And the winner is…. ! We had SO many submissions from so many incredibly talented leading ladies on Instagram, TikTok and via email. We watched every single video and were so blown away by everyone’s talent, vulnerability, strength, and beautiful definitions of what it is to be a “leading lady.” Each and every one of you inspire us and we’re so grateful you shared your gifts and stories with us. And the way everyone was lifting each other up and encouraging each other in the comments…that was exactly what we hoped to see during this contest! Thank you doesn’t even begin to cover it.
We’re so excited to introduce you all to Christine Sta Ana! We can’t wait for you to all hear her perform at the show. Her voice is stunning and her story is so powerful and inspiring. She is a true leading lady and quite frankly, a superhero.
We hope to see all you leading ladies (and everyone else!) at the show March 22nd at 9:30 PM so we can connect and give you all a big squeeze in person! Or join us via livestream from wherever you are. Tickets for both are at the link in our bio! Come join our ever-expanding “club!” 💖