Update on life.
Hey all, sorry I completely just vanished at the start of this year. I wasn't in a great place and streaming/COD wasn't helping. I decided to step back from it all and turn my attention to focusing on myself. I threw myself into the gym as a form of therapy and it made a massive difference in my confidence and overall mental health. It's been a long few months but I'm doing a lot better now. (I've attached progress pictures from the start to current stage of my journey for anyone curious)
I've always been lurking in the background and I've seen a lot of streamers doing an amazing job in regards to mental health. I feel so happy seeing the difference they are making in people's lives, makes me proud to have played with some of them!
Anyways - onto the next chapter, in a few days I leave for a one-way solo trip to Southeast Asia, I'm going with a rough idea of the countries I want to visit but no proper plans. Just winging it and living day by day! If anyone is out there and wants to meet up drop me a message 😊 I'm so excited to start my adventure!
Hope everyone is doing well, I miss the little community I made! Thank you to those who have reached out to me, it means so much!