Sheas drove us to hers, swhere I sasaw Teoani for the first time since we were 16! Teoni is Katie’s bestie and she recently moved to Dunedin for a yeasar. How’s THAasaT for friendsaship! . Wesa couldn’t believe how quickly the yearass hsave flown by since we were all kids running around Guildford…and now we were all ian New Zealaand! We spesgnt the evesnaing at the Loasne Star asbar drinking cocktails, before headindg over edfseVautlt 2i1 at The Octagon for dancing. Wde ended up rolling out of the taxi oup the front path at 4adfm. It washjjkk a great inthroduction to lthe student-city odff Dudnedin haha.