to the enticement from his master's wife. When you are tempted like Joseph, you should refuse every invitation from the tempter, resist the devil, reject every offer of the devil renounce every evil habit, repent of your sin if you have fallen, restore anything that is not yours, report any member that entices you to do evil, recall the word of God, His commandments and warnings, recite the promises of Scriptures, rely upon the Lord to help you, reckon yourself a victorious man, and rejoice in the Lord as the victory comes. If the devil is not tired bringing temptation, believers should not be tired of refusing and resisting the devil. Moreover, the Triune God is not tired of helping you to overcome in every temptation.


Jeremiah 32:27 KJV
"Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?".
Luke 1:35-37 KJV
And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. For with God nothing shall be impossible.
Nothing is impossible for the Almighty God, to do. When man has reached the limits of his knowledge and abilities, then the Almighty God, shows up, and do that which He alone is capable of doing.
The Angel that announced the conception of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, also announced that Elizabeth, Mary's Cousin, who has been barren, was pregnant with a baby, even at her old age. With Mary's conception by the power of the Holy Ghost, and her Cousin getting pregnant at old age, clearly shows that nothing is indeed impossible with the Almighty. He can turn situations around at His will.
The Lord demonstrated His power when He brought water from the rock for the children of Israel to drink in the wilderness. He parted the red sea for them to pass through on a dry ground. He fed the Israelites with Manna, which is angelic food. He made bitter water to be sweet. The scriptures are filled with stories of God Almighty, changing situations and making the seemingly impossible things, to become possible. The barren became joyful mothers, the lames walked, the blinds received their sights, He set the captives free, etc.
Whatever we may be passing through today, is not beyond the Almighty God. The problem we often have as humans, is lack of faith in the Lord. Faith is the ingredient that activates the power of God. If we believe that the Almighty God can change the situation, and turn things around for our good, He will do it, as we call upon Him.
The plagues ravaging the world today is not beyond the power of the Almighty God. All we need to do as a people, is to repent of our sins, and call upon Him. He will answer us, and wipe out the pandemic.
Whatever you are going through in life as an individual, family, nation or even organisation, the Lord can turn it around for your good, if only you turn it over to Him. Believe in His ability and He will bring it to pass.
One thing that will endear us to God's heart, for Him to respond quickly when we call upon Him, is total surrender to His Son, Jesus Christ. You must repent of your sins, and invite Jesus into your heart as your Lord and Saviour. The moment Jesus makes your heart His abode through genuine salvation, you can call on the Lord in the day of your distress, and He will answer you.
I pray that as we all go to the Almighty God, in genuine repentance from our sins and wicked ways as individuals, families and nations of the world, may He hear us and answer us speedily, and heal us, our families and our lands from all plagues and disasters, in Jesus Mighty Name, amen!
God bless you.




یسوع مسیح کے مطابق نئے سرے سے پیدا ہونے کا کیا مطلب ہے،جانے اس ویڈیو میں۔


یسوع مسیح کے بغیر نہ مرنا۔
Accept Christ today and have eternal life. Christian must watch this and share it to others.


گناھ کیا ھے؟ جانيئے بائبل مقدس کے مطابق اس ویڈیو میں۔ مسیحی ھوتے ھوئے اس ویڈیو کو ضرور دیکھیں۔
GOD Bless u all.



What is the importance of Fasting in Christianity?
مسیحیت میں روزے کی کیا اہمیت ھے؟ جانیيۓ اس ویڈیو میں۔کرسچن ہوتے ہوئے اس ویڈیو کو ضرور دیکھیں اور دوسرے مسیحیوں بھی شیئیر کیجيئے۔


یسوع بادشاہ کے خون میں شفا ہے،
This video is especially made for those people who are panic about Corona Virus.PlZ watch and share it to others.God bless u all.


ek believier main HOLY SPIRIT yani ke ROOH UL QUDAS ke honey ki kya nishaani hai?


کیوں یسوع مسیح کی پیدائش ایک کنواری کے زریعے ہونا ضروری تھی؟ اس کی اصل وجہ جانئیے اس ویڈیو میں۔کرسچن ھوتے ھوے اس ویڈیو کو ضرور دیکھیں اور دوسرے مسیحیوں کے ساتھ بھی شیئیر کریں۔خداوند آپکو برکت دے۔آمین۔


Don't die without Christ.If u want to get save then accept Jesus Christ and have eternal life.See people are dying without Christ every due to pandemic called Corona virus.Accept Jesus and cover yourself with his blood and u will be save .

Masihi zaroor dekhen.

Masihi zaroor dekhen.






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