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PHYSICAL BODY IN THE FOURTH DIMENSION)Father - AbsoluteGreetings, my dear beloved children!Today we will go on talking a...


Father - Absolute

Greetings, my dear beloved children!

Today we will go on talking about the life in the fourth dimension where some of you find themselves already, while some others are going to get there in the nearest future.

And this time I will tell you about the way being in this space influences your health and physical body.

Of course, more noticeable changes occur in case of the human conscience since it is conscience that is the starting point of all one’s further actions including attitude towards one’s own body.
Yet, your physical condition changes significantly too because the energy space of the fourth dimension features new parameters of the human body influence.

It shows up, before all, in the fact that your body stops growing old.
It is the fourth dimension that is the border line for the age of the one who has reached its level of vibrations to get “frozen”.
This borderline condition of your body resembles the “neutral zone” that was said about in my recent messages.

One’s body seems to be standing still in expectation of one’s further thoughts and emotions.

The aging process ceases but the rejuvenation process does not begin yet.
And it is accounted for by the fact that your vibrations are still fluctuating depending on life circumstances and your emotional condition that is unstable so far.

As soon as your vibrations take deep root at the level of the Fifth dimension, in your body there will be triggered the process of rejuvenation of all your cells since in this high vibration space an old and worn out body will not be able to exist because of its low vibrations.
Why do some of you despite all your efforts to maintain stable vibrations have their old diseases aggravated?

The thing is that the same mechanism that influences conscience works here too, that is, one’s negative traits getting in touch with new high vibration energies show up in a concentrated way.
The same happens to your physical body.

Having already adjusted to new vibrations, it reaches equilibrium and feels perfectly well.
But if under the influence of unfavourable external circumstances your vibrations decrease sharply, it comes as a shock – the most powerful energy blow – for your physical body.

And, of course, before all, your weak points are affected, which shows up as chronic diseases aggravation.

How can you improve the situation?
Firstly, apologize to the organ affected – talk to it, soothe it but, which is the most important, start “work on mistakes” immediately.
Restore the peace of mind lost returning your vibrations to the former level.

And then, having invoked the Universe Energy of Plasm, heal the wounds in your etheric body, which will not take long to show up in terms of your physical conditions.

Learn, my dear, to scan not only your thoughts and emotions but also the clues provided by our physical body – those of the Divine vessel and earthly refuge of your Soul.

Only having reached complete harmony of Soul and body you will be able to consolidate your position in the fourth dimension where you will carry on moving to the Fifth one not looking back any more.

And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta
Shared by Jhann Suntay 🙏💗🌟

The Pleiadians: Your Sacred BlueprintBeloved ones we greet you,You hold the sacred Chalice within your Heart’s structure...

The Pleiadians: Your Sacred Blueprint
Beloved ones we greet you,

You hold the sacred Chalice within your Heart’s structure. An original blueprint that you have always been destined to return.
Your sacred blueprint is uniquely yours and it exists within the multidimensional fluid realm within your Hearts structure. This Blueprint has begun to vibrate, there is a quickening taking place within your sacred essence, which is interacting within your brain cells of your telepathic center. The Pineal is beginning to respond to these activations which have been set off through a destined time clock within you.

The recognition of your unique light is accessible through your Heart space and this vibrational light of you can only be fully utilized through the conscious interaction by you. Your conscious choice interaction begin to access a higher cycle of your consciousness, as you move your awareness to re-align to your Heart space.
Hold your awareness on your Heart as you place with both hands on your chest.

Utilize the Conscious breath, a breath in and out of the mouth, place it into your Heart like a soft wind.
Utilize the sacred sound, AHNNN…(pronounced ARNN..) to set these re-alignments in motion within you.
Just let go into that which you see sense or feel.
Then place the words, ‘”I AM”, within your Heart space.
Do this process daily, as often as you can. Allow your unfolding.
We cannot do this process on your behalf. You are the one to resurrect into your Heart’s frequency so that the light of yourself begins to flow and merge within your physical cells. This is the action of your self-realization, the act of self-healing. Tending to yourself is choosing to access the light within your Heart’s sphere. This is a natural process of returning, you choosing to return to the higher consciousness light that you are, that you have always been.
Claim ownership of your Heart, as a multidimensional tool of higher consciousness. The words, “I AM”, activate the receivership of your higher- self knowing.

Be still and choose to return to yourself, to your Heart.
We witness you.

The Pleiadians

**Channel: Christine Day

Archangel Metatron: Staying in the Fifth DimensionMetatron: Today my desire is to get you more anchored into the fifth d...

Archangel Metatron: Staying in the Fifth Dimension

Metatron: Today my desire is to get you more anchored into the fifth dimension. The more you are able to anchor, create and stay present in that reality, the more it will be unnecessary for you to return to the third dimension. You will begin to negotiate your physical form and translate that more into a fifth-dimensional state. It will not be that noticeable to most. As you begin to use this information, be more conscious in the present, and have fewer thoughts that continually bring you back into third-dimensional reality, the more you will be able to maintain a constant energetic state of being in the fifth.

You spend more time now in that reality, but there are thoughts that bring you back into more of a third-dimensional state. They have to do with beliefs. They have to do with your need to examine and dissect, which alters the mobility that is required to maintain a fifth-dimensional reality. You find that to step back into fifth-dimensional reality, after you have examined or dissected, takes a little more concentration. But the more time you are able to spend in that fluidity, you will find that it is quite normal for you to have that type of attention to detail and to create with intention.
This will occur by using the dynamics we discussed in the last class and by adding that sixth Ray of Creation fluidity. You still will have to retain some of the solidness of the fourth Ray and the energetics in the fifth Ray in order to create the reality in form. If you are creating thoughts, that is not as necessary as it is if you are creating something more concrete. We will be more focused now in this transitionary period by getting your thought system more anchored into the fifth dimension. Then we will begin to work with more concrete applications of form in the fifth-dimensional realities.

In this next class, we examine the thought system in these applications, along with the emotional response that is necessary for fluidity. We will be looking at more complex thoughts. And attaching them to several emotions that will then enable a more instant manifestation of these complex thoughts. As you form your intention, utilize the fourth Ray of Creation. it will require attention to detail and an awareness of your emotional body. And what the emotional responses are. It is in the adherence between these complex thoughts and the multiple emotions (two to four different emotions). That adherence takes place in the fifth Ray. Then adding the mobility of the sixth Ray – the fluidity occurs. The options are quicker and more instantaneous responses happen than you have experienced previously.

This is an excerpt from a conversation between Metatron and Jim Self as they prepare to teach a Mastering Alchemy class together.
We thank Joan Walker for bringing forth Metatron to speak through her. With her collaboration, the Mastering Alchemy Level 3 course unfolded.

"We are in the state of massive flux and flow and the 5th to 7th Dimensional Earth is fully here and now, and we are lit...

"We are in the state of massive flux and flow and the 5th to 7th Dimensional Earth is fully here and now, and we are literally being lifted ever higher and higher.

I have found in the last few weeks, that nothing is stable anymore. I am being pushed to be flexible, and not become rigid, but rather allow all to unfold as it should.

The Old Structures and forms are being rattled, shaken, broken, and dissolving, and there will be those souls who now desperately cling onto old power structures and forms and old patterns of control, and thus will find that nothing works anymore. The more they try to fix the cracks, the wider the cracks will become and more will appear.

We now need to consciously ask that all the old patterns, old fears, old belief systems, and old forms of thinking, acting, being, are dissolved, and whatever is still trying to keep us in the Old Earth and Old 3D, (and desperately trying to hold us there, so that we go down with them).

I had a message this morning that was profound, and just confirmed to me, again, that we are being assisted and watched over and that all we need to do, is ask for help and it shall be given, yet we also need to do the inner work which needs to do, so that we indeed allow our old Adam and Eve to totally dissolve, as we step into the New Life and New Beginnings, and New Lightbody form, and fully into the highest states of consciousness.

Affirmation: Say this 3 times out loud and only if you truly wish to leave the old behind forever.

“I AM commanding that all lesser pathways and the old matrix programming, and all whichever kept me in there, will now be closed. I am choosing to step fully into my soul mastery and in my new Lightbody form, and into the 5th and 7th-dimensional state, with love, and wisdom.”

So much Love!
Judith Kusel

Photo: Daniel P. Holeman

Archangel Zadkiel: Being Of Service For Highest GoodGreetings Beloved Ones,WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and w...

Archangel Zadkiel: Being Of Service For Highest Good

Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss being of service for the highest good.
There are many ways to be of service. Each Being has a unique mission and the talents and abilities to carry it out. Being of service as you carry out your mission makes your heart sing.

While each mission is unique, there are aspects of being of service that is part of each mission.

First, keeping your own energy field clear prepares you to carry out your mission. When you keep your energy field clear, you can rise to a higher frequency. This elevates your work to a higher level. It also allows you to be a living example to others.

The way you conduct yourself in daily life can have a great impact on others. When your actions and words are congruent, this shows that you are genuine and authentic. You walk your talk. Keeping your energy field clear assists in this process.

There are many ways to keep your energy field clear.

You can begin by setting your intention for the highest good for all. This raises your frequency and also allows the Higher Realms to work with you on your mission.

Decide what qualities you would like to embody. They may include Love, kindness, compassion, understanding, strength, authenticity, and many others. Whatever you select will serve as your guidepost.
At the end of each day, you may wish to review the events of the day and your actions. You can determine if you acted in accordance with your ideal qualities. This will allow you to decide whether you would like to make any adjustments in future situations. Forgive yourself and others for anything that was not in harmony with your ideals. Then, clear yourself and the situation with the Violet Flame.
Another part of keeping your energy field clear is to think positive thoughts. Focusing on your ideal qualities can assist with this. Surround yourself with positive things, such as uplifting books, posts, podcasts, or music. Select the methods that resonate with you, and do not feel that you must do what everyone else is doing. Having even one method that you enjoy can make your heart sing.
A second component of being of service is to rise above the fray when observing events. Be a detached observer.

When you observe situations from a third-dimensional perspective, the view is more limited, and emotional aspects may be involved.
Looking at situations from a higher perspective allows you to see many more aspects. Because you can see different viewpoints at this level, you are more likely to remain a detached observer. You may feel compassion for each of the different aspects.

A third component of being of service for the highest good is to send Love to all Beings. Divine Love is a universal vibration.
Everyone wants to be loved, even if their actions do not always reflect it. The vibration of Love is healing, soothing, and harmonious. Sending Love is sharing the Divine Love of the Creator.
When you set your intention to send Love, it is reflected in your energy field and benefits everyone around you. It is given without any expectation of what will be returned. It is simply sharing the vibration of Divine Love. Outward expressions of Love may include things such as smiling or saying kind words.

Expressing Divine Love on both an inner and an outer level radiates your Love and Light throughout the dimensions.
The more you focus on Divine Love, the higher your own vibration will rise, and you are able to be of even greater service.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are being of service for the highest good.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst,
…and we surround you with Love.
And so it is.

**Channel: Linda Robinson

Have you ever thought that the solution for the problem you are facing is exactly inside the same problem? Have you ever...

Have you ever thought that the solution for the problem you are facing is exactly inside the same problem? Have you ever wondered why a person who has been bitten by a snake, is given the anti-venom extracted from the same snake’s venom?

Have you ever thought that the solution for the problem you are facing is exactly inside the same problem? Have you ever wondered why a person who has been bitten by a snake, is given the anti-venom extracted from the same snake’s venom?

Message from SIRIUS 7.1.2022Dearest Ones we come to you today to give you much hope for your year of 2022. We see that m...

Message from SIRIUS

Dearest Ones we come to you today to give you much hope for your year of 2022. We see that many of you are feeling exhausted and marginalized by what has been happening on your planet during the last 2 years. We are here to applaud you for your steadfastness in keeping up your own LIGHT in the midst of so much darkness.

We can tell you now that the war is over. The LIGHT has won. What you are seeing now are only small pockets of darkness fighting for attention but truly the LIGHT has won. We would like to say this to you so many times that you will eventually begin to believe those words.
Yes, we do see these pockets of darkness and if you are amongst this darkness you may not believe any of what we are telling you. However for those of you still fighting for your freedom amongst restrictions, we say to you, keep up your fight for much information is coming to the fore,to end those restrictions forever. Believe in your hearts that Freedom is your God-given rite and restrictions will be no more.It is as if you are locked up in a prison thinking that you have a lifetime’s sentence and not knowing that the next morning you will be set free from your prison.

There is so much going on behind the scenes both on Earth and in the Higher realms that if you knew all the information, you would not believe it.You are on the very edge of an exciting new Earth and YOU are the way showers ,Dear ones, for those who come behind you. YOU are indeed the fortunate ones for YOU have been privy to so much information of which many of Earth’s inhabitants are ignorant .YOU have been aware of the darkness that has been allowed to continue on the planet for millennia. When the information finally comes out, others, who are totally unaware ,will be shocked and YOU will be much needed to help to inform and heal them.Dear Ones YOUR TIME is truly coming .

Much of the damage that the dark side have been trying to inflict on the planet in an attempt to de- populate the world has been ameliorated .We do re- iterate to you that your friends and families have been looked after by their guides.Even though they may not have believed your words and are going along with the current narrative ,they will be awakening soon and you will be vindicated for what you have been trying to tell them.

We do hear you say that when the Truth does come out, however much you all want to say ” I told you so” this will not be the case . The words we do hear you say when others ask you how you knew will be “I used my Intuition or I just knew ” !!!!!! Those who do not believe in any sort of God or Higher force will be more than confused when the Truth does come out and will need much healing from you as their whole world will be turned upside down.
And so Dear Ones it is time to go within and know that your time IS coming.You are all going through much soul healing and much is coming up to be cleared. You may notice that it is as if you are on a roller coaster. One day you may be feeling on top of the world the next you are feeling down and all of this may also happen in one day. Do not engage with what is causing all of these emotions to come to the surface. These are the last vestiges of the soul healing itself and as this year progresses you will all begin to feel amazing and you will not be going backward.YOU came to Earth to help to heal others but in doing so you had to heal yourself first and you have all done an amazing job of that.

When you are feeling these darker emotions do reach out to your Angels and Guides and to those around you for help and healing . Have no Fear in any way healthwise, practically or or financially, for your future will be assured.

Many of you have been feeling very much alone recently as your so-called friends may have dropped by the wayside.You will be looking to others who are on the same wavelength as you,as soul groups come back together. Many of you will also be guided to move into different areas to start new lives. Have no fear about any of this for this is your soul’s calling and you will be guided.

Sadly many partnerships will be breaking up, as one partner wants to progress their soul forwards into the 5th Dimension and the other wants to stay in the comfort of the 3rd. It will be your personal choice to leave but if you do so, have no fear, for you will have much help from the higher realms if it is in your soul’s plan to do so. You will just know what is right for you and your soul’s calling for it will become self-evident.

Those of you who are on your own and looking for partners will be finally finding your soul mate as you both come together to continue the work that you started in other lives. You have been apart for your own soul’s growth but now is the time for all soul groups to come together to move forwards into the New Earth.
Keep up with your meditations and connecting with Gaia for this will help you to assimilate the new energies that are being beamed upon the Earth from the Central Sun. As we have said before the Earth is going through much change. There will continue to be more earthquakes, volcanoes, and violent winds occurring during this phase until Gaia settles into her own 5th Dimension. As Lightworkers be assured that you will always be in the right place and the right time to avoid any catastrophes.

And so Dear Ones we applaud you yet again for staying the course and coming to this moment in time. It hasn’t been easy for many of you but times are changing and you will soon be rewarded in many ways for all that you have done to help humanity in this special time.

As always call on us for help and healing at this time.
We send you much Love and many Blessings and say to you yet again .

We are Sirius.

Channelled by Thea Grace Sirius

To achieve a steady state in life, it is advisable to make room for spiritual practice. This is necessary to keep your m...

To achieve a steady state in life, it is advisable to make room for spiritual practice. This is necessary to keep your mind and body healthy and in harmony. It does not matter which way you choose as long as it resonates with you.

To achieve a steady state in life, it is advisable to make room for spiritual practice. This is necessary to keep your mind and body healthy and in harmony. It does not matter which way you choose as long as it resonates with you.

Pleiadian Collective: Your Future Of LightFriends of Earth!The Planet is Thriving As Lightworkers Communicate The Truth...

Pleiadian Collective: Your Future Of Light

Friends of Earth!

The Planet is Thriving As Lightworkers Communicate The Truth Of Your Future Of Light That Will Be Experienced As NOW.

It is Vital That You Remember You Have The Individual Freedom Of Perception.

For There Is One Truth And Trillions Of Changing Perceptions.
How Do You Find Truth?
Go Within.
Ask Your Higher Self.
And Most Importantly, LISTEN.
Truth Calls Out To You Each Moment.
You Are Never Without A Choice Of Light.
You Alone Must Choose For Yourself To Stop Listening To Puppets And Puppet Masters.
Cut Their Strings And You No Longer Find Them In Your Awareness.
What You Focus On Will Grow.
What You Ignore Will Slowly Lose Its Grip As The Energy Dissipates And You Lose Interest!
Realize That You Can’t ‘Need’ What You Do Not Already Have.
This Would Be A Complete Delusion.
What Do You Need?
Water, Food And Shelter From Cold Or Hot Temperatures.
You Must Breathe and Maintain Your Body To Live.
All Else Is Story Time.
You Convince Yourself You Need Many Things As Endless Ads Play For You.
As Others Wear Certain Clothing Or Live In Large Homes.
You NEED None Of This.
If You Truly Strive To Live As Your Soul And Move Gently Upon The Earth, You Will Connect To The Holographic Awareness That You Are Life Itself In Form For A Moment.
This Small Experience Is Significant For Soul Expansion And The Experience Of Duality To Awaken You Back To Origin, Where All Of This Is Foreign.
As The Earth’s Vibration Continues To Accelerate At Unprecedented Speed, You Are Close To Instant Manifestation.
Many Of You Are Already Noticing Changes In Your Personal Lives.
New Friends Have Opened Your Consciousness And Brought You To The Magnificence Of Your Akashic Lives And Your Shared Origin.
Indeed, Many Of You Are Family From The Beginning Of Creation And Are Meeting By Divine Appointment In The Final Dream.
The Collective Is Feeling Your Experience As We Are One Essence Of Source.
You Will Continue To Thrive As You Drop Judgment And Choose Love Over Fear!
Soon You Will Rise In Power And Remember The Reason You Chose These Waking Dreams.
All Dreams Are Carried In Your Heart Chakra And In One Flash, They Will Be Accessed.
You Will Find Joy As You Understand What You Gained And That Nothing Has Ever Been Lost!
Love One Another, For There Is No Greater Choice.

**Received by Judith

Fear is the second cause of our suffering. Fear keeps us in the background. It convinces us we can never accomplish our ...

Fear is the second cause of our suffering. Fear keeps us in the background. It convinces us we can never accomplish our dreams, tells us to keep quiet, and separates us from the ones we love and ourselves. Fear has an unparalleled ability to freeze us in our tracks and limit what we are willing to try. Fear makes us lead a smaller life.

Read the whole article here:

Fear is usually described as an emotional response to a perception of danger, which elicits certain neuromuscular and chemical reactions in the body. You feel

We are here

We are here

My tears always come from a revelation of hidden truth. As if the frames of perception themselves liquidate out of my eyes so I can see clearly again. This s...

It`s an ancient technique of solving problems that comes from Hawaii. It`s really about erasing programs and returning t...

It`s an ancient technique of solving problems that comes from Hawaii. It`s really about erasing programs and returning to your essence that has been captive.

Ho` oponopono is really about detachment, in order to be free and find who we really are. Because when you are free, when you are in the state of Zero, when you are in balance, all is possible, everything comes, even money!

Ho` oponopono is really about detachment, in order to be free and find who we really are. Because when you are free, when you are in the state of Zero, when

"...anxiety can have its roots in our own childhood, but this is not mandatory. I believe that anxiety occurs because we...

"...anxiety can have its roots in our own childhood, but this is not mandatory. I believe that anxiety occurs because we have suffered in our past very much and we are afraid that we will suffer again in the future. Thus, the automatism of thinking negatively about the future appears and we automatically fear it, which causes anxiety."

Read the whole article here:

Anxiety is the root cause of chronic fatigue syndrome and we can find its roots in our past or childhood and past traumas.

As its name says, “Spiritual Awakening” is actually the awakening of the spirit. If until now you did not believe in its...

As its name says, “Spiritual Awakening” is actually the awakening of the spirit. If until now you did not believe in its existence and you were an atheist, now is the time to believe, whether you like it or not. It is an opportunity to rediscover your spiritual nature. The fact that you are a spiritual Being who has an experience on Earth with a physical body and a mind.

Read the whole article here:

As its name says, "Spiritual Awakening" is actually the awakening of the spirit. If until now you did not believe in its existence and you were an atheist,



"Certainly, if you suffer from this syndrome, you have surely gone through anxiety in your past, depression, and maybe e...

"Certainly, if you suffer from this syndrome, you have surely gone through anxiety in your past, depression, and maybe even panic attacks.

When you had symptoms you felt bad both physically and mentally. You had severe states of apathy and fatigue. And this is normal because these conditions consume a lot of energy. So in time, this state of exhaustion becomes a program, meaning a reflection of your mind that you will get tired based on fear. Fear that you will get tired and you will not be able to perform a certain action that you set out to do."

Read the whole article here:

Chronic fatigue syndrome can be cured with the help of psychotherapy by changing the mental program of fatigue with the normal one.

"Lack of self-love affects both our health and our relationship with money. External abundance is directly proportional ...

"Lack of self-love affects both our health and our relationship with money. External abundance is directly proportional to self-love. The more you love yourself, the more abundance you attract into your life.

Regarding health and its problems, things can get quite complicated. Symptoms such as headaches, muscle aches, inflammation of the thyroid or other organs, and the list can go on with panic attacks, anxiety, depression, and chronic fatigue. It is important to have great self-love in order to have iron health."

Read the whole article here:

Loving yourself is and can be the most important thing in your life. Lack of self-love leads to disharmony with all aspects of life and not only.

"Many times, when a family member becomes ill, we desperately pray to God that the loved ones recover. The intentions ar...

"Many times, when a family member becomes ill, we desperately pray to God that the loved ones recover. The intentions are good, but our despair is based on fear. Fear of not losing that person or of something worse happening. This fear undermines all our efforts to make the situation better."

Read the whole article here:

We use prayers when things are going wrong. In this article, you will find out why some therapies & prayers don`t work and what we can do about it.

"We only get tired when we do something we are forced to do. A compromise is a good example here. We make compromises al...

"We only get tired when we do something we are forced to do. A compromise is a good example here. We make compromises almost daily when we wake up in the morning and go to a job we hate or when we do something we have been told and do not feel like doing. We feel it inside us and yet we do it because we have a very well-cultivated sense of duty."

Click on the link below to read the whole article:

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome affects more and more people nowadays. Althought is a program hard to erase, there still are solutions you can apply.



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