Melissa Rubini Smith

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  • Melissa Rubini Smith

Melissa Rubini Smith CEO | Business & Personal Success Coach & Mentor
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Bonjour Beautiful!How did you build the life you have now in less than 5 years?!That’s what I ask myself every other day...

Bonjour Beautiful!
How did you build the life you have now in less than 5 years?!
That’s what I ask myself every other day.
And I answer: By choosing the life I wanted, by making decisions, by believing that I was worthy, by creating my journey… what I now call The Life Alignment Experience.
Much Love, Mel

Looking back at past months of May and realizing that no matter how magical they were, I am still happier now. Yes, it w...

Looking back at past months of May and realizing that no matter how magical they were, I am still happier now.

Yes, it was wonderful to be in Cuba with Chanel, in Cannes with Dior and Palm Springs with Louis Vuitton (immensely grateful) yet…

Sometimes we wait and dream for the big moments, the fairytale events not realizing that what truly makes us happy is loving ourselves and sharing life with the ones we love.

Choose the life that truly makes you happy.

In the end, only love matters.

Someone needs to hear this today!

Someone needs to hear this today!

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Some of my goals as a coach are to, from the first moment I meet you:-See you for who you can be, not just who you now a...

Some of my goals as a coach are to, from the first moment I meet you:
-See you for who you can be, not just who you now are.
-See the potential of who you can eventually become.
-Be on this journey together leading you to your highest self.
-A source of strength when you are ready to give up.
-A source of motivation in this marathon called life.
And, of course, celebrate your victories because I know there will be many on our journey together.

Welcome to the Fascinant Program!We are about to embark on a masterpiece of a journey.If you are on Limitless Gold, Limi...

Welcome to the Fascinant Program!
We are about to embark on a masterpiece of a journey.
If you are on Limitless Gold, Limitless Platinum, or Limitless Diamond I have great news! Module 01 of Fascinant is already available for you on your membership page.
If you are new to my world or if you are on Limitless Silver this is the time to join Limitless Gold so you can receive all the upgrades, bonuses, and unique experiences that will be immediately available for you (link in bio)!
Fascinant is a program where we will recover and enhance our confidence, our self-esteem, and our love for ourselves, we will find that aligned woman that is open and trusts her vision for her life.
She embodies her most unique self.
This is a reclamation of yourself, of your feminine, of your power in a feminine way.
When the certainty of who you are and where you are going is present, when before anything else you are anchored on your I am, when you love your I am. Then you are able to lead yourself and your life.
This is about finding the balance between leading yourself, knowing your I am and at the same time having your feminine energy open to receive gifts, receive compliments, receive praise, receive love, receive pleasure.
I believe in you.
Invest in yourself.
You are worthy of the life you desire to have.
You are worthy of loving yourself.
You are worthy of being loved.
I am ready for more love.
Are you?

Let’s widen our life view.Your desires and your vision are the sparks that give a start to the life you dream of having....

Let’s widen our life view.
Your desires and your vision are the sparks that give a start to the life you dream of having.
They brighten and bring to focus the road ahead, so in every effort and decision to be made, you know right away what to do because you choose the next step towards your goals.
Desires and vision motivate and propel you to your uplevels.
There are infinite possibilities and even more infinite combinations of possibilities with which you can build your dream life experience.
Whatever you choose is correct as you evolve into the person you were always meant to be.
You can always add, tweak, and fine-tune your desire list and your life vision yet, it is crucial to have a starting point.
Think in terms of potential, not predictable outcomes.
Be true to your mission and reason for being here and make something worthy of your existence during this lifetime.
Create a big picture where your life matters and adds value to your existence and to our world.

As I start this uplevel journey in 2023, I upgrade my standards and expectations, uplevel how I see and think of myself,...

As I start this uplevel journey in 2023, I upgrade my standards and expectations, uplevel how I see and think of myself, redefine the power that people and circumstances have over my life, and shift the reality of how life happens altogether.
I now open myself to all that is good in this Universe.
I am good, and good things happen to me.
I make myself available to live a life full of possibilities I didn’t even dream of before. .
I decide to live an aligned life and expect things to work in my favor.
As I let go of fear, lies, and judgmental thoughts, I allow myself to start seeing how I desire my life to be and who I truly desire to be.
All the ideas that have been running my life are essentially ideas I started to believe in, and as I continuously believed in them, they became true for me.
They are not the ultimate truth; they are options I, at one point in time, for whatever reason, chose, and, the same way I chose them, I can choose to let them go.
I decide that I can have it all.
I am not dependent, and I don’t need to be saved.
I don’t need to suffer.
No situation or circumstance has authority over my life or me.
I decide, and I am free.

So excited about February’s new programs and masterclasses! For Allure Program and Love Yourself MasterClass join Limitl...

So excited about February’s new programs and masterclasses!

For Allure Program and Love Yourself MasterClass join Limitless Silver.

For everything including Allure Program, Love Yourself MasterClass and Fascinant Program and Goddess MasterClass join Limitless Gold!

So what is Uplevel?Uplevel is associated with greater capabilities, a higher version of something or someone, to transfo...

So what is Uplevel?

Uplevel is associated with greater capabilities, a higher version of something or someone, to transform and grow, to advance, to improve, it is the phase following a breakthrough where you assimilate a higher state, assimilate new beliefs and a wealthier way of thinking and living.

Uplevel Day in my life is the last day of each month when I stop to look back at the month that just passed and to look forward at the month that is coming. It is the space in between where I get ready to embody the lessons received, celebrate the achievements and on the tails of my accomplishments of the past month, I springboard myself, my life and my business to a new level in the upcoming month.

It is a mindful and intentional way of living that brings so many benefits to one’s life.

By stopping to learn lessons from the month’s past, you are able to grow, course correct, make more assertive choices moving forward, eliminate from your life what no longer serves you. By taking a moment to celebrate your achievements, your victories, your blessings you bring gratitude to your existence and awareness to the fact that you are already better off than before, you are on your way to achieving your desires, you are already receiving so many great things in life, it is a moment to acknowledge how much progress you have already made, a celebration in the name of gratitude, fuel for the journey ahead.

By embodying the lessons and celebrating the achievements you solidify the uplevel and form a stronger foundation in which to build the coming months and then you uplevel again when you project forward the new level you desire to be operating at for the following month by setting new intentions, new goals, new desires aligned with the life you desire and deserve to live.

My Uplevel day is always a day I look forward to. I create the highest vibes for the day for myself and from that higher state I project forward how my next month is going to be.

The Uplevel Masterclass is where I show you how to create your own Uplevel Day -now available in Limitless Gold.

Have you tried to achieve your resolutions without success in the past?What if you could plan a successful year in advan...

Have you tried to achieve your resolutions without success in the past?
What if you could plan a successful year in advance?
What if 2023 could be different?
What if you learned how to achieve your goals and desires?

It is time we say enough and try things differently.
It is time we leave the past behind us and choose the future we want for ourselves.

The same resolutions, the same actions, and the same excuses will not give you different results this year.
You are worthy of more!

Enthusiast is here to help you break free, to achieve new levels, let go of that feeling of being stuck, and instead...
Start creating your best year ever.

We have to become honest with ourselves, and clear about what we want, if not now when?
We have to become clear with our intentions and desires, if not now when?
We have to make the choices that will take us there, if not now when?
We have to learn how to become the woman who is a match to achieve this life we so desire to live!

What if today was the first day of the rest of your life?
What if today you started creating the life you truly desire and deserve to live during this lifetime?

It is time.
It is time to decide who we are going to be this year, what we are going to have, and what we are going to say no more to.

This is about letting go of our limiting beliefs, letting go of what no longer serves us, clearing space, and opening ourselves up for the new.
This is about dreaming, desiring, goal setting and actually moving the needle towards a life you have always wanted to have.

Start creating your best year ever.

If you want 2023 to be the year where:

You set yourself up for the future you want to have
You free yourself to become exactly who you are here to be
You start living the life you always dreamed of living
You access your power, your strength, and your potential to achieve your dreams
You receive guidance, certainty, and confidence to pursue your desires
You start being in touch with the version of yourself who has the man, the job, the business, the house, the car, the success, the happiness, the pleasure you desire
You let go of the struggles, patterns, dynamics, and that feeling of being stuck that don't serve you any longer
You decide to have the best year of your life
Then Enthusiast is here for you. I created it, especially for you! And you won't let this opportunity pass, you so deserve more!

This program has four modules and we cover the following:

The steps to get clear on your goals and how to move into action to achieve them
The practical tried-and-true systems I perfected over the years to organize my calendar and be more productive while living an aligned life
Setting the context for your life (bigger than individual desires)
How to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be
How to plan a successful year in advance
Identifying your desires, creating goals and plans to achieve them
Letting go of limitations and becoming the woman who can achieve your desires
The future you, embodying your next-level self
Morning and evening routines I use to keep moving toward my desires

We close with a powerful Masterclass called Uplevel which will teach you the secrets to keeping the momentum going for the rest of the year so you say goodbye to that feeling of not achieving your goals!

Are you ready?! Let's do this!
Enroll in Limitless Gold, Platinum, or Diamond for access to Enthusiast.

Be proud of this current version of yourself while striving for more.In my world you matter. I see you. I see your poten...

Be proud of this current version of yourself while striving for more.

In my world you matter. I see you. I see your potential. I celebrate you. I am there with you when you can’t see your best. I hold your dreams so you can continue to follow them when things are hard.

Together, collaborating, living, moving forward, we can do it! So much experience, so much knowledge, so much desire, so much excitement, together, collaborating things are just beyond magical.

Leading ourselves, we can do it.

I learned that everything I was looking for on the outside was already inside of me, but I had to open myself to work on it and it was quite hard sometimes doing it on my own. It is so much easier, faster and more fun doing it together. With respect, with integrity, with commitment, with values, because we matter.

If you are in Limitless Silver and spend $33 a month you matter to me. If you are in Limitless Gold and spend $333 a month you matter to me. If you are in Platinum for $3,333 you have more proximity, more personal touch and you matter to me, and if you are in the magical Limitless Diamond going with me on beyond your wildest dreams retreats, you matter to me. If for now you are just following me on social media and listening to the free masterclasses, you matter to me as well. Your experience might include different features, depending on the level you sign up for, but you matter to me no matter what!

Let’s create deeper connections in life. More joy. Let’s smile more. Let’s put our head down on our pillow at night feeling fulfilled with the progress we made that day. Let’s create ripple effects and see life unfolding beautifully before our eyes.

Welcome to a Limitless life!

I am not leading because I am better, I am leading because I am brave. I am not leading because I wrote a book, I am lea...

I am not leading because I am better, I am leading because I am brave. I am not leading because I wrote a book, I am leading because I felt so much on my skin. I am not leading because I have a Ph.D., I am leading because I chose to lead when the opportunity was presented to me.

I am not more valuable, smarter, or more beautiful than another woman – I am just myself. I get to be myself; I claim the ownership of being with all pain, all joy, and all my lowest and highest moments.

And the beautiful thing that was created when I accepted my I am, is that my mission was attached to it – and therefore, I am myself, and I am us. And the more I grow in this journey together, the more you grow. The more I learn, the more you learn as well. The more success becomes available for me, the more success becomes available for you.

I am in myself the potential for women all over the world. And that’s why we together are pure history in the making. Limitless is us doing life together, doing business together, and celebrating wisdom, wealth, and wonder.

You are the only one that can do your part. You are the only one that can make your story come to life. Believe in yourself more than in any other thing in this world. Let’s find the frequency in which you can live your most magic self, your most true self, your most empowered self.

Let’s calibrate to a self we love, appreciate, and are grateful for. Let’s be this woman we are so proud of being. The woman we look at and are in awe of the life she created for herself.

We are the only ones that get to decide to create this life for ourselves.

Let me tell you why I created Enthusiast...This process is how I have made huge changes in my life happen, goals that in...

Let me tell you why I created Enthusiast...

This process is how I have made huge changes in my life happen, goals that initially seemed impossible were achieved by using this exact process that I am about to share with you. It took me several iterations to arrive at this simplified yet successful combination and now you will be able to use it to plan your year in advance as well.

This is about intentionally creating a year that will have you realizing big goals but also creating a year where you live your life to the fullest, where you experience more success and more wealth, wisdom and wonder. A year with more love, more smiles, more beauty, more gratitude. A year like never before.

The first step to a successful life is not to run toward success. The first step is to slow down, breathe, breathe again very deeply, and envision what your version of having it all looks like. What this year, this special year in your life will look like. The big and small moments, the achievements, and the celebrations. The memories created that you will carry with you forever.

Close your eyes with me, I got you, nobody else is listening, for a moment, for yourself, let’s think: What makes you happy, what brings you joy? If only I could…

Join me in getting ready to make 2023 a brilliant year - In January on Limitless Gold, Platinum, and Diamond.



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