Photo: Lian Bell (082 557 7970), Erika Nel (079 522 1421) & Gerald Young (083 581 9525)
iNEWS Ermelo
iNEWS Ermelo hereby wishes to inform our loyal readers and advertisers that iNEWS Ermelo is now under new ownership and management.
As from 1 January 2020, Mr Lian Bell, our graphic designer and master of his art, is now the new owner of the iNEWS Ermelo App and iNEWS Ermelo Facebook, having taken over from Adele Smit who has decided to pursue other interests.
For the two well-known, accomplished and experienced journalists Gerald Young and Erika Nel, it’s business as usual and they look forward to continuing their relationship with the community of Ermelo and surrounds, bringing news and happenings to the followers of iNEWS Ermelo.
As many will know by now iNEWS Ermelo is a community orientated digital news platform.
The decision to dispense with the printed newspaper at the beginning of 2019 and follow world-wide media trends by migrating to the electronic media has yielded overwhelming results.
Admittedly, it was with a fair amount of trepidation that we bade farewell to the printed Ermelo Insight and began to nurture our baby, the iNEWS Ermelo App but we are delighted to report that our ‘baby” has since grown by leaps and bounds!
The concept of receiving local and other news via the free iNews App directly on one’s mobile phone as and when it happens, has found favour with our readers and the community and our following is growing. We still place a heavy emphasis on ‘Our people – our community’.
This in turn has led to a massive growth on our social media platform, the iNEWS page. Throughout the past months we have consistently been the fastest growing local news-media forum on this platform and have made vast inroads and surpassed other local corporate-owned social media platforms as well as other privately owned local news platforms. We can proudly boast that iNEWS Ermelo has truly lived up to our slogan of “We lead the way – others follow.”
The popularity of iNEWS Ermelo has thus provided advertisers with the perfect vehicle for bringing their products and services to the attention of the broader buying-public.
For this we thank our loyal readers and advertisers for believing in us and we trust that we can count on your continued support.