Page of Our Lives Podcast

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Page of Our Lives Podcast Welcome to the Page of Our Lives Podcast with your hosts Paige Eavenson and Leslee Stewart! Every wee

We are women who have a hard time saying no, especially when it comes to doing fun things. And the Page of Our Lives pod...

We are women who have a hard time saying no, especially when it comes to doing fun things.

And the Page of Our Lives podcast? It has been one of the most fun things we ever said yes to doing.

But over the last year, God has been opening up doors for us to pursue some of our personal dreams, making it harder to put out a weekly show.

So, we've decided to take a break from podcasting. This was not an easy decision, but one that we both feel God is calling us to make in this season.

We've learned so much on this podcasting journey, lessons we are taking with us into the next season.

But mostly we've learned that it's okay to take a break from doing something fun in order to make room for something new. God is good and we trust His plan with our lives, our ministries, and with whatever He's calling us to do next.

You can be sure we will be cheering each other on along the way. And who knows? Maybe we'll meet up again to create something new (and fun) somewhere down the road.

It wouldn't surprise either of us if that happens. God is pretty amazing in that way.

Until then, you can listen to past episodes of the Page of Our Lives on your favorite podcast player. And you can keep up with the two of us and .

Thank you for being so supportive of our show and of the two of us. We love and appreciate you all!


Nicole Clark is a wife, mom, and a former background dancer for Justin Timberlake (💃 yes!). But more than that, Nicole is someone who knows intimately the pain and heartache of infertility. It was through her own struggle with infertility that her ministry, Twelve 12, was born.

Twelve 12 Ministries creates a safe space for emotional restoration, physical healing, and spiritual discipleship for women who have or are experiencing infertility, miscarriage or infant loss. Through their programs and resources, they are giving women hope during some of their darkest days.

We loved getting to know Nicole and hearing more about Twelve 12 Ministries. For more information, visit or on Instagram

Listen to today's episode in your favorite podcast player, on our website, or by clicking the link in our bio.

Is it summer yet? We are so ready for summer and working on our summer bucket lists.  I know for me  I plan on reading g...

Is it summer yet? We are so ready for summer and working on our summer bucket lists. I know for me I plan on reading great books, playing in the lake and working on some house projects.

What's on your summer bucket list? Do tell!!

Our new friend  has so many great books you simply must have on your bookshelves. Love Idol, The Happiness Dare, Growing...

Our new friend has so many great books you simply must have on your bookshelves. Love Idol, The Happiness Dare, Growing Slow and It's All Under Control are books that are all different, and yet each will have an impact on your life. Go order or download them now and get started. I promise it will be time and money well spent.


What a delight to have on the podcast today!

Jennifer is an author, speaker, and accidental farm girl who is passionate about sharing the Good News through storytelling.

In her latest book, "Growing Slow: Lessons on Un-Hurrying Your Heart from an Accidental Farm Girl," Jennifer tells her story of a rude awakening to the ways running hard, scaling fast, and the never ending chase for results was taking a toll on her body, heart, and soul. When she finally gave herself permission to believe it takes time to grow good things, she found a new kind of freedom.

We loved chatting with Jennifer and getting to know her better. You can learn more about Jennifer and her books at

Listen to today's episode in your favorite podcast player, on our website or through the link in our bio.

Our special guest this week has some great resources and one of my favorites that I have come across so far is her artic...

Our special guest this week has some great resources and one of my favorites that I have come across so far is her article on "How to Set Goals with Your Kids"

Summer is about to happen, and I know that if I don't have any goals for the summer, my kids won't either and shares some great tips on how to help your kids set goals.

Check out her website for the full article. It will be posted in our stories as well.

What goals do you have for this summer? Do you ever help your kids set goals? shares some great tips on how to help your kid's set goals?

If you haven't yet, be sure to click the link in our bio and check out this week's episode. It's a great one!


Do you feel overwhelmed and stressed out at home?

Are you disappointed that you don't have more quality time with the people you love?

Do you wish you could stop second-guessing your parenting choices?

Then you need to listen to today's episode. Our special guest is Kimberly Amici, a Family Culture Coach. Kimberly is passionate about helping people build their best families by gaining confidence to say yes to the things that matter and no to the things that don’t. Kimberly believes that when families are intentional about creating a vision for who they want to be, they can then establish routines, rhythms, and traditions to make that vision a reality.

She loves helping families move from chaos to calm and shares all about how she does that on today's show.

You can find out more about Kimberly by following her on Instagram and downloading her great, free resources for your family at


Mid-week shout out to our faithful listeners! We love you and so appreciate you. We can't wait to share all the upcoming shows and special guests with you.
Thanks for listening and letting us entertain, inspire and challenge you to have a little extra fun in your week.

Hurray! Today is the Page of Our Lives' first birthday! 🎉 One year ago today, Paige & Leslee set out on an adventure cal...

Hurray! Today is the Page of Our Lives' first birthday! 🎉

One year ago today, Paige & Leslee set out on an adventure called podcasting...and what an adventure it's been!

Here's a few fun facts about our first year:
- We published 45 episodes
- We welcomed 13 guests on our show
- We read and recommended countless books
- We laughed until we cried (more than once!)
- We made new friends as we grew a faithful audience of listeners (that's you!)

Thank you for helping make our first year of podcasting so much fun! We have more great shows ahead and can't wait to continue this adventure with you.

If you know someone who needs a little encouragement, please recommend our show. We are on a mission to spread joy as we share a page of our lives with all of you. ❤️


It's prom season pretty much everywhere you look right now. Recently Paige saw her two oldest kids have their first prom experience. From the dresses, to the pictures, to the "promposals," one thing's for sure, prom in 2022 is nothing like it was when we were in high school. All of the glitter and glam had the two of us reminiscing about our own proms and laughing about the memories on today's episode.

Join us for this fun look at a page of our lives on today's episode.

In case you missed this weeks episode, we interviewed friend and author  . Jodi has written 3 novels and for all you boo...

In case you missed this weeks episode, we interviewed friend and author . Jodi has written 3 novels and for all you book lovers, you need to have these books on your shelf. I found them on the Kindle app for under $6 each. so go to either Jodi's website or your favorite book retailer and grab a copy of each of her books today.

Happy Cinco De Mayo friends! Who's eating Tacos or a Fajita today?Who's eating Tacos or Fajita today?

Happy Cinco De Mayo friends!

Who's eating Tacos or a Fajita today?
Who's eating Tacos or Fajita today?


We are excited to welcome author Jodi Cowles to our show today. Jodi has spent most of her adult life living abroad and loves to use the sights, surroundings and senses of living in a foreign country to influence her work as a fiction writer.

In fact, Jodi's book, Some Wandered in the Desert, was inspired by a near-kidnapping experience she had while living in North Africa. You won't want to miss what she has to say about that! 😲

Jodi and her family currently reside in Istanbul, Turkey. We can't wait for you to meet her and hear her fascinating story.

Learn more about Jodi and her books at or follow her on Instagram

We hope this week's conversation on the podcast inspires you to cross the finish line on something. Whether it's a proje...

We hope this week's conversation on the podcast inspires you to cross the finish line on something. Whether it's a project you've been working on, a goal you've been wanting to achieve, or something else entirely, we hope our chats encourages you to keep going and reach that finish line.

Let us know what you are finishing this week or weekend. We want to celebrate with you.

Oh, you know what day it is...    It's also a perfect day to get caught up on any of the Page of Our Lives Podcast episo...

Oh, you know what day it is...

It's also a perfect day to get caught up on any of the Page of Our Lives Podcast episodes you might have missed .

You can easily find them on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Podcast Addict and just about any other streaming platform...or just click the link in our bio.

Happy Hump Day friends!


On this episode, we're crossing the finish line on things we've been wanting to get done in our lives. From big things to small things, we know how important it is to finish something once you've started.

For Paige, this has meant getting her home
salon organized so she can better serve her beauty clients in a more peaceful atmosphere.

For Leslee, this has meant finally finishing writing her first book. Both of these important accomplishments are helping us take the next steps toward our achieving our dreams and goals.

We hope today's conversation inspires you to cross the finish line on something you've started or been trying to do.

For links to everything we mention on today's show, visit

In this week's episode, we talked about 's daughter's story of receiving a life-saving organ transplant. Go back and lis...

In this week's episode, we talked about 's daughter's story of receiving a life-saving organ transplant. Go back and listen if you haven't had time yet to tune in.

More than 100,000 people are waiting for a lifesaving transplant. You can help. It's a simple process and in under 5 minutes, you too can become an Organ Donor. Just go to to register today.

Make this page of your life one that blesses others for generations to come.


April is National Donate Life Month! And this month is extra special to our amazing co-host Paige Eavenson. When Paige's youngest daughter, Corrie, was just a two-year-old, she underwent a liver transplant. On today's episode, Paige shares Corrie's Story with our listeners. Her story will give you hope during the darkest moments of your life and remind you that God is with you even when you cannot trace his presence.

To learn more go give a follow on IG and you can follow their journey and learn more at Corrie's Story with Biliary Atresia on Facebook.

On this week's show, Leslee shared one of her favorite things to make for dinner - Panzanella Salad! Panzanella salad ge...

On this week's show, Leslee shared one of her favorite things to make for dinner - Panzanella Salad!

Panzanella salad gets its name from the Italian words “pane” meaning bread and “zanella” meaning soup bowl or deep plate in which it is served. The salad was created as a way to not waste food (the bread) and to use what was most fresh (from the vegetable garden).

Start by cutting a french bread loaf into 1-inch cubes. Then toast them in the oven until slightly crisp. Let them cool. Then chop up your vegetables. You can put about any combination of fresh vegetables into the salad, but some of Leslee's favorites include cucumber, red pepper, olives, tomato and onion. You can also add some lettuce and chopped basil. Toss the vegetables and cooled bread cubes together, then throw on your favorite vinaigrette dressing. Toss and serve in a wide bowl, like you'd use for pasta. The salad is even better on day 2!

The Pioneer Woman has a great panzanella salad recipe on her website,

Bon Appetit!


Tune in to Page of Our Lives podcast for a fun-filled, educational episode! We'll cover everything from what we're eating and making for dinner tonight to what we are reading and even talk about those ASMR videos that everyone seems obsessed with. It will truly be an episode worth listening it really is a "Page of OUR Lives!"

Tune in on your favorite Podcast player (and don't forget links to all the recipes, books and videos are on our website

School and life in general can be hard work, so Friday is the perfect day to let loose and have some fun! Spending time ...

School and life in general can be hard work, so Friday is the perfect day to let loose and have some fun! Spending time with friends is always a blast, whether you're going to get a spray tan or a mani/ pedi, having a picnic in the park, or just chatting at a cafe. And when the sun is out, there's nothing better than going for a swim or laying by the lake or pool and soaking up some rays. Whatever you do on Fun Friday, make sure you enjoy yourself and make the most of your time with friends!

What are some of the ways you have fun on a Friday?

It's Wednesday and time for a little encouragement from the Word....aka the Bible, to get you through your week. Psalms ...

It's Wednesday and time for a little encouragement from the Word....aka the Bible, to get you through your week.

Psalms 121 :1-2 says, " I lift up my eyes to the mountains where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord the Maker of heaven and earth. "

Looking to the Lord for help, the Psalmist says, "I lift up my eyes to the mountains- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." Indeed, our help comes from the Lord! He is the One who created us and knows us best. He knows our needs even before we do. And He is always ready and willing to help us if we will just turn to Him. The Lord is our strength and our shield, the One who will never leave us or forsake us. So when we are feeling lost or alone, let us remember that our help comes from the Lord. He is always there for us, ready to lift us up and carry us.

Praying your day gets better, ends well and may you look up if you are feeling down today.
Praying your day gets better, ends well, and may you look up if you are feeling down today.


If you've ever struggled with knowing what you're supposed to be doing with your life, know that you're not alone. We have been there and can attest that when you learn to identify your passions, it will help you uncover your purpose.

is currently on a similar journey. She's been working with business and life coach of .Her to help define her passions and build a life around her God-given purpose. Paige shares some of her journey with us on this episode.

shares about her own passion projects and talks about the importance on not despising small beginnings. Everyone has to start at zero when they step out to create something new. Taking time to recognize the doors you've been through on the journey is a powerful way to encourage yourself and keep going.

The link to listen is in our bio. We sure hope you enjoy this episode and be sure to share with a friend and write a review.

Wednesday check in with our friends...aka YOU.Fill in the blank edition.This week I have been busy with _________ and I ...

Wednesday check in with our friends...aka YOU.
Fill in the blank edition.
This week I have been busy with _________ and I felt _______.

I feel this way because ____________?

I wish that __________ would happen.

The greatest way we could love and serve you right now is to ________________________?

Now go ahead...tell us how your are doing in the comments below. Don't be shy, be social :)

We are rooting for you this week!


Hurry causes us to miss out on a lot of what God has for us because we are running too fast. On today's episode, we take a look at what it looks like to live an unhurried life. Learning to slow down and be more intentional with our time is hard, but the benefits are always worth it. Some of the books we're reading that are impacting us right now include, An Unhurried Life by Alan Fadling, Becoming a King by Morgan Snyder, Boundaries by Cloud & Townsend. We can't wait for you to come along with us on this episode of the podcast and we pray it encourages you and reminds you to slow down, be intentional and have a purposeful week.
For more information and links we mention on the show, visit our show notes at

In case you missed it, on this weeks episode we featured the authors of the book, "She Works His Way, A Practical Guide ...

In case you missed it, on this weeks episode we featured the authors of the book, "She Works His Way, A Practical Guide For Doing What Matters Most In A Get-Things-Done World."
& have written such a great book and both and I have devoured it and can't wait for you to check it out as well.

Save this post and add this book to your must-read list. Then let us know all your takeaways from it.


Hey friends! We can't wait to share today's episode with you and introduce you to our new friends! We had the honor of interviewing the founders of She Works HIS Way, Michelle Myers and Somer Phoebus. These ladies are passionate about two things - Jesus and discipling working women. It's these passions that led them to launch the She Works HIS Way network, their annual conference, Narrow, and to write their must-read book, "She Works HIS Way." We love how Michelle and Somer encourage women to stop compartmentalizing their lives - from work, to home, to church, to social - and instead incorporate Jesus into every area of their lives. Their story is so inspiring and we can't wait for you to meet them.

For more information about She Works HIS Way, visit their website at

You can also follow them on Instagram

Their book, "She Works HIS Way" is available wherever books are sold. Download the first chapter for FREE on their website.

For more information and links to everything in today's show, visit our Show Notes on

Happy St. Patrick's Day friends!! Do you have any fun celebrations planned for today? Are you wearing green today?    ☘ ...

Happy St. Patrick's Day friends!!

Do you have any fun celebrations planned for today?

Are you wearing green today?

Happy Midweek friends! Just checking on you. How are you doing?I found this "cure for anxiety" in the amplified version ...

Happy Midweek friends! Just checking on you. How are you doing?
I found this "cure for anxiety" in the amplified version of Scripture. I thought some of you might like it and feel free to save and share it.
Matthew 6:25-34

The Cure for Anxiety
25 “Therefore I tell you, stop being worried or anxious (perpetually uneasy, distracted) about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, as to what you will wear. Is life not more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow [seed] nor reap [the harvest] nor gather [the crops] into barns, and yet your heavenly Father keeps feeding them. Are you not worth much more than they? 27 And who of you by worrying can add one [l]hour to [the length of] his life? 28 And why are you worried about clothes? See how the lilies and wildflowers of the field grow; they do not labor nor do they spin [wool to make clothing], 29 yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory and splendor dressed himself like one of these. 30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive and green today and tomorrow is [cut and] thrown [as fuel] into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith! 31 Therefore do not worry or be anxious (perpetually uneasy, distracted), saying, ‘What are we going to eat?’ or ‘What are we going to drink?’ or ‘What are we going to wear?’ 32 For the [pagan] Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; [but do not worry,] for your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also.

34 “So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

This week on the podcast I ( ) asked Leslee a series of statements that I found in  's latest book Find Your People Buil...

This week on the podcast I ( ) asked Leslee a series of statements that I found in 's latest book Find Your People Building Community in a Lonely World. Statements like I wish that ______ would happen. Or Very few people know that ______ is going on in my life right now and several others.
I would highly recommend getting the book and reading it or listening to it on audible as soon as you can. Jennie has a way of challenging us to stop being lonely, truly find your people and stick with them for the long haul. If you struggle with loneliness or even if you don't, this is a great resource and we are adding it to our must-read recommendations.
Have you read it yet?
Thanks, for the wisdom and truth shared in your latest book. It was a timely read.


On this episode, Paige and Leslee recap their week which includes Paige's washing machine troubles and Leslee celebrating her husband's birthday.

But our conversation quickly takes a serious turn when Paige shares about her recent read, Jennie Allen's new book, "Find Your People." In this book, Jennie talks about the power and importance of living life in community and not waiting until you're in a difficult season to reach out for help.

There are some powerful discussion questions in the book, which we dig into on today's episode. Going through the questions together, Leslee and Paige get vulnerable, share a page of their lives and the different challenges they are facing.

Take a listen and let us know your thoughts on the show when you get time.

All links we mention are available in our show notes on our site:
There are some powerful discussion questions in the book, which we dig into in today's episode. Going through the questions together, Leslee and Paige get vulnerable, share a page of their lives and the different challenges they are facing.

In case you missed it, this week on the podcast we talked about discovering our strengths using the Clifton Strengths Fi...

In case you missed it, this week on the podcast we talked about discovering our strengths using the Clifton Strengths Finder assessment. You can take the assessment here and find out what your strengths are and to do a deeper dive into the strengths this little book has all the info you need.

Have you discovered your strengths yet?


On today's show, Paige shares about recently taking the Clifton StrengthsFinder test and uncovering her top five personality strengths. Her discover is helping her better understand herself and how best to use her gifts, talents and passions. We also talk about meal planning and meal prep. Sometimes, figuring out what's for dinner is the hardest decision we make all week. We're both trying a few new things to make those decisions a little easier on us and get dinner on the table faster for our families.
Click the link in our bio and take a listen then share any feedback with us. We love hearing from our listeners.

On today's show, Paige shares about recently taking the Clifton StrengthsFinder test and uncovering her top five personality strengths. Her discovery is helping her better understand herself and how best to use her gifts, talents, and passions. We also talk about meal planning and meal prep. Sometimes, figuring out what's for dinner is the hardest decision we make all week. We're both trying a few new things to make those decisions a little easier on us and get dinner on the table faster for our families..


On this week's episode we are giving you a real page from our lives and sharing what's been going on in our world. Paige loves to read and she's always finding great books at her local Goodwill. She recaps her latest book and what it's teaching her. Leslee recently celebrated her birthday and with it came some highs and some lows. And Paige shares about finishing up the work on her annual pajama drive to honor her daughter, Corrie's, liver transplant.

Find out more about Corrie's Pajama Drive at or follow her story on Facebook at

For more information and show notes, visit

For easy access to the episode just click here and listen on spotify.


We're back! Season 3 has begun and we are talking all things friendship in this episode. & I just got home from the annual conference where we had way too much fun this year. & dropped all kinds of wisdom on us and we will be talking about it for weeks to come. Shout out to all the staff at & the entire team for another amazing conference.
Take a listen as soon as you can on Spotify or any podcast platform you choose or click the link here or in our bio . Tag a friend and share this episode. Then check back next week as we have more new shows coming your way. Thanks for listening!!

Happy Birthday to our fabulous podcast co-host, Paige McQueen Eavenson!  The Page of Our Lives wouldn't be the same with...

Happy Birthday to our fabulous podcast co-host, Paige McQueen Eavenson!

The Page of Our Lives wouldn't be the same with out her hope, happiness and humor! You are a gift to everyone who knows you!

Happy Birthday, Paige! We love you! 🎉 ❤🥰


We wish you a Very Merry Christmas!

Today we wrap up our Christmas series on InstaJoy! All month we’ve shared four key ingredients we need to prepare our he...

Today we wrap up our Christmas series on InstaJoy! All month we’ve shared four key ingredients we need to prepare our hearts to receive the joy that God has for us. We’ve learned to pause, pray, and prepare…and today we’re going to talk about the last ingredient – the importance of praise.....
Praise is like the steam valve on the instant pot. When the pressure of life builds and builds, praise is what helps us release those burdens and open our hearts to receive God’s joy. Isaiah 61:3 says to put on a garment of praise for a spirit of heaviness. So, let’s experience the fullness of joy and talk about the power of praise on this episode of The Page of Our Lives......
Listen here:
Show notes and more available at

It's National Ugly Sweater Day. For real, look it up. I don't know who comes up with this stuff, but these tacky Christm...

It's National Ugly Sweater Day. For real, look it up. I don't know who comes up with this stuff, but these tacky Christmas sweaters are hilarious. If you have one, go ahead and bust it out today and consider yourself on trend for the season :)

Do you have a favorite tacky Christmas sweater? Show us in the comments if you do.

It's National Chocolate Covered Anything Day! Here's a recipe for Instant Pot Chocolate Cheesecake! Yes Please :)  Ingre...

It's National Chocolate Covered Anything Day! Here's a recipe for Instant Pot Chocolate Cheesecake! Yes Please :)

Chocolate Crust
20 Chocolate Sandwich Cookies (scrape filling out so you have a total of 40 discs)
1 Tbsp Sugar
3 Tbsp Butter, melted
Cheesecake Filling
2 8oz Pkgs of Cream Cheese, room temperature
1/2 cup Sugar
1 tsp Vanilla
1 cup Chocolate Chips, semi sweet (or mix semi sweet and dark chocolate)
1/2 cup Heavy Cream, room temperature
1/2 tsp Instant Espresso Powder (you can do without, but it enhances the chocolate flavor!)
1 Tbsp Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
2 Eggs, room temperature
1 cup Chocolate Chips, semi-sweet (or mix semi-sweet and dark chocolate)

Link to full Recipe and Instructions can be found here.



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